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Anzani, A. and Malvicini, A. and Salvini, M. (1962) Nuova strumentazione per misure di fisica sanitaria = New instrumentation for the measurement of health physics. EUR 14.i. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Aschoff, A. (1962) Rapport fait au nom de la commission sociale ayant pour objet la consultation demandee par le Conseil de la Communaute economique europeenne (document 127/1961-1962) sur la proposition de la Commission de la C.E.E. relative a un reglement concernant la securite sociale des travailleurs frontaliers (article 51 du traite). Documents de seance 1962-1963, Document 3, 19 mars 1962. = "Report on behalf of the Social Committee for the purpose of consultation requested by the Council of the European Economic Community (Document 127/1961-1962) on the proposal of the EEC Commission of a settlement concerning the social security of frontier workers (Article 51 of the Treaty). Working Documents 1962-1963, Document 3, 19 March 1962". [EU European Parliament Document]


bURGER, J.A.W. (1962) DEMOCRATIE ET DESINTEGRATION L'ESPAGNE MEMBRE DE LA C.E.E.? par J. A.W. BURGER. European Socialist Courier No 5/1962 = DEMOCRACY AND THE DISINTEGRATION OF SPAIN, MEMBER OF THE C.E.E.? European Socialist Courier No 5/1962. [EU European Parliament Document]

Bonnaure, P. and Casini, G. and Cenerini, R. and Toselli, F. (1962) DESIGN CRITERIA, ENGINEERING FEATURES AND EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM OF THE ECO REACTOR. EUR 135.e. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Blaesser, G. and Matthes, W. and Raievski, V. (1962) Determination of fuel failure probabilities by statistical experiments in a test reactor with regard to the unloading process employed. EUR 13.e. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Bonalumi, R. and Zorzoli, G.B. (1962) Fine flux measurements on concentric annuli fuel elements. EUR 24.e. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Boker, H. (1962) La consummation des engrais dans les pays de la C.E.E. = The consumption of fertilizer in the countries of the C.E.E. Studies: Agriculture Series No. 8, 1962. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Boldt, G and Durand , P and Horion, P. and Kayser, A. and Mengoni, L. and Molenaar, A.N. (1962) Les sources du droit du travail = Sources of labor law. Labor Law Collection. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Bassi, P and Ferretti, B and Venturinin, G and Bertolini, G and Cappellani, F and Mandl, V and Restelli, G and Rota , A (1962) THE REACTION 7Be(n,a)4 He and PARITY CONSERVATION IN STRONG INTERACTIONS. EUR 99.e. [EU Other]

Blaisse, P.A. (1962) Rapport fait au nom de la Commission du commerce extérieur sur les aspects commerciaux et économiques de la demande d’adhésion du royaume-Uni à la C.E.E. 1961-1962 Doc no. 131 = Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on External Trade on the trade and economic aspects of the application of the United Kingdom to the EEA. European Parliamentary Assembly: ordinary session. 1961-1962 Doc 131, January 1962. [EU European Parliament Document]

Bech, J. (1962) Rapport fait au nom de la commission des transports sur la consultation demandée à l’Assemblée parlementaire européenne par le Conseil de la C.E.E. (doc. 134) sur une proposition de directive relative à l’établissement de certaines règles communes pour les transports internationaux de marchandises par route. 1961-1962 Doc no. 140 = Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Transport on the consultation requested by the EEA Council (doc 134) on a proposal for a Directive on the establishment of certain common rules for the international transport of goods by road. European Parliamentary Assembly: ordinary session. 1961-1962 Doc 140, February 1962. [EU European Parliament Document]

Birkelbach, Willi (1962) Rapport fait au nom de la commission politique sur les aspects politiques et institutionnels de l'adhesion ou de l'association a la Communaute. Documents de seance 1961-1962, Document 122, 16 janvier 1962. = "Report on behalf of the Political Committee on the political and institutional aspects of accession or association to the Community. EP Working Documents 1961-1962, Document 122, 16 January 1962". [EU European Parliament Document]

Biondi, L. and Gerini, P.M. and Morocutti, O. and Patrone, G. and Willems, M. (1962) Study of the advantages to be derived from mixing uranium compounds at various degrees of enrichment. EUR 6.e. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Beaudet, C. and Horlait, J. and Marcq, A. and Belpaire, G. (1962) Synthèse de Produits de Référence Apparentés Aux Polyphénols. EUR 31. = Synthesis of Reference Products Related to Polyphenols. EUR 31. [EU Other]

Bassani, G. and Colli, L. and Gadoli, E. and Iori, I. (1962) THE (n,d) REACTION ON Fe54. EUR 181.e. [EU Other]

Brossa, F. and Theisen, R. and Huet, J.J. and Tytgat, D. (1962) Étude du nickel comme barrière de diffusion entre l'uranium et l'aluminium = Study of nickel as a diffusion barrier between aluminum and uranium. EUR 17.f. [EU Commission - Working Document]


Caron, Guiseppe. (1962) Address [on the process of European integration] by Senator Guiseppe Caron, Vice-President of the EEC Commission. Locarno, 2 June 1962. [EU Speech]

Caprioglio, Pietro. (1962) Allocution de M. Pietro Caprioglio, directeur scientifique de l'etablissement de Petten, du Centre Commun de recherches Euratom parler des reacteurs a gaz a haute temperature dans les programmes d'Euratom. Bruxelles, 27-28 novembre 1962 - Address by Mr. Pietro Caprioglio, Scientific Director of the Petten Institute, the Euratom Joint Research Center, discussing gas reactors at high temperature in the programs of the Euratom. Brussels, 27-28 November 1962. [EU Speech]

