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Number of items: 84.


UNSPECIFIED (1950) This page or section has the heading "SOCIAL:Social Security, Protection, and Services (Includes MISSOC)" and contains the following individual annual reports: Nation Action Programme for Social Inclusion [2003][1]; Social Protection [1985,1988,1990,1992-2001,2003-07,2009,2013-14][37]; Social Security [1959,1961-72,1974,1976,1978,1980,1982,1984-86,1989,][39]; Social Services [1960,1964,1973,2008,2010,2013][6]. [EU Other]


UNSPECIFIED (1959) Regimes complementaires de securite sociale applicables aux travailleurs dans l'industries de la Communaute = Complementary systems of social security applicable to workers in the industries of the Community. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1960) Synthses des rapports etablis en 1960 sur la situation actuelle du service social des travailleurs migrants dans les six pays member de la C.E.E. = Summary of reports done in 1960 on the actual situation of social services for migrant workers in the six member countries of the E.E.C. V/5664/1/60-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1961) Premier rapport annuel sur la mise en œuvre des reglements no 3 et no 4 du Conseil de la Communaute economique europeenne concernant la securite sociale des travailleurs migrants (19 decembre 1958 - 31 decembre 1959), mars 1961 = First annual report on the implementation of Regulations No. 3 and No. 4 of the Council of the European Economic Community concerning social security for migrant workers (19 decembre 1958 - 31 decembre 1959). March 1961. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1961) Tableaux comparatifs des regimes de securite sociale applicable dans les Etats membres des Communautés européennes, première edition (au 30 juin 1961). 1 - Regime general = Comparative tables of the social security schemes in the Member States of the European Communities, first edition (situation at 30 June 1961). 1 - General system. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1962) Tableaux comparatifs des regimes de securite sociale applicable dans les Etats membres des Communautés européennes (au 1er janvier 1962). 2 - Regime minier = Comparative tables of the social security schemes in the Member States of the European Communities (situation at 1 January 1962). 2 - Mining regime. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1962) Tableaux comparatifs des regimes de securite sociale applicable dans les Etats membres des Communautés européennes, deuxième edition (au 30 juin 1962). 1 - Regime general = Comparative tables of the social security schemes in the Member States of the European Communities, second edition (situation at 30 June 1962). 1 - General system. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1962) Tableaux comparatifs des regimes de securite sociale applicables dans les Etats membres des Communautés européennes au 30 juin 1962. 3 - Regime agricole. Edition provisoire = Comparative tables of social security systems applicable in Member States of the European Communities 30 June 1962. 3 - Agricultural system. Provisional edition. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1963) Deuxième rapport annuel sur la mise en œuvre des règlements no 3 et no 4 du Conseil de la Communauté économique européenne concernant la sécurité sociale des travailleurs migrants (1 janvier - 31 decembre 1960) = Second annual report on the implementation of Regulations No. 3 and No. 4 of the Council of the European Economic Community concerning social security for migrant workers (1 January - 31 December 1960). [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1963) Tableaux comparatifs des regimes de securite sociale applicable dans les Etats membres des Communautés européennes (au 1er janvier 1963). 2 - Regime minier = Comparative tables of the social security schemes in the Member States of the European Communities (situation at 1 January 1963). 2 - Mining regime. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1963) Troisième rapport annuel sur la mise en œuvre des règlements concernant la sécurité sociale des travailleurs migrants janvier-décembre 1961 = Third annual report on the implementation of regulations concerning social security for migrant workers January-December 1961. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1964) Suites donnees a la recommandation de la Commission aux Etats membres concernant l'activite des services sociaux a l'egard des travailleurs se deplacant dans la Communaute = Follow-up data to the Commission recommendation to the Member States concerning social services for workers moving within the Community. 6936/1/V/64-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1964) Tableaux comparatifs des regimes de securite sociale applicable dans les Etats membres des Communautés européennes, troisième edition (au 1 juillet 1964). 1 - Regime general = Comparative tables of the social security schemes in the Member States of the European Communities, third edition (situation at 1 July 1964). 1 - General system. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1965) Quatrième rapport annuel sur la mise en œuvre des règlements concernant la sécurité sociale des travailleurs migrants janvier-décembre 1962 = Fourth annual report on the implementation of regulations concerning social security for migrant workers January-December 1962. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1965) Tableaux comparatifs des regimes de securite sociale applicables dans les Etats membres des Communautes europeennes. 2. Regime minier (au 1er janvier 1965) = Comparative tables of social security schemes applicable in the Member States of the European Communities. Miner's scheme (as at 1 January 1965). [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1966) Cinquième rapport annuel sur la mise en œuvre des règlements concernant la sécurité sociale des travailleurs migrants janvier-décembre 1963 = Fifth annual report on the implementation of regulations concerning social security for migrant workers January-December 1963. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1966) Tableaux comparatifs des regimes de securite sociale applicable dans les Etats membres des Communautés européennes, deuxième edition (au 1 juillet 1966). 3 - Regime agricole (exploitants agricoles) = Comparative tables of the social security schemes in the Member States of the European Communities, second edition (situation at 1 July 1966). 3 - Agricultural system (farmers). [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1966) Tableaux comparatifs des regimes de securite sociale applicable dans les Etats membres des Communautés européennes, quatrième edition (au 1 juillet 1966). 1 - Regime general = Comparative tables of the social security schemes in the Member States of the European Communities, fourth edition (situation at 1 July 1966). 1 - General system. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1967) Sixième et septième rapports annuels sur la mise en œuvre des règlements concernant la sécurité sociale des travailleurs migrants 1 janvier 1964 - 31 décembre 1965 = Sixth and Seventh annual reports on the implementation of regulations concerning social security for migrant workers 1 January 1964 - 31 December 1965. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1967) Tableaux comparatifs des regimes de securite sociale applicables dans les Etats membres des Communautes europeennes. 2. Regime minier (au 1er avril 1967) = Comparative tables of social security schemes applicable in the Member States of the European Communities. Miner's scheme (as at 1 April 1967). [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1968) Regimes complementaires de securite sociale dans l'industries de la CECA. II. Siderurgie = Complementary systems of social security in the industries of the ECSC. II. Iron and steel. Update to 1. April 1968. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1968) Regimes complementaires de securite sociale dans les industries de la C.E.C.A. I. Mines de houille. Mis a jour au 1.4.1968 = Complementary systems of social security in the industries of the E.C.S.C. I. Coal mines. Update at 1.4.1968. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1968) Tableaux comparatifs des regimes de securite sociale applicable dans les Etats membres des Communautés européennes, cinqième edition (au 1 juillet 1968). 1 - Regime general = Comparative tables of the social security schemes in the Member States of the European Communities, fifth edition (situation at 1 July 1968). 1 - General system. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1969) Huitième et neuvième rapports annuels sur la mise en œuvre des règlements concernant la sécurité sociale des travailleurs migrants 1 janvier 1966 - 31 décembre 1967 = Eighth and ninth annual reports on the implementation of regulations concerning social security for migrant workers 1 January 1966 - 31 December 1967. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1969) Regimes complementaires de securite sociale applicables aux ouvriers des mines de fer. Situation au 1.7.1968 = Complementary systems of social security applicable to iron-ore miners. Situation at 1.7.1968. V/6043/67-F, September 1969. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1969) Sixième et septième rapports annuels sur la mise en œuvre des règlements concernant la sécurité sociale des travailleurs migrants. Annexe relative aux résultats d'application des réglements 1 janvier 1964 - 31 décembre 1965 = Sixth and seventh annual reports on the implementation of regulations concerning social security for migrant workers. Annex related to the results of application of regulations 1 January 1964 - 31 December 1965. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1969) Tableaux comparatifs des regimes de securite sociale applicables dans les Etats membres des Communautes europeennes. 2. Regime minier (au 1er juillet 1969) = Comparative tables of social security schemes applicable in the Member States of the European Communities. Miner's scheme (as at 1 July 1969). [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1970) Comparative tables of the social security schemes in the Member States of the European Communities, sixth edition (situation at 1 July 1970). 1 - General system. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1970) Tableaux comparatifs des regimes de securite sociale applicable dans les Etats membres des Communautés européennes, sixième edition (au 1 juillet 1970). 1 - Regime general = Comparative tables of the social security schemes in the Member States of the European Communities, sixth edition (situation at 1 July 1970). 1 - General system. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1971) Dixième et onzième rapports annuels sur la mise en œuvre des règlements concernant la sécurité sociale des travailleurs migrants 1 janvier 1968 - 31 décembre 1969 = Tenth and eleventh annual reports on the implementation of regulations concerning social security for migrant workers 1 January 1968 - 31 December 1969. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1971) Regimes complementaires de securite sociale dans l'industrie du batiment dans la Communaute economique = Complementary systems of social security in the building industry. V/632/71-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1972) Comparative tables of the social security systems in the Member States of the European Communities. Seventh Edition (Situation at 1 July 1972). 1 - General system. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1972) Comparative tables of the social security systems relating to employees in the three new Member States of the European Communities. Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom. Situation at 1 July 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1972) Tableaux comparatifs des regimes de securite sociale applicables dans les Etats membres des Communautes europeennes. 2. Regime minier (au 1er juillet 1972) = Comparative tables of social security schemes applicable in the Member States of the European Communities. Miner's scheme (as at 1 July 1972). [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1973) Quatrieme rapport sur les suites donnees a "La recommandation de la Commission aux Etats Membres concernant l'activite des services sociaux a l'egard des travailleurs se deplacant dans la Communaute" 1er janvier 1969- 31 décembre 1970 = Fourth report on action taken on "The Commission recommendation to the Member States concerning social services for workers and their families moving within the Community." 1 January 1969-31 December 1970. SEC (73) 1898 final , 25 May 1973. [EU Commission - SEC Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1974) Comparative tables of the social security schemes in the Member States of the European Communities, eighth edition (situation at 1 July 1974). General system. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1976) Comparative tables of the social security schemes in the Member States of the European Communities, ninth edition (situation at 1 July 1976). General system. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1978) Comparative tables of the social security schemes in the Member States of the European Communities, tenth edition (situation at 1 July 1978). General system. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1980) Comparative tables of the social security schemes in the Member States of the European Communities. Eleventh Edition (Situation at 1 July 1980). General system. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1982) Comparative tables of the social security schemes in the Member States of the European Communities, 12th edition (situation at 1 July 1982). General scheme (employees in industry and commerce). [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1984) Comparative tables of the social security schemes in the Member States of the European Communities. 13th Edition (Situation at 1 July 1984). General scheme (Employees in industry and commerce). [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1985) Medium-term projections of social protection expenditure and its financing. 1986 Projections - summary report. Report from the Commission to the Council. COM (85) 119 final, 1 April 1985. [EU Commission - COM Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1986) Comparative tables of the social security systems in the Member States of the European Communities. 14th Edition (Situation at 1 July 1986). General system (Employees in industry and commerce). [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1988) Medium-term projections of social protection expenditure and its financing. 1990 projections - summary report. COM (88) 655 final, 7 December 1988. [EU Commission - COM Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1989) Comparative tables of the social security schemes in the Member States of the European Communities. 15th edition (situation at 1 July 1988). General scheme (employees in industry and commerce). [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1990) Social protection in the Member States of the Community - MISSOC. Situation on July 1st 1990 and evolution. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1992) Report from the Commission on the implementation in the Member States of the Council Recommendation of 13 June 1985 on social protection for volunteer development workers (85/308/EEC - OJ L 163). SEC (92) 591 final, 31 March 1992. [EU Commission - SEC Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1992) Social protection in the Member States of the Community - MISSOC. Situation on July 1st 1992 and evolution. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1993) Social protection in the Member States of the Community - MISSOC. Situation on July 1st 1993 and evolution. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1994) MISSOC-Info 2/94. Bulletin of the Mutual Information System on Social Protection in the European Union. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) MISSOC-Info 3/94. Bulletin of the Mutual Information System on Social Protection in the European Union. October 1994. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1994) Social protection in the Member States of the European Union. Situation on 1 July 1994 and evolution (MISSOC). [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1995) MISSOC-Info 1/95. Bulletin of the Mutual Information System on Social Protection in the European Union. March 1995. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) MISSOC-Info 2/95. Bulletin of the Mutual Information System on Social Protection in the European Union. October 1995. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) MISSOC-Info 3/95. Bulletin of the Mutual Information System on Social Protection in the European Union. December 1995. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Social protection in the Member States of the European Union. Situation on 1 July 1995 and evolution MISSOC. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1996) MISSOC-Info 1/96. Bulletin of the Mutual Information System on Social Protection in the European Union. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) MISSOC-Info 2/96. Bulletin of the Mutual Information System on Social Protection in the European Union. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) MISSOC-Info 3/96 Bulletin of the Mutual Information System on Social Protection in the European Union. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Social protection in the Member States of the European Union. Situation on 1 July 1996 and evolution (MISSOC). [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1997) MISSOC-Info 1/97 Bulletin of the Mutual Information System on Social Protection in the European Union. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1998) MISSOC-Info 1/98 Bulletin of the Mutual Information System on Social Protection in the European Union. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1998) Social protection in the Member States of the European Union. Situation on 1 January 1998 and evolution (MISSOC). [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1999) Report on the application of Council Recommendation 85/308/EEC of 13 June 1985 on social protection for volunteer development workers (situation on 30 June 1998). COM (99) 326 final, 2 July 1999. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Social protection in the Member States of the European Union. Situation on 1 January 1999 and evolution (MISSOC). [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (2000) MISSOC-Info 1/99 Bulletin of the Mutual Information System on Social Protection in the European Union. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2000) Social protection in the EU Member States and the European Economic Area. Situation on 1 January 2000 (MISSOC). [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (2001) Social protection in the EU Member States and the European Economic Area. Situation on 1 January 2001 (MISSOC). [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (2003) Draft joint report on social inclusion summarising the results of the examination of the National Action Plans for Social Inclusion (2003-2005). COM (2003) 773 final, 12 December 2003. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2003) MISSOC-Info 1/2003 Bulletin of the Mutual Information System on Social Protection in the European Union. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2003) Social protection in the Member States of the European Union, of the European Economic Area and in Switzerland. Situation on 1 January 2003 (MISSOC). [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (2004) Social protection in the Member States of the European Union, of the European Economic Area and in Switzerland. Situation on 1 May 2004 (MISSOC). [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (2005) Draft joint report on social protection and social inclusion. COM (2005) 14 final, 11 January 2005. [EU Commission - COM Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2005) Social protection in the Member States of the European Union, the European Economic Area and in Switzerland. Situation on 1 January 2005 (MISSOC). [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (2006) Social protection in the Member States of the European Union, the European Economic Area and in Switzerland. Situation on 1 January 2006 (MISSOC). [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (2007) Social protection in the Member States of the European Union, the European Economic Area and in Switzerland. Situation on 1 January 2007 (MISSOC). [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (2008) Biennial report on social services of general interest. Commission staff working document. SEC (2008) 2179 final, 2 July 2008. [EU Commission - SEC Document]


UNSPECIFIED (2009) MISSOC 2008. Social protection in the Member States of the European Union, the European Economic Area and Switzerland. Situation on 1st January 2008. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2009) Social protection in the Member States of the European Union, the European Economic Area and Switzerland (MISSOC). [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (2010) Second biennial report on social services of general interest. Commission staff working document. SEC (2010) 1284 final, 22 October 2010. [EU Commission - SEC Document]


UNSPECIFIED (2013) 3rd Biennial report on social services of general interest. Social investment package. Commission staff working document. SWD (2013) 40 final, 20 February 2013. [EU Commission - SEC Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2013) Social Europe Current challenges and the way forward. Annual Report of the Social Protection Committee (2013). [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (2013) Social Europe. Current challenges and the way forward. Annual Report of the Social Protection Committee (2012). [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (2020) Annual report of the Social Protection Committee...For future reports, use the official URL in this record. [EU Commission - Working Document]

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