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- Agriculture (8112)
Buckwell, Allan and Haynes, Jos and Danidova, Sophia and Kwiecinski, Andrzej (1994) Feasibility of an agricultural strategy to prepare the countries of central and eastern Europe for EU accession. Final report. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Butterwick, Michael (1975) Vertical integration and the use of contracts in agriculture. IV. Synopsis. Internal information on agriculture 145, April 1975. VI/1590/75-E. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Barret, Guy. (1984) Why a common agricultural policy? Speech by Guy Barret, member of the Board of the French Wheat and Other Cereals Growers Association. U.S. speaking tour, May 1984. [EU Speech]
Bustrup, Klaus. (1983) The agricultural policy in the European Community. Speech by Klaus Bustrup, Vice President, the Agricultural Council of Denmark. US speaking tour, 20-31 March 1983. [EU Speech]
Cashman, Donal. (1983) Some views on the agricultural policy of the European Community and its external trade implications. Speech by Donal Cashman, President Irish Farmers' Association. U.S. Speaking Tour, September 1983. [EU Speech]
Dalsager, Poul. (1983) Acquis communautaire. Intervention of Mr. Poul Dalsager [Commissioner for agriculture][on agriculture reform measures] at the Agricultural Council. Luxembourg, 17-18 October 1983. [EU Speech]
Dalsager, Poul. (1984) Address [on agriculture policy] given by Mr Poul Dalsager, Member of the Commission of the European Communities, at the opening of the Grune Woche. Berlin, 26 January 1984. [EU Speech]
Dalsager, Poul. (1983) Address by Mr. Poul Dalsager, Commissioner for Agriculture, at the General Assembly of the U.N.I.B.E.V. Copenhagen, 17 June 1983. [EU Speech]
Dalsager, Poul. (1983) Address of Poul Dalsager [Commissioner for Agriculture], to the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists. Aarhus, 26-30 June 1983. [EU Speech]
Denman, Roy. (1984) Agricultural trade: the European Community and the United States. Address by Sir Roy Denman, Head of the Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities in Washington DC, at the Third European Agricultural Outlook Conference. London, 8