Casini, G and de Haan, W and Diana , E and Foggi, C and Kind, A and Rossi , G (1962) CAROLINE 1 A CALCULATION METHOD FOR NON IRRADIATED ORGANIC LIQUID HEAVY WATER LATTICES. EUR 134.e. [EU Other]

Collin, J.L. (1962) Dosage de fer, chrome et nickel dans les terphenyles= Dosage of iron, chromium and nickel in terphenyls. EUR 29.f. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Coppock, Joseph D. (1962) The European Economic Community and United States Trade Policy. Department of State Bulletin, 7 May 1962. [EU Related]

Colli, L and Facchini, V and Iori, I and Marcazzan, G and Milazzo, M and Saetta Menichella, E and Tonolini, F (1962) STUDY OF THE Si28 (n, a) REACTION AND EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE OF THE ERICSON FLUCTUATIONS. EUR 136.e. [EU Other]

Chatenet, Pierre. (1962) Speech by Mr. Pierre Chatenet, President of the Commission [Euratom] to the European Parliament. Strasbourg, February Session 1962. [EU Speech]



Doublet, M. and Dupeyroux, M. and Jantz, Kurt and Lagasse, Andre and Viot, Mme. and Bertinelli, Dott. Luca Scoti and Kayser, M. and Beyssel, M. and Ledeboer, L.V. and Van de Ven, A. C. M. (1962) Etude sur la physionomie actuelle de la securite sociale dans les pays de la C.E.E. = Study on the current pattern of social security in countries of the EEC. Studies: Social Policy Series No. 3, 1962. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Durand, Paul (1962) La participation des travailleurs a l'organisation de la vie economique et sociale en france. Collection du droit du travail No. 1, 1962 = Worker participation in the organization of economic and social life in France. Labor Law Collection No. 1, 1962. [EU Other]

de Bernis, Gerard Destannes and de la Vinelle, Louis Duquesne and Mortara, Alberto and Wessels, Theodor (1962) Le prix de vente de l'energie electrique dans les pays de la C.E.E. Rapport d'un groupe d'experts = The price of electric energy in the countries of the E.E.C. Report of a group of experts. Studies: Economic and Financial Series No. 1, 1962. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Deruytter, A. and Debus, G. and Lauer, K. and Moret, H. and Prosdocimi, A. (1962) Measurement of the thermal neutron absorption cross section of boron by means of a time of flight technique. EUR 12.e. [EU Commission - Working Document]

de Grood, Hugo. (1962) The New Europe. Speech by Hugo de Grood, Director of North American Relations, Directorate of External Relations (EEC), at the 42nd annual conference of the National Council for Social Studies. Philadelphia, 22-24 November 1962. [EU Speech]

Deist, Heinrich (1962) Rapport fait au nom de la commission economique et financiere sur les mesures d'aide deja engagees ou qui pourraient etre prises en vue de la reconstruction du littoral de l'Allemagne du Nord frappe par une catastrophe naturelle. Documents de seance 1962-1963, Document 10, 27 mars 1962. = "Report on behalf of the Economic and Financial Committee on the measures already taken or assistance that could be taken to rebuild the North German coastline hit by a natural disaster. Working Documents 1962-1963, Document 10, 27 March 1962". [EU European Parliament Document]

Drouot L'Hermine, Jean (1962) Rapport fait au nom de la commission juridique sur la création d’une carte d’identité européenne. 1961-1962 Doc no. 136 = Report drawn up on behalf of the Legal Affairs Committee on the creation of a European identity card. European Parliamentary Assembly: ordinary session. 1961-1962 Doc 136, January 1962. [EU European Parliament Document]

Dofny, Jacques (1962) Travail, technique et modes de remuneration = Work, technology and modes of compensation. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Deringer, Arved. (1962) The reality of the Common Market - as seen by a member of the European Parliament. Lecture by Arved Deringer, Attorney-at-law, of Bonn, Member of the German Bundestag and the European Parliament. October 1962. [EU Speech]


Ferrandi, Jacques. (1962) EEC action in the Associated Countries. Address delivered to the African and Malagasy Economic Conference by M. Jacques Ferrandi, Director of Research and Development Programmes in the Directorate General for Overseas Development. Marseilles, 18, 19, 20 October 1962. [EU Speech]

Fabra, Paul and Mathieu, Gilbert and Murcier, Alan and Drouin, Pierre (1962) French industry and the Common Market. Community Topics 5, December 1962. [EU Commission - Brochure]

Fischbach, M. (1962) Rapport fait au nom de la commission juridique sur des modifications a apporter au reglement du Parlement europeen tendant a une rationalisation de ses travaux. Documents de seance 1962-1963, Document 13, 27 avril 1962. = "Report on behalf of the Legal Committee on amendments made to the Regulation of the European Parliament seeking a rationalization of its work. Working Documents 1962-1963, Document 13, 27 April 1962". [EU European Parliament Document]


Gueron, Jules. (1962) Allocution de M. Jules Gueron, Directeur General des recherches et de l'enseignement a Euratom. Bruxelles, 27-28 novembre 1962 = Speech by Mr. Jules Gueron, Director General for Research and Education at Euratom. Brussels, 27-28 November 1962. [EU Speech]

Giorgi, G. (1962) Aspects du developpement structurel de l'agriculture en Italie = Aspects of structural development of agriculture in Italy. Conditions of agricultural production 10, September 1962. VI/6620/61-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Geary, R.C. (1962) Correcting for Seasonality: I The Regression Method, with an Application to Irish Data. ESRI Memorandum Series No. 16 1962(?). [Policy Paper]


Geary, R.C. (1962) Efficiency of Irish Industrial Establishments Part I. ESRI Memorandum Series No. 10 1962(?). [Policy Paper]

