Items where Year is 1972
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UNSPECIFIED (1972) 196ème réunion de la Commission = 196th Commission Meeting Bio (72) 30, 16 February 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) 1972 Retrospect/prospect. European Community No. 152, January 1972. [EU Other]
Barre, Raymond. (1972) 1973 trade negotiations and monetary talks. Speech by Mr. Raymond Barre, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Communities, before the French Senate Finance Committee. Paris, 27 April 1972. Includes French text. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) 200ème réunion de la Commission = 200th Meeting of the Commission. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. 45 (72), 15 March 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Scarascia Mugnozza, Carlo. (1972) 20eme anniversaire de la CECA. Discours de M. Carlo Scarascia-Mugnozza, Vice-President de la Commission des Communautes europeennes. Luxembourg, 19 septembre 1972 = 20th anniversary of the ECSC. Speech by Mr. Carlo Scarascia-Mugnozza, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Communities. Luxembourg, 19 September 1972. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) 222eme reunion de la Commission = 222nd meeting of the Commission. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. (72) 127, 11 October 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) 9e Rapport de l'organe permanent pour la securite et la salubrite dans les mines de houille, Annee 1971 = Ninth report of the Mines Safety and Health Commission, Year 1971. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) About regional policy. Information [Regional Policy] 3/72. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Accession treaty signed. European Community No 153, February 1972. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Accord entre la Communaute et la Republique Libanaise = Agreement between the Community and the Republic of Lebanon. Information Memo P-53/72, December 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Accord entre la Communaute et la Republique arabe d'Egypte = Agreement between the Community and the Arab Republic of Egypt. Information Memo P-51/72, December 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Accord entre la Communaute et la Republique de Chypre = Agreement between the Community and the Republic of Cyprus. Information Memo P-52/72, December 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Mansholt, Sicco. (1972) Address by Mr. Sicco L. Mansholt, President of the Commission of the European Communities, to the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment. Stockholm, 8 June 1972. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) After the European Summit of October 19 and 20: Action Programme for the Enlarged Community. Information [Political Affairs] 32/72. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Agreements with the countries of the European Free Trade Association not applying for membership. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Agricultural Prices in the Countries of the Community. 1972.1: Supplement. Catalogue of the characteristics which determine prices. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Agricultural Statistics. Agricultural and forestry accounts - Unit values - Prices and price indexes. 1972 - No. 4. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Agricultural Statistics. Balance-sheets for fats and oils. 1972 - No. 3. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Agricultural Statistics. Cereal Supply Balance-Sheets - Sugar Supply Balance-Sheets - Molasses Supply Balance-Sheets - Wine Supply Balance-Sheets. 1972 - No. 1. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Agricultural Statistics. Fisheries statistics : Food balance-sheets, Landings, Catch, Prices, Crew-members, Fishing fleet. 1972 - No. 6. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Agricultural Statistics. Land Use - Vegetable production - Fruit production. 1972 - No. 8. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Agricultural Statistics. Milk and milk-products - Balance-sheets for milk by agricultural years - Production and balances sheets for eggs. 1972 - No. 5. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Agricultural Statistics. Results of EC pig surveys - Livestock - Meat production - Meat balance sheets. 1972 - No. 7. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Agricultural Statistics. Rice and broken rice supply balance sheets - Supply balance sheets for vegetables and fruit as a whole - Market supply balance sheets for certain types of vegetables and fruit - Supply balance sheets for other crop products - Forest statistics. 1972.2. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Hoffmeyer, Martin (1972) Agriculture et politique agricole de quelques pays de l'Europe occidentale. IX. Finlande = Agriculture and agricultural policy of some countries of Western Europe. IX. Finland. Internal information on agriculture 86, Avril 1972. VI/611/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Bolkow, L and Markmann, H and Clarke, R (1972) Aims and means of a European policy on technological development. Reports No. 8. Conference "Industry and society in the European Community," Venice 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Chinaglia, B. (1972) Albedo Techniques for Calculating the Radiation Transport Through Voids. EUR 4744. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Amélioration du climat dans les chantiers d'abattage des mines de houille = The improvement of the climate within stope coal mines). Coal Research Collection No. 43, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Fantoli, Allesandro and Battaglia Carosio, Gabriella (1972) Analyse des principaux aspects du processus de reconversion et des mesures de readaptation dans l'industrie charbonniere et l'industrie siderurgique italiennes (1952-1970) = Analysis of the principal aspects of the process of restructuring and readaptation measures in the Italian coal-mining and iron and steel industries (1952-1970). Papers on industrial restructuring No 21, June 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The Anatomy of Enlargement: Aspects of the Enlargement of the Community from Six to Ten Members. European Community Background Information No. 2, 11 February 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Aperçu des travaux de la Cour de justice des Communautés européennes en 1971 = Synopsis of the work of the Court of Justice of the European Communities in 1971. [EU Court of Justice Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Application des preferences generalisee en 1973 = Application of generalized preferences in 1973. Information Memo P-56/72, December 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Application of Article 37 of the Euratom Treaty. Survey of activities: Experience gained 1959-1972. 2748/1/72/ e. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Application pour l'annee 1973 des preferences tarifaires generalisees en faveur des exportations d'articles manufactures et de produits semi-finis des pays en voie de developpement = Application in 1973 of generalized tariff preferences to exports of manufactured and semi-manufactured products from developing countries. COM (72) 1433 final, 20 November 1972. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Assembly of Western European Union 18th Ordinary Session Proceedings (First Part) June 1972 I Assembly Documents. [EU Related]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Assembly of Western European Union 18th Ordinary Session Proceedings (First Part) June 1972 II Minutes Official Report of Debates. [EU Related]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Assembly of Western European Union 18th Ordinary Session Proceedings (Second Part) December 1972 III Assembly Documents. [EU Related]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Assembly of Western European Union 18th Ordinary Session Proceedings (Second Part) December 1972 IV Minutes Official Report of Debates. [EU Related]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Association between the European Economic Community and the African and Malagasy States associated with that Community (1969 Convention). Compilation of texts II. 1 July 1971 - 31 December 1971. [EU Council of the EU Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Association between the European Economic Community and the African and Malagasy States associated with that Community (1969 Convention). Compilation of texts II. 1 July 1971 - 31 December 1971. [EU Council of the EU Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Association between the European Economic Community and the United Republic of Tanzania, the Republic of Uganda and the Republic of Kenya. Compilation of texts II. 1 July 1972 - 30 June 1972. [EU Council of the EU Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Association entre la Communaute economique europeenne et la Turquie. Septieme rapport annuel d'activite du Conseil d'assocation a la Commission parlementaire d'association (1er janvier au 31 decembre 1971) = Association between the European Economic Community and Turkey. Seventh annual report on the activity of the Association Council to the Parliamentary Committee of the Association (1 January to 31 December 1971). [EU Council of the EU Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Association entre la Communaute economique europeenne et les Etats Africains et Malgache associes a cette Communaute (Convention de 1969). Recueil de texts II. 1er juillet - 31 decembre 1971 = Association between the European Economic Community and the African and Malagasy States associated with that Community (1969 Convention). Compilation of texts II. 1 July 1971 - 31 December 1971. [EU Council of the EU Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Association entre la Communauté Economique Européenne et la République Unie de Tanzanie, la République de L'ouganda et le République du Kenya. Recueil de textes II, 1er juillet 1971 - 30 juin 1972. = Association between the European Economic Community and the United Republic of Tanzania, the Republic of Uganda and the Republic of Kenya. Collection of texts, Volume II, 1 July 1971 - 30 June 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Association la Communaute economique europeenne et la Republique Unie de Tanzanie la Republique de l'Ouganda et la Republique du Kenya. Recueil de textes II.=Association the European Economic Community and the Republic of Tanzania the Republic of Uganda and the Republic of Kenya. Collection of Writings II. [EU Council of the EU Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Audience solennelle du 22 mars 1972. = Formal sitting of 22 March 1972. [EU Court of Justice Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Balance of Payments Yearbook, 1961 - 1971. 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Basic Statistics of the Community. Comparison with some European countries, Canada, the USA, Japan and the USSR. 12th Edition. 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Schiel, R. (1972) Bibliography on Uranium Isotope Separation. EUR 4796. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Bilans energetique. Situation 1970, estimations 1971, prévisions 1972 = Energy balances. Situation 1970, estimations 1971, forecasts 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Budgetary provisions of the treaties of the European Communities (Derogation period) - Annexed documents and implementing procedure. December 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Bulletin d'information du Comité Economique et Social, numéro 3 1972. Economic and Social Committee: Information bulletin, number 3 1972. [EU Economic and Social Committee]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Bulletin d'information du Comité économique et social = Information Bulletin of the Economic and Social Committee No. 1/2, 1972. [EU Economic and Social Committee]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Bulletin d'information du Comité économique et social = Information Bulletin of the Economic and Social Committee No. 4, 1972. [EU Economic and Social Committee]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Bulletin general de statistiques 1972, No. 1 – General Statistical Bulletin 1972, No. 1. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Bulletin general de statistiques 1972, No. 11 – General Statistical Bulletin 1972, No. 11. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Bulletin general de statistiques 1972, No. 12 – General Statistical Bulletin 1972, No. 12. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Bulletin general de statistiques 1972, No. 2 – General Statistical Bulletin 1972, No. 2. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Bulletin general de statistiques 1972, No. 3 – General Statistical Bulletin 1972, No. 3. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Bulletin general de statistiques 1972, No. 4 – General Statistical Bulletin 1972, No. 4. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Bulletin general de statistiques 1972, No. 5 – General Statistical Bulletin 1972, No. 5. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Bulletin general de statistiques 1972, No. 6 – General Statistical Bulletin 1972, No. 6. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Bulletin general de statistiques 1972, No. 7-8 – General Statistical Bulletin 1972, No. 7-8. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Bulletin general de statistiques 1972, No. 9 – General Statistical Bulletin 1972, No. 9. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Bulletin of the European Communities Vol. 5, No. 1, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Bulletin of the European Communities Vol. 5, No. 10, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Bulletin of the European Communities Vol. 5, No. 11, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Bulletin of the European Communities Vol. 5, No. 12, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Bulletin of the European Communities Vol. 5, No. 2, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Bulletin of the European Communities Vol. 5, No. 3, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Bulletin of the European Communities Vol. 5, No. 4, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Bulletin of the European Communities Vol. 5, No. 5, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Bulletin of the European Communities Vol. 5, No. 6, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Bulletin of the European Communities Vol. 5, No. 7, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Bulletin of the European Communities Vol. 5, No. 8, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Bulletin of the European Communities Vol. 5, No. 9, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Bulletin of the European Communities, Index 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) CAMAC Organisation of Multi-Crate Systems. Specification of the Branch Highway and CAMAC Create Controller Type A. EUR 4600. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) CAMAC bulletin: A publication of the ESONE Committee Issue #3 March 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) CAMAC bulletin: A publication of the ESONE Committee Issue #4 July 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) CAMAC bulletin: A publication of the ESONE Committee Issue #5 November 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) CAMAC bulletin: A publication of the ESONE Committee Issue #5 November 1972 Supplemental. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Buccari, G. and Fattori, G. and Mongini-Tamagnini, C. and Astigliano, F. (1972) CARONTE The Euratom Modular Calculational System. EUR 4779. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) CECA Comité consultatif annuaire = ECSC Consultative Committee annual report. 30 October 1970 - 23 April 1972. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) [CECA] Rapport financier 1971 = [ECSC] Finanacial report 1971. Information Memo P-37/72, July 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) CORR-Proposition d'un reglement du Conseil completant le reglement (CEE) No. 543/69 du Conseil du 25 mars 1969 de certaines dispositions en matiere sociale dans le domaine des transports par route. Proposal for a Council Regulation supplementing Regulation (EEC) No. 543/69 of 25 March 1969 concerning certain social matters in the field of road transport. COM (72) 846 final corrigendum, 12 February 1973. [EU Commission - COM Document]
Forti, G. (1972) COSTAX-BWR A Numerical Programme for the Axial Dynamics of BWR Nuclear Reactors. EUR 4837. [EU Other]
Theobald, J.P. and Wartena, J.A. and Kolar, W. (1972) Calculations for Fission Neutron and Gamma Multiplicity Measurements. EUR 4829. [EU Other]
Ronchi, C. and Matzke, Hj. (1972) Calculations on the In-Pile Behaviour of Fission Gas in Oxide Fuels. An Extended Parametric Study. EUR 4877. [EU Other]
Hecq, W.E. and Pel, D.J. (1972) Calculs programmés en spectrographie d'émission analytiques. EUR 4780. = Computer calculation for mission spectrographic analysis. EUR 4780. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Classification scheme for the archives of the Commission of the European Communities. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Debeir, R.P. and Grin, M. and Simoni, O. (1972) Collectrons, Self-Powered Neutron Flux Detectors Part II: Irradiation tests and calibration in Ispra-1. EUR 4775. [EU Other]
Grin, M. (1972) Collectrons, Self-Powered Neutron Flux Detectors. Part I: Theoretical considerations. EUR 4775. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Comment associer la jeunesse a la construction europeenne? = How to involve youth in the construction of Europe? Information Memo P-11/72, February 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Toulemon, Robert. (1972) Commentaires de M. Robert Toulemon sur les activities de la Direction generale des affaires industrielles, technologiques and scientifiques = Remarks by Mr. Robert Toulemon on the activities of the Directorate-General for Industrial, Technology and Scientific Affairs. Information Memo P-39/72, July 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commentaires sur la traduction budgetaire previsionnelle pour d'exercice 1973 des propositions de programme pluriannuel = Remarks on the estimated budget for the 1973 financial year proposals for the multiannual programme. COM (72) 1510 final, 8 November 1972. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commerce extérieur, produits CECA, 1972. Résultats par États membres, janvier-decembre 1972. = Foreign trade, ECSC products, 1972. Results by Member States, January-December 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commercial relations between Japan, the United States and the European Community. Information Memo P-20/72, April 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group Bio (72) 20, 27 January 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group Bio (72) 23, 3 February 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group Bio COM (197º réunion), 24 February 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group Bio No. (72) 16, 24 January 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. (72) 66, 27 April 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. (72) 71, 4 May 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. 198éme reunion de la Commission = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group. 198th Meeting of the Commission. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. 40 (72), 3 March 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. 199ème réunion de la Commission = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group. 199th Meeting of the Commission. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. 42 (72), 9 March 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. 201ème réunion de la Commission = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group. 201st Meeting of the Commission. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. 52 (72), 24 March 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. 202° reunion de la Commission = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group. 202nd Meeting of the Commission. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. (72) 61, 13 April 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. 206° reunion de la Commission = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group. 206th Meeting of the Commission. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. (72) 73, 15 May 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. 208eme Reunion de la Commission = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group. 208th Meeting of the Commission. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. (72) 82, 1 June 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. 209eme Reunion de la Commission = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group. 209th Meeting of the Commission. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. 84 (72), 8 June 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. 211eme Reunion de la Commission = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group. 211th Meeting of the Commission. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. 91 (72), 22 June 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. 212eme reunion de la Commission = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group. 212th Meeting of the Commission. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. 95 (72), 29 June 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. 217eme reunion de la Commission = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group. 217th meeting of the Commission. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. 112 (72), 8 September 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. 218eme reunion de la Commission = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group. 218th meeting of the Commission. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. 113 (72), 14 September 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. 219eme reunion de la Commission = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group. 219th meeting of the Commission. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. (72) 117, 20 September 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. 220eme reunion de la Commission = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group. 220th meeting of the Commission. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. 121 (72), 28 September 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. 221eme reunion de la Commission = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group. 221st meeting of the Commission. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. 124 (72), 5 October 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. 224eme Reunion de la Commission = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group. 224th Meeting of the Commission. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. 130 (72), 26 October 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. 225eme reunion de la Commission = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group. 225th Meeting of the Commission. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. (72) 137, 9 November 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. 228 eme reunion de la Commission = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group. 228th Meeting of the Commission. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. 140 (72), 23 November 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. Conference de Presse du President Mansholt commentant les resultats du Sommet = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group. Press Conference of President Mansholt Commenting on the Results of the Summit. Press Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. (72) 129, 24 October 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. Déclaration du Président Malfatti = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group. Statement by President Malfatti. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. 39 (72), 2 March 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. L'actualite agricole après la rentree = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group. The agricultural news after the summer. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. (72) 115, 19 September 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. Premieres reunions du mois de septembre = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group. First meeting in September. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. 111 (72), 5 September 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. Reunion de la Commission = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group. Meeting of the Commission. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. (72) 104, 13 July 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. Reunion de la Commission = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group. Meeting of the Commission. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. (72) 108, 19 July 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. Reunion de la Commission = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group. Meeting of the Commission. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. (72) 110, 25 July 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. Reunion de la Commission = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group. Meeting of the Commission. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. (72) 148, 30 November 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. Reunion de la Commission = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group. Meeting of the Commission. