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Barbi, P. (1980) ANNEX I to the report by Mr C. DELATTE (Doc. 1-37/80) drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture OPINION of the Committee on Budgets on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council I. concerning changes in the common agricultural policy to help balance the markets and streamline expenditure (Doc. 1-610/79) II. on the fixing of prices of certain agricultural products and on certain related measures (Doc. 1-807/79). EP Working Documents 1980, Document 1-37/80/ANNEX I, 24 March 1980. [EU European Parliament Document]

Brouwer, Tiemen (1971) Rapport fait au nom de la commission de l'agriculture sur les propositions de la Commission des Communautes europeennes au Conseil (doc. 264/70) relatives a: I. une communication et un projet de resolution du Conseil concernant la nouvelle orientation de la politique agricole commune; II. plusieurs reglements concernant la fixation des prix pour certains produits agricoles. Documents de seance 1971-1972, Document 10/71, 16 mars 1971. = "Report on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 264/70) relating to: I. communication and draft Council resolution on the new policy direction CAP; II. several regulations concerning the fixing of prices for certain agricultural products. Working Documents 1971-1972, Document 10/71, 16 March 1971". [EU European Parliament Document]

Bocklet, Reinhold (1992) Second Report of the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the Commission proposals to the Council: IV. for a regulation fixing the target price for milk and the intervention prices for butter, skimmed-milk powder and Grana Padano and Parmigiano Reggiano cheeses for three annual periods from 1 July 1993 to 30 June 1996 (COM(91) 0409 final - C3-0415/91); V. for a regulation instituting a dairy cow premium scheme (COM(91) 0409 final - C3-0416/91). Session Documents 1992, Document A3-0131/92, 26 March 1992. [EU European Parliament Document]

Burke, Richard. (1978) Statement made by Mr. Burke during the European Parliament debate on the Commission's proposal for farm prices and connected measures for 1978/1979. 15 March 1978. [EU Speech]


Curry, David (1982) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-1033/81) on the fixing of prices for certain agricultural products and on certain related measures (1982/1983). Working Documents 1982-83. Document 1-30/82/A, 19 March 1982. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Curry, David (1982) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-1033/81) on the fixing of prices for certain agricultural products and on certain related measures (1982/1983). Working Documents 1982-83. Document 1-30/82/B, 19 March 1982. [EU Commission - COM Document]

Colino Salamanca, Juan Luis (1991) Report of the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the Commission proposals for 60 Council regulations on the prices for agricultural products and on related measures (1991-1992) (COM(91) 0072 final C3-0107 to 0166/91), Part A: Amendments, Draft legislative resolutions. Session Documents 1991, Document A3-0104/91/PART A, 29 April 1991. [EU European Parliament Document]

Colino Salamanca, Juan Luis (1991) Second Report of the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the Commission proposals for two Council regulations on the prices for agricultural products and on related measures (1991-1992) (COM(91) 0072 final; C3-0109 and C3-0158/91). Session Documents 1991, Document A3-0158/91, 30 May 1991. [EU European Parliament Document]


Dalsager, Poul. (1984) Agricultural Prices 1984/85. Declaration of Poul Dalsager, Commissioner for Agriculture, to the European Parliament. Strasbourg, 18 January 1984. [EU Speech]

Dalsager, Poul. (1983) Agricultural prices 1983/84, Declaration of Poul Dalsager [Commissioner for Agriculture]. Brussels, 17 May 1983. [EU Speech]

Dalsager, Poul. (1983) Agricultural prices 1983/84. Debate in the European Parliament. Intervention of Poul Dalsager, Member of the Commission of the European Communities. Strasbourg, 8 March 1983. [EU Speech]

Dalsager, Poul. (1984) Declaration [on agriculture policy] by Poul Dalsager, Member of the Commission of the European Communities, to the European Parliament. Strasbourg, 14 march 1984. [EU Speech]