Gueron, J. (1962) Euratom's research activities. Speech by Prof. Dr. J. Gueron, General Director, Research and Training, Euratom, for Arbeitskreis fur recht und Verwaltung des Deutschen Atomforums. Bonn, 20 March 1962. [EU Speech]

Geary, R.C. (1962) An Experimental Input-Output Decision Model for Ireland. ESRI Memorandum Series No. 11 1962(?). [Policy Paper]

Geiss, F. and Normand, M.J. (1962) Fortschritte bei der Analyse von Polyphenylgemischen. EUR 90. = Progress in the analysis of polyphenyl mixtures. EUR 90. [EU Other]

Geary, R. C. (1962) The Irish Woollen and Worsted Industry, 1946-59 : A Study in Statistical Method. ESRI General Research Series Paper No. 7, July 1962. UNSPECIFIED.

Graziosi, Dante (1962) Rapport fait au nom de la commission de l’agriculture sur les propositions de la Commission de la C.E.E. pour une politique communes dans le secteur du riz (doc.112). 1961-1962 Doc no. 138 = Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposals of the Commission of the EEA for a common policy in the rice sector (doc.112). European Parliamentary Assembly: ordinary session. 1961-1962 Doc 138, February 1962. [EU European Parliament Document]


Hallstein, Walter. (1962) Address by Professor Dr. Walter Hallstein, President of the Commission of the European Economic Community, delivered at the opening of the European Conference on Social Security. Brussels, 10 December 1962. Includes French version. [EU Speech]

Hallstein, Walter. (1962) Address by Professor Walter Hallstein, President of the Commission of the European Economic Community, at the celebration in the European Parliament of the fifth anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome. Strabsourg, 29 March 1962. [EU Speech]

Hallstein, Walter. (1962) Address prepared for delivery before the National Press Club by Professor Walter Hallstein, President, the Commission, the European Economic Community. Washington, DC, 11 April 1962. [EU Speech]

Hallstein, Walter. (1962) Allocution du Prof. Dr. W. Hallstein, President de la Commission de la Communaute economique europeenne. Forum europeen sur l'Amerique latine. Bruxelles, 21-23 novembre 1962 = Speech of Professor Walter Hallstein, President of the Commission of the European Economic Community. European Forum on Latin America. Brussels, 21-23 November 1962. [EU Speech]

Hallstein, Walter. (1962) Allocution du Professeur Walter Hallstein, President de la Commission de la Communaute economique europeenne devant la 3eme Assemblee generale des Syndicats libres (C.I.S.L.) des pays membres des Communautes europeennes. Bruxelles, 10 janvier 1962=Speech by Professor Walter Hallstein, President of the Commission of the European Economic Community, before the 3rd General Assembly of Free Labour Unions (C.I.S.L.) of member countries of the European Communities. Brussels, 10 January 1962. [EU Speech]

Hallstein, Walter. (1962) The European Common Market and its meaning for American industry. Address by Walter Hallstein, President of the Commission of the European Economic Community, before the 67th Annual Congress of American Industry, sponsored by the National Association of Manufacturers. New York, 5 December 1962. Includes summary. [EU Speech]

Hallstein, Walter. (1962) The European Communities as the foundation of the political union of Europe. Address by Professor Dr. Walter Hallstein, President of the Commission of the European Economic Community, before the Europa-Union. Bad Godesberg, 22 October 1962. [EU Speech]

Hallstein, Walter. (1962) The European Community: its emerging world role. Address given at Creighton University by Walter Hallstein, President of the Commission of the European Economic Community. Omaha (Nebraska), 7 December 1962. [EU Speech]

Hallstein, Walter. (1962) The European Economic Community as an element in a new world order. Address by President [of Commission of European Economic Community] Walter Hallstein to the Diplomatic Press Association. Paris, 22 June 1962. [EU Speech]

Hallstein, Walter. (1962) Expose de M. Hallstein, President de la Commission de la Communaute Economique Europeenne. Annexe au Proces-Verbal de la XXeme Session du Comite Economique et Social tenue les 28 fevrier et 1er mars 1962, a Bruxelles. Bruxelles, 15 mars 1962 = Speech by Mr. Hallstein, President of the Commission of the European Communities. Annex to the minutes of the 20th Session of the Economic and Social Committee held 28 February-1 March 1962 in Brussels. Brussels, 15 March 1962. [EU Speech]

Hallstein, Walter. (1962) Full text and summary of an address by Professor Dr. Walter Hallstein, President of the Commission of the European Economic Community, to the Joint Session of the European Parliament and the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe. Strasbourg, 17 September 1962. [EU Speech]

Hallstein, Walter. (1962) Full text and summary of an address made to the European Parliament by Professor Dr. Walter Hallstein, President of the Commission of the European Economic Community, to open the debate on the Fifth General Report on the Activities of the Community. Strasbourg, 17 October 1962. [EU Speech]

Hallstein, Walter. (1962) Industry and agriculture in the European Economic Community. Address by Professor Dr. Walter Hallstein, President of the Commission of the European Economic Community. Lincoln (Nebraska), 6 December 1962. [EU Speech]

Hallstein, Walter. (1962) NATO and the E.E.C. Address by Professor Dr. Walter Hallstein, President of the Commission of the European Economic Community, at a meeting of NATO Parliamentarians. 12 November 1962. [EU Speech]

Hallstein, Walter. (1962) Partnership in the Making: A European Point of View. Address by Professor Walter Hallstein, President, Commission, European Economic Community, to the Economic Club. New York, 24 April 1962. [EU Speech]