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. (72) 150, 7 December 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. Reunion de la Commission = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group. Meeting of the Commission. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. (72) 155, 21 December 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. Reunion de la Commission = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group. Meeting of the Commission. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. (72) 77, 18 May 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. Reunion des Dix Ministres des Affaires etrangeres a Luxembourg = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group. Meeting of the Ten Ministers of Foreign Affairs in Luxembourg. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. (72) 80, 26 May 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission des Communautes: Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group Bio No. 4 (72), 10 January 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Commission proposal on collective dismissal. Information Memo P-49/72, November 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The Commission's latest proposals on farm prices for 1972/73. European Communities Press and Information Background Note, March 7, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Common Market President congratulates Nixon. European Community Press Release No. 47, 8 November 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Common Market President views Europe-Japan relations in worldwide context. European Community Press Release No. 13, 16 February 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Common Market and Japan sign cotton textile accord. European Community Press Release No. 10, 7 February 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The Common Market and the European Consumer. Information [Consumers] 9/72. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The Common Market befriends the "Third World." Background Information No. 18, 26 May 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Common Market consumers. European Community No. 159, October 1972. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Common Market embarks on anti-inflation program. European Community Press Release No. 46, 1 November 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Common Market farm reform pays off gradually. European Community Press Release No. 34, 14 September 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Common Market head opposes "unbridled growth" of rich countries. European Community Press Release, 8 June 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Common Market lifts compensatory taxes on farm products. European Community Press Release No. 30, 30 July 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Common Market mourns Paul-Henri Spaak. European Community Press Release No. 31, 31 July 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Common Market official says that more than currency realignment is necessary to stabilize international monetary system. European Community Press Release No. 6, 19 January 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Common Market official to visit Japan. European Community Press Release No. 11, 9 February 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Common Market official urges international agricultural commodity agreements. European Community Press Release No. 4, 13 January 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Common Market officials arrive for fall policy talks. European Community Press Release No. 42, 4 October 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Common Market officials meet with House Foreign Affairs Committee members. European Community Press Release No. 7, 20 January 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Common Market proposal to reduce tariffs on United States citrus fruits nears final action. European Community Press Release No. 17, 14 March 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Common Market still opposes Spanish membership. European Community Press Release No. 37, 28 September 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Common Market to reject Continental Can offer. European Community Press Release No. 21, 19 May 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Common Market-U.S. symposium to discuss health aspects of environmental lead. European Community Press Release No. 19, 7 April 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Common Market-US Congress plenary session, Wednesday, open to press: European Parliament Vice-President to hold press conference Thursday. European Community Press Release No. 23, 30 May 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Common market approves important step towards economic and monetary union. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 9/1972, March 29, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Common market commission studying idea of information clearing house to assist physically handicapped. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 5/1972, February 16, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Common market tackles the energy crisis. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 14/1972, June 15, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Common market to hold conference on role of industrial development in society. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 8/1972, March 23, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Communication de la Commission au Conseil en vue de la reunion du groupe 'ad hoc' charge des adaptations a apporter aux Conventions de l'article 220 pour les nouveaux Etats membres. SEC (72) 3925 final, 14 novembre 1972=Communication from the Commission to the Council for the meeting of the 'ad hoc' group charged with making adjustments to the conventions of Article 220 for the new Member States. SEC (72) 3925 final, 14 November 1972. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Communication de la Commission au Conseil sur les resultats de la troisième session de la Conference des Nations-Unies sur le Commerce et le Developpement (CNUCED) = Communication from the Commission to the Council on the results of the third session of the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). SEC (72) 3122 final, 15 September 1972. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Communication et proposition de resolution presentees au Conseil sur la politique regionale = Communication and proposal for a resolution on regional policy presented to the Council. Information Memo P-29/72, June 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Communication from the Commission to the Council on a European Communities' programme concerning the environment. SEC (72) 666 final, 22 March 1972. Bulletin of the European Communities, Supplement 5/72. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Communication. Courrier socialiste Europeenne 1972 Juin = Autumn meeting of the Socialist Group of the European Parliament. Cagliari / Sardinia - 4th, 5th and 6th September 1968. European Socialist Courier 1972 June. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Communique. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 24/1972, October 25, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The Community energy policy. Information [Energy] 1/72. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Community measures for the alignment of legislation (1958-1971). Bulletin of the European Communities, Supplement 9/72. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Community spotlight on Norway and Denmark. European Community No. 161, December 1972. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Community submits enlargement treaty to Gatt. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 6/1972, March 13, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Community transport policy - and why? Information [Transport] 4/72. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Comparative tables of the social security systems in the Member States of the European Communities. Seventh Edition (Situation at 1 July 1972). 1 - General system. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Comparative tables of the social security systems relating to employees in the three new Member States of the European Communities. Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom. Situation at 1 July 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Comparative tables relating to hours of work in Community industries. Adult workers subject to the general systems. Situation: April 1972. V/696/72-E. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Comptes de gestion et bilans financiers afferents aux operations du budget de l'exercice 1970 = Management account and balance sheets relating to the implementation of the 1970 budget/ XIX/119/71-F Rev. 1. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Comptes de gestion et bilans financiers afferents aux operations du budget de l'exercice 1971 = Management account and balance sheets relating to the implementation of the 1971 budget. XIX/344/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Birkhoff, G. and Bondar, L. (1972) Computerized System for the Application of Fission Neutron Correlation Techniques in Nuclear Safeguards. EUR 4799. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Concentration of firms in the European Community. Information [Competition] 8/72. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Mansholt, Sicco. (1972) Conference de presse du President Mansholt commentant les resultats du sommet a Paris = Press conference of President Mansholt on the results of the Paris summit. 24 October 1972. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Conference of Heads of State and Government of the Nine Member States and future Members. Special issue of Bulletin of the European Communities 10-1972. Paris, 19-21 October 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Conference on industry and society in the Community, organized by the Commission of the European Communities, to take place in Venice on 20-22 April 1972. Information Memo P-18/72, March 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Contamination radioactive des denrées alimentaires dans les pays de la communauté en 1970 = Radioactive contamination of foodstuffs in the countries of the community in 1970. EUR 4858. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Civil and Commercial Judgements. Council press release 2022/72 (Presse 92), 23 November 1972. [EU Council of the EU Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Corps diplomatique accrédité auprès des Communautés européennes, Février 1972. = Diplomatic corps authorized by the European Communities, February 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Council resolution on action against inflation. 211st meeting of the Council of Ministers. Luxembourg, 31 October 1972. 1859/72. [EU Council of the EU Document]
Stuber, W. (1972) Coupling CAMAC Create Controllers Type "A" to the PDP-11 UNIBUS. EUR 4895. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Courrier de l'Association = Association News No. 11, January/February 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Courrier de l'Association = Association News No. 12, March/April 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Courrier de l'Association = Association News No. 13, May/June 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Courrier de l'Association = Association News No. 14, July/August 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Courrier de l'Association = Association News No. 15, September/October 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Courrier de l'Association = Association News No. 16, November/December 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Creation de nouveaux Comites Consultatifs en matiere de gestion de programme (CGMGP) pour differents objectifs du programme du Centre Commun de Recherche (C.C.R.) = Establishment of new Advisory Committees for project managment for different programme objectives of the Joint Research Centre (J.C.R.). SEC (72) 691 final, 2 March 1972. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
Failla, L. and Faloci, C. and Susanna, A. (1972) Critical Analysis of Application of the Euratom Basic Safety Standards to the Transport of Natural and Artificial Radioactive Substances within the Member States. EUR 4884. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Cyprus-Common Market agreement. European Community Press Release No. 49, 11 December 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Dahrendorf trip highlights Japan-common market trade. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 11/1972, May 10, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Deggeller, Lies (1972) De arbeidsomstandigheden en voorwaarden van vrouwen in loondienst in de zes lid-staten van de europese gemeenschap. Nederland = Working conditions women employed in the six member states of the European Community. Netherlands. V/169/73-N. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Debates of the European Parliament. Report of Proceedings of 11 and 12 December 1972. No. 156. 1972-1973 Session. December 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
Malfatti, Franco. (1972) Declaration by President Malfatti, President of the European Commission, on the signature of the Adhesion Treaties. Brussels, 21 January 1972. [EU Speech]
Mansholt, Sicco. (1972) Declaration du president Sicco L. Mansholt. 3eme CNUED. Santiago, Chili, 19 mai 1972 = Speech by President [of Commission] Sicco L. Mansholt. 3rd UNCED [United National Conference on Environment and Development]. Santiago, Chili, 19 May 1972. [EU Speech]
Chinaglia, B. and Bosio, G. (1972) Deep Penetration of Neutrons in Hydrogenous Shields. EUR 4743. [EU Other]
Vernimb, C. (1972) Definitions of Proper Name Descriptors Used in the Euratom-INIS Nuclear Documentation System. EUR 4806. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Denmark votes "ja" to Common Market entry. European Community Press Release No. 41, 3 October 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Cappellani, F. (1972) Design and Construction of a 100 KeV Ion Acceleration for Implantation Studies. EUR 4753. [EU Other]
Cazamian, P. (1972) Design concept of a thermal power station: Ergonomic contribution (summary). Community Ergonomic Research Technical report No. 8. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Birkhoff, G. and Bondar, L. and Ley, J. (1972) Determination of the U 235, Pu 239 and Pu 240 Contents in Mixed Fissile Materials by Means of Active and Passive Neutron Techniques. EUR 4778. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Developing underdeveloped Europe. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 27/1972, November 15, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Pross, Helge (1972) Die arbeitsbedingungen der erwerbstätigen frauen der sechs mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Gemeinschaft. Deutschland = The working conditions of women employed in the six member states of the European Community. Germany. V/164/73-D. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Directory of the Commission of the European Communities, June 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Kirkpatrick, John and Francois, H. and Gloden, J. (1972) Dispositions fiscales en matière de coopération et de fusion d'exploitations agricoles. I. Belgique, France, et G.D. de Luxembourg = Tax provisions concerning cooperation and merging of farms. I. Belgium, France, and G.D. of Luxembourg. Internal information on agriculture 83, February 1972. VI/894/71-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Dix-neuvième réunion jointe des membres de l'assemblée consultative du Conseil de l'Europe et des membre du Parlement européen. Compte rendu in extenso des débats, 17 mai 1972. = Nineteenth joint meeting of the members of the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe and the members of the European Parliament. Official report of debates, 17 May 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Documentation pedagogique = Teaching Documentation No. 1, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Documentation pedagogique = Teaching Documentation No. 2, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Documentation pedagogique = Teaching Documentation No. 3, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Documentation pedagogique = Teaching Documentation No. 4, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Dossier "sucre" = Sugar dossier. Information Memo P-50/72, December 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Draft Council recommendation to the Member States signatories of the Berne Convention establishing the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine Against Pollution. COM (72) 335 final, 22 March 1972. Bulletin of the European Communities, Supplement 5/72, pages 68-69. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Draft Council resolution on a programme to reduce pollution and nuisances and to safeguard the natural environment. COM (72) 333 final, 22 March 1972. Bulletin of the European Communities, Supplement 5/72, pages 60-65. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Draft agreement by the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting in Council on information to the Commission with a view to possible harmonization throughout the Community of urgent measures concerning the environment. COM (72) 334 final, 22 March 1972. Bulletin of the European Communities, Supplement 5/72, pages 66-67. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Débats du Parlement Européen. Compte rendu in extenso des séances du 11 et 12 Decembre 1972. No 156. Session 1972-1973. Decembre 1972 = Debates of the European Parliament. Verbatim Record of the Meetings of 11 to 12 December 1972. No. 156. Session 1972-1973. December 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Débats du Parlement Européen. Compte rendu in extenso des séances du 13 au 17 Novembre 1972. No 155. Session 1972-1973. Novembre 1972 = Debates of the European Parliament. Verbatim Record of the Meetings of 13 to 17 November 1972. No. 155. Session 1972-1973. November 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Débats du Parlement Européen. Compte rendu in extenso des séances du 17 au 19 Janvier 1972. No 145. Session 1971-1972. Janvier 1972 = Debates of the European Parliament. Verbatim Record of the Meetings from 17 to 19 January 1972. No. 145. Session 1971-1972. January 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Débats du Parlement Européen. Compte rendu in extenso des séances du 7 au 11 Fevrier 1972. No 146. Session 1971-1972. Fevrier 1972 = Debates of the European Parliament. Verbatim Record of the Meetings from 7 to 11 February 1972. No. 146. Session 1971-1972. February 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Débats du Parlement Européen. Compte rendu in extenso des séances du 9 au 13 Octobre 1972. No 154. Session 1972-1973. Octobre 1972 = Debates of the European Parliament. Verbatim Record of the Meetings of 9 to 13 October 1972. No. 154. Session 1972-1973. October 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Débats du Parlement Européen. Compte rendu in extenso des séances. No 147. Session 1971-1972. Mars 1972 = Debates of the European Parliament. Verbatim Record of Meetings. No. 147. Session 1971-1972. March 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Débats du Parlement Européen. Session 1971-1972. Annexe = Debates of the European Parliament. Session 1971-1972. Annex. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Débats du Parlement européen. Compte rendu in extenso des séances des 20 et 21 septembre 1972. No. 153. Session 1972-1973. Septembre 1972.= Debates of the European Parliament. Proceedings of sessions from 20 to 21 September 1971. No. 153. 1972-1973 Session. September 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Débats du Parlement européen. Compte rendu in extenso des séances du 12 au 16 juin 1972. No 151. Session 1972-1973. Juin 1972. = Debates of the European Parliament. Report of Proceedings in full of the sessions of 12 to 16 June 1972. No. 151. Session 1972-1973. June 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Débats du Parlement européen. Compte rendu in extenso des séances du 14 au 17 mars 1972. No 149. Session 1972-1973. Mars 1972. = Debates of the European Parliament. Report of Proceedings in full of the sessions of 14 to 17 March 1972. No. 149. Session 1972-1973. March 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Débats du Parlement européen. Compte rendu in extenso des séances du 17 au 20 avril 1972. No 149. Session 1972-1973. Avril 1972. = Debates of the European Parliament. Report of Proceedings in full of the sessions of 17 to 20 April 1972. No. 149. Session 1972-1973. April 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Débats du Parlement européen. Compte rendu in extenso des séances du 3 au 7 juillet 1972. No 152. Session 1972-1973. Juillet 1972. = Debates of the European Parliament. Report of Proceedings in full of the sessions of 3 to 7 July 1972. No. 152. Session 1972-1973. July 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Débats du Parlement européen. Compte rendu in extenso des séances du 8 au 10 mai 1972. No 150. Session 1972-1973. Mai 1972. = Debates of the European Parliament. Report of Proceedings in full of the sessions of 8 to 10 May 1972. No. 150. Session 1972-1973. May 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Débats. Compte Rendu in Extenso Des Séances. Annex. 1971-1972. = Debates. Proceedings of the sessions. Annex. 1971-1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Débats. Compte Rendu in Extenso Des Séances. No. 148. Mars 1972. = Debates. Proceedings of the sessions. No. 148. March 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) EC moves toward common educational market. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 23/1972, September 8, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) EC proposes ways for African associates to strengthen economies. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 7/1972, March 20, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) EC trade by commodity classes and by areas. 1972 no. 3. Supplement to the Monthly Statistics of Foreign Trade. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) EC trade by commodity classes and by areas. 1972 no. 4. Supplement to the Monthly Statistics of Foreign Trade. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) EC trade by commodity classes and by areas. 1972 no. 5. Supplement to the Monthly Statistics of Foreign Trade. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) EC-US symposium on lead impact. European Community Press Release No. 38, 29 September 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) ECSC celebrates 20th birthday. European Community Press Release No. 35, 19 September 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) ECSC financial report 1971. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) EEC business surveys. Information Memo P-32/72, July 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) EEC business surveys. Information Memo P-47/72, October 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) EEC business surveys. Information Memo P-7/72, January 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) EEC consumer survey. Information Memo P-31/72, June 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) EINIGE GRUNDSATZE UND GESICHTSPUNKTE DER AUSSENBEZIEHUNGEN DER EUROPAISCHEN GEMEINSCHAFT = Basic Principles and Views on the External Relations of the EC. Attachment to letter from George Taber to Mrs. Ella Krucoff, 28 July 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Economic Decolonisation in Africa. Information [Development Aid] 18/72, June 1972. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Economic and Monetary Union. Community Topics 34. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The Economic and Social Committee Year-book, Brussels, 1972. [EU Economic and Social Committee]