Donington, Lord Bruce (1977) OPINION of the Committee on Budgets on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 576/76) on the fixing of prices for certain agricultural products and on certain related measures. EP Working Documents, document 9/77/ANNEX, 22 March 1977. [EU European Parliament Document]

da Cunha Oliveira, Artur (1991) Opinion of the Committee on External Economic Relations for the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development on the Commission proposals for 60 Council regulations fixing the prices of agricultural products and certain related measures for 1991/92. Session Documents 1991, Document A3-0104/91/ANNEX 2, 14 May 1991. [EU European Parliament Document]

Dupont, J. H. (1966) Rapport fait au nom de la commission de l'agriculture sur les propositions de la Commission de la C.E.E. au Conseil (doc. 37) concernant des resolutions du Conseil relatif a: l'etablissement d'un niveau commun des prix pour le lait et les produits laitiers, la viande bovine, le riz, le sucre, les graines oleagineuses et l'huile d'olive; certaines mesures specifiques dans le secteur du sucre; certaines mesures specifiques dans le secteur du lait. Documents de Seance 1966-1967, Document 57, 9 Mai 1966. = "Report on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposals of the EEC Commission to the Council on the resolutions of the Council (Doc. 37): the establishment of a common price level for milk and dairy products, beef, rice, sugar, oil seeds and olive oil; certain specific measures in the sugar sector; certain specific measures in the milk sector. Working Documents 1966-1967, Document 57, 9 May 1966". [EU European Parliament Document]

de Koning, J (1973) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 179/73) for a regulation fixing the target price and the intervention price for olive oil for the 1973/1974 marketing year. EP Working Document, Document 1973-1974 200/73, 18 October 1973. [EU European Parliament Document]

Durieux, J. (1973) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 249/73) for a decision extending the system of minimum prices. EP Working Document, Document 1973-1974 273/73, 13 December 1973. [EU European Parliament Document]

de Koning, J. (1975) Report on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 413/74) for regulations on the fixing of prices for certain agricultural products and connected measures for the 1975/76 marketing year. EP Working Document, Document 1974-1975 437/74, 13 January 1975. [EU European Parliament Document]

de Koning, Jan (1974) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council for I. a Regulation amending the prices applicable in agriculture for the 1974/75 marketing year II. a Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 974/71 on certain measures of conjuctural policy to be taken in agriculture following the temporary widening of the margins of fluctuation for the currencies of certain Member States III. a Regulation fixing a new representative exchange rate to be applied in agriculture for the pound sterling and the Irish pound IV. a Decision on the level of interest rate subsidy referred to in Article 8 (2) of Council Directive No 72/159/EEC of 17 April 1972 (doc. 240/74) V. a Regulation fixing the norm price for soya beans for the 1974/75 marketing year (doc. 232/74). Working Documents 1974-1975, Document 248/74, 14 September 1974. [EU European Parliament Document]

de Koning, J (1973) SECOND REPORT drawn up by the Committee on Agriculture on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 14/73) for I. regulations fixing prices for certain agricultural products and certain related measures II. regulations on certain measures to be taken in agriculture in view of developments in the international monetary situation. EP Working Document 1973-74, Document 1973-1974 24/73, 6 April 1973. [EU European Parliament Document]

Dalsager, Poul. (1984) The common agricultural policy has been a good thing for Scottish agriculture. Extracts from the speech by Poul Dalsager, Commissioner for Agriculture, to the Annual General Meeting of the National Farmers' Union of Scotland. Edinburgh, 11 July 1984. [EU Speech]


Gundelach, Finn Olav. (1980) Elements of a speech on national contributions to the Community budget, by Finn Olav Gundelach, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Communities, for the Agriculture Committee of the European Parliament. Brussels, 5 June 1980. [EU Speech]

Gundelach, Finn Olav. (1977) Presentation by Finn Olav Gundelach, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Communities, on the proposals for the 1977/78 agricultural prices. Brussels, 12 February 1977. [EU Speech]

