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- Subjects - EU official documents only (65769)
- External Relations (13608)
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- International Monetary Fund (IMF) (13)
- Relations with Multilateral Organizations (1443)
- External Relations (13608)
UNSPECIFIED (1997) Amendment of the IMF Articles of Agreement on Capital Movements. Communication from the Commission to the Council. SEC (97) 1466 final, 23 July 1997. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1998) Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee on a Community participation in the debt relief initiative for highly indebted poor countries (HIPC). COM (99) 518 final, 26 October 1998. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1977) DELEGATION FROM THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT for relations with the UNITED STATES CONGRESS. 12th Meeting New York and Washington DC 31 October-4 November 1977. Notice to Members: Please find attached an article from the October 1977 issue of Le Mondediplomatigue on approval of the 'Witteveen Facility' (from the annual report of the International Monetary Fund for 1977). 24 October 1977. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1998) Euro countries should speak with single voice in IMF and G7, European Commission says. European Union News No. 92/98, 4 November 1998. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1997) External aspects of economic and monetary union. Commission staff working document. 17 April 1997. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1974) Fighting world hunger. European Community No. 181, November 1974. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1981) Italy: the shape of things. Europe: Magazine of the European Community No. 228, November- December 1981. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1998) Proposal for a Council decision on the representation and position taking of the Community at international level in the context of Economic and Monetary Union. COM (98) 637 final, 9 November 1998. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1984) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the role and functions of the International Financial Institutions in the present monetary situation. Working Documents 1983-1984. Document 1-1263/83. 16 January 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1998) Report to the European Council on the state of preparation for Stage 3 of EMU, in particular the external representation of the Community. 13693/98, 1 December 1998. [EU Council of the EU Document]
Arsenis, Gerasimos. (1983) Statement by the Hon. Gerasimos Arsenis, Minister of National Economy and Governor of the Bank and Fund for Greece, on behalf of the Member States of the European Communities, at the Joint Annual Discussion. Washington DC, 27 September 1983. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1993) Vice President Christophersen to attend IMF/World Bank annual meeting. European Community News No. 43/93, 22 September 1993. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1970) The political progress of integration. European Community No. 140, November - December 1970. [EU Other]