Vanhaeverbeke, Guy. (1972) Economic and trade relations between the United States and the enlarging European Community. Outline of an address by Guy Vanhaeverbeke, Deputy Director of the European Community Information Service in Washington DC, to the Missouri Bar Association. Jefferson City, MO, 21 April 1972. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Education in Europe. European Community No 154, March 1972. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Effets du prix et du revenu sur la consommation des boissons dans les Etats membres des Communautes = Effects of price and income on consumption of drinks in the Member States of the Communities. Studies: Competition - Approximation of Legislation 19, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Eighth annual report on the activities of the Association Council to the Parliamentary Conference on the Association (1 July 1971 - 29 September 1972). [EU Council of the EU Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Electrical Energy Statistics of the Three new Member-Countries: United Kingdom - Ireland - Denmark 1969-1970-1971. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Electrical Energy Statistics of the Three new Member-Countries: United Kingdom - Ireland - Denmark 1969-1970-1971. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Electrical Energy Statistics/Statistiques de l'energie electrique 1972. November 1973. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Elements for Building a Social Europe. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Elimination des entraves techniques aux echanges dans la CEE: le point de la situation = Elimination of technical barriers to trade in the EEC: the current situation. Information Memo P-16/72, March 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Koene, G.B.M.L. and Ruwette, L. (1972) Employment of ex-minters in loading fertilizer. Community Ergonomic Research Technical report No. 5. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Energy Monthly Statistics- 1972 No. 1. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Energy Monthly Statistics- 1972 No. 2. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Energy Monthly Statistics- 1972 No. 3. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Energy Monthly Statistics- 1972 No. 4. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Energy and Europe, November 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Energy policy: problems and resources 1975-85. COM (72) 1201 final, 4 October 1972. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Energy statistics 1960-1971 yearbook, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The Enlarged Community: Outcome of the Negotiations with the Applicant States [16 March 1972]. Bulletin of the European Communities, Supplement, 1/72. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Ergonomics study of travelling crane drivers in high-level cabins. Community Ergonomic Research Technical report No. 10. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Establishment of a European patent. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 20/1972, July 7, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Etat d'avancement des travaux relatifs au programme general pour l'elimination des entraves techniques aux echanges 1er mars 1972 = State of progress in the work relating to the general program for the elimination of technical barriers to trade 1 March 1972. Information Memo P-17/72, March 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Etude preparatoire a des actions visant a faciliter l'adaptation et le progres dans l'industrie textile europeenne = Preparatory study on actions intended to facilitate adaptation and progress in the European textile industry. III/471/72, February 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Etude sur les modalities de gestion des credits de recherche. Tome I: DGRST - CNR - NRDC = Study on the procedures for management of research funding. Volume I: DGRST - CNR - NRDC. EUR 4876 FR Vol. I. Research and Development No. 5, September 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Etude sur les modalities de gestion des credits de recherche. Tome II: TNO - GFW = Study on the procedures for management of research funding. Volume II: TNO - GFW. EUR 4876 FR Vol. II. Research and Development No. 5, September 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Etude sur les modalities de gestion des credits de recherche. Tome III: NASA - ESRO - STU - JRDC - AIST = Study on the procedures for management of research funding. Volume III: NASA - ESRO - STU - JRDC - AIST. EUR 4876 FR Vol. III. Research and Development No. 5, September 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Etudes sur les modalities de gestion des programmes et credits de recherche par des organisms publics ou semi-publics decentralises. Rapport de synthese = Study on procedures for the management of research programs and funding by public and semi-public decentralized authorities. Summary report. EUR 4876 FR. Research and Development No. 5, September 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Euro Spectra: Scientific and technical review of the European Communities December 1972 Vol. XI No.4. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Euro Spectra: Scientific and technical review of the European Communities June 1972 Vol. XI No.2. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Euro Spectra: Scientific and technical review of the European Communities March 1972 Vol. XI No.1. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Euro Spectra: Scientific and technical review of the European Communities March 1972 Vol. XI Special Issue. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Euro Spectra: Scientific and technical review of the European Communities September 1972 Vol. XI No.3. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Euroemballage: a dominant position condemned by the European Community. Information [Competition], January 1972. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Euromarket News. Common Market Reports Issues 161-162,166-180 1972. [EU Related]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Euromarket News. Common Market Reports Issues 201-220, 1972. [EU Related]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Europe plans its nuclear future. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 26/1972, November 14, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Europe slims the money "snake." European Community No. 155, April 1972. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) European Commission rules in favor of Davidson Rubber. European Community Press Release No. 27, 23 June 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Gojat, Georges (1972) The European Communities' budget. 419/XIX/72-E. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) European Community Concessions, Grain Storage. 11 February 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) European Community News No. 1, 17 April 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) European Community News No. 10, 21 August 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) European Community News No. 11, 1 September 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) European Community News No. 12, 15 September 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) European Community News No. 13, 29 September 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) European Community News No. 14, 13 October 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) European Community News No. 15, 27 October 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) European Community News No. 16, 10 November 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) European Community News No. 17, 24 November 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) European Community News No. 18, 8 December 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) European Community News No. 19, 22 December 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) European Community News No. 2, 1 May 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) European Community News No. 3, 15 May 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) European Community News No. 4, 29 May 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) European Community News No. 5, 12 June 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) European Community News No. 6, 26 June 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) European Community News No. 7, 7 July 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) European Community News No. 8, 24 July 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) European Community News No. 9, 7 August 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The European Community and Data Processing -- Government Development Aids Permitted. Information [Competition] 21/72. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The European Community and UNCTAD. Background Note ISEC/B17/72, 10 May 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The European Community and UNCTAD. European Communities Press and Information Background Note, ISEC/B17/72, May 10, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The European Community and the United States: 1972 [This background note is an updated version of "The Monetary and Commercial Relations Between the Community and the United States: Facts and Figures," published in October 1971 by the Spokesman Group]. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 15/1972, June 21, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The European Community and the United States: 1972. Information Memo P-27/72, June 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The European Community at the Summit. European Community Press Release No. 44, 18 October 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) European Community cuts red tape for motorists. European Community Press Release No. 16, 3 March 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) European Community links social progress with economic growth. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 25/1972, November 14, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) European Community signs agreement with four "Free Trade Association" states. European Community Press Release No. 29, 20 July 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) European Community: what future for the Parliament? (First of Two Articles). European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 17/1972, June 23, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) European Investment Bank 1971. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) European Investment Bank annual report 1971. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) European Parliament warned that Common Market unemployment situations shows signs of worsening in 1972. European Community Press Release No. 12, 10 February 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The European Parliament: the Vedel report (Second of Two Articles). European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 18/1972, June 23, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) European Summit Conference. Official French Statements Joint Declaration. Paris, October 19 to 21, 1972. [EU Council of the EU Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) European University Institute to be Set Up ("European University"). Information [Education - Youth] 19/72, 19 June 1972. [EU Commission - Brochure]
Barre, Raymond (1972) European monetary union assessed. Excerpts from remarks by Commission Vice President Raymond Barre at the European Parliament. Strasbourg, October 1972. European Community News No. 43, 11 October 1972. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) A European policy for development cooperation. Information [Development Aid] 7/72. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) European spotlight on the environment. European Community No. 157, June-July 1972. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Europeans and European Unification. The results of a survey study conducted in February-March 1970 in the six countries of the European Community. Translated by Anne-Marie Kerr. Brussels, June 1972. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Europeans are "socially secure". European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 21/1972, July 20, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Stabenow, Wolfgang. (1972) Evolution of transport policy in the European Community. Report by Dr. Wolfgang Stabenow [Commission official] to the Conference on Canadian National Transportation Policy. Toronto, 23-25 May 1972. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Exclusive agency areements in the Community anti-cartel legislation. Information [Competition] 13/72. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Exemption from taxes granted to imports made by travellers. Coordinated texts of the main articles of Council Directive 69/169/EEC of 28 May 1969 and Council Directive 72/230/EEC of 12 June 1972 on exemption from turnover tax and excise duty on imports in international travel. Bulletin of the European Communities, Supplement 7/72. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The Expensive and Inexpensive EEC Countries - Reasons for Major Price Differences. Information [Consumers] 27/72, July 1972. [EU Commission - Brochure]
Forte, M. (1972) Experimental Investigation on the Neutron Spin Precession in a Gravitational Field. EUR 4770. [EU Other]
Bindler, L. and Leenders, L. and Van den Broeck, H. (1972) Experimental and Theoretical Physics Work on Plutonium Enriched LWR's Lattices. EUR 4434. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Export crops in the Associated African Countries - Agro-industrial intervention by the European Development Fund. Information [Development Aid] 34/72. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Exposes sur les activites d'orientation professionnelle et des services de main-d'oeuvre des Etats membres de la Communaute = Report on vocational guidance activities and labor force services in the Member States of the Community 1971. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Exposé sur l'évolution de la situation sociale dans le Communauté en 1971 (joint au Cinquième rapport général sur l'activité des Communautés en application de l'article 122 du traité de Rome). Février 1972 = Report on the development of the social situation in the Community in 1971 (annex to the Fifth general report on the activities of the Community under section 122 of the Treaty of Rome). February 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Malfatti, Franco. (1972) Extracts from a speech [on EC-Japan relations] by President Malfatti [of the Commission of the European Communities] before the Japan Press Club. Tokyo, 16 February 1972. [EU Speech]
di Martino, V. (1972) Extrait de la declaration de Monsieur di Martino au nom de la Communaute economique europeenne. Santiago, 15 mai 1972 = Extracts of speech by Mr. di Martino in the name of the European Economic Community. Santiago, 15 May 1972. [EU Speech]
Forti, G. (1972) FRANCESCA BWR A Numerical Programme for the Steady State and Dynamic Calculation of Parallel Coolant Channels for BWR Nuclear Reactors. EUR 4902. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Fifth General Report on the Activities of the Communities 1971. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Coppe, Albert. (1972) Fifth report on social policy trends in the Community. Summary of an address by Mr. Coppe, Member of the Commission. Luxembourg, 10 May 1972. [EU Speech]
Heylen, P.R. and Wurm, J.G. and Avogadro, A. (1972) Filling Alloys for Fast Breeder Fuel Element Conditioning. EUR 4857. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Financial development of social security in the Community's Member States 1965 - 1970 - 1975. 2nd part: national reports. V/876/71-E, July 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) First Report on Competition Policy (annexed to the "Fifth General report on the Activities of the Commumnities"). For year 1971. April 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) First seminar for officials responsible for the vocational rehabilitation of disabled adults. Final report. Heidelberg, 5-9 June 1972. EUR 4956. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Fluidized Bed Coating of Nuclear Fuel Particles Towards Industrial Scale Operations. EUR 4772. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Fonds Européen de Développement. 1er FED. Situation annuelle des projets en exécution. Date de mise à jour: 31 décembre 1972 = European Development Fund. 1st EDF. Annual situation of projects in execution. Situation as at: 31 December 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Fonds Européen de Développement. 2ème FED. Situation semestrielle des projets du 2ème FED en exécution. Date de mise à jour: 30 juin 1972 = European Development Fund. 2nd EDF. Biannual situation of the 2nd EDF projects in execution. Situation as at: 30 June 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Fonds Européen de Développement. 2ème FED. Situation semestrielle des projets du 2ème FED en exécution. Date de mise à jour: 31 décembre 1972 = European Development Fund. 2nd EDF. Biannual situation of the 2nd EDF projects in execution. Situation as at: 31 December 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Fonds Européen de Développement. 3ème FED. Situation semestrielle des projets du 3ème FED en exécution. Date de mise à jour: 30 juin 1972 = European Development Fund. 3rd EDF. Biannual situation of the 3rd EDF projects in execution. Situation as at: 30 June 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Fonds Européen de Développement. 3ème FED. Situation semestrielle des projets du 3ème FED en exécution. Date de mise à jour: 31 décembre 1972 = European Development Fund. 3rd EDF. Biannual situation of the 3rd EDF projects in execution. Situation as at: 31 December 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
di Capua, E. and Riccardi, R. (1972) Forced Convection Burnout and Hydrodynamic Instability Experiments for Water at High Pressure. Part VII: Analysis of burnout experiments on 3x3 rod bundles with uniform and non-uniform heat generation. EUR 4875. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Foreign Trade Analytical Tables - CST: 1972 Export/Commerce Exterieur Tableaux Analytiques - CST: 1972 Export. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Foreign Trade Analytical Tables - CST: 1972 Import/Commerce Exterieur Tableaux Analytiques - CST: 1972 Import. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Foreign Trade Analytical Tables 1972: Chapters 1-24 A/Commerce Exterieur Tableaux Analytiques: Janvier-Decembre 1972 Chapitres 1-24 A. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Foreign Trade Analytical Tables 1972: Chapters 25-27 B/Commerce Exterieur Tableaux Analytiques: Janvier-Decembre 1972 Chapitres 25-27 B. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Foreign Trade Analytical Tables 1972: Chapters 28-38 C/Commerce Exterieur Tableaux Analytiques: Janvier-Decembre 1972 Chapitres 28-38 C. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Foreign Trade Analytical Tables 1972: Chapters 39-43 D/Commerce Exterieur Tableaux Analytiques: Janvier-Decembre 1972 Chapitres 39-43 D. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Foreign Trade Analytical Tables: 1972 Chapters 44-49 E/Commerce Exterieur Tableaux Analytiques: 1972 Chapitres 44-49 E. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Foreign Trade Analytical Tables: 1972 Chapters 50-67 F/Commerce Exterieur Tableaux Analytiques: 1972 Chapitres 50-67 F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Foreign Trade Analytical Tables: 1972 Chapters 68-72 G/Commerce Exterieur Tableaux Analytiques: 1972 Chapitres 68-72 G. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Foreign Trade Analytical Tables: 1972 Chapters 73 H/Commerce Exterieur Tableaux Analytiques: 1972 Chapitre 73 H. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Foreign Trade Analytical Tables: 1972 Chapters 74-83 I/Commerce Exterieur Tableaux Analytiques: 1972 Chapitres 74-83 I. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Foreign Trade Analytical Tables: 1972 Chapters 84, 85 J/Commerce Exterieur Tableaux Analytiques: 1972 Chapitres 84, 85 J. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Foreign Trade Analytical Tables: 1972 Chapters 86-89 K/Commerce Exterieur Tableaux Analytiques: 1972 Chapitres 86-89 K. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Foreign Trade Analytical Tables: 1972 Chapters 90-99 L/Commerce Exterieur Tableaux Analytiques: 1972 Chapitres 90-99 L. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Foreign Trade Analytical Tables: 1972 Nimexe I-XII / Commerce Exterieur Tableaux Analytiques. 1972 Nimexe I-XII. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Foreign Trade Country Nomenclature (NCP): Standard Country Nomenclature for Foreign Trade Statistics of the European Communities' Member States (NCP): 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Foreign Trade Monthly Statistics: 1972 - No. 1. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Foreign Trade Monthly Statistics: 1972 - No. 10. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Foreign Trade Monthly Statistics: 1972 - No. 11. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Foreign Trade Monthly Statistics: 1972 - No. 12. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Foreign Trade Monthly Statistics: 1972 - No. 2. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Foreign Trade Monthly Statistics: 1972 - No. 3. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Foreign Trade Monthly Statistics: 1972 - No. 4. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Foreign Trade Monthly Statistics: 1972 - No. 5. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Foreign Trade Monthly Statistics: 1972 - No. 6. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Foreign Trade Monthly Statistics: 1972 - No. 9. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Foreign Trade Tariff Statistics. 1972 Tab. 1. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Foreign Trade Tariff Statistics: 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Foreign Trade Tariff Statistics: 1972 Tab. 2-3. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Foreign trade monthly statistics: 1972 - No. 7-8. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Rota, A. (1972) Four Computer Codes for Dynamic Process Inventory Determination Application in Safeguards. EUR 4833. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Four candidate countries sign Common Market Treaty of Adhesion. European Community Press Release No. 8, 22 January 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Frais de maladie pendant un sejour temporaire dans un autre pays de la Communaute = Medical expenses incurred during a tempoary stay in another country of the Community. Information Memo P-26/72, May 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Mansholt, Sicco. (1972) Full text and summary of a statement [on international monetary system and development policy] of Mr. Sicco Mansholt, President of the Commission of the European Communities, in the plenary meeting of UNCTAD III. Santiago, 17 April 1972. [EU Speech]
Barre, Raymond. (1972) Full text and summary of a statement by Mr. Raymond Barre, Vice-President of the European Commission, to the European Parliament on the economic situation of the Community at the beginning of 1972. Luxembourg, 18 January 1972. [EU Speech]
Ross, Miceal (1972) Further Data on County Incomes in the Sixties. General Research Series Paper No. 64, May 1972. UNSPECIFIED.
Endrizzi, A. (1972) GRAFI A Package for Programming the IBM 2250 Display Unit. EUR 4789. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Gambie - structures économiques et problèmes de développement = Gambia - economic structures and development problems. VIII/1026(72)-F/B3. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Gatt documentation for tariff study shows common market industrial tariffs still lower than US tariffs in 1972. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 3/1972, February 15, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) General Affairs Committee. Seventeenth Ordinary Session. A retrospective view of the political year in Europe/L'annee politique en Europe Retrospective. 1971. [EU Related]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Ghana - structures économiques et problèmes de développement = Ghana - economic structures and development problems. VIII/490/B/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Graphs and notes on the economic situation in the Community = Graphiques et notes rapides sur la conjoncture dans la Communaute No. 1, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Graphs and notes on the economic situation in the Community = Graphiques et notes rapides sur la conjoncture dans la Communaute No. 10, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Graphs and notes on the economic situation in the Community = Graphiques et notes rapides sur la conjoncture dans la Communaute No. 11, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Graphs and notes on the economic situation in the Community = Graphiques et notes rapides sur la conjoncture dans la Communaute No. 12, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Graphs and notes on the economic situation in the Community = Graphiques et notes rapides sur la conjoncture dans la Communaute No. 2, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Graphs and notes on the economic situation in the Community = Graphiques et notes rapides sur la conjoncture dans la Communaute No. 3, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Graphs and notes on the economic situation in the Community = Graphiques et notes rapides sur la conjoncture dans la Communaute No. 4, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Graphs and notes on the economic situation in the Community = Graphiques et notes rapides sur la conjoncture dans la Communaute No. 5, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Graphs and notes on the economic situation in the Community = Graphiques et notes rapides sur la conjoncture dans la Communaute No. 6, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Graphs and notes on the economic situation in the Community = Graphiques et notes rapides sur la conjoncture dans la Communaute No. 7, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Graphs and notes on the economic situation in the Community = Graphiques et notes rapides sur la conjoncture dans la Communaute No. 8-9, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Green Cards Need No Longer Be Shown. Information [Coordination of Legislation], 3 February 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Group of Ten Ministerial Meeting Agrees on Realignment of Currency and Future Monetary Reforms. Department of State Bulletin, 10 January 1972. [EU Related]
Snepvangers, J.J.M. and Zijp, W.L. (1972) HFR Informations for Users. HFR Information on HFR facilities. Part 1. EUR 4639. [EU Other]
Zeisser, P.R. (1972) HFR Informations for Users. Survey of high flux facilities in the HFR Petten, available for fast reactor materials testing. Part 3. EUR 4639. [EU Other]
Zeisser, P.R. (1972) HFR Informations for Users. Survey of high flux facilities in the HFR Petten, selected for HTGR materials testing. Part 2. EUR 4639. [EU Other]