Gundelach, Finn Olav. (1979) Speech by Mr. Finn Olav Gundelach, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Communities, at the opening of the "Green Week." Berlin, 25 January 1979. [EU Speech]

Gundelach, Finn Olav (1977) The new Commission's views on the common agricultural policy. Two statements by Finn Olav Gundelach, Commissioner for Agriculture. Berlin, 27 January 1977 and Brussels, 12 February 1977. Newsletter on the Common Agricultural Policy No. 2, February 1977. [EU Commission - Brochure]


Heringa, Berend. (1965) Agricultural trade between developed nations: Problems and prospects. Speech delivered by Mr. Berend Heringa, Deputy Director, Directorate General for Agriculture, EEC Commission. San Francisco, 18 May 1965. [EU Speech]

Hughes, Mark (1978) COMPLEMENTARY REPORT drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (doc. 582/77-I) on the fixing of prices for certain agricultural products and certain related measures for the 1978/79 marketing year. EP Working Documents 1978-79, document 35/78, 10 April 1978. [EU European Parliament Document]

Hallstein, Walter. (1967) The EEC and the consumer. An interview with the President of the Commission of the European Economic Community, Professor Walter Hallstein, published in the weekly magazine "der Verbraucher" (The Consumer). 11 February 1967. [EU Speech]

Heger, C.-E (1973) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 95/73) on a regulation fixing the main intervention centres for oilseeds for the 1973/1974 marketing year and the derived intervention prices applicable in these centres. EP Working Document, Document 1973-1974 98/73, 6 June 1973. [EU European Parliament Document]

Hunault, Xavier (1976) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 401/75) for I. a Regulation amending Regulation No. 121/67/EEC in respect of the calculation of the levy and the sluice-gate price for pig carcases II. a Regulation amending Regulation No. 122/67/EEC in respect of the calculation of the levy and the sluice-gate price for eggs Ill. a Regulation amending Regulation No. 123/67/EEC in respect of the calculation of the levy and the sluice-gate price for poultrymeat. EP Working Documents, document 475/75, 13 January 1976. [EU European Parliament Document]

Hughes, M. William Mark (1978) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (doc. 479/77) on the fixing of prices for certain agricultural products and on certain related measures for the 1978-1979 marketing year. EP Working Documents, document 579/77, 13 March 1978. [EU European Parliament Document]


Jenkins, Roy. (1978) The Common Agricultural Policy. Extracts of a speech by R. Hon. Roy Jenkins, President of the Commission of the European Communities, at a symposium on the Common Agricultural Policy organised by the Sun newspaper. Manchester, 9 May 1978. [EU Speech]


Kofoed, Niels Anker (1977) REPORT drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 576/76) on the fixing of prices for certain agricultural products and on certain related measures. EP Working Documents, document 9/77, 21 March 1977. [EU European Parliament Document]

Kollwelter, Nicolas (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission de l'agriculture sur la proposition de la Commission des Communautés européennes au Conseil (doc. 181/72) relative à une décision prorogeant le régime des prix minima. Documents de séance 1972-1973. Document 218/72. 6 décembre 1972 = Report on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (181/72) for a decision extending the minimum price system. Meeting Documents 1972-1973. Document 218/72. December 6, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]

Klinker, Hans-Jurgen (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission de l'agriculture sur les propositions de la Commission des Communautés européennes au Conseil concernant - la proposition modifée de directive du Conseil concernant la modernisation des exploitations agricoles, et la proposition modifée de règlement du Conseil concernant les groupements de producteurs et leurs unions (COM(72)63 final) - la fixation des prix pour certains produits agricoles et l'octroi d'aides aux revenues à certaines categories d'exploitants agricoles (doc. 258/71). Documents de séance 1971-1972. DOCUMENT 277/71. 13 mars 1972 = Report on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council concerning - the amended proposal for a Council Directive on the modernization of agricultural holdings, and the amended proposal for a Council Regulation on farmer groups producers and their associations (COM (72) 63 final) - the fixing of prices for certain agricultural products and the granting of income support to certain categories of farmers (258/71). Meeting Documents 1971-1972. DOCUMENT 277/71. March 13, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]