Herrinck, P. (1962) Possibilités d'utilisation progressive de l'énergie thermique libérée par des explosions nucléaires = Opportunities for progressive use of the thermal energy released by nuclear explosions. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Hallstein, Walter. (1962) Resume de l'allocution du President Hallstein devant le Verbond der Nederlandse Werkgevers. Eindhoven, 11 octobre 1962=Summary of a speech [on integration] by President [of Commission of European Economic Community] Hallstein before the Dutch Association of Employers. Eindhoven, 11 October 1962. [EU Speech]

Heath, Edward (1962) Statement by the Rt. Honourable Edward Heath, M.P., Lord Privy Seal, Leader of the United Kingdom Delegation at the meeting in Brussels on July 3, 1962, between the Member Governments of the European Atomic Energy Community and Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. [EU Speech]

Herrinck, P. (1962) Utilisation des explosions nucleaires a des travaux de genie civil (excavations et terrassements) = Use of nuclear explosions has civil works (excavation and earthworks). EUR 7.f. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Hallstein, Walter. (1962) The economics of European integration. The William L. Clayton Lecture Series, 1961-1962. Delivered by Professor Walter Hallstein, President of the Commission of the European Economic Community, at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University. Medford, Massachusetts, 17 April 1962. [EU Speech]

Hallstein, Walter. (1962) The establishment of European unity. Summary of an address by Professor Walter Hallstein, President of the Commission of the European Economic Community, to Dutch students. The Hague, 2 April 1962. [EU Speech]

Hallstein, Walter. (1962) The history of European integration. The William L. Clayton Lecture Series, 1961-1962. Delivered by Professor Walter Hallstein, President of the Commission of the European Economic Community, at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University. Medford, Massachusetts, 16 April 1962. [EU Speech]

Hallstein, Walter. (1962) The politics of European integration. The William L. Clayton lecture series, 1961-1962. Delivered by Professor Walter Hallstein, President of the Commission of the European Economic Community, at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University. Medford, Massachusetts, 18 April 1962. [EU Speech]


Janssen, M.M.A.A. (1962) Rapport au nom de la Commission des budgets et de l'administration sur les projets de budgets de fonctionnement de la C.E.E. et de la C.E.E.A. (docs. 95-96) = Report on behalf of the Committee on budgets and administration on the projects of the operating budgets of the EEC and the EAEC. (docs. 95-96). 1962-1963, Document 113, 20 November 1962. [EU European Parliament Document]


Kind, A. and Nicks, R. (1962) Abschirmstudien im Forschungszentrum ISPRA. EUR 142. = Shielding studies in research center ISPRA. EUR 142. [EU Other]

Klatzmann, J. (1962) Aspects du developpement structurel de l'agriculture en France. Evolution de la superficie des exploitations = Aspects of structural development of agriculture in France. Trend of cultivated area of farms. Conditions of agricultural production 11, September 1962. VI/3914/62-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Kreyssig, Gerhard (1962) Rapport fait au nom de la Commission des budgets et de l’administration sur les comptes de gestion et les bilans financiers afférents aux opérations des budgets 1958 et 1959 de la Communauté Economique Européenne et de la Communauté Européenne de l’Energie Atomique et sur les rapports de la Commission de contrôle relatifs aux compres des exercices 1958 et 1959 (doc. 6/7-II et III, 55/56-II et III). 1961-1962 Doc no. 129 = Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Budgets and Administration on the revenue and expenditure accounts and the balance sheets relating to the operations of the 1958 and 1959 budgets of the European Economic Community and the European Atomic Energy Community and on the reports Of the Supervisory Commission relating to the accounts of the financial years 1958 and 1959 (document 6/7-II and III, 55/56-II and III). European Parliamentary Assembly: ordinary session. 1961-1962 Doc 129, January 1962. [EU European Parliament Document]


Levi-Sandri, Lionello. (1962) Address by M. Levi Sandri, President of the Social Affairs Group of the Commission of the European Economic Community, to the 46th International Labour Conference. Geneva, 14 June 1962. [EU Speech]

Leemans, Victor (1962) Deuxieme Rapport Complementaire fait au nom de la Commission de l’Energie sur la coordination des politiques énergétiques. 1961-1962 Doc no. 142 = Second Supplementary Report on behalf of the Energy Commission on the coordination of energy policies. European Parliamentary Assembly: ordinary session. 1961-1962 Doc 142, February 1962. [EU European Parliament Document]

Levi Sandri, Lionello. (1962) Discours du Professeur Lionello Levi Sandri, membre de la Commission de la Communaute economique europeenne. Seance inaugurale, Conference europeenne sur la Securite sociale. Bruxelles, 10-15 decembre 1962 = Speech by Professor Lionello Levi Sandri, Member of the Commission of the European Economic Community. Inaugural meeting, European Conference on Social Security. Brussels, 10-15 December 1962. [EU Speech]

Lannoy, Mr. (1962) Discours par Monsieur Lannoy, de la Direction Diffusion des Connaissances, par la politique des brevets de la Communaute. Bruxelles, 27-28 novembre 1962 = Speech by Mr Lannoy, Directorate for Dissemination of Information, on the patent policy of the Community. Brussels, 27-28 November 1962. [EU Speech]


Leser, C. E. V. (1962) Macro-Economic Model Building for Ireland. ESRI Memorandum Series No. 14 1962(?). [Policy Paper]