Markgraf, J. (1972) HFR Informations for Users. Survey of high flux facilities in the HFR Petten, selected for boiling water and pressurized water reactor (BWR and PWR) materials testing. EUR 4639. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Harmonisation des structures des accises = Harmonization of the structure of excise duties. Information Memo P-15/72, March 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Harmonized Nomenclature for the Foreign Trade Statistics of the EEC Countries (NIMEXE). English Edition (NIMEXE 1969, updated to 1st January 1972). This edition is a complete recast of the 1971 text. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) House leaders to meet members of the European Parliament. European Community Press Release No. 22, 25 May 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Noel, Emile. (1972) How the European Community's institutions work. Community Topics 38, January 1972. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Huitieme reunion annuelle de la Conference parlementaire de l'association. Resume succinct des debats. 14 janvier 1972, La Haye = Eighth annual meeting of the Parliamentary Conference of the Association. Summary report of proceedings. 14 January 1972, The Hague. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Huitieme reunion annuelle de la Conference parlementaire de l'association. Resume succinct des debats. Deuxieme partie, 12 janvier 1972, La Haye = Eighth annual meeting of the Parliamentary Conference of the Association. Summary report of proceedings. Second part, 12 January 1972, The Hague. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Huitieme reunion annuelle de la Conference parlementaire de l'association. Resume succinct des debats. Deuxieme partie, 13 janvier 1972, La Haye = Eighth annual meeting of the Parliamentary Conference of the Association. Summary report of proceedings. Second part, 13 January 1972, The Hague. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Huitieme reunion annuelle de la Conference parlementaire de l'association. Resume succinct des debats. Premier partie, 13 janvier 1972, La Haye = Eighth annual meeting of the Parliamentary Conference of the Association. Summary report of proceedings. First part, 13 January 1972, The Hague. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Huitieme reunion annuelle de la Conference parlementaire de l'association. Resume succinct des debats. Premiere partie, 12 janvier 1972, La Haye = Eighth annual meeting of the Parliamentary Conference of the Association. Summary report of proceedings. First part, 12 January 1972, The Hague. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Huitième rapport du groupe de travail "sauvetage, incendies et feux de mines" sur l'organisation du sauvetage pour les années 1969 et 1970. Organe permanent pour la sécurité et la salubrité dans les mines de houille, Document No. 2926/1/71, Janvier 1972 = Eighth report of the task force "Rescue, fires and mine fires" on the organization of rescues for the years 1969 and 1970. Standing committee for security and safety in coal mines, Document No 2926/1/71, January 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Beghi, G. (1972) Hydrogen as an Energy Vector: New Future Prospects for Applications of Nuclear Energy. EUR 4838. [EU Other]
Kolar, W. (1972) IBM 360 and IBM 1800 Versions of the Shape and Area Analysis Programs of S.E. Atta and J.A. Harvey. EUR 4760. [EU Other]
Horstmann, H. and Colling, F. (1972) IMB 1800 Programs for Data processing at the Accelerators of the Central Bureau for Nuclear Measurements. Part 2: Interrupt Servicing Programs for Data Handling and Reduction. EUR 4404. [EU Other]
Horstmann, H. (1972) IMB 1800 Programs for Data processing at the Accelerators of the Central Bureau for Nuclear Measurements. Part 3: Programs for Interactive Data Reduction. EUR 4404. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Iles Fidji. Structures économiques et problèmes de développement = The Fiji Islands. Economic structures and development problems. VIII/726(72)-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Petrilli, G. and Laot, J. and Jurgensen, H. (1972) Implications of environmental measures for industrial development and the siting of enterprises. Reports No. 6. Conference "Industry and society in the European Community," Venice 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Import arrangements for certain fruit and vegetables originating in the AAMS. EEC-AAMS Association Council. CEE-EAMA/83/72, 17 October 1972. [EU Council of the EU Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Import arrangements for certain fruits and vegetables. EEC-AAMS Association Council Press Release. CEE-EAMA/83/72, 17 October 1972. [EU Council of the EU Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Improvements in sight for farm-product marketing structures. Newsletter on the Common Agricultural Policy No. 6, December 1972. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Index to "Europe: Agence internationale d'information pour la presse. Bulletins quotidiens et supplements" [commonly called Agence Europe]. 1972 [954-1191]. [EU Related]
Lehr, J. (1972) Indirect Radioactive Contamination of the Food Chain Determination of the Factors of Transfer Soil/Agricultural Produce and Soil/Milk in the European Community. EUR 4901. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industrial Statistics quarterly 1972 No. 1. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industrial Statistics quarterly 1972 No. 2. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industrial Statistics quarterly 1972 No. 3. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industrial Statistics quarterly 1972 No. 4. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Lombardi, R. and Ventejol, G. and Boissonnat, Jean (1972) Industrial development of the Community: problems and prospects. Reports No. 2, Conference "Industry and society in the European Community," Venice 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industrial policy: maintaining momentum. European Community No. 156, May 1972. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industrial statistics yearbook 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industrialization of textile production for export in the Associated African States and Madagascar - synthesis. VIII/1165/(72)-E/B3. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology No. 131, 8 February 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology No. 166, 21 November 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology No. 167, 28 November 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 126, 4 January 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 127, 11 January 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 128, 18 January 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 129, 25 January 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 130, 1 February 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 132, 15 February 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 133, 22 February 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 134, 29 February 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 135, 7 March 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 136, 14 March 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 137, 21 March 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 138, 28 March 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 139, 11 April 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 140, 18 April 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 141, 25 April 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 142, 2 May 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 143, 9 May 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 144, 16 May 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 145, 23 May 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 146, 30 May 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 147, 6 June 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 148, 14 June 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 149, 20 June 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 150, 27 June 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 151, 4 July 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 152, 11 July 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 153, 18 July 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 154, 25 July 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 155, 5 September 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 156, 12 September 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 157, 19 September 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 158, 26 September 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 159, 3 October 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 160, 10 October 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 161, 17 October 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 162, 24 October 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 163, 31 October 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 164, 7 November 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 165, 14 November 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 168, 4 December 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Industry Research and Technology, No. 169, 18 December 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Spinelli, Altiero. (1972) Industry and society in the European Community. Full text and summary of an introductory speech by Mr. A. Spinelli, Member of the Commission of the European Communities, with particular responsibility for Industrial, Technological and Scientific Affairs. Venice, 20 April 1972. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Informations sur la Cour de Justice des Communautés Européennes No. 10-11 = Information on the Court of Justice of the European Communities No. 10-11. 509/X/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Endrizzi, A. (1972) Interactive Graphic Version of S/360 Continuous System Modeling Program User's and System Manual. EUR 4836. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Internal Information: France. Regional Accounts Economic Aggregates 1971-1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Spinelli, Altiero. (1972) Intervention de M. Spinelli a la conference ministerielle sur l'environnement. Bonn, 30-31 octobre 1972 = Speech by Mr. Spinelli [Member of the Commission] at a ministerial conference on the environment. Bonn, 30-31 October 1972. [EU Speech]
Spinelli, Altiero. (1972) Intervention de M. Spinelli, membre de la Commission, a la Table Ronde "l'Europe vers le Sommet". Rome, 3 mars 1972 = Speech [on weaknesses of the Community] by Altiero Spinelli, Member of the Commission, to the Round Table "Europe towards the summit". Rome, 3 March 1972. [EU Speech]
Malfatti, Franco. (1972) Intervention du President Malfatti a la reunion de la Commission politique de la parliament europeenne. 27 janvier 1972. Statement [on issues for the upcoming Paris summit] by President Malfatti to the meeting of the Political Committee of the European Parliament. 27 January 1972. [EU Speech]
Spinelli, Altiero (1972) Introductory speech by A. Spinelli, member of the Commission of the European Communities, to the Conference "Industry and society in the European Community," Venice 1972. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Inventaire des etudes industrielles concernant les pays africains en voie de developpement. Tome I, etudes de projets. Introduction, classes industrielles NACE 14 à 36. = Inventory of industrial studies on developing African countries. Volume I, studies of projects. Introduction, industrial classes NACE 14 to 36. VIII/1126(72)-F/83. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Inventaire des etudes industrielles concernant les pays africains in voie de developpement. Tome II, etudes de projets. Classes industrielles NACE 41/42 à 49 = Inventory of industrial studies on developing African countries. Volume 2, studies of projects. Industrial classes NACE 41/42 to 49. VIII/1126(72)-F/83. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Inventaire des etudes industrielles concernant les pays africains in voie de developpement. Tome III, etudes generales. Classes industrielles NACE 14 à 49 = Inventory of industrial studies on developing African countries. Volume 3, general studies. Industrial classes NACE 41/42 to 49. VIII/1126(72)-F/83. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Inventaire des etudes industrielles concernant les pays africains in voie de developpement. Tome IV, diverse etudes de projets et etudes generales = Inventory of industrial studies on developing African countries. Volume 4, diverse project studies and general studies. VIII/1126(72)-F/83. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Inventory of taxes levied by central government and local authorities (Lander, departments, regions, provinces, communes) in the Member States. Situation: 1.1.1972. 1972 edition of the European Communities. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Massand, O.P. (1972) Investigation of Some Properties of the Precision Long Counter. EUR 4783. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Investissements dans les industries du charbon et de l'acier de la Communaute. Resume de l'enquete 1972 = Investments in the coal and steel industries in the Community. Summary of the 1972 survey. Information Memo P-36/72, July 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Investment in the Community coalmining and iron and steel industries. Report on the 1972 survey. Position as at 1 January 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Iron and Steel Bimonthly 1972.1. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Iron and Steel Bimonthly 1972.3. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Iron and Steel Statistical Bulletin quarterly 2-1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Iron and Steel Statistical Bulletin quarterly 4-1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Iron and Steel Statistical Bulletin quarterly 5-1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Iron and Steel Statistical Bulletin quarterly 6-1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Iron and steel yearbook 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Klersy, R. and Schurenkamper, A. and Simoni, O. and Schrader, K.H. (1972) Irradiation Behaviour of UO2 Fuel Rods Containing Gadolinium Oxide as Consumable Poison. EUR 4816. [EU Other]
Combet, M. (1972) Iterative Arrays for Code Conversions. EUR 4908. [EU Other]
Asaoka, T. and Caglioti Bonanni, E. (1972) JN-METD2 A Fortran-IV Programme for Solving Neutron Transport Problems with Isotropic Scattering in Multilayer Slabs by the jN Method. EUR 4839. [EU Other]
Van Der Laan, J. (1972) Job stress in billet grinding. Community Ergonomic Research Technical report No. 7. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Joint Research Centre ISPRA ESTABLISHMENT _ ITALY EUR-5060. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Joint Committee Organisation in Community Industries. Information [Social Policy] 33/72. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Joint German-American industrial research project approved by Common Market. European Community Press Release No. 2, 12 January 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Joint Research Center ISPRA Establishment, Italy 1971 report. EUR 4842e. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Joint press release issued on the occasion of the signing in Port Louis, Mauritius on 12 May 1972 of the Association Agreement concerning the accession of Mauritius to the Convention of Association between the European Economic Community and the African and Malagasy States associated with that Community. CEE-IM/3/72, 12 May, 1972. [EU Council of the EU Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Joint press release issued on the occasion of the singing in Port Louis, Mauritius on 12 May 1972 of the Association Agreement concerning the accession of Mauritius to the Convention of Association between the European Economic Community and the African and Malagasy States associated with that Community. CEE-IM/3 e/72. [EU Council of the EU Document]
Eschbach, H.L. (1972) Kalibrierung von Vakuummessgeräten. EUR 4797. = Calibration methods of vacuum technique. EUR 4797. [EU Other]
Schmier, H. (1972) Kalibrierungsvergleich von Ganzkörperstrahlungsmessanlagen in der Europäischen gemeinschaften. EUR 4762. = Calibration comparison of whole-body radiation measuring systems in the European Communities. EUR 4762. [EU Other]
Schmier, H. (1972) Kalibrierunsvergleich von ganzkörperstrahlungsmessanlagen in den ländern der europäischen gemeinschaften. EUR 4762. = Calibration comparison of whole-body radiation measuring systems in the countries of the European communities. EUR 4762. [EU Other]
Malfatti, Franco. (1972) L'Europe remise en question? Conference du president Malfatti a l'Universite de Strasbourg. Strasbourg, 8 fevrier 1972 = Europe in question? Lecture by President [of Commission] Malfatti at the University of Strasbourg. Strasbourg, 8 February 1972. [EU Speech]
Monnet, Jean. (1972) L'Europe unie de l'utopie a la realite. Allocution prononcee par Jean Monnet au Congres international de la Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. Lausanne, 1972 = United Europe: from utopia to reality. Speech by Jean Monnet to the International Congress of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. Lausanne, 1972. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) L'emploi and le chomage des jeunes = Youth employment and unemployment. Information Memo P-33/72, July 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) L'etat de l'unification europeenne et le role des parlements. Colloque Parlemenatire europeen, Strasbourg, 15 et 16 mars 1972 = The state of European unification and the role of parliaments. European Parliament colloquium, Strasbourg, 15 to 16 March 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) L'evolution des prix du gaz dans les pays de la Communaute europeenne de 1955 a 1970. Etude de l'O.S.C.E. No. 3/71 = Evolution of the price of gas in the countries of the European Community. S.O.E.C. study No. 3/71. Information Memo P-24 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) L'evolution financiere de la securite sociale dans les Etats membres de la Communaute 1965 - 1970 - 1975. 2eme partie: rapports nationaux = Financial development of social security in the Community's Member States 1965 - 1970 - 1975. 2nd part: national reports. V/876/71-F, July 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) L'industrialisation textile d'exportation des Etats africains et malgache associés - synthese = The industrialization of textile production for export in the Associated African States and Madagascar - Synthesis. VIII/1165 (72)-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
De Bandt, J (1972) L'industrialisation textile d'exportation des etats Africains et malgache associes. 1ere Partie - Les marchés potentiels pour des exportations textiles des EAMA = The industrial textile exports from Associated African States and Malagasy. Part 1-The potential market for the export of textiles from the AASM. VIII/210/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) L'industrialisation textile d'exportation des etats Africains et malgache associes. IIIere Partie - Les possibilités de créer des industries textiles d'exportation dans les EAMA. Tome I - Rapport du Bureau berenschot-bosboom = The industrial textile exports from Associated African States and Malagasy. Part 3 - The possibilities of creating textile export industries in the AASM. Volume 1 - Report of the Berenschot-Bosboom Bureau. VIII/210/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) L'industrialisation textile d'exportation des etats Africains et malgache associes. IIIere Partie - Les possibilités de créer des industries textiles d'exportation dans les EAMA. Tome II - Schemas de pre-factibilite = The industrial textile exports from Associated African States and Malagasy. Part 3 - The possibilities of creating export textile industries in the AASM. Volume 2 - Feasibility study. VIII/210/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
De Bandt, J (1972) L'industrialisation textile d'exportation des etats Africains et malgache associes. IIere Partie - Les conditions de production of produits textiles dans les EAMA = The industrial textile exports from Associated African States and Malagasy. Part 2 - The conditions of production of textile products in the AASM. VIII/210/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) L'industry and la societe dans la Communaute: theme d'une conference qu'organisera la Commission des Communautes europeennes, le 20, 21 et 22 avril 1972 a Venise = Industry and society in the Community: theme of a conference to be organized by the Commission of the European Communities in Venice on 20, 21 and 22 April. Information Memo P-10/72, January 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Ruault, J.P. (1972) L'information relative aux revenus et aux patrimoines dans les pays de la Communaute = Information on income and wealth in the countries of the Community. Studies: Social Policy Series 22, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) L'interpendance international des prix. Son incidence en France et en Italie. Recapitulation des resultats. International price interdependence. Its impact in France and Italy. Summary of results. II/337/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) LIST OF THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES IN ENGLISH. Supplement to the French edition of the "Catalogue of publications of the European Communities 1952-1971" (1972). [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) La Communaute et les pays en voie de developpement. L'emploi des femmes. L'environnement, probleme communautaire. La Federation des syndicats danois = The Community and developing countries. Employment of women. The environment, Community problem. The Danish Trade Union Federation. European Documentation: Trade Union and Labor Series 72/4. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) La Communaute et les pays en voie de developpement. L'emploi des femmes. L'environnement, probleme communautaire. Les banques dans la Communaute elargie = The Community and development countries. The employment of women. The environment, Community problem. The banks in the enlarged Community. European Documentation: Teaching Series 72/4. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) La Communaute europeenne et les Etats-Unis. L'education permanente dans la construction de l'Europe. Orientations pour un programme de politique sociale. Les finances publiques dans la CEE = The European Community and the United States. Continuing education in the construction of Europe. Guidelines for a social policy program. Public finances in the EEC. European Documentation: Teaching Series 72/1. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) La Communaute europeenne et les Etats-Unis. Les syndicats en Grande-Bretagne. Orientations pour un programme de politique sociale. La mensualisation en France - The European Community and the United States. Trade unions in Great Britain. Guidelines for a social policy progam. Monthly wages in France. European Documentation: Trade Union and Labor Series 72/1. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) La Comunaute face a la CNUCED III: chiffres et arguments=The Community and UNCTAD III: facts and figures. X/220/72-F, 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) La capacite concurrentielle de la Communaute europeenne; rapport du groupe de travail preside par M. Pierre Uri = The competitive capacity of the European Community; report of a working group chaired by Mr. Pierre Uri. Information Memo P-25/72, May 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) La cogestion au sein de l'enterprise. Rapport de la commission d'experts chargee d'etudier les experiences recueillies jusqu'a ce jour en matiere de cogestion = Co-determination in companies. Report of a expert committee charged with studying the experiences collected to date on co-determination. XIV/514/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) La communauté européenne et les handicapes = The European Community and the handicapped. Information [Social Policy]. January 1972. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) La convention de Yaoundé II. L'association des pays et territoires d'outre-mer à la CEE. Textes annexes. La convention d'Arusha, textes annexes = Yaounde II. Overseas countries and territories and the EEC. Annexed texts. The Arusha Convention, annexed texts. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) La politique monetaire dans les pays de la Communaute economique europeenne. Institutions et instruments = Monetary policy in the countries of the European Economic Community. Institutions and instruments. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) La population de l'Europe. La securite sociale des travailleurs migrants. Le mouvement syndical de la metallurgie. La politique communautaire de l'energie = The population of Europe. Social security for migrant workers. Metalworkers union. Community energy policy. European Documentation: Trade Union and Labor Series 72/3. [EU Commission - Brochure]