Lücker, M. (1969) Rapport fait au nom de la commission de l'agriculture sur les propositions de la Commission des Communautés européenes au Conseil (doc. 71/69) relatives à des règlements concernant la fixation des prix pour certains produits agricoles= Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (71/69) for regulations concerning the fixing of prices for certain agricultural products. Working Documents 1969-1970, Document 81, 1 July 1969. [EU European Parliament Document]

Lücker, M. (1969) Rapport intérimaire fait au nom de la commission de l'agriculture sur les propositions de la Commission des Communautés européennes au Conseil (doc. 194/68 - partie E) concernant la fixation des prix de certains produits agricoles. Documents de Séance 1968-1969, Document 209, 14 Fevrier 1969. = Interim Report on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc 194/68. - Part E) concerning the fixing of prices for certain agricultural products. Working Documents 1968-1969, Document 209, Feb. 14, 1969. [EU European Parliament Document]

Liogier, A. (1975) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 20/75) for a regulation fixing the market target price and the intervention price for olive oil for the 1975/1976 marketing year. EP Working Document, Document 1975-1976 57/75, 30 April 1975. [EU European Parliament Document]

Ligios, G. (1981) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-959/80) on the fixing of prices for certain agricultural products and on certain related measures (1981/82). EP Working Documents 1981-82, document 1-50/82, 19 March 1981. [EU European Parliament Document]

Liogier, A. (1979) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 613/78) on the fixing of prices for certain agricultural products and on certain related measures for the 1979/80 year. EP Working Documents, document 675/78, 12 March 1979. [EU European Parliament Document]

Lardinois, P.J. (1974) Resume of speech [on Community agricultural policy] by Mr. P.J. Lardinois, Member of the Commission of the European Communities, to the Farmers' Club. London, 8 March 1974. [EU Speech]

Lardinois, P.J. (1974) Summary of speech [on agriculture prices and the sugar market] by Mr. Lardinois [Member of the Commission] to the European Parliament. Luxembourg, 24 September 1974. [EU Speech]


Mansholt, Sicco. (1967) Address [on agricultural price and structure policies] by Mr. Sicco Mansholt, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Communities, at a farmers' conference organized by the Committee of Agricultural Organizations in the EEC (COPA). Dusseldorf, 24 November 1967. [EU Speech]

Mansholt, Sicco. (1961) Expose de M. Mansholt lors de la reunion du conseil du 21 mars 1961 sur l'article 44 du traite. Bruxelles, 24 mars 1961 = Speech by Mr. Sicco Mansholt [Member of Commission of the European Economic Community] at the Council meeting of 21 March 1961 concerning Treaty Article 44. Brussels, 24 March 1961. [EU Speech]

Muller, Gunther (1963) Relations de prix entre moyens de production et produits agricoles dans la C.E.E. = Price relationships between means of production and agricultural products in the E.E.C. Agricultural structures in the E.E.C. 24, September 1973. [EU Commission - Working Document]

McDonald, C (1973) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 39/73) for a regulation amending Regulation No. 121/67/EEC as regards the price recorded for pig carcases in the Community. EP Working Document, Document 1973-1974 48/73, 8 May 1973. [EU European Parliament Document]

marck, P. (1984) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-940/83 - COM(83) 586 final) for I. a regulation amending Regulation No. 974/71/EEC, particularly in respect of the system of neutral margins and the gradual dismantlement of the monetary compensatory amounts applying to certain agricultural and processed products, II. a regulation amending Regulation No. 2773/75/EEC laying down rules for calculating the levy and the sluice-gate price for eggs, III. a regulation amending Regulation No. 2778/75/EEC laying down rules for calculating the levy and the sluice-gate price for poultrymeat [sic]. Working Documents 1983-1984, Document 1-1370/83, 13 February 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]

