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Artzinger, Helmut Karl (1972) Rapport fait au dom de la commission des finances et des budgets sur la proposition de la Commission des Communautés européennes au Conseil (doc. 17/72) concernant une cinquiéme directive en matiére d'harmonisation des legislations des Etats membres relatives aux taxes sur le chiffe d'affaires - Introduction de la taxe sur la valeur ajouté Italie. Documents de séance 1972-1973. DOCUMENT 18/72. 19 avril 1972 = Report to the Committee on Finance and Budgets on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc 17/72) for a fifth Directive on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to taxes on - Introduction of Value Added Tax in Italy. Meeting Documents 1972-1973. DOCUMENT 18/72. April 19, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]

Artzinger, H.K. (1974) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Budgets on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 50/74) for a third directive on taxes other than turnover taxes affecting the consumption of manufactured tobacco. EP Working Document, Document 1974-1975 76/74, 8 May 1974. [EU European Parliament Document]


Burke, Richard. (1977) Address by Mr. Richard Burke, Commissioner for Taxation, at meeting with the European Trade Union Confederation. Brussels, 10 November 1977. [EU Speech]

Burke, Richard. (1977) Address by Mr. Richard Burke, EEC Commissioner for Taxation, Transport, Consumer Affairs and Relations with the European Parliament to the Association of European Journalists. Dublin, 2 December 1977. [EU Speech]

Beumer, B. (1981) REPORT drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-280/81) for a Directive amending Directive 72/464/EEC on taxes other than turnover taxes which affect the consumption of manufactured tobacco (9th directive). EP Working Documents 1981-82, Document 1-281/81, 12 June 1981. [EU European Parliament Document]

Beumer, B. (1980) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to Council (Doc. 1-649/80) for a directive amending Directive 72/464/EEC on taxes other than turnover taxes which affect the consumption of manufactured tobacco (8th directive). Working Documents 1980-1981, Document 1-667/80, 15 December 1980. [EU European Parliament Document]

Beumer, B. (1981) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-328/80) for a directive amending Directive 72/464/EEC on taxes other than turnover taxes which affect the consumption of manufactured tobacco, Working Documents 1980-1981, Document 1-871/80, 13 February 1981. [EU European Parliament Document]

Beumer, B. (1983) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-918/81-COM(81) 729 final) for a Council Decision establishing a prior information and consultation procedure for tax matters. EP Working Documents 1982-1983, Document 1-1331/82, 14 March 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]

Beazley, P. (1982) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-941/82 - COM(82) 714 fin.) for a directive amending Directive 72/464/EEC on taxes other than turnover taxes which affect the consumption of manufactured tocacco. Working Documents 1982-83, Document 1-957/82. 3 December 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]

Beazley, P. (1982) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc.1-941/82- COM(82) 714 fin.) for a directive amending Directive 72/464/EEC on taxes other than turnover taxes which affect the consumption of manufactured tocacco [sic]. EP Working Documents 1982-1983, Document 1-957/82, 3 December 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]

Burke, Richard. (1980) Review of taxation policy in the EEC 1977-1980. Address by Mr. Richard Burke, Member of the Commission of the European Communities, to the Confederation Fiscale Europeenne. Rome, 6 November 1980. [EU Speech]

Brown, A.J. and Freville, Y. and Biehl, D. and Forte, F. and Oates, W. and Forte, F. and Mathews, R. and Peetere, Th. and O'Donoghue, M. (1977) Role of the study group on the role of public finance in European integration. Volume II: individual contributions and working papers. Studies: Economic and financial series B13, 1977. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Berthomieu, Anne (2005) Statistics in Focus. External trade. European Trade in Transport Equipment. 2005.2. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Beumer, B. (1982) Third Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council for a directive amending Directive 72/464/EEC on taxes other than turnover taxes which affect the consumption of manufactured tobacco (doc. 1-328/80).Working Documents 1982-83, Document 1-789/82, 3 November 1982. [EU Commission - COM Document]


Cosciani, C. and Fantozzi, A. (1973) Dispositions fiscales en matière de coopération et de fusion d'exploitations agricoles. IV. Italie = Tax provisions concerning cooperation and merging of farms. IV. Italy. Internal information on agriculture 98, January 1973. VI/16341/69-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Claeys Bouuaert, Ignace (1977) Fiscal problems of cultural workers in the states of the European Economic Community. Studies Cultural Sector. XII/1039/77-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]


de Broglie, J. (1976) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 67/76) for a directive concerning mutual assistance by the competent authorities of the Member States in the field of direct taxation. EP Working Documents, document 372/76, 8 November 1976. [EU European Parliament Document]