Scarascia Mugnozza, Carlo. (1972) La recherche agronomique. Declaration de M. Carlo Scarascia Mugnozza, Vice-President de la Commission au conseil de ministres de l'agriculture. Bruxelles, 30 mai 1972 = Agronomic research. Speech by Mr. Carlo Scarascia Mugnozza, Vice-President of the Commission, to the Council of Ministers of Agriculture. Brussels, 30 May 1972. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) La reconversion des bassins houillers en France = The restructuring of the coal areas of France. Papers on industrial restructuring No 22, June 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Lauffs, Hans-Winfried (1972) La reconversion des charbonnages dans les bassins allemands. Ruhr. = Restructuring of the German coal-mining areas. Ruhr. Papers on industrial restructuring No 19, June 1979. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) La reconversion des charbonnages dans les bassins belges. Borinage, Centre, Charleroi - Basse-Sambra, et Liege = Restructuring of the coal-mining areas of Belgium. Borinage, Centre, Charleroi - Basse-Sambre, and Liège. Papers on industrial restructuring No 18, May 1979. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Seyler, Albert (1972) La reconversion des charbonnages dans les bassins de la république fédérale d'Allemagne. Sarre = Restructuring of the coal-mining areas of the Federal Republic of Germany. Saar. Papers on industrial restructuring No 23, June 1979. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) La situation sociale dans la Communaute en 1971. Resume de l'expose social = The social situation in the Community in 1971. Summary of the Social Report. Information Memo P-14/72, February 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) La situation économique de la Communauté, Rapport trimestriel No. 1, 1972. = The economic situation in the Community, Quarterly survey No. 1, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) La situation économique de la Communauté: Rapport trimestriel No. 2, 1972. = The economic situation in the Community: Quartery survey No. 2, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) La situation économique de la Communauté: Rapport trimestriel No. 3, 1972. = The economic situation in the Community: Quarterly survey No. 3, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) La situation économique de la Communauté: Rapport trimestriel No. 4, 1972. = The economic situation in the Community: Quarterly survey No. 4, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Le Bihan, J. and Boutonnet, J.P. and Berchu, L. (1972) La spéculation ovine = Sheep farming. Internal information on agriculture 90, September 1972. VI/1896/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) La troisieme conference des nations unies sur le commerce et le developement. Premiere communication de la Commission au Conseil = Third United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. First communication of the Commission to the Council. SEC (72) 800 final, 3 March 1972. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Landmarks in European Community Progress -- Towards Economic and Political Union. Information [Economy and Finance] 30/72. [EU Commission - Brochure]
Hoffmeyer, Martin and Schmidt, R. and Schüler, J. and Seifert, G. (1972) Landwirtschaft und Agrarpolitik in einigen westeuropäischen Ländern. X. Zusammenfassender Überblick = Agriculture and agricultural policy in some Western European countries. X. Summary perspective. Internal information on agriculture 89, September 1972. VI/3168/72-D. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Le Conseil des Ministres adopte 12 directives concernant l'elimination des entraves techniques = The Council of Ministers adopts 12 directives regarding the elimination of technical barriers. Information Memo P-54/72, December 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Le Royaume de Norvege. Situation economique and politique regionale = The Kingdom of Norway. Economic situation and regional policy. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Le Royaume et Danemark. Situation economique and politique regionale = Kingdom of Denmark. Economic situation and regional policy. [EU Other]
Federici, Nora and Bielli, Carla and Pinnelli, Antonella (1972) Le condizioni di lavoro delle donne salariate nei sei stati membri della Comunità Europea. Italia = The working conditions of women employed in the six member states of the European Communities. Italy. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Fels, G. and Schatz, K.-W. and Wolter, F. (1972) Le degre d'interdependance internationale des prix en France et en Italie = The degree of international interdependence affecting prices in France and in Italy. II/367/1/72-F, May 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Platzer, Fr. and Morano, N. and Prillevitz, F.C. (1972) Le marché foncier et les baux ruraux. Effets des mesures de réforme des structures agricoles. I. Italie et Pays-Bas = The land market and rural leases. Effects of the measures of reform of agricultural structures. I. Italy and the Netherlands. Internal information on agriculture 81, January 1972. VI/10832/70-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Breloh, P. and Mrohs, E. and Pook, W. and Zurek, E. and Vaylet, J.L. and Faucher, F. (1972) Le marché foncier et les baux ruraux. Effets des mesures de réforme des structures agricoles. II. R.F. d'Allemagne et France = The land market and rural leases. Effects of the measures of reform of agricultural structures. II. R.F. of Germany and France. Internal information on agriculture 82, January 1972. VI/527/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Le marché foncier et les baux ruraux. Effets des mesures de réforme des structures agricoles. III. Pays-Bas = The land market and rural leases. Effects of the measures of reform of agricultural structures. III. Netherlands. Internal information on agriculture 88, June 1972. VI/6362/70-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Le nouveau fond social europeen (entree en vigueur le 1er mai 1972). Textes officiels = The new European Social Fund (entry into force on 1 May 1972). Official texts. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Dahrendorf, Ralf. (1972) Le role de l'europe. Traduction de l'interview donnee par le Professeur Ralf Dahrendorf a Europaische Gemeinschaft. April 1972 = The role of Europe. Translation of an interview of Professor Ralf Dahrendorf [Member of the Commission] with European Community. April 1972. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Les britanniques et l'unification de l'Europe. Premières analyses sur un sondage d'opinion réalisé á la veille de l'entrée du Royaume-Uni dans la Communautée européenne = The British and the unification of Europe. First analysis of the opinion survey conducted on the eve of entry of the United Kingdom into the European Community. X/61/73-F, December 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Le Gall, Mr. and Roider, Dr. and Paquier, Mr. (1972) Les conditions d'installation d'entreprises industrielles dans les Etats africains et malgache associes = Conditions for the setting up of industrial undertakings in the Associated African States and Malagasy. Volume 10 - Republic of Chad, December 1972. VIII/1320/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Rouchy, M. and Deblon, Mr. and Paquier, Mr. (1972) Les conditions d'installation d'entreprises industrielles dans les Etats africains et malgache associes = Conditions for the setting up of industrial undertakings in the Associated African States and Malagasy. Volume 11 - Central African Republic, December 1972. VIII/1321/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Rouchy, Mr. and Deblon, Mr. and Paquier, Mr. (1972) Les conditions d'installation d'entreprises industrielles dans les Etats africains et malgache associes = Conditions for the setting up of industrial undertakings in the Associated African States and Malagasy. Volume 12 - Republic of Gabon, December 1972. VIII/1322/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Bevilacqua, Mme. and Libchaber, Mr. and Paquier, Mr. (1972) Les conditions d'installation d'entreprises industrielles dans les Etats africains et malgache associes = Conditions for the setting up of industrial undertakings in the Associated African States and Malagasy. Volume 14 - Republic of Zaire, December 1972. VIII/1324/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Libchaber, Mr. and Paquier, Mr. (1972) Les conditions d'installation d'entreprises industrielles dans les Etats africains et malgache associes = Conditions for the setting up of industrial undertakings in the Associated African States and Malagasy. Volume 15 - Republic of Rwanda, December 1972. VIII/1325/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Bevilacqua, Mme. and Paquier, Mr. (1972) Les conditions d'installation d'entreprises industrielles dans les Etats africains et malgache associes = Conditions for the setting up of industrial undertakings in the Associated African States and Malagasy. Volume 17 - Democratic Republic of Somalia, December 1972. VIII/1327/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Jacob, Mr. and Vaurie, Melle. and Paquier, Mr. (1972) Les conditions d'installation d'entreprises industrielles dans les Etats africains et malgache associes = Conditions for the setting up of industrial undertakings in the Associated African States and Malagasy. Volume 2 - Republic of Senegal, December 1972. VIII/1312/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Le Gall, Mr. and Roider, Dr. and Paquier, Mr. (1972) Les conditions d'installation d'entreprises industrielles dans les Etats africains et malgache associes = Conditions for the setting up of industrial undertakings in the Associated African States and Malagasy. Volume 3 - Republic of Mali, December 1972. VIII/1313/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Le Gall, M. and Roider, M. and Paquier, M. (1972) Les conditions d'installation d'entreprises industrielles dans les Etats africains et malgache associes = Conditions for the setting up of industrial undertakings in the Associated African States and Malagasy. Volume 4 - Republic of Niger, December 1972. VIII/1314/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Jacob, Mr. and Vaurie, Melle. and Paquier, Mr. (1972) Les conditions d'installation d'entreprises industrielles dans les Etats africains et malgache associes = Conditions for the setting up of industrial undertakings in the Associated African States and Malagasy. Volume 7 - Republic of Togo, December 1972. VIII/1317/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Jacob, M. and Vaurie, M. and Paquier, Mr. (1972) Les conditions d'installation d'entreprises industrielles dans les Etats africains et malgache associes = Conditions for the setting up of industrial undertakings in the Associated African States and Malagasy. Volume 8 - Republic of Dahomey, December 1972. VIII/1318/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Vaurie, Melle. and Jacob, M. and Paquier, M. (1972) Les conditions d'installation d'entreprises industrielles dans les Etats africains et malgache associes = Conditions for the setting up of industrial undertakings in the Associated African States and Malagasy. Volume 1 - Islamic Republic of Mauritania, December 1972. VIII/1311/172-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Le Gall, Mr. and Roider, Dr. and Paquier, Mr. (1972) Les conditions d'installation d'entreprises industrielles dans les Etats africains et malgache associes = Conditions for the setting up of industrial undertakings in the Associated African States and Malagasy. Volume 5 - Republic of Upper Volta, December 1972. VIII/1315/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Vaurie, M. and Jacob, M. and Paquier, Mr. (1972) Les conditions d'installation d'entreprises industrielles dans les Etats africains et malgache associes = Conditions for the setting up of industrial undertakings in the Associated African States and Malagasy. Volume 6 - Republic of the Ivory Coast, December 1972. VIII/1316/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Deblon, M. and Rouchy, M. and Paquier, Mr. (1972) Les conditions d'installation d'entreprises industrielles dans les Etats africains et malgache associes. Republique Unie du Cameroun = Conditions for the setting up of industrial undertakings in the Associated African States and Malagasy. Volume 9 - Republic of Cameroon, December 1972. VIII/1319/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Rouchy, M. and Deblon, M. and Paquier, Mr. (1972) Les conditions d'installation d'entreprises industrielles dans les Etats africains et malgache associes. Volume 13 - Republique du Congo, decembre 1972 = Conditions for the setting up of industrial undertakings in the Associated African States and Malagasy. Volume 13 - Republic of Congo, December 1972. VIII/1323/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Vogel-Polsky, Eliane (1972) Les conditions de travail des femmes salariees dans les six etats membres de la Communauté Européenne. Belgique = Working conditions of women employed in the six member states of the European Communities. Belgium. V/165/73-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Sullerot, Evelyne (1972) Les conditions de travail des femmes salariees dans les six etats membres de la Communauté Européenne. France = Working conditions of women employed in the six member states of the European Communities. France. V/166/73-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Lulling, Astrid (1972) Les conditions de travail des femmes salariees dans les six etats membres de la Communauté Européenne. Grand-Duché de Luxembourg = Working conditions of women employed in the six member states of the European Communities. Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. V/168/73-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Les relations entre la Communaute et les pays du bassin Mediterraneen. Communication de la Commission au Conseil = Relations between the Community and the countries of the Mediterranean basin. Communication from the Commission to the Council. SEC (72) 3111 final, 27 September 1972. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
Ruwette, L. and Koene, J.A. (1972) Lightening of tasks of auxiliary haulage underground (Emma/Hendrik DSM mine). Community Ergonomic Research Technical report No. 9. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Lignes directrices pour l'application de l'article 60 du Traite C.E.E.A. = Guidelines for the application of Article 60 of the E.A.E.C. Treaty. COM (72) 1507 final, 8 November 1972. [EU Commission - COM Document]
Van Velzen, D. and Lopes Cardozo, R. and Langenkamp, H. (1972) Liquid Viscosity and Chemical Constitution of Organic Compounds: A New Correlation and a Compilation of Literature Data. EUR 4735. [EU Other]
Dahrendorf, Ralf. (1972) M. Dahrendorf a prononce le discours inaugural a la foire internationale du lac de constance. Friedrichshafen, 5 mai 1972 = Speech [on external relations] by Mr. Dahrendorf [Member of the Commission] at the inauguration of the international fair at Lake Constance. Friedrichshafen, 5 May 1972. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) MOTION DE CENSURE deposee par M. Georges SPENALE envers la Commision des Communautes europeennes. EP Working Documents, Document 1972-1973 204/72. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) MYTHOLOGY AND THE LOST ART OF EXORCISM -OR- A REVIEW OF U.S.-WESTERN EUROPEAN RELATIONS IN 1972. Department of State Publication usa documents, March 8, 1972. [EU Related]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Mail order sales in the European Community. Information [Competition] 17/72. [EU Commission - Brochure]
Mason, F. (1972) Manufacturing Specification for High Temperature Thermocouples for Use in Nuclear Irradiation Experiments. EUR 4807. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marches Agricoles N. 5: Produits Vegetaux, 11-7-1972 = Agricultural Markets No. 5: vegetable products, 11-7-1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marches Agricoles N. 6: Produits Vegetaux, 12-9-1972 = Agricultural Markets No. 6: vegetable products, 12-9-1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marches Agricoles N. 7: Produits Vegetaux, 10-10-1972 = Agricultural Markets No. 7: vegetable products, 10-10-1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marches Agricoles: Numero Speciale Juillet/ 1972 = Agricultural Markets: Special Number July 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marches agricoles - Prix recus par les producteurs agricoles, Valeurs unitaires, Numero special (Edition completee et revisee). Juillet 1972. = "Agricultural markets - Prices received by farmers, Denominations, Special Issue (Complete and Revised Edition). July 1972". [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marches agricoles N. 1 (cereales et preparations a base de cereales), septembre 1972. = Agricultural markets No. 1 (cereals and cereal preparations), September 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marches agricoles N. 1 (cereales et preparations a base de cereales-riz), novembre 1972. = Agricultural markets No. 1 (cereals and cereal preparations-rice), November 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marches agricoles N. 1 (viande de porc, viande de volaille, oeufs), mai 1972. = Agricultural markets No. 1 (pork, poultry meat, eggs), May 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marches agricoles N. 2 (fruits, legumes, vin), octobre 1972. = Agricultural markets No. 2 (fruits, vegetables, wine), October 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marches agricoles N. 2 (viande bovine, produits laitiers), mai 1972. = Agricultural markets No. 2 (beef, dairy products), May 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marches agricoles N. 2 (viande de porc, viande de volaille, oeufs), novembre 1972. = Agricultural markets No. 2 (pork, poultry meat, eggs), November 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marches agricoles N. 2 (viande de porc, viande de volaille, oeufs), septembre 1972. = Agricultural markets No. 2 (pork, poultry meat, eggs), September 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marchés agricoles (produits végétaux): Special Number. Juillet 1972 Agricultural Markets plant products):Special Number. July 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marchés agricoles 9 (produits animaux): Prix, 24-10-1972 = Agricultural Markets, 9 (animal products): prices, 24-10-1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marchés agricoles N. 1 (Fruits, légumes, vin), août 1972. = Agricultural markets No. 1 (Fruits, vegetables, wine), August 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marchés agricoles N. 1 (Fruits, légumes, vin), juin 1972. = Agricultural markets No. 1 (Fruits, vegetables, wine), June 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marchés agricoles N. 1 (Viande de porc, viande de volaille, oeufs), juillet 1972. = Agricultural markets No. 1 (Pork, poultry, eggs), July 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marchés agricoles N. 1 (fruits, légumes, vin), Février 1972. = Agricultural markets No. 1 (fruits, vegetables, wine), February 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marchés agricoles N. 1 (fruits, légumes, vin), avril 1972. = Agricultural markets No. 1 (fruits, vegetables, wine), April 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marchés agricoles N. 1 (produits végétaux): Prix, 8 février 1972. = Agricultural Markets No. 1 (plant products): prices, 8 February 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marchés agricoles N. 1 (viande de porc, viande de volaille, oeufs), Janvier 1972. = Agricultual markets No. 1 (pigmeat, poultry meat, eggs), January 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marchés agricoles N. 1 (viande de porc, viande de volaille, oeufs), mars 1972. = Agricultural markets No. 1 (pork, poultry meat, eggs), March 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marchés agricoles N. 10 (produits animaux): Prix, 28 novembre 1972. = Agricultural markets No. 10 (animal products): prices, 28 November 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marchés agricoles N. 2 (Céréales et préparations à base de céréales - Riz), juin 1972. = Agricultural markets No. 2 (Cereals and cereal preparations - Rice), June 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marchés agricoles N. 2 (céréales et préparations à base de céréales), avril 1972. = Agricultural markets No. 2 (cereals and cereal preparations), April 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marchés agricoles N. 2 (céréales et préparations à base de céréales), février 1972. = Agricultural markets No. 2 (Cereals and cereal preparations), February 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marchés agricoles N. 2 (produits animaux): Prix, 22 février 1972. = Agricultural markets No. 2 (animal products): prices, 22 February 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marchés agricoles N. 2 (produits végétaux): Prix, 14 mars 1972. = Agricultural Markets No. 2 (plant products): prices, 14 March 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marchés agricoles N. 2 (viande bovine, produits laitiers), Janvier 1972. = Agricultural markets No. 2 (beef, dairy), January 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marchés agricoles N. 2 (viande bovine, produits laitiers), mars 1972. = Agricultural markets No. 2 (beef, dairy products), March 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marchés agricoles N. 3 (produits animaux): Prix, 28 mars 1972. = Agricultural markets No. 3 (animal products): prices, 28 March 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marchés agricoles N. 3 (produits végétaux): Prix, 11 avril 1972. = Agricultural Markets No. 3 (plant products): prices, 11 April 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marchés agricoles N. 4 (produits animaux): Prix, 25 avril 1972. = Agricultural markets No. 4 (animal products): prices, 25 April 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marchés agricoles N. 5 (produits animaux): Prix, 23 mai 1972. = Agricultural markets No. 5 (animal products): prices, 23 May 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marchés agricoles N. 6 (produits animaux): Prix, 19 juin 1972. = Agricultural markets No. 6 (animal products): prices, 19 June 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marchés agricoles N. 8 (produits animaux): Prix, 25 juillet 1972. = Agricultural markets No. 8 (animal products): prices, 25 July 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marchés agricoles N. 8 (produits animaux): Prix, 26-9-1972 = Agricultural Markets, No.8 (animal products): prices, 26-9-1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marchés agricoles N. 8: Produits Vegetaux Prix, 14-11-1972 = Agricultural Markets No. 8: Vegetable Products Prices, 14-11-1972. 14 November 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marchés agricoles N. 9: Produits Vegetaux Prix, 12-12-1972 = Agricultural Markets No. 9: Vegetable Products Prices, 12-12-1972. 12 December 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Marchés agricoles N.1 (produits animaux): Prix, 25-1-1972 = Agricultural Markets No. 1 (animal products): prices, 25-1-1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Oldenburg, U. and Booz, J. (1972) Mass Stopping Power and Pathlength of Neutron Produced Recoils in Tissue and Tissue Equivalent Materials I. Neutron Energy < 6 MEV. EUR 4786. [EU Other]
Hembd, H. (1972) A Mathematical Model for the Evolution of Zooplankton Populations. EUR 4889. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Mauritius-new common market associate. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 19/1972, June 25, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Mauritius: The Latest Yaounde Associate. Information [Development Aid] 12/72, 27 March 1972. [EU Commission - Brochure]
Matthes, W. (1972) Measurement of Correlation Properties of the Bubble Field in Two-Phase Flow. EUR 4840. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Medium-term prospects and guidelines in the Community gas sector. SEC (72) 3182 final, 28 September 1972. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Meeting of Finance Ministers of the enlarged Community to discuss objectives of international monetary reform. London, 17-18 July 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Meetings of the Heads of State or Government (Summit), Paris, 19-21, October 1972. [EU European Council]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Memorandum from the Commission on a Community policy on development cooperation. Programme for initial actions [is also Bulletin of the EC Supplement 2/72]. SEC (72) 320 final, 2 February 1972. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Memorandum on a Community Policy on Development Cooperation. Synoptic and programme for initial actions. Communications from the Commission to the Council of 27 July 1971 and 2 February 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Memorandum on the organization of monetary and financial relations within the Community. COM (72) 50 final, 12 January 1972. Bulletin of the European Communities, No. 1, 1972. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Memorandum on the preliminary draft budget 1973. Information Memo P-38/72, July 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Memorandum sur une politique communautaire de cooperation au developpement - programme pour une premiere serie d'actions = Memorandum on a Community policy on development cooperation - program for initial actions. Information Memo P-13/72, February 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Metallurgie physique. Aciers de construction soudables à dispersoïdes = Physical metallurgy. Weldable structural dispersoid steels. EUR 4681 f. Technical Steel Research. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Modification à la proposition le reglement du Conseil relatif à la creation d'entreprises communes dans le champ d'application du traité = Amended proposal for a Council Regulation concerning the creation of joint enterprises under the EEC Treaty. COM (72) 1220 final, 19 October 1972. [EU Commission - Brochure]
Eder, J. and Robbelen, D. (1972) A Modular Drive System for Neutron Choppers with Digital Speed and Phase-Control. EUR 4881. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Monetary fund saves the summit. European Community No. 160, November 1972. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Monetary policy in the countries of the European Economic Community. Institutions and instruments. [EU Other]