Mouchel, J. (1983) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council concerning: I. a regulation altering, with effect from 1 April 1983, the intervention prices for butter, skimmed-milk powder and Grana Padano and Parmigiano cheeses (Doc. 1-970/82) II, the fixing of prices for certain agricultural products and certain related measures (1983/1984) (COM(82) 650 final) Part B: Explanatory Statement. Working Documents 1982-1983, Document 1-1325/82/B, 28 February 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]

Mouchel, J. (1983) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council on I. a regulation altering, with effect from 1 April 1983, the intervention prices for butter, skimmed-milk powder, and Grana Padano and Parmigiano Reggiano cheese (Doc. 1-970/82-COM(82) 748 final) II. regulations concerning the fixing of prices for certain agricultural products and certain related measurements (1983/1984) (Doc. 1-1206/82-COM(82) 650 final) Part A: Motion for a Resolution. Working Documents 1982-1983, Document 1-1325/82/A, 28 February 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]

Muller, Willi (1978) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the relationship between producer prices, middlemen's profit margins and the final selling price to consumers of agricultural products. EP Working Documents, document 404/78, 17 November 1978. [EU European Parliament Document]

Mansholt, Sicco. (1968) Resume de la declaration de M. S.L. Mansholt, Vice-President de la Commission des Communautes europeennes. Bruxelles, 10 decembre 1968 = Summary of statement [on the agricultural reform proposals] by Mr. Mansholt, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Communities. Brussels, 10 December 1968. [EU Speech]

Mahon, G. (2000) Statistics in Focus: Agriculture and Fisheries. Agricultural Land Prices and Rents in the European Union, 1977-1998. 2000.4. [EU Commission - Working Document]


Natali, Lorenzo and von Verschuer, Helmut and Franklin, Michael and Jacquot, Michel (1977) XXI Congres international des journalistes agricoles = XXI International congress of agricultural journalists. Brussels, 14 June 1977. Newsletter on the Common Agricultural Policy No. 7, July 1977. [EU Commission - Brochure]


Provan, James (1986) Report drawn up by the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Food on the following proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council: I. for regulations fixing the prices for agricultural products and related measures 1986/1987 (COM(86) 20 final) II. for regulations concerning cereals COM(86) 30 final) III. for regulations concerning beef and veal (COM(86) 31 final) (Doc. C 2-194/85); Part A - Motion for a Resolution. Working Documents 1986-87, Document A2-8/86/Part A, 25 March 1986. [EU European Parliament Document]

Pranchere, P.B. (1985) Report drawn up by the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Food on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 2-1747/84 - COM (85) 50 final) for regulations on the fixing of prices for certain agricultural products and certain related measures (1985/1986). Part C: Opinions of committees. Working Documents 1984-85, Document 2-1770/84/C I, 4 March 1985. [EU European Parliament Document]

Pranchere, P.B. (1985) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 2-1747/84 - COM (85) 50 final) for regulations fixing the prices for certain agricultural products and related measures (1985/86). Part 8: Explanatory statement. Working Documents 1984-85, Document 2-1770/84/B, 4 March 1985. [EU European Parliament Document]

Pranchere, P.B. (1985) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Food on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 2-1747/84 - COM(85) 50 final) for regulations fixing the prices for certain agricultural products and related measures (1985/86). Part A: Motion for a resolution. Working Documents 1984-85, Document 2-1770/84/A, 4 March 1985. [EU European Parliament Document]