Lotto, I. de and Giannelli, G. and Stanchi, L. (1962) Power supply for esone standard plug-in system. EUR 30.e. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Lunze, J. (1962) Quelques aspects du developpement structurel dans l'agriculture et les regions rurales de la Republique Federale d'Allemagne = Some aspects of structural development in agriculture and rural regions of the Federal Republic of Germany. Conditions of agricultural production 12, November 1962. VI/6760/62-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Ledent, A. (1962) Quelques aspects du developpement structurel dans l'agriculture et les regions rurales en Belgique = Some aspects of structural development in agriculture and rural regions of Belgium. Conditions of agricultural production 7, August 1962. VI/6.032/61-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Leemans, Victor (1962) Rapport Complementaire fait au nom de la Commission de l’Energie sur la coordination des politiques énergétiques. 1961-1962 Doc no. 128 = Supplementary Report on behalf of the Energy Committee on the coordination of energy policies. European Parliamentary Assembly: ordinary session. 1961-1962 Doc 128, January 1962. [EU European Parliament Document]

Leemans, Victor (1962) Rapport fait au nom de la commission de l'energie sur la coordination de la politique energetique. Documents de seance 1961-1962, Document 123, 10 janvier 1962. = "Report on behalf of the Committee on Energy on the coordination of energy policy. EP Working Documents 1961-1962, Document 123, 10 January 1962". [EU European Parliament Document]

L'Hermine, Jean Drouot (1962) Rapport fait au nom de la commission des transports sur l'unification des regles de circulation routiere dans le cadre de la Communaute economique europeenne. Documents de seance 1962-1963, Document 6, 26 mars 1962 = Report on behalf of the Committee on Transportation on the unification of the rules of road traffic within the European Economic Community. Working Documents 1962-1963, Document 6, 26 March 1962. [EU European Parliament Document]

Lino Moro, Gerolamo (1962) Rapport fait au nom de la commission pour la coopération avec les pays en voie de développement sur la recommandation adoptée par la Commission paritaire permanente à Abidjan le 10 janvier 1962 (doc. 133). 1961-1962 Doc no. 139 = Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee for Co-operation with Developing Countries on the recommendation adopted by the Standing Joint Committee in Abidjan on 10 January 1962 (Document 133). European Parliamentary Assembly: ordinary session. 1961-1962 Doc 139, February 1962. [EU European Parliament Document]

Leser, C. E. V. (1962) Seasonality in Irish Economic Statistics. ESRI Memorandum Series No. 20 1962(?). [Policy Paper]

Leser, C. B. V. (1962) Some observations on Irish economic structure and growth. ESRI Memorandum Series No. 9 1962(?). [Policy Paper]

Levi-Sandri, Lionello. (1962) Speech [on social policy] by Lionello Levi Sandri, President of the social affairs group of the Commission of the European Economic Community. Dortmund, 21 July 1962. [EU Speech]


Mansholt, Sicco. (1962) Address [on decisions setting up the common agricultural policy] by Dr. S.L. Mansholt [Member of Commission of European Economic Community] at the agricultural conference of the Netherlands Labour Party. Utrecht, 1 February 1962. [EU Speech]

Malvestiti, Piero. (1962) Address delivered to The European Parliament by Mr. Piero MALVESTITI President of the High Authority of the European Coal and Steel Community at Strasbourg. May 7, 1962. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Mansholt, Sicco. (1962) Declaration faite devant l'Assemblee parlementaire au nom de la Commission par M. S.L. Mansholt. Strasbourg, 22 janvier 1962=Declaration [on the second stage of the common market] before the Parliamentary Assembly in the name of the Commission of the European Economic Community by Mr. Mansholt, Member of the Commission of the EEC. Strasbourg 22 January 1962. [EU Speech]

Malvestiti, Piero. (1962) Discours du President Malvestiti pour le colloque du Parlement europeen. 20 November 1962 = Speech by President [High Authority, ECSC] Malvestiti before a European Parliament colloquium. 10 November 1961. [EU Speech]

Malvestiti, Piero. (1962) Discours du President de la Haute autorite devant l'Assemblee conjointe. Strasbourg, 17 septembre 1962=Full text and summary of a speech by President [Piero Malvestiti] of the High Authority [ECSC] before the joint meeting of members of the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe and Members of the European Parliament. Strasbourg, 17 September 1962. [EU Speech]

Meulemans, M and Tytgat, D and Van Audenhove, J and Briola, J and Jehenson, P (1962) ELECTRON BEAM WELDING OF Waft SINTERED ALUMINIUM. EUR 39.e. [EU Other]

Meulemans, M and Tytgat, D and Van Audenhove, J and Briola, J and Jehenson, P (1962) ELECTRON BEAM WELDING OF Waft SINTERED ALUMINIUM. EUR 39.e. [EU Other]

Mandl, V. (1962) Extended range transistorized precision ratemeter. EUR 20.e. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Mansholt, Sicco. (1962) L'europe et le monde. Discours inaugural prononce par M. S.L. Mansholt, Vice-President de la Commission de la Communaute economique europeenne, au Congres annuel du Mouvement europeen aux Pays-Bas. Rotterdam, 26 mai 1962 = Europe and the world. Inaugural speech given by Mr. S. L. Mansholt, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Economic Community, to the annual congress of the European Movement of the Low Countries. Rotterdam, 26 May 1962. [EU Speech]

Mansholt, Sicco. (1962) La situation agricole dans le monde du point de vue de la Communaute Europeenne. Introduction par Dr. S. L. Mansholt, Vice-President de la Commission de la C.E.E. 3-4 mai 1962 = The world agricultural situation from the point of view of the European Community. Speech by Dr. S. L. Mansholt, Vice-President of the Commission of the EEC. 3-4 May 1962. [EU Speech]