Flesselles, Jacques and Carugno, Nicola and Tafuri, Francesco and von Bethmann, Max (1972) Méthodes pour la détermination du taux d'humidité du tabac = Methods for determining the moisture content of tobacco. Internal information on agriculture 91, October 1972. VI/31/73/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) National Accounts 1961-1971. Yearbook 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) National Accounts Yearbook/Comptes Nationaux Annuaire 1961-1971: 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Necessary progress in Community energy policy. Communication from the Commission to the Council. COM (72) 1200 final, 4 October 1972. Also published as Bulletin of the European Communities Supplement 11/72. [EU Commission - COM Document]
Chinaglia, B. and Bosio, G. and Vallana, F. and Monti, D. (1972) Neutron Propagation in Water-Lead-Iron Lamination. EUR 4742. [EU Other]
Van der Voort, E. and Dorpema, B. (1972) A New Algorithm to Minimize Functions. EUR 4777. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Nineteenth joint meeting of the members of the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe and the members of the European Parliament. Official report of debates, 17 May 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Ninth report of the Mines Safety and Health Commission. Year 1971. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Norway's veto on membership disappoints European Communities. European Community Press Release No. 36, 26 September 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Nacamuli, Silvio and Pedrini, Elda and Cesarini, Giuliano (1972) Nouvelle formes de collaboration dans le domaine de la production agricole. I. Italie = New forms of collaboration in the field of agricultural production. I. Italy. Internal information on agriculture 93, November 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Baptist, A.G. and Martens, L. (1972) Nouvelles formes de collaboration dans le domaine de la production agricole II. Benelux = New forms of collaboration in the field of agricultural production. II. Benelux. Internal information on agriculture 94, December 1972. VI/2514/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Hage, K. and Hinderfeld, H. (1972) Nouvelles formes de collaboration dans le domaine de la production agricole. III. R.F. d'Allemagne = New forms of collaboration in the field of agricultural production. III. F.R. of Germany. Internal information on agriculture 95, December 1972. VI/2512/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Objectives and instruments of a common policy for scientific research and technological development. Information Memo P-28/72, June 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Objectives and instruments of a common policy of scientific research and technological development. Communication of the Commission to the Council. COM (72) 700 final, 14 June 1972. Bulletin of the European Communities, Supplement 6/72. [EU Commission - COM Document]
Passenier, J. and Ruiter, R. (1972) Organisation et planification de la recherche et du developpement aux Pays-Bas = Organization and planning of research and development of The Netherlands. EUR 4814 FR. Research and Development No. 2, July 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Parlement Europeen Information = European Parliament Information, 24 March 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Parlement europeen informations = European Parliament information. 1972/1. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Parlement europeen informations = European Parliament information. 1972/2. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Parlement europeen informations = European Parliament information. 1972/5. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Parlement europeen informations = European Parliament information. 1972/6. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Parlement europeen informations = European Parliament information. 1972/7. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Parlement europeen informations = European Parliament information. 1972/8. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Parlement europeen informations = European Parliament information. 1972/9. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Partners in a changing world. European Community No. 158, August/September 1972. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Peace through trade: boost in common market-comecon exchanges. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 12/1972, May 19, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Brulmans, J. and Van Der Eijk, W. and Moret, H. (1972) Performance of Microbalances. EUR 4894. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The Perfumes of Europa. Information [Consumers] 31/72. [EU Commission - Brochure]
Ariemma, A. and Belelli, U. and Paoletti Gualandi, M. and Rosa, I. and Sani, L. and Zaffiro, B. (1972) Plutonium Recycle in ENEL's Light Water Reactors. EUR 4794. [EU Other]
Ronnecke, Hartmut (1972) Possibilites de stockage du petrole brut sur le territoire de la CEE. Rapport d'experts = Possibilities of stocking crude oil on the territory of the EEC. Experts report. XVII/375/71-F, September 1974. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Forti, G. (1972) A Possible Function for RNA to DNA Inverted Transcription in Antibody Biosynthesis and Irreversible Differentiation. EUR 4871. [EU Other]
Bresesti, A.M. and Bresesti, M. and Facchetti, S. and Mannone, F. and Barbero, P. and Cerutti, C. and Marell, F. and Peil, A. and Pietra, R. and Klersy, R. and Schurenkamper, A. and Frigo, A. and Ghezzi, E. and Meerschman, J.P. and Pollicini, A. and Schrader, K.H. and Biteau, J. and Cricchio, A. and Koch, L. (1972) Post-Irradiation Analysis of Trino Vercellese Reactor Fuel Elements. EUR 4909. [EU Other]
Frigo, A. and Klersy, R. and Schrader, K.H. and Schurenkamper, A. and Benvenuti, A. and Camona, G. and Mantega, F. (1972) Post-Irradiation Examination of the Fuel Rod CART-C1 No 4. EUR 4863. [EU Other]
von der Hardt, P. (1972) Potential BR2 Irradiation Test Facilities for GBR Fuel. EUR 4803. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Preparation de la 3eme conference des nations-unies sur le commerce et le developpement. Communication de la Commission au Conseil = Preparation of the 3rd United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. Communication of the Commission to the Council. SEC (72) 931 final, 8 March 1972. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
Malfatti, Franco. (1972) Presentation of the General Report for 1971 and the Commission's programme for 1972. Address to the European Parliament by Franco Maria Malfatti, President of the Commission of the European Communities. Strasbourg, 8 February 1972. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Presentation of the fifth General Report on the Activities of the Communities and programme of the Commission for 1972. Extract from the fifth General Report on the Activities of the Community 1971. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Malfatti, Franco. (1972) President [of Commission] Malfatti's declaration on his decision to resign from the Commission and run for election in Italy. Brussels, 2 March 1972. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) President of the European Community's Commission announces resignation. European Community Press Release No. 15, 2 March 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Press release [on import arrangements for certain fruits and vegetables originating in the AAMS]. CEE-EAMA/83/72, 18 October 1972. [EU Council of the EU Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Pret CECA a l'acierie Roechling-Burbach: bilan des investissements CECA pour l'annee 1971 = ECSC loan to the Roechling-Burbach steelworks: balance sheet of ECSC investments for 1971. Information Memo P-4/72, January 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Principes de tarification des prestations du C.C.R. pour le compte des tiers = Principles for rates for services of the J.C.R. on behalf of third parties. COM (72) 1508 final, 8 November 1972. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Prix agricoles 1972.1 - Agricultural prices 1972.1. Supplement. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Prix agricoles 1972.10 - Agricultural prices 1972.10. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Prix agricoles 1972.11 - Agricultural prices 1972.11. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Prix agricoles 1972.12 - Agricultural prices 1972.12. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Prix agricoles 1972.3 - Agricultural prices 1972.3. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Prix agricoles 1972.4 - Agricultural prices 1972.4. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Prix agricoles 1972.5-6 - Agricultural prices 1972.5-6. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Prix agricoles 1972.7 - Agricultural prices 1972.7. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Prix agricoles 1972.8-9 - Agricultural prices 1972.8-9. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Prix agricoles 1973.2-3 - Agricultural prices 1973.2-3. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Problemes d'effectif - action directe. Communication de la Commission au Conseil = Staffing problems - direct action. Communication of the Commission to the Council. COM (72) 1509 final, 8 November 1972. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Procedures ecrites approuvees pendant la periode du 13 au 19 avril 1972 = Written procedures approved during period 13-19 April 1972. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. (72) 62, 20 April 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Procédures écrites approuvées pendant la période du 17 au 23 février 1972 = Written procedures approved during period 17-23 February 1972. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. (72) 32, 24 February 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Procédures écrites approuvées pendant la période du 18 au 24 novembre 1971. Group du Porte-Parole Note aux Bureau Nationaux = Written procedures approved during 18-24 November 1971. Restrictions à la l'importation de pommes chips = Restrictions on the importation of potato chips. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. (72) 31, 27 February 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Mongini, L. and Thonet, C. (1972) A Program for the Theoretical Reconstruction of ESR Spectra. EUR 4869. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Programme de travail pour l'elaboration du budget social europeen = Work program for the elaboration of the European social budget. SEC (72) 2832 final, 12 September 1972. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Programmed teaching in the European Community. Information [Social Policy] 10/72. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Progress report of coal research encouraged by the Community. No. 48. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Progress report on and prospects for action taken by EAGGF to encourage investment in food processing concerns. Newsletter on the Common Agricultural Policy No. 2, April 1972. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Project de programme pluriannuel du C.C.R. Proposition du Directeur General du C.C.R. = Draft multiannual programme of the J.C.R. Proposal of the Director-General of the J.C.R. COM (72) 1504 final, 8 November 1972. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Projet accord d’association portant accession de l’ile Maurice a la Convention d’association entre la Communauté économique européenne et les Etats africains et Malgache associés à cette communauté = Draft agreement concerning the accession of Mauritius to the Association Convention between the European Economic Community and the African states and the Malagasy state associated with this Community. COM (72) 276 final, 14 March 1972. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Promotion of Employment: Community Possibilities and Results to Date. Information [Social Policy] 35/72. [EU Commission - Brochure]
Moussa, P. and Vetter, H.O. and Tinbergen, J. (1972) Promotion of industrialization in the developing countries: Implications for Community industry. Reports No. 10. Conference "Industry and society in the European Community," Venice 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Proposal for a Council Directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to cosmetic products. COM (72) 851 final, 6 October 1972. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Proposal for a fifth Directive to coordinate the safeguards which, for the protection of the interests of members and others, are required by Member States of companies within the meaning of the second paragraph of Article 58 of the Treaty, as regards the structure of sociétés anonymes and the powers and obligations of their organs. COM (72) 887 final, 27 September 1972. Bulletin of the European Communities Supplement 10/72. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Proposed Council directives on excise duties and similar taxes (transmitted on 7 March 1972). COM (72) 225 final, 23 February 1972. Bulletin of the European Communities Supplement 3/72. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Proposed Directive and Draft Council Recommendation on a prospectus to be published when securities are admitted to official stock exchange quotation. COM (72) 835 final, 26 September 1972. Bulletin of the European Communities Supplement 8/72. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Proposed Modification of Par Value of Dollar Background Material. Department of the Treasury, February 1972. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Proposition de 5eme directive concernant l'harmonisation du droit des societes = Proposal for a 5th directive on the harmonization of company law. Information Memo P-43/72, October 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Proposition de directive concernant le rapprochement des legislations des Etats membres relatives aux engrais = Proposal for a directive on the approximation of the legislation of the member states relating to fertilizer. Information Memo P-2/72, January 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Proposition de directive du Conseil relative au rapprochement des legislations des Etats membres concernant les produits cosmetiques = Proposal for a Council Directive on the approximation of the laws of Member States relating to cosmetic products. COM (72) 851 final. 6 October 1972. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Proposition modifiee concernant les prix agricoles 1972-1973 = Amended proposal concerning agricultural prices 1972-1973. Information Memo P-12/72, February 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Propositions concernant les petits envois de marchandises et les free-shops = Proposals on small consignments of goods and duty-free shops. Information Memo P-42/72, September 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Propositions de la Commission en matiere de contrats de developpement communautaires = Proposal of the Commission regarding Community development contracts. Information Memo P-35/72, July 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Propositions visant a l'amelioration de la securite sur route: l'harmonisation des conditions de delivrance des permis de conduire; le controle technique des vehicules routiers = Proposals for improving road safety: harmonization of conditions for issuing driving permits; technical control of road vehicles. Information Memo P-41/72, August 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Prospective benefits from the creation of an European Meteorological Computing Centre (ECMW). Report by the Study Group on Benefit Analysis. EUR 4850 EN. Research and Development No. 4, June 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Public financing of research and development in the Community countries 1967 - 1970. Analysis by objectives. EUR 4795 EN. Research and Development No. 3, May 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Public funding of research and development in the Community between 1968 and 1972. IRT No. 167, 28 November 1972, ANNEX 2. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Birkhoff, G. and Bondar, L. and Hage, W. and Ley, J. (1972) Pulsed Source Experiments with Heavy Water Moderated Natural Uranium Lattices in Expo and Eco. EUR 4861. [EU Other]
Maillet, Pierre (1972) Quinze ans de politique communautaire. Etude sur les effets de la politique de la Communauté sur les économies des pays membres et de la Communauté dans son ensemble, pendant la période 1958-19?2. Rapport detaille = Fifteen years of Community policy. Study on the effects of Community policy on the economies of the member countries and the Community overall during the period 1958-1972. Detailed report. XIX/302/1/72-F, 5 December 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Broeksz, Johannes-Bartholomeus (1972) RAPPORT COMPLEMENTAIRE fait au nom de la commission juridique sur la proposition de la Commission des Communautés européennes au Conseil (doc. 38/71) relatives a une directive portant coordination des procedures de passation des marchés publics de fournitures. DOCUMENT 16/72. 18 avril 1972 = SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT made on behalf of the Legal Affairs Committee on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (38/71) for a Directive coordinating procedures for the award of public supply contracts. DOCUMENT 16/72. April 18, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) RECOMMANDATIONS de la Commission parlementaire mixte C.E.E. - Turquie adoptées à Marmaris le 8 juin 1972. Documents de séance 1972-1973. DOCUMENT 70/72. 22 juin 1972 = RECOMMENDATIONS of the EEC-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee adopted at Marmaris on 8 June 1972. Meeting Documents 1972-1973. DOCUMENT 70/72. June 22, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Radioactive effluents from nuclear power stations in the Community - Discharge data, radiological aspects. Doc. 380/73e. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Aranovitch, E. and Van Asselt, D. (1972) Rapid Depressurization of a Thermal Insulation System for High Temperature Gas Reactors. EUR 4880. [EU Other]
Flesch, Colette (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission des finances et des budgets sur le projet de budget rectificatif et supplémentaire no. 1 des Communautés européennes pour l'exercice 1972 (doc. 84/72). Documents de séance 1972-1973. DOCUMENT 91/72. 3 juillet 1972 = Report made on behalf of the Committee on Finance and Budgets on the draft supplementary and amending budget no. 1 of the European Communities for the financial year 1972 (84/72). Meeting Documents 1972-1973. DOCUMENT 91/72. July 3, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
Dewulf, Maurice (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission des relations avec les pays africains et malgache sur les résultats de la huitième reunion annuelle de la Conférence parlement de l'Association CEE-EAMA. Documents de séance 1971-1972. DOCUMENT 274/71. 13 mars 1972 = Report made on behalf of the Committee on Relations with African and Malagasy Countries on the results of the eighth annual meeting of the EEC-EAMA Association Parliamentary Conference. Meeting Documents 1971-1972. DOCUMENT 274/71. March 13, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
Lohr, Walter (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission des relations économiques extérieures sur l'accord commercial entre la Communauté économique européenne et la République d'Argentine. Documents de séance 1971-1972. DOCUMENT 251/71. 8 février 1972 = Report made on behalf of the Committee on External Economic Relations on the Trade Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Argentina. Meeting Documents 1971-1972. DOCUMENT 251/71. February 8, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
Schuijt, Willem J. (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission des relations économiques extérieures sur les relations parlementaires entre la Communauté européenne et les Etats-Unis d'Amérique. Documents de séance 1972-1973. DOCUMENT 87/72. 1 juillet 1972 = Report made on behalf of the Committee on External Economic Relations on Parliamentary Relations between the European Community and the United States of America. Meeting Documents 1972-1973. DOCUMENT 87/72. July 1, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
Cousté, Pierre-Bernard (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission des relations économiques extérieures sur les résultats de la Troisième session de la CNUCED (Santiago du Chili, 13 avril- 21 mai 1972). Documents de séance 1972-1973. DOCUMENT 83/72. 3 juillet 1972 = Report made on behalf of the Committee on External Economic Relations on the results of the Third Session of UNCTAD (Santiago, Chile, 13 April-21 May 1972). Meeting Documents 1972-1973. DOCUMENT 83/72. July 3, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
SCHUIJT, M. Wilhelmus J. (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission politique sur la politique d'information des Communautés européennes. Documents de séance 1971-1972. DOCUMENT 246/71. 7 février 1972 = Report made on behalf of the Political Committee on the Information Policy of the European Communities. Meeting Documents 1971-1972. DOCUMENT 246/71. February 7, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission politique à l'intention de la prochaine Conférence au sommet des chefs d'Etat ou de gouvernement des Etats membres des Communautés européennes. Documents de séance 1972-1973. DOCUMENT 73/72. 28 juin 1972 = Report made on behalf of the Political Committee for the next Summit Conference of Heads of State or Government of the Member States of the European Communities. Meeting Documents 1972-1973. DOCUMENT 73/72. June 28, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
Lohr, Walter (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission économique sur la situation économique de la Communauté au début de 1972. Documents de séance 1971-1972. DOCUMENT 255/71. 8 février 1972 = Report made on behalf of the Economic Committee on the economic situation of the Community at the beginning of 1972. Meeting Documents 1971-1972. DOCUMENT 255/71. February 8, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
Bos, C.A. (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission économique sur les contrôles du trafic intracommunautaire. Documents de séance 1972-1973. DOCUMENT 109/72. 31 août 1972 = Report made on behalf of the Economic Committee on intra-Community traffic controls. Meeting Documents 1972-1973. DOCUMENT 109/72. August 31, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Rapport annuel sur la situation economique de la Communaute = Annual report on the economic situation of the Community. COM (72) 1100 final, 8 September 1972 and COM (72) 1100 final/2, 11 September 1972. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Rapport annuel sur le vin = Annual report on wine. Information Memo P-21/72, April 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Rapport au Conseil des communautes sur les conditions de mise en oeuvre et d'utilisation des aides par les Etats associes, les pays et les territoires beneficiaires. Annee 1971 = Rapport to the Council of the Communities on the conditions for the implementation and utilization of aid for Associated States, countries, and territories. Year 1971. SEC (72) 2666 final, 26 July 1972. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Rapport d'activite 1971 sur les recherches charbonnieres encouragees par la Communaute. Recueil No. 46, 1972 = 1971 activity report on coal production research encouraged by the Community. Coal Research Collection No. 46, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Rapport d'activite de l'Agence d'approvisionnement d'Euratom pour l'annee 1971 = Report on activities of the Euratom Supply Agency for the year 1971. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Rapport de coordination des Etats membres concernant les observations à formuler par les Etats membres, lors de la 7ème session du Comité du Codex sur les poissons et les produits de la pêche = Report on the coordination by Member States for the 7th session of the Codex Committee on Fish and Fishery Products. SEC (72) 3279 final, 28 September 1972. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Rapport de coordination etabli en vue de la huitieme session de Comite du Codex sur les additifs alimentaires = Report on the coordination established for the 8th session of the Codex Committee on food additives. SEC (72) 1732 final, 17 May 1972. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Rapport de coordination etabli en vue de la sixieme session du Comite du Codex sur les residus de pesticides = Report of the coordination established for the 6th session of the Codex Committee on pesticide residues. SEC (72) 1826 final, 26 May 1972. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Rapport de la Commission au Conseil sur la gestion de la cooperation financiere et technique pour les pays, territoires et departements d'outre-mer en 1971 = Commission report to the Council on the administration of financial and technical cooperation for the overseas countries, territories and departments in 1971. SEC (72) 3903 final, 15 November 1972. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Rapport de la Commission au Conseil sur le fonctionnement du reseau d'information comptable agricole de la C.E.E. = Report from the Commission to the Council on the functioning of the farm accountancy data network of the E.E.C. SEC (72) 2800 final Part A, 26 September 1972. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Rapport de la Commission des Communautes europeennes destine a l'examen annuel du niveau des remunerations des fonctionnaires et des autres agents (Article 65 du Statut) = Report of the Commission of the European Communities on the annual review of the level of remuneration of officials and other agents (Article 65 of the Statute). COM (72) 1170 final, 27 September 1972. [EU Commission - COM Document]