Provan, James (1986) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Food on the following proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council: I. for regulations fixing the prices for agricultural products and related measures 1986/1987 (C0M(86) 20 final) II. for regulations concerning cereals (C0M(86) 30 final) III. for regulations concerning beef and veal (C0M(86) 31 final) (Doc. C 2-194/85); PART B - Explanatory Statement, Annexes. Working Documents 1986-87, Document A 2-8/86/Part B, 26 March 1986. [EU European Parliament Document]

Pranchere, P.B. (1985) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Food on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 2-1747/84 - COM (85) 50 final) for regulations on the fixing of prices for agricultural products and related measures (1985-1986), Part CII: Opinion of the Committee on Budgets. Working Document 1984-85, Document 2-1770/84/CII, 6 March 1985. [EU European Parliament Document]


Scott-Hopkins, Mr. and Gibbons, Mr. and de Koning, Mr. (1974) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 338/73) for regulations concerning the fixing of prices for certain agricultural products and certain measures specified in the memorandum on the improvement of the common agricultural policy and on the motion for a resolution (Doc. 326/73) tabled by Mr Aigner and others on the increase in the guide price for beef and veal. EP Working Document, Document 1973-1974 366/73*, 12 February 1974. [EU European Parliament Document]


Tugendhat, Christopher. (1981) Agricultural price decisions, a test of will. Summary of a speech by Mr. Tugendhat [Commission member responsible for budget affairs] on the farm price proposals at a meeting of the European Union of Women. London, 5 March 1981. [EU Speech]

Tugendhat, Christopher. (1977) Agricultural prices: who cares for the taxpayer? Speech by Christopher Tugendhat, Member of the EEC Commission, to the European Movement. Brussels, 2 May 1977. [EU Speech]

Tugendhat, Christopher. (1984) EEC Commission proposals would curb food prices. Speech by Mr. Christopher Tugendhat, Vice-President of the European Commission, at the "Food Processing" Award Ceremony. London, 6 February 1984. [EU Speech]

Tugendhat, Christopher. (1981) European agriculture - an important step forward. Extracts from a speech by Mr. Christopher Tugendhat, Vice-President of the European Commission, to a meeting of the European Union of Women. London, 5 March 1981. [EU Speech]

Thomson, George. (1974) Extract from the Goodricke lecture at the University of York. Delivered by George Thomson, EEC Commissioner for regional policy, on the social policy of the E.E.C. York, 8 March 1974. [EU Speech]

Tugendhat, Christopher. (1977) Extract of a speech of Christopher Tungendhat, Member of the Commission of the European Communities responsible for the budget, on the "Role of an EEC Commissioner", given to the Westminster Junior Chamber of Commerce. London, 7 October 1977. [EU Speech]

Terluin, Ida J. (1992) Rapid Reports. Production, Prices and Income in EC Agriculture. 1992.1. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Thorn, Gaston (1961) Rapport fait au nom de la commission de l'agriculture ayant pour objet la proposition revisee de la Commission de la C.E.E. au Conseil (document 67) au sujet de la determination de criteres objectifs pour l'etablissement de systemes de prix minima et pour la fixation de ces prix. Documents de seance 1961-1962, Document 73, 17 Octobre 1961. = "Report on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture aimed at the revised proposal of the EEC Commission to the Council (Document 67) concerning the determination of objective criteria for the establishment of minimum price systems and for the fixing these prices. EP Working Documents 1961-1962, Document 73, 17 October 1961". [EU European Parliament Document]

Thorn, Gaston (1961) Rapport présenté au nom de la Commission de l’agriculture ayant pour objet la détermination de critères objectifs pour l’établissement de systèmes de prix minima et pour la fixation de ces prix. 1960-1961 Doc no. 109 = Report submitted on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture for the purpose of establishing objective criteria for establishing minimum price systems and fixing these prices. European Parliamentary Assembly: ordinary session. 1960-1961 Doc 109, January 1961. [EU European Parliament Document]

Tugendhat, Christopher. (1977) Statement by Christopher Tugendhat to Finance Ministers. Brussels, 14 February 1977. [EU Speech]

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