Marjolin, Robert. (1962) La situation economique de la Communaute economique europeenne au cours de l'annee 1961 les perspectives pour 1962. Discours par M. Robert Marjolin, Vice-President de la Commission de la Communaute economique europeenne devant l'Assemblee parlementaire europeenne. Strasbourg, 22 Janvier 1962=The economic situation in the European Economic Community in 1961, prospects for 1962. Speech by Mr. Robert Marjolin, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Economic Community, before the European Parliamentary Assembly. Strasbourg, 22 January 1962. Includes summary. [EU Speech]

Marjolin, Robert. (1962) La situation monetaire et commerciale du point de vue de la Communaute europeenne. Introduction par Robert Marjolin Vice-President de la Commission de la C.E.E. 3-4 mai 1962 = The monetary and commercial situation from the point of view of the European Community. Speech by Robert Marjolin, Vice-President of the Commission of the EEC. 3-4 May 1962. [EU Speech]

Mattys, M. and Hauser, R. (1962) Production de pastilles d'oxydes mixtes UO2-ThO2 par frittage dans l'air = Production of pellets mixed oxides UO2-ThO2 by sintering in air. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Mansholt, Sicco. (1962) Speech [on European fisheries policy] by Dr. S. L. Mansholt [Member of Commission of European Economic Community] on the occasion of the opening of the herring season. Vlaardingen, 19 May 1962. [EU Speech]

Matthes, W. (1962) Statistical fluctuations and their correlation in reactor neutron distributions. EUR 26.e. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Marjolin, Robert. (1962) Summary of M. Marjolin's [Vice-President of the European Commission] closing address in the colloquy on "European [economic] Planning". Rome, 30 November-2 December 1962. [EU Speech]

Malvestiti, Piero. (1962) Towards an economic programme for Europe. Address by Piero Malvestiti, President of the High Authority, to the European Parliament. Strasbourg, 20 November 1962. [EU Speech]

Marjolin, Robert. (1962) The importance to European energy policy of the German inquiry into energy. Address by Mr. Robert Marjolin, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Economic Community, to the Institute for the Economics of Energy. Cologne. 14 June 1962. [EU Speech]

Marjolin, Robert. (1962) A plan for Europe? Extracts from a speech by Mr. Robert Marjolin, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Economic Community, at the Congress of the Confederation Nationale de la Mutualite, de la Cooperation et du Credit agricoles (the French National Confederation of Agricultural Mutual Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Organizations). 25 May 1962. [EU Speech]


Noel, Emile. (1962) How the European Economic Community's institutions work. Speech by Emile Noel, Executive Secretary of the EEC Commission, to the Conservative Political Centre. Oxford, 7 July 1962. [EU Speech]

Nevin, Edward (1962) The Irish Tariff and The E.E.C. : A Factual Survey. General Research Series Paper No. 3, January 1962. UNSPECIFIED.

Nederhorst, G.M. (1962) Rapport fait au nom de la commission sociale ayant pour objet la consultation demandee par le Conseil de la Communaute economique europeenne (document 2) sur la proposition de la Commission de la C.E.E. concernant la directive relative a l'application de l'article 47 du reglement no 15 (libre circulation des travailleurs). Documents de seance 1962-1963, Document 11, 29 mars 1962. = "Report on behalf of the Social Committee for the purpose of consultation requested by the Council of the European Economic Community (Document 2) on the EEC Commission's proposal for the Directive on the application of Article 47 of Regulation No. 15 (free movement of workers). Working Documents 1962-1963, Document 11, 29 March 1962". [EU European Parliament Document]


Pisani, Edgard. (1962) Declaration de Monsieur Edgard Pisani, Ministre de l'agriculture de la Republique francaise, sur les problemes concernant une organisation mondiale des marches agricoles. Bruxelles, 29 juin 1962 = Statement by Edgar Pisani, Minister of Agriculture of France, on the problems concerning a world organization of agricultural markets. Brussels, 29 June 1962. [EU Speech]

Peyssou, J and Hirtz, P and Hauser, R and Ezran, S (1962) Perfectionnement au frittage de l'oxyde d'uranium en vue d'augmenter sa conductibilite thermique = Development sintering uranium oxide to increase its thermal conductivity. EUR 5f. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Paretti, V and Bloch, G (1962) Statistics of Energy 1962 1/2 bis. [EU Commission - Working Document]


Rey, Jean. (1962) Conference du Ministre Jean Rey, membre de la Communaute economique europeenne, prononcee en la salle Academique de l'Universite de Liege, le 9 avril 1962 = Lecture by Jean Rey, Member of the Commission of the European Economic Community, given in the Academic Hall of the University of Liege. 9 April 1962. [EU Speech]

Rouxel, R. (1962) Cout de l'assurance contre certains risques agricoles dans les pays de la C.E.E. = The cost of insurance against certain agricultural risks in the countries of the EEC. Agricultural structures in the EEC 13, November 1962. VI/8985/62-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]


REYNOLDS, D. J. (1962) Inland Transport in Ireland: A Factual Survey. General Research Series Paper No. 10, November 1962. UNSPECIFIED.