Gaudy, Paul (1972) Rapport du Commissaire aux comptes pour l'exercice 1971 = The Auditor's report for the financial year 1971. 30 June 1972. [EU Other]
Jahn, Hans Edgar (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission des affaires sociales et de la santé publique sur la première Communication de la Commission des Communautés européennes sur la politique de la Communauté en matière d'environnement = Report draw up by the Commission on Social Affairs and Public Health on the first communication from the Commission of the European Communities on the policy of the Community on the environment. Session Documents 1972-1973, Document 9/72, 14 April 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
Aigner, Heinrich (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission des finances et des budgets sur le projet d'état prévisionnel supplémentaire des recettes et des dépenses du Parlement européen pour l'exercise 1972 = Report made on behalf of the Committee on Finance and Budgets on the draft supplementary estimates of revenue and expenditure of the European Parliament for the 1972 financial year. Meeting documents 1972-1973. Document 30/72. May 5, 1972 Documents de séance 1972-1973. Document 30/72. 5 mai 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
Sourdille, Jacques (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission des finances et des budgets sur le projet de réglement des comptes du Parlement européen pour l'exercise 1971 (1er janvier - 31 décembre 1971) = Report made on behalf of the Committee on Finance and Budgets on the draft Rules of the European Parliament for the 1971 financial year (1 January - 31 December 1971) Documents de séance 1972-1973. DOCUMENT 13/72. 18 avril 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
Couste, Pierre-Bernard. (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission des relations economiques exterieures sur les resultats de la Troisieme session de la CNUCED (Santiago du Chili, 13 avril - 21 mai 1972) = Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on External Economic Relations on the results of the third session of UNCTAD (Santiago, Chili, 13 April - 21 May 1972. Session Documents 1972-1973, Document 83/72, 3 July 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
Seefeld, Horst (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission des transports sur la politique portuaire dans le cadre de la Communautés européennes. Documents de séance 1972-1973. DOCUMENT 10/72. 12 avril 1972 = Report made on behalf of the Committee on Transport on port policy in the framework of the European Communities. Meeting Documents 1972-1973. DOCUMENT 10/72. April 12, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
Lautenschlager, Hans. (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission juridique sur la proposition de la Commission des Communautés européennes au Conseil (COM (71) 812 final) concernant un règlement relatif a la création d'entreprises communes dans le champ d'application du Traité CEE = Report on behalf of the Legal Affairs Committee on the proposition of the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (COM (71) 812 final) concerning a regulation creating joint undertakings under the EEC Treaty. Session Document 1972-1973, Document 7/72, 14 April 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
Armengaud, André. (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission juridique sur les possibilités qu'offrent les traités communautaires en matière de lutte contre la pollution du milieu et les modifications qu'il faut éventuellement proposer d'y apporter = Report drawn up by the Legal Affairs Committee on the possibilities offered by the Communities' Treaties regarding the fight against environmental pollution and eventual modifications. Session Documents 1972-1973, Document 15/72, 17 April 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
Muller, Josef. (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission politique sur les resultats de la Conference au sommet des Chefs d'Etat ou de gouvernement des Etats membres de la Communaute elargie qui s'est tenue a Paris les 19 et 20 october 1971 = Report of the Political Committee on the results of the Summit Conference of the Heads of State or Government of the Member States of the enlarged Community held in Paris, 19-20 October 1972. Session Documents 1972-1973, Document 194/72, 4 November 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Rapport relatif aux comptes de l'agence d'approvisionnement d'Euratom pour l'exercice 1971 = Report on the accounts of the Euratom Supply Agency for the 1971 financial year. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Rapport sur l'evolution a moyen et a long terme du marche de la construction navale = Report on the long and medium term development of the shipbuilding market. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Rapport sur les resultats des enquetes de conjoncture aupres des chefs d'entreprise de la Communaute. = Results of the business surveys carried out among heads of enterprises in the Community. 1, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Rapport sur les resultats des enquetes de conjoncture aupres des chefs d'entreprise de la Communaute. = Results of the business surveys carried out among heads of enterprises in the Community. 2, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Rapport sur les resultats des enquetes de conjoncture aupres des chefs d'entreprise de la Communaute. = Results of the business surveys carried out among heads of enterprises in the Community. 3, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Ratification of the EEC Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments. Information Memo P-40/72, July 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Schlieder, Willy. (1972) Recent antitrust developments in the European Economic Community. Speech by Dr. Willy Schlieder, Director General for Competition, to the Association of the Bar of the City of New York. New York, April 1972. [EU Speech]
Haegeman, J. and Van Onsem, J.G. (1972) Recherche sur les incidences du poids du tubercule sur la floraison du dahlia = Research on the impacts of tuber weight on the flowering of dahlia. Internal information on agriculture 87, May 1972. VI/950/71-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Recherches sur les révélateurs pouvant être additionnés au lait écrémé en poudre = Research on the indicators that can be added to skimmed milk powder. Internal information on agriculture 92, October 1972. IV/4346/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Reconversion for Agricultural Workers. Information [Social Policy], January 1972. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The Regional Policy of the European Community. Information [Regional Policy] 28/72. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Regional Structure and Policy of Denmark. Information [Regional Policy] 25/72. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Regional Structure and Policy of Ireland. Information [Regional Policy] 23/72, June 1972. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Regional Structure and Policy of Norway. Information [Regional Policy] 26/72. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Regional differences in the European Community still exist. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 4/1972, February 16, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Regional economic structure and policies in the United Kingdom. XVI/23/72, March 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Regional economic structures and policies in Denmark. XVI/33/72, March 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Regional economic structures and policies in Ireland. XVI/22/72, March 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Regional economic structures and policies in Norway. XVI/24/72-E, March 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Regional statistics yearbook 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Regional structures and policies in the United Kingdom. Information [Regional Policy] 15/72. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Relevé des cours de radioprotection dans les six pays des Communautes europeennes (Report on radiation protection in six countries of the European Community). 484/DFIN, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Schuijt, Wilhelmus. (1972) Remarks [on EC-US relations] by Wilhelmus Schuijt, leader of a delegation of visiting members of the European Parliament at a plenary meeting with members of the United States Congress. Washington DC, 31 May 1972. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Renforcement des pouvoirs budgétaires du Parlement européen = Strengthening the budgetary powers of the European Parliament. SEC (72) 2661 final, 8 September 1972. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Renforcement du credit pour les depenses d'information aux Etats-Unis (Communication de la Commission au Conseil) = Strengthening of appropriations for information expenditures in the United States (Communication from the Commission to the Council). SEC (72) 1554 final, 15 May 1972. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
Indetzki, Hans-Dieter and Helliger, Heinz Gerhard (1972) Repercussions sur l'economie regionale des fermetures et reductions d'activite dans l'industrie charbonniere, et mesures prises en vue de la restructuration dans la circonscription d'Aix-la-Chapelle = The effects on the regional economy of closures and reduction of employment in the coal-mining industry and measures for restructuring in the district of Aix-la-Chapelle. Papers on industrial restructuring No 20, June 1072. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Vredeling, Henk. (1972) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on External Relations on on the memorandum of the Commission of the European Communities on a Community development cooperation policy. Working Documents 1972-1973, Document 63/72, 26 July 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
Schuijt, Willem J. (1972) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on External Trade Relations on parliamentary relations between the European Community and the United States of America. Working Documents 1972-1973, Document 82/72, 1 July 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
Couste, Pierre-Bernard. (1972) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on External Trade Relations on preparations for the Third Session of UNCTAD. Working Documents 1971-1972, Document 278/71, 13 March 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Report of the Commission to the Association Council on Financial and Technical Cooperation from 1 January to 31 December 1971. SEC (72) 2144 final, 22 June 1972. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Report of the results of the business surveys carried out among heads of enterprises in the Community. 1, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Report of the results of the business surveys carried out among heads of enterprises in the Community. 2, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Report of the results of the business surveys carried out among heads of enterprises in the Community. 3, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Vedel, Geprges. (1972) Report of the working party examining the problem of the enlargement of the powers of the European Parliament. Report Vedel. Bulletin of the European Communities, Supplement 4/72. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Report on the development of the social situation in the Community in 1971. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Report on the long and medium term development of the shipbuilding market. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Report on the long and medium term development of the shipbuilding market. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Republique du Dahomey. Ordonnance no 72-1 du 8 janvier 1972. [Code des Investissements]. Republic of Dahomey. Ordinance No. 72-1, 8 January 1972 [Investment laws]. VIII(713) 71 - F Rev 1. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Republique du Senegal. Loi no 72-43 du 12 juin 1972 = Republic of Senegal. Law number 72-43, 12 June 1972 [Investment laws]. VIII (713) 71 - F Rev 1. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Reseau d'information comptable agricole de la CEE. Resultats 1968 - 1969 - 1970 = Farm accountancy data network for the EEC. Results 1968 - 1969 - 1970. SEC (72) 2800 final Part B, 26 September 1972. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Restrictive agreements and dominant positions. Summary of measures for the implementation of Articles 85 and 86 of the EEC Treaty. 6th revised version, up dated on 1.12.1971. Information Memo P-5/72, January 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Schlieder, Willy. (1972) Restrictive trade practices and Common Market law. Text of a statement by Dr. Willy Schlieder, Director-General for Competition, Commission of the European Economic Communities. London, 14 April 1972. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Restrictive trade practices and common market law. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 16/1972, June 21, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Results of the vintage returns of the Member States for 1971/72. New proposal for a Commission Directive on animal feed. New proposals from the Commission for directives on seeds and seedlings. Newsletter on the Common Agricultural Policy No. 1, March 1972. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Resume de l'etude "Inventaire, bilan et perspectives des activites de recherche et developpement en matiere de transport terrestre et maritime" = Summary of the study "Inventory, balance sheet and prospects of research and development activities for land and maritime transport." III/758/72-F, 20 April 1973. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Resume de rapport trimestriel No. 1/1972 sur la situation economique de la Communaute = Summary of quarterly report No. 1/1972 on the economic situation in the Community. Information Memo P-6/72, January 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Reunion de la Commission = Commission Meeting Bio (72) 27, 9 February 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Reunion de la Commission = Meeting of the Commission. Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. (72) 86, 22 June 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Revue du Marche Commun no. 151 = Review of the Common Market February 1972 No. 151. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Revue du Marche Commun no. 152 = Review of the Common Market March 1972 No. 152. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Revue du Marche Commun no. 154 = Review of the Common Market May 1972 No. 154. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Revue du Marche Commun no. 155 = Review of the Common Market June 1972 No. 155. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Revue du Marche Commun no. 156 = Review of the Common Market July-August 1972 No. 156. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Revue du Marche Commun no. 157 = Review of the Common Market September 1972 No. 157. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Revue du Marche Commun no. 158 = Review of the Common Market October 1972 No. 158. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Revue du Marche Commun no. 159 = Review of the Common Market November 1972 No. 159. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Revue du Marche Commun no. 160 = Review of the Common Market December 1972 No. 160. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Right of self-employed persons to remain in another Member State. Information Memo P-30/72, June 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Ohse, R.W. and Schlechter, M. (1972) The Role of Caesium in Chemical Interaction of Austenitic Stainless Steels with Uranium Plutonium Oxide Fuels. EUR 4893. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Résultats des mesures de la radioactivite ambiante dans les pays de la communaute en 1971 air-retombees-eaux = Results of ambient radioactivity measurements in the countries of the community. EUR 4907. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) SPECIAL ENLARGEMENT ISSUE. The enlarged Community. The Community's institutional framework. The Paris summit and Europe's future. Monetary and economic union. European Studies Teachers' Series 15. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Schedule of Common Market events - March 1972. European Community Press Release No. 14, 1 March 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Second illustrative nuclear programme for the Community. XVII/341/2/71-E, 1 July 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Second illustrative nuclear programme. Information Memo P-44/72, October 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Second investigation into supplies of coking coal and coke for the steel industry of the Community. XVII/83/2/72-E, 19 June 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Septième rapport annuel d'activité du Conseil d'Association CEE-Turquie (1er janvier au 31 décembre 1971 = Seventh annual report of the activity of the Association Council EEC-Turkey (1 January to 31 December 1971). Session Documents 1972-1973, Document 47/72, 30 June 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) "Six" becomes "nine". European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 30/1972, December 21, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Nobel, L. (1972) The Slugflow Equation. EUR 4811. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The Social Fund - New Version. Information [Social Policy] 6/72. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Social Security Finance in the Six Countries (1965-1970-1975). Information [Social Policy] 24/72, July 1972. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Social Security in Figures. Information [Social Policy], 10 February 1972. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Social Statistics Coûts de la maind'oeuvre dans l'industrie Résultats préliminaires. 1972. 4-19745 = Social Statistics: Labour costs in industry. Preliminary results. 1972. 4-1974. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Social Statistics Structure of earnings in industry. Detailed results. 1972-Belgium 4-B. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Social Statistics. Enquête par sondage sur les forces de travail 1971 = Social Statistics. Labour force sample survey 1971. 1972.3. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Social Statistics. Structure of earnings in industry. Detailed Results. 1972-Belgium 4A. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Social Statistics. Structure of earnings in industry. Detailed Results. 1972-France 3A. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Social Statistics. Structure of earnings in industry. Detailed Results. 1972-France 3B. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Social Statistics. Structure of earnings in industry. Detailed results. 1972-Germany 6A. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Social Statistics. Structure of earnings in industry. Detailed results. 1972-Germany 6B. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Social Statistics. Structure of earnings in industry. Detailed results. 1972-Italy 7A. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Social Statistics. Structure of earnings in industry. Detailed results. 1972-Italy 7B. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Social Statistics. Structure of earnings in industry. Detailed results. 1972-Luxembourg 2A. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Social Statistics. Structure of earnings in industry. Detailed results. 1972-Luxembourg 2B. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Social Statistics. Structure of earnings in industry. Detailed results. 1972-Netherlands 5A. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Social Statistics. Structure of earnings in industry. Detailed results. 1972-Netherlands 5B. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Social Statistics. Structure of earnings in industry. General results. 1972-France. Special series. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Social Statistics. Structure of earnings in industry. Methods and definitions. 1972. Special Series 1. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Social Statistics: Comptes sociaux 1962-1970. 1972.2 = Social Accounts 1962-1970. 1972.2. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Social Statistics: Comptes sociaux. Resultats preliminaires 1962-1971. 1972 Supplement = Social Accounts. Preliminary Results 1962-1971. 1972 Supplement. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Social Statistics: Industrial Accidents - Iron and Steel 1960-1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Social Statistics: Social Accounts 1970-1972. No. 3, 1974. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Social Statistics: Social Accounts. 1970-1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Social security in the Six. Women at work in the Common Market. Commercial shipbuilding in Western Europe. The aerospace industry in Europe. European Studies Teachers' Series 14. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Social statistics. Gains horaires - Durée du travail - Emploi salarié = Hourly earnings - working time - employee salaries X-1971. 1972.1. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Social statistics; Banques, Assurances, Commerce de détail = Banks, Insurance and Retail business. 1970. 1972.4. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Social statistics; Cout de main-d'œuvre - Gains horaires - Durée du travail = Cost of Labor - Hourly earnings - Working time - Employee salaries. IV-1972. 1972.5. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Spain in the Common Market. Agenor, No 32 December 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Special Commission report on competition policy. Information Memo P-22/72, May 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Heske, M. (1972) Spectrometer, Using NaI(Tl) - Ge(Li) Detectors in Coincidence and Anticoincidence for (n,Gamma) Investigations. EUR 4831. [EU Other]
Malfatti, Franco. (1972) Speech [on his resignation from the Commission and developments during his term] by Mr. Franco Maria Malfatti, President of the Commission of the European Communities, at the European Parliament. Strasbourg, 14 March 1972. [EU Speech]
Malfatti, Franco. (1972) Speech by Franco Maria Malfatti, President of the Commission of the European Communities, at the signing of the Acts of Accession. Brussels, 22 January 1972. [EU Speech]
Toulemon, Robert (1972) Stage reached in work on industrial policy in the Community. Report No. 1, Conference "Industry and society in the European Community," Venice 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Coppe, Albert. (1972) Statement [on weights and dimensions of vehicles] by Mr. Coppe, Member of the Commission, following the meeting of the Council of Ministers of Transport. Brussels, 17-18 May 1972. [EU Speech]
Barre, Raymond (1972) Statement by Vice-President Barre to the European Parliament on the present monetary situation. Strasbourg, 4 July 1972. [EU Speech]
Barre, Raymond. (1972) Statement by Vice-President [of the Commission] Barre to the European Parliament on the present monetary situation. Strasbourg, 4 July 1972. [EU Speech]
Spinelli, Altiero. (1972) Statement to the European Parliament by Mr. Spinelli, Member of the European Commission, on the problem of coordination of the computer market. Luxembourg, 18 January 1972. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Statistical Studies and Surveys 2/1972. Annual investments in fixed assets in the industrial enterprises of the member countries of the European Communities, 1964-1970. 1972.2. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Statistical Studies and Surveys. 1972.3. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Statistique mensuelle de la viande. 1972 N° 1 JANUAR-JANVIER = Monthly statistiques of meat. 1972 No. 1 January. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Statistique mensuelle de la viande. 1972 N° 10 OKTOBER-OCTOBRE = Monthly statistiques of meat. 1972 No. 10 October. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Statistique mensuelle de la viande. 1972 N° 11-12 NOVEMBER-DEZEMBER-Novembre-DÉCEMBRE = Monthly statistiques of meat. 1972 No. 11-12 November-December. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Statistique mensuelle de la viande. 1972 N° 2 FEBRUAR-FÉVRIER = Monthly statistiques of meat. 1972 No. 2 February. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Statistique mensuelle de la viande. 1972 N° 3 MÄRZ-MARS = Monthly statistiques of meat. 1972 No. 3 March. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Statistique mensuelle de la viande. 1972 N° 4 APRIL-AVRIL = Monthly statistiques of meat. 1972 No. 4 April. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Statistique mensuelle de la viande. 1972 N° 5 MAI-MAI = Monthly statistiques of meat. 1972 No. 5 MAY. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Statistique mensuelle de la viande. 1972 N° 6 JUNI-JUIN = Monthly statistiques of meat. 1972 No. 6 June. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Statistique mensuelle de la viande. 1972 N° 7-8 JULI-AUGUST- JUILLET-AOÛT = Monthly statistiques of meat. 1972 No. 7-8 July-Agusut. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Statistique mensuelle de la viande. 1972 N° 9 SEPTEMBER-SEPTEMBRE = Monthly statistiques of meat. 1972 No. 9 September. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Statistiques nationales et communautaires de l'emploi = National and Commununity sources of statistics. 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Statistiques sociales. Annuaire de statistiques sociales = Social statistics. Social statistics annual 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Statistische studies en enquêtes 1/1972 = Statistical Studies and Surveys. 1972.1. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Stuhler, Elmar (1972) Steuervorschriften für die überbetriebliche Zusammenarbeit oder Fusion landwirtschaftlicher Betriebe. II. BR Deutschland = Tax provisions concerning cooperation and merging of farms. II. FR Germany. Internal information on agriculture 84, February 1972. VI/4053/71-D. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Structure of Earnings in Industry: Methods and Definitions. 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Bernhard, M. (1972) Studies on the Radioactive Contamination of the Sea. Annual Report 1971. EUR 4865. [EU Other]
Malfatti, Franco. (1972) Summary of President Malfatti's report [for 1971 and program for 1972] to the European Parliament. Strasbourg, 8 February 1972. [EU Speech]
Mansholt, Sicco. (1972) Summary of President [of the Commission] Mansholt's press conference on long run objectives to be pursued in international negotiations. New York, 16 November 1972. [EU Speech]
Mansholt, Sicco. (1972) Summary of address [on economic and monetary union, development policy and institutional affairs] by Mr. Sicco Mansholt, President of the Commission of the European Communities, to the European Parliament. Strasbourg, 19 April 1972. [EU Speech]
Coppe, Albert. (1972) Summary of address by Mr. Coppe, Member of the Commission, on social developments in the Community in 1971. Strasbourg, 9 February 1972. [EU Speech]
Thorn, Gaston. (1972) Summary of the statement made by the President in office of the Council, Mr. Gaston Thorn, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, at the 3rd meeting of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. Santiago, Chile, 14 April 1972. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Symposium sur les problemes sanitaires poses par le plomb present dans l'environnement (Amsterdam, les 2-6 octobre 1972) = Symposium on the health problems posed by lead in the environment (Amsterdam, 2-6 October 1972). Information Memo P-46/72, October 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Spinelli, Altiero. (1972) Synthese de l'intervention de M. Spinelli au Congres sur la Cooperation scientifique et technologique en Europe. Milan, 24-25 novembre 1972 = Summary of speech by Mr. Spinelli [Member of the Commission] at a conference on scientific and technological cooperation in Europe. Milan, 24-25 November 1972. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Synthèse de la presse Française. La conférence au sommet et la presse Parisienne. = Summary of the French press. The Summit Conference and the Paris press. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Tableaux comparatifs des regimes de securite sociale applicables dans les Etats membres des Communautes europeennes. 2. Regime minier (au 1er juillet 1972) = Comparative tables of social security schemes applicable in the Member States of the European Communities. Miner's scheme (as at 1 July 1972). [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Tax statistics 1965-1971. 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Maurer, Hermann and Gerhard, Will (1972) Technical control of air pollution in the iron and steel industry. Research progress report 30th June 1972. EUR 4921. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Technical measures of dust prevention and suppression in mines. Synthesis report on research carried out within the framework of the second programme 1964-1970. EUR 4851. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Temporary jobs and their problems. 144/X/72. Information [Social Policy], 22 February 1972. [EU Commission - Brochure]
Blaesser, G. (1972) Theory of Bands and Dynamical Scattering of Particles by Large Crystals. EUR 4769. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Third report of the Steel Industry Safety Commission. EUR 6547. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Third round of United States-Common Market trade talks to begin in Brussels. European Community Press Release No. 9, 31 January 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Thirteenth Report on the Activities of the Monetary Committee. 16 February 1972. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Thirteenth meeting of the Association Council. CEE-EAMA/79/72, 10 October 1972. [EU Council of the EU Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Thirteenth meeting of the EEC-AASM Association Council. EEC-AAMS Association Council Press Release 79/72. Luxembourg, 10 October 1972. [EU Council of the EU Document]
de Jonge, S. (1972) A Timecoder for Neutron Time-of-Flight Experiments. EUR 4835. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) A Tolerance Becomes a Right (New Franchise at the Frontiers). Information [Consumers] 22/72, June 1972. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Towards a European Policy for Development Aid? Information [Development Aid] 20/72, October 1972. [EU Commission - Brochure]
Colombo, A. (1972) Trace Level Determination of Oxygen in Organic Coolants and Ultra-Micro Determination of Oxygen in C-H-O Organic Compounds. EUR 4822. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Trade Union News from the European Community No 10, Winter 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Trade Union News from the European Community No 8, Spring 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Trade Union News from the European Community No 9, Autumn 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Vaccarezza, J. and Vanuzzi, S. and Monfrini, C. (1972) Traitement des effluents liquides radioactifs. Résultats d'exploitation 1968-1971. EUR 4890. = Treatment of Liquid Radioaction Effluent. Results of Operations 1968-1971. EUR 4890. [EU Other]
Wundt, H. (1972) Transient Heat Conduction Through Heat Producing Layers. EUR 4818. [EU Other]
Wundt, H. (1972) Transient Heat Conduction Through a Cylindrical Three-Layer Hollow Fuel Element with Internal and External Cooling. EUR 4862. [EU Other]
Huvelin, P. and Delacourt-Smith, C. and Ruffolo, G. (1972) Trends in collective and private requirements in European society and their implications for industry. Reports No. 5. Conference "Industry and society in the European Community," Venice 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Trois propositions en matiere d'hydrocarbures = Three proposals on hydrocarbons. Information Memo P-45/72, October 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Twentieth review of the Council's work. 1 January - 31 December 1972. [EU Council of the EU Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) UNITED STATES - EUROPEAN COMMUNITY RELATIONS. Department of State Publication usa documents, March 8, 1972. [EU Related]
Abrams, Manuel (1972) UNITED STATES - EUROPEAN ECONOMIC RELATIONS. Remarks made by Minister Manuel Abrams at a Conference on the Present and Future of Atlantic Relations. Rome, 20 March 1972. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) US House Ways and Means Committee ends three day visit to Common Market Headquarters. European Community Press Release No. 3, 13 January 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Un programme communautaire en matiere d'environnement = A Community program on the environment. Information Memo P-19/72, March 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Ruwette, L. and Koene, J.A. (1972) Underground work in difficult climatic conditions (Emma/Hendrik mine). Community Ergonomic Research Technical report No. 6. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Rush, Kenneth (1972) The United States and an Expanded European Community: Partners in a World Economy. Address by Kenneth Rush, Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany. 27 March 1972. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) United States-Common Market trade talks resume in Brussels. European Community Press Release No. 5, 13 January 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) United it flies -- the Spinelli plan for Europe's aeronautical industry. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 22/1972, August 9, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Ohlmer, E. and Russo, S. and Schwemmle, R. (1972) Untersuchung der hydrodynamischen Schwingungsanregung an einem einfachen Stabmodell unter Achsparalleler Wasserströmmung. EUR 4771. = Study of the excitation of hydrodynamic vibrations in a simple rod model in parallel water flow. EUR 4771. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Untersuchung zur konzentrationsentwicklung in einem untersektor des fahrzeugbaues in Deutschland. Fahrrader (N.I.C.E. 385.1). Motorrader und mopeds (N.I.C.E. 385.1) = Study of the evolution of concentration of a sub-sector of the vehicle manufacturing industry in Germany. Bicycles (N.I.C.E. 385.1). Motorcycles and mopeds (N.I.C.E. 385.1). Studies: Evolution of concentration and competition series. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) VIIIe Conference parlementaire de l'association CEE-EAMA. La Haye, janvier 1972. Parlement europeen informations - VIIIth Parliamentary Conference of the EEC-AASM Association. The Hague, January 1972. European Parliament information. 1972/4. [EU European Parliament Document]
Birkhoff, G. and Bondar, L. and Coppo, N. (1972) Variable Dead Time Neutron Counter for Tamper Resistant Measurements of Spontaneous Fission Neutrons. EUR 4801. [EU Other]
Schneiders, A.M. and Hollebeck, G. (1972) Viscosity Measurements of Fuel Suspension Under Irradiation by Means of VISIR-2 Measuring Device. EUR 4817. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Vocational Guidance in Community Countries (1968-70). Information [Social Policy] 29/72. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) What will happen in 1972? From signature to membership (January 1, 1973). Information Memo P-9/72, January 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Why a new Social Fund? Information [Social Policy] 16/72. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Wilhelm Haferkamp, Common Market Vice-President, to visit Washington, Alaska. European Community Press Release No. 25, 2 June 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Yearbook of agricultural statistics 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Zambie. Structures économiques et problèmes de développement = Zambie. Economic structures and development problems. VIII/797(72)-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Lang, E. and von Birgelen, G. (1972) Zur Messung der gespeicherten Energie und spezifischen Wärmen von Metallen und Legierungen mit einem differntial scanning Kalorimeter. EUR 4802. = On the measurement of stored energy and specific heat of metals and alloys using a differential scanning calorimeter. EUR 4802. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The agreement between the Community and the non-applicant EFTA member countries. Information Memo P-32/72, July 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The agricultural situation in the Community. European Community Background Information No. 28 (Agriculture No. 1), 11 December 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The agricultural situation in the European Economic Community. Report 1972, Volume I: economic aspects, structure, markets. COM (72) 900 final, 12 September 1972. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The agricultural situation in the European Economic Community. Newsletter on the Common Agricultural Policy No. 5, September 1972. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The agricultural situation in the European Economic Community. Report 1972, Volume II. Part I: Statistical tables and numerical information on the Community. Part II: Statistical tables and numerical information on the enlarged Community. COM (72) 900 final, 12 September 1973. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The associated countries and their development. Europe's peripheral regions. The oll industry in the European Community and the United Kingdom. The electoral systems of the countries of the European Community and Britain. European Studies Teachers' Series 13. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The common agricultural market. Market organisations and price systems. Newsletter on the Common Agricultural Policy No. 4, September 1972. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The common agricultural market: Market organizations and price systems. European Community Background Information No. 29 (Agriculture No. 2), 14 December 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The common market befriends the "Third World". European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 13/1972, May 26, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Ezra, D.J. and Dido, M. and Kienbaum, G. (1972) The conditions for an increase of the investments of Community enterprises in the less developed regions of the Community. Role of industry and the public authorities. Reports No. 4. Conference "Industry and society in the European Community," Venice 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) dc-europe bulletin no. 1972.10. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) dc-europe bulletin no. 1972.11. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) dc-europe bulletin no. 1972.12. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) dc-europe bulletin no. 1972.2. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) dc-europe bulletin no. 1972.3. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) dc-europe bulletin no. 1972.4. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) dc-europe bulletin no. 1972.5. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) dc-europe bulletin no. 1972.6. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) dc-europe bulletin no. 1972.8. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) dc-europe bulletin no. 1972.9. [EU European Parliament Document]
Kraijenhoff, G and Simoncini, F and Duquesne de la Vinelle, L (1972) The development of multinational companies: its advantages and disadvantages; economic, social and political measures and adjustments called for. Reports No. 9. Conference "Industry and society in the European Community," Venice 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The economic and monetary union makes a fresh start. Information [Economy and Finance] 5/72. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The economic situation in the Community. Summary of quarterly survey No. 2/1972. Information Memo P-23/72, May 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The economic situation in the Community: Quarterly survey No. 1, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The economic situation in the Community: Quarterly survey No. 2, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The economic situation in the Community: Quarterly survey No. 3, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The economic situation in the Community: Quarterly survey No. 4, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
von , Gellhorn and Masyn, M. and Bonnet, M. and Sneevliet, M. (1972) The effects of the reduction of manpower in the mining industry on mining social security systems and pension systems in particular. Studies: Social Policy Series 23, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Coppe, Albert. (1972) The employment situation - unemployment among young people - mass dismissals. Statement by Mr. Coppe, Member of the Commission, to the Council of the European Communities (Social matters). Luxembourg, 12 June 1972. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The enlarged Community and development aid. Background Note ISEC/B31/72, 19 October 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The enlarged Community in figures. Information [Statistics] 14/72. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The enlargement of the European Community. Information Memo P-8/72, January 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Friedrich, O.A. and Houthuys, J. and Fogarty, M.P. (1972) The function and position of individuals in the enterprise. Reports No. 3, Conference "Industry and society in the European Community," Venice 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) A new common agricultural policy: social and structural reform in agriculture. Newsletter on the Common Agricultural Policy No. 3, July 1972. [EU Commission - Brochure]
Carpentier, Michael. (1972) A policy for the environment in Europe. Speech by Mr. Carpentier [Director-General] to the Conference on Industry and the Environment organized by International Business Communications Limited. London, 27-28 June 1972. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) A policy of the Community for the promotion of industry and technology in the aeronautical sector. Communication from the Commission to the Council. COM (72) 850 final, 19 July 1972. [EU Commission - COM Document]
Raven, John (1972) A possible list of aims for the junior cycle of post primary education, together with their implications for educational practice (For the Department of Education Inter-Cert Committee 1972). ESRI Memorandum Series No. 86:. [Policy Paper]
Neuman, H and Armato, B and Albert, M. (1972) The problem of financing the increasing costs of infrastructure and social investment without disrupting the harmonious development of the Community. Reports No. 7. Conference "Industry and society in the European Community," Venice 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) recueils de recherches "acier" RAPPORT D'ACTIVITÉ 1972 = Steel research collection. Activity report 1972. EUR 5291. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The relations between the Community and the Mediterranean countries. Information Memo P-48/72, October 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The rich can and should aid the developing world. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 10/1972, April 20, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Decressin, A. and Haijtink, B. and Huber, B. and Orlowski, S. (1972) État et perspectives de la filière de réacteurs à eau lourde à la fin de l'année 1970. EUR 4766 = State and prospects of heavy water reactor sector at the end of 1970. EUR 4766. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) The trade union movement in the European Community. European Studies [Trade Union Series] 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Deschreider, A.R. and Vigneron, J.M. (1972) Étude par absorption differentielle dans l'infrarouge des lipides et des polymeres irradies. EUR 4828. = Study by differential absorption in the infrared of the lipids and the irradiated polymers. EUR 4828. [EU Other]
May 1972
Schuijt, Wilhelmus (1972) Rapport sur le Cinquième Rapport général de la Commission des Communautés européennes sur l'activité des Communautés en 1971 (doc. 259/71). Documents de séance 1972-1973. Document 28/72. 4 mai 1972 = Report on the Fifth General Report of the Commission of the European Communities on the Activities of the Communities in 1971 (259/71). Meeting Documents 1972-1973. Document 28/72. May 4, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
June 1972
van der Gun, Franciscus (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission des affaires sociales et de la santé publique sur certains problèmes posés par la définition d'une politique coordonnée des salaires et des revenus. Documents de séance 1972-1973. Document 50/72. 6 juin 1972 = Report made on behalf of the Committee on Social Affairs and Public Health on certain problems posed by the definition of a coordinated wage and income policy. Meeting Documents 1972-1973. Document 50/72. June 6, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
July 1972
Spénale, Georges (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission des finances et des budgets sur la suite à donner aux accords d'avril 1970 sur l'extension des pouvoirs budgétaires du Parlement européen. Documents de séance 1972-1973. Document 72/72. 4 juillet 1972 = Report made on behalf of the Committee on Finance and Budgets on the follow-up to be given to the April 1970 agreements on the extension of the budgetary powers of the European Parliament. Meeting Documents 1972-1973. Document 72/72. July 4, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
Flesch, Colette (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission des finances et des budgets sur le projet de budget rectificatif et supplémentaire no 1 des Communautés européennes pour l'exercice 1972 (doc. 84/72). Documents de séance 1972-1973. Document 91/72. 3 juillet 1972 = Report on behalf of the Committee on Finance and Budgets on Draft Supplementary and Amending Budget No 1 of the European Communities for the financial year 1972 (Doc 84/72). Meeting Documents 1972-1973. Document 91/72. July 3, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
Couste, Pierre-Bernard (1972) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on External Trade Relations on the outcome of the Third Session of UNCTAD (Santiago de Chile, 13 April- 21 May 1972). EP Working Documents 1972-1973. Document 83/72*. 3 July 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
August 1972
Bos, C.A. (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission économique sur les contrôles du trafic intracommunautaire. Documents de séance 1972-1973. Document 109/72. 31 août 1972 = Report made on behalf of the Economic Committee on intra-Community traffic controls. Meeting Documents 1972-1973. Document 109/72. August 31, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
September 1972
October 1972
UNSPECIFIED (1972) RECOMMANDATIONS de la Commission parlementaire mixte C.E.E.-Turquie adoptées à Catane le 6 octobre 1972. Documents de séance 1972-1973. Document 160/72. 19 octobre 1972 = RECOMMENDATIONS of the CEC-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee adopted in Catania on 6 October 1972. Meeting Documents 1972-1973. Document 160/72. October 19, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
Burgbacher, Friedrich (1972) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Energy, Research and Atomic Problems on means of securing adequate energy supplies to satisfy the Community's requirements and guarantee, promote and further improve the Community's competitivity on the world market as a prerequisite for economic growth, full employment and a forward-looking social policy. EP Working Documents 1972-1973. Document 141/72. 10 October 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
November 1972
Cousté, Pierre-Bernard (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission de l'association avec la Turquie sur les recommandations adoptées à Catane par la Commission parlementaire mixte C.E.E.-Turquie, le 6 octobre 1972 (doc. 160/72). Documents de séance 1972-1973. Document 180/72. 13 novembre 1972 = Report made on behalf of the Association Commission with Turkey on the recommendations adopted in Catania by the Parliamentary Committee Turkey, 6 October 1972 (document 160/72). Meeting Documents 1972-1973. Document 180/72. November 13, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
Flesch, Colette (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission des finances et des budgets sur le projet de budget supplémentaire n° 2 des Communautés européennes pour l'exercice 1972 (doc. 190/72). Documents de séance 1972-1973. Document 202/72. 16 novembre 1972 = Report done on behalf of the Finance Committee and budgets on draft supplementary budget No 2 of the European Communities for the financial year 1972 (190/72). Meeting Documents 1972-1973. Document 202/72. November 16, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
Offroy, Raymond (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission des finances et des budgets sur le projet de budget général des Communautés européennes pour l'exercice 1973 (doc. 137/72). Documents de séance 1972-1973. Document 189/72. 13 novembre 1972 = Report made on behalf of the Committee on Finance and Budgets on the draft general budget of the European Communities for the financial year 1973 (137/72). Meeting Documents 1972-1973. Document 189/72. November 13, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
December 1972
Kollwelter, Nicolas (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission de l'agriculture sur la proposition de la Commission des Communautés européennes au Conseil (doc. 181/72) relative à une décision prorogeant le régime des prix minima. Documents de séance 1972-1973. Document 218/72. 6 décembre 1972 = Report on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (181/72) for a decision extending the minimum price system. Meeting Documents 1972-1973. Document 218/72. December 6, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
Aigner, Heinrich (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission des finances et des budgets sur le budget opérationnel et le taux de prélèvement de la C.E.C.A. pour l'exercice 1973 (doc. 205/72). Documents de séance 1972-1973. Document 231/72. 12 décembre 1972 = Report on behalf of the Committee on Finance and Budgets on the operational budget and the levy rate of C.E.C.A. for the financial year 1973 (205/72). Meeting Documents 1972-1973. Document 231/72. December 12, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]