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- Subjects - EU official documents only (65769)
- European Coal and Steel Community (710)
- Readaptation aid (60)
- European Coal and Steel Community (710)
Coppe, Alfred. (1967) Declaration de Monsieur Coppe, Vice-President de la Haute Autorite faite devant le parlement europeen. Strasbourg, 14 mars 1967 = Declaration of Mr. Coppe, Vice-President of the High Authority, before the European Parliament. Strasbourg, 14 March 1967. Includes English summary. [EU Speech]
Fantoli, Allesandro and Battaglia Carosio, Gabriella (1972) Analyse des principaux aspects du processus de reconversion et des mesures de readaptation dans l'industrie charbonniere et l'industrie siderurgique italiennes (1952-1970) = Analysis of the principal aspects of the process of restructuring and readaptation measures in the Italian coal-mining and iron and steel industries (1952-1970). Papers on industrial restructuring No 21, June 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Franz, Hans-Werner (1994) Social crisis management in the coal and steel industries. European models and experiences. Manual. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Peter, Hans and Campolongo, A. and Umlauf, J. and Carton, Ph. and Van de Putte, Robert and Lamour, Ph. and Malissen, Marcel and Saint-Geours, Jean and Apicella, Vincenzo and Carta, Mario and Dominici, Gandolfo and Levine, S.-H. and Sermon, Lucien and Vinck, Francois and Meyer, Karl and Deprez, Leonce and Dumay, M. and Girard, Alan and Coppo, Dionigi and de Rosa, Luigi and Hayeman, J. (1963) Le financement des investissements et les aspects sociaux de la reconversion. La conversion industrielle en Europe III = Financing of investment and social aspects of conversion. Industrial conversion in Europe III. Economic and Regional Policy Collection. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Rees, William and Thomas, R Barry (1988) Study of the European Communities re-adaptation aids in the coal and steel industries. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Vinck, Francois. (1963) Powers and actions of the High Authority in the social field. Lecture given by M. Francois Vinck [Member of High Authority, ECSC] to a visiting party of delegates from the Labour Committee for Europe. Luxembourg, 1963. [EU Speech]