Rochereau, Henri. (1962) Relations between the African States and Madagascar and the EEC. Address by M. Henri Rochereau, Member of the Commission of the European Economic Community, Chairman of the "Overseas Development" group, to the symposium on Africa organized by the Afrika Instituut. The Hague, 29 October 1962. [EU Speech]


Spierenburg, D.P. (1962) Allocution de Monsieur D.P. Spierenburg a l'occasion de la reunion speciale de la Haute autorite lors de l'installation de son successeur. 17 decembre 1962 = Speech by Mr. D.P. Spierenburg on the occasion of a special meeting of the High Authority [ECSC] in the installation of his successor. 17 December 1962. [EU Speech]

Stewart, Maxwell S. (1962) THE EUROPEAN COMMON MARKET AND THE UNITED STATES. 1962. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Stabenow, Wolfgang. (1962) La liberte d'etablissement et la libre prestation de services des entreprises de transport par route et par voie navigable dans la Communaute economique europeenne. Conference tenue par M. Wolfgang Stabenow le 6 septembre 1962 a l'Universite de Trieste, a l'ocassion de la "troisieme serie de cours superieurs sur l'organisation des transports dans le cadre de l'integration economique de l'Europe" = Freedom of establishment and freedom to provide services for companies in road transport and inland waterways in the European Economic Community. Conference held by Wolfgang Stabenow September 6, 1962 at the University of Trieste, on the occasion of the "third series of advanced courses on the organization of transport in the context of economic integration of Europe". Trieste, 6 September 1962. [EU Speech]

Schaus, Lambert. (1962) Les problemes de la securite sociale dans les transports. Allocution de Monsieur Lambert Schaus, membre de la Commission de la Communaute economique europeenne a l'occasion de la Conference europeenne sur la securite sociale. Bruxelles, 10 decembre 1962 = The problems of social security in transport. Speech by Mr. Lambert Schaus, Member of the Commission of the European Economic Community, on the occasion of the European conference on social security. Brussels, 10 December 1962. [EU Speech]

Soenen, M. and Pelshenke, P.F. (1962) Problemes relatifs a la qualite du ble, de la farine et du pain dans les pays de la C.E.E. = Problems relative to the quality of wheat, flour and bread in the countries of the E.E.C. Studies: Agriculture Series 7, 1962. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Schaus, Lambert. (1962) Quelques problemes actuels de la construction europeenne. Allocution de M. Lambert Schaus, membre de la Commission de la Communaute economique europeenne, devant le Comite de liaison europeen des Commissionnaires et auxiliaires de transport du Marche commun. Bruxelles, 20 septembre 1962=Some current problems related to the construction of Europe. Speech by Mr. Lambert Schaus, Member of the Commission of the European Economic Community, before the Liaison Committee of European Commissioners and Auxiliaries for Transport in the Common Market. Brussels, 20 Septembr 1962. [EU Speech]

Sabatini, Armando (1962) Rapport Complementaire présenté au nom de la Commission de l’Agriculture sur la politique commune dans le secteur du riz. 1961-1962 Doc no. 147 = Supplementary Report submitted on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the common policy in the rice sector. European Parliamentary Assembly: ordinary session. 1961-1962 Doc 147, February 1962. [EU European Parliament Document]

Schuijt, W. J. (1962) Rapport au nom de la Commission politique sur le fonctionnement des services d'information des Communautés européennes. Document de seance 1962-63, document 115 = Report on behalf of the Political Committee on the operation of the information services of the European Communities. Session document 1962-1963, Document 115, 22 November 1962. [EU European Parliament Document]

Santero, M. (1962) Rapport fait au nom de la Commission de la protection sanitaire sur les problèmes de sécurité dans les mines de houille soulevés à l’occasion de la catastrophe minière de Völkingen en Sarre (Allemagne). 1961-1962 Doc no. 144 = Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Health Protection on safety problems in coal mines raised during the Völkingen mining disaster in Saarland (Germany). European Parliamentary Assembly: ordinary session. 1961-1962 Doc 144, February 1962. [EU European Parliament Document]

Santero, Natale (1962) Rapport fait au nom de la commission de la protections sanitaire sur la consultation demandée à l’Assemblée parlementaire européenne par le Conseil de la Communauté européene de l’énergie atomique (document 82) au sujet de la proposition de la Commission exécutive de l’Euratom concernant une révision des annexes 1 et 3 des directives fixant les normes de base en matière de protection sanitaire. 1961-1962 Doc no. 132 = Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Health Protection on the consultation requested by the Council of the European Atomic Energy Community (document 82) on the proposal of the Euratom Executive Commission to the European Parliament Concerning a revision of Annexes 1 and 3 of the Directives laying down the basic standards for health protection. European Parliamentary Assembly: ordinary session. 1961-1962 Doc 132, January 1962. [EU European Parliament Document]

Strobel, Kate (1962) Rapport fait au nom de la commission de l’agriculture sur la proposition de la commission de la Communauté économique européenne au Conseil (document 89) au sujet d’une directive relative au rapprochement des réglementations des États membres concernant les matières colorantes pouvant être employées dans les denrées destinées à l’alimentation humaine. 1961-1962 Doc no. 124 = Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposal from the Commission of the European Economic Community to the Council (document 89) on a Directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to coloring matters which may be used in Foodstuffs intended for human consumption. European Parliamentary Assembly: ordinary session. 1961-1962 Doc 124, January 1962. [EU European Parliament Document]

Sabatini, A. (1962) Rapport fait au nom de la commission sociale ayant pour objet la consultation demandee par le Conseil de la Communaute economique europeenne (doc. 90/1961-1962) sur la proposition de la Commission de la C.E.E. concernant l'etablissement de principes generaux pour la mise en oeuvre d'une politique commune de formation professionnelle (article 128 du traite). Documents de seance 1962-1963, Document 5, 21 mars 1962. = "Report on behalf of the Social Committee for the purpose of consultation requested by the Council of the European Economic Community (Doc. 90/1961-1962) on the proposal of the EEC Commission concerning the establishment of general principles for the setting implementation of a common vocational training policy (Article 128 of the Treaty). Working Documents 1962-1963, Document 5, 21 March 1962". [EU European Parliament Document]


Takahashi, H. (1962) Space and time dependent eigenvalue problem in neutron thermalization. EUR 22.E. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Takahashi, H. (1962) Thermal neutron spectrum in a medium with two different temperatures. EUR 23.e. [EU Commission - Working Document]


von der Groeben, Hans. (1962) La Communaute economique europeenne et notre regime economique et social. Discours de M. Hans von der Groeben, membre de la Commission de la Communaute economique europeenne. Munich, 29 novembre 1962 = The European Economic Community and its economic and social programs. Speech by Mr. Hans von der Groeben, Member of the Commission of the European Economic Community. Munich, 29 November 1962. [EU Speech]

Vos, G. and Toussaint, C. (1962) Le dosage des impuretes dans le sap par spectrographie des rayons x = The dosage of impurities in the sap ray spectrographic. EUR 21.f. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Vos, G. and Spiegeleer, W. de (1962) Le dosage semi-quantitatif de Ba, Nb, Sr, Fe, Mn et Zn dans les carbonatites par spectrographie des rayons x = The semi-quantitative determination of Ba, Nb, Sr, Fe, Mn and Zn in carbonatites x-ray spectrographic. EUR 32.f. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Van Dyk, Ted. (1962) The New Europe and the United States. Address by Ted Van Dyk, Assistant Director, European Community Information Service Washington D.C., at the Convention of the Inland Empire Waterways Association. Seattle, Washington, 22 October 1962. [EU Speech]

Vaes, Urbain J. (1962) Rapport du Commissaire aux Comptes de la Communaute europeenne du charbon et de l'acier relatif au dixieme exercice financier de la C.E.C.A. (1 juillet 1961 au 30 juin 1962) et a l'exercice 1961 (ler janvier au 31 decembre 1961) des institutions communes. Premiere volume. Avant-propos: Evolution des principaux elements de la situation financiere de la Communaute au cours des dix premiers exercices. Premiere partie: Analyse des operations financiere de la Haute Autorite = Report of the Auditor of the European Coal and Steel Community on the tenth fiscal year of the ECSC (1 July 1961 to 30 June 1962) and the year 1961 (1st January to 31 December 1961) for common institutions. First volume. Foreword: Evolution of the principal elements of the financial situation of the Community over the first ten financial years. Part I: Analysis of the financial operations of the High Authority. 22 December 1962. [EU Other]

van Dijk, F.G. (1962) Rapport fait au nom de la Commission du marché intérieur sur certaines questions de marché et de concurrence soulevées à la suite de l’examen du Quatrième Rapport Général d’activité de la C.E.E. 1961-1962 Doc no. 130 = Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Internal Market on certain market and competition issues arising from the examination of the Fourth General Activity Report of the EEA. European Parliamentary Assembly: ordinary session. 1961-1962 Doc 130, January 1962. [EU European Parliament Document]

Vredeling, H. (1962) Rapport fait au nom de la commission de l'agriculture ayant pour objet la consultation demandee par le Conseil de la Communaute economique europeenne (doc. 8) sur la proposition de la C.E.E. relative a une decision concernant la coordination des politiques de structure agricole (article 43 du traite). Documents de seance 1962-1963, Document 9, 27 mars 1962. = "Report on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture aimed at the consultation requested by the Council of the European Economic Community (Doc. 8) on the UNECE proposal to a decision on the coordination of agricultural structural policies (Article 43 of the draft). Working Documents 1962-1963, Document 9, 27 March 1962". [EU European Parliament Document]

Van der Ploeg, C. J. (1962) Rapport fait au nom de la commission sociale ayant pour objet la consultation demandee par le Conseil de la Communaute economique europeenne (doc. 127/1961-1962) sur la proposition de la Commission de la C.E.E. relative a un reglement concernant la securite sociale des travailleurs saisonniers (article 51 du traite). Documents de seance 1962-1963, Document 4, 21 mars 1962. = "Report on behalf of the Social Committee for the purpose of consultation requested by the Council of the European Economic Community (Doc. 127/1961-1962) on the proposal of the EEC Commission of a settlement concerning social security for seasonal workers (Article 51 of the Treaty). Working Documents 1962-1963, Document 4, 21 March 1962". [EU European Parliament Document]

Vals, Francis (1962) Rapport interimaire fait au nom de la Commission des budgets et de l'administration sur le projet de Reglement des comptes de l'Assemblee Parlementaire Europeenne pour l'exercice 1961 (ler janvier - 31 decembre 1961). Documents de seance 1962-1963, Document 7, mars 1962. = "Interim Report on behalf of the Committee on Budgets and Administration on the draft Regulations of the accounts of the European Parliamentary Assembly for the year 1961 (l January - 31 December 1961). Working Documents 1962-1963, Document 7, March 1962". [EU European Parliament Document]

Vredeling, M.H. (1962) Rapport interimaire fait au nom de la commission du commerce exterieur sur les relations de la Communaute economique europeenne avec le G.A.T.T. = Interim report by the Committee on External Trade on relations of the European Economic Community with GATT. Session Documents 1962-63, Document 33, 15 June 1962. [EU European Parliament Document]

Vredeling, H. (1962) Rapport présenté au nom de la commission sociale concernant l’exposé de la Commission de la C.E.E. (doc. 26-III) sur l’évolution de la situation sociale dans la Communauté en 1960. 1961-1962 Doc no. 137 = Report presented on behalf of the Social Committee concerning the presentation of the Commission of the European Communities (26-III) on the development of the social situation in the Community in 1960. European Parliamentary Assembly: ordinary session. 1961-1962 Doc 137, February 1962. [EU European Parliament Document]


Wigny, Pierre. (1962) Europe in the making. Address by Pierre Wigny, former Foreign Minister of Belgium. European days, Seattle World's Fair. Seattle, 24 September 1962. [EU Speech]

Walker, David (1962) Local Government Finance in Ireland : A Preliminary Survey. General Research Series Paper No. 5, May 1962. UNSPECIFIED.

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