Denman, Roy. (1984) Unitary taxation. Address by Sir Roy Denman, Head of the Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities to the Executive Forum on Unitary Taxation. Washington DC, 23 February 1984. [EU Speech]


Ehlermann, C.D. (1985) Free movement of goods under the Treaty of Rome: unfettered or fiction? American Bar Association Conference on Current Issues in European Law. New York, 15 April 1985, Washington DC, 17 April 1985. [EU Speech]


Flesch, Colette (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission des finances et des budgets sur la proposition de la Commission des Communautés européennes au Conseil (doc. 145/72) relative à une directive modifiant le champ d'application du taux réduit du droit d'apport prévu, en faveur de certaines opérations de restructuration de sociétés, par l'article 7, paragraphe 1 b) de la directive du Conseil concernant les impots indirects frappant les rassemblements de capitaux. Documents de séance 1972-1973. Document 232/72. 12 décembre 1972 = Report on behalf of the Committee on Finance and Budgets on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (145/72) for a Directive amending the scope of the reduced the planned capital duty, in favor of certain restructuring of companies by Article 7 (1) (b) of Directive Advice concerning indirect taxes on the raising of capital. [EU European Parliament Document]


Geens, Gaston. (1977) Statement by Gaston Geens, President of the Council, Minister of Finance of Belgium, on the work programme at the meeting for the Council on Economic Affairs and Finance. Brussels, 18 July 1977. [EU Speech]


Hesse, Maria-Dolores (1970) Methodes et moyens pour etablir une nouvelle classification des impots en se basant sur les principes mis en lumiere lors de l'harmonisation des systemes fiscaux des Etats membres de la CEE = Methods and means for establishing a new classification of taxes based on the principles brought to light during the harmonization of tax systems of the Member States of the EEC. Studies: Competition - Approximation of Legislation 13, 1970. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Halligan, Mr. (1984) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal for a Council Directive (Doc. 1-1240/83 - COM (83) 734 final) amending Directive 72/464/EEC on taxes other than turnover taxes which affect the consumption of manufactured tobacco: 5th extension of the second stage of harmonization. Working Documents 1983-1984, Document 1-1537/83, 12 March 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]


Kirkpatrick, John and Francois, H. and Gloden, J. (1972) Dispositions fiscales en matière de coopération et de fusion d'exploitations agricoles. I. Belgique, France, et G.D. de Luxembourg = Tax provisions concerning cooperation and merging of farms. I. Belgium, France, and G.D. of Luxembourg. Internal information on agriculture 83, February 1972. VI/894/71-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Kroth, W. and Loffler, H.D. and Plochmann, R. and Rader-Roitzsch, J.E. (1977) Forstwirtschaftliche Probleme und deren Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt in den Mitgliedstaaten der EG. V. Systeme der waldbesteuerung und die steuerliche belastung privater forstbetribe = Forestry problems and their implications for the environment in the Member States of the EC. V. Systems of forest taxation and the tax liability of private forest holdings. Information on agriculture 34, May 1977. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Koch, G (1973) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee for Finance and Budgets on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council ( Doc. 147/72-1) for a third directive on the harmonization of provision, laid down by law, regulation or administrative action in respect of turnover taxes and excise duties levied on passenger transport. EP Working Document, Document 1972-1973 228/72, 16 January 1973. [EU European Parliament Document]


Martinez-Mongay, Carlos (2000) ECFIN's effective tax rates. Properties and comparisons with other tax indicators. Economic Papers No. 146, October 2000. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Moreau, J. (1983) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on cigarette tax and harmonization. Working Documents 1983-1984, Document 1-907/83, 24 October 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]


Nord, H. (1982) REPORT drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Budgets on financing the common transport infrastructure policy from the tax on mineral oils. EP Working Documents, document 1-1084/81, 15 March 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]

Nyborg, Kai (1978) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 359/78) for a regulation on the abolition of postal charges for the presentation to customs of consignments of goods from another Member State which are relieved of internal taxes payable at importation. EP Working Documents, document 398/78, 27 October 1978. [EU European Parliament Document]


Pisoni, F. (1978) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on taxes applicable to wine and alcoholic beverages (Doc. 379/77). EP Working Documents, document 205/78, 4 July 1978. [EU European Parliament Document]


Rogalla, Dieter (1983) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the harmonization of taxation in the Community. Working Documents 1983-1984, Document 1-903/83, 26 October 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]

Rogalla, Dieter (1982) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-550/82/part C - COM(82) 402 final) for a fourteenth directive on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes - deferred payment of the tax payable on importation by taxable persons. Working Documents 1982-83, Document 1-976/82, 15 December 1982. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Rothley, W. (1985) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (COM(84) 680 final - Doc. 2-1539/84) for regulations I. introducing special and temporary measures applicable to the recruitment of officials of the European Communities in consequence of the accession of Spain and Portugal II. introducing special measures to terminate the service of officials of the European Communities III. amend1ng Regulation (EEC, EURATOM, ECSC) No. 260/68 laying down the conditions and procedure for applying the tax for the benefit of the European Communities IV. amending Regulation (EURATOM, ECSC, EEC) No. 549/69 determining the categories of officials and other servants of the European Communities to whom the provisions of Article 12, the second paragraph of Article 13 and Article 14 of the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the Communities apply. Working Documents 1985-1986, Document A2-35/85, 28 May 1985. [EU European Parliament Document]

Roberts, Shelagh (1985) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Women's Rights on the memorandum presented by the Commission to the Council (COM(84) 695 final - Doc. 2-1759/84) on income taxation and equal treatment for men and women. Working Documents 1985-1986, Document A2- 55/85, 6 June 1985. [EU European Parliament Document]


Sibille, Paul (1976) Les consequences de l'inflation dans le domaine fiscal et les mesures a envisager pour remedier a ces consequences = Implications of inflation in the tax field and measures considered to remedy the consequences. XV/154/77, May 1976. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Strobel, Mme. (1984) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Energy, Research and Technology on a Community energy tax on the consumption of hydrocarbons and its effects on energy policy. Working Documents 1984-85, Document 1-92/84, 9 April 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]

Steinbach, Nacny (2007) Statistics in Focus. Environment and Energy. Environmental taxes in the European economy 1995-2003. 2007.1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Stuhler, Elmar (1972) Steuervorschriften für die überbetriebliche Zusammenarbeit oder Fusion landwirtschaftlicher Betriebe. II. BR Deutschland = Tax provisions concerning cooperation and merging of farms. II. FR Germany. Internal information on agriculture 84, February 1972. VI/4053/71-D. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Simonet, Henri. (1974) Tax harmonization and the economic and monetary union. Speech by Mr. Henri Simonet, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Communities, to the Institute for Fiscal Studies. London, 5 November 1974. [EU Speech]

Simonet, Henri. (1974) Tax harmonization in the European Community - protective element? Address by Mr. H. Simonet, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Communities, at Harvard University Law School. Cambridge, 28 March 1974. [EU Speech]


Tullio, Giuseppe (1986) Long run implications of the increase in taxation and public debt for employment and economic growth in Europe. Economic Papers No. 49, August 1986. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Tugendhat, Christopher. (1982) The state of tax harmonization in the European Community. Speech to the Congress of the Confederation fiscale europeenne by Christopher Tugendhat, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Communities. Aachen, 30 September 1982. [EU Speech]


von der Groeben, Hans. (1970) Aspects fiscaux d'un plan par etapes des Communautes europeennes en vue de la creation d'une union economique et monetaire. Conference des Ministres de l'economie et des finances de la CEE. Intervention de M. von der Groeben sur la politique fiscale. Venise, 29-30 mai 1970 = Fiscal aspects of a plan to phase in an economic and monetary union in the European Communities. Conference of Finance and Economic Ministers of the EEC. Speech by Mr. von der Groeben [Member of the Commission] on fiscal policy. Venice, 29-30 May 1970. [EU Speech]

van den Temple, A.J. (1970) Corporation tax and individual income tax in the European Communities. Studies: Competition - Approximation of Legislation 15, 1970. [EU Commission - Working Document]

von der Groeben, Hans. (1966) EEC taxation policy. Statement by M. Hans von der Groeben, Member of the Commission of the European Economic Community, to the European Parliament. Strasbourg, 8 March 1966. Includes French version. [EU Speech]

von der Groeben, Hans. (1968) Harmonizing taxes - a step to European integration. Community Topics 30, November 1968. [EU Commission - Brochure]

von der Groeben, Hans. (1968) The importance of tax approximation for integration in Europe. An address by Dr. Hans von der Groeben, Member of the Commission of the European Communities, at the Annual General Meeting of "Finanzen und Steuern". Bad Godesberg, 9 May 1968. [EU Speech]


Weckel, P. (1983) La fiscalite et la stimulation de l'innovation industrielle dans la Communaute. Sept propositions pour encourager l'innovation = Taxation and the stimulation of industrial innovation in the Community. Seven proposals to encourage innovation. EUR 8820 FR. [EU Commission - Working Document]

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