UNSPECIFIED (1950) This page or section has the heading "EMPLOYMENT:Employment and Unemployment" and contains the following individual annual reports: Anticipate and Manage Employment Change [2008,2010][2]; Community Polices in Support of Employment [1997-99][3]; Draft Joint Employment Report [1998-99,2001-02,2004-07,2009-12][18]; Employment and Social Developments [2011][1]; Employment and Unemployment Annual [1979-81[8]; Employment in coal mining industry [1985-87][8]; Employment in Europe [1989-2010][24]; Employment in Iron and Steel Industry, Trends in [1979-90][116]; Employment Observatory Synoptic Tables/Tableaux du Bord [1994-97][4]; Employment Policies in the EU Member States [1997-2011][20]; Guidelines for Member State Employment Policies [1997-2004,2006,2008,2010-13][18]; Local Development and Employment Initiatives [1996,1998,2000][3]; Monthly Statistics of Registered Unemployed in the Community [1977-86][118]; Restructuring in Europe [2008,2009,2011][3]; Self-employment in Europe [2010][1]; plus a few other titles. [EU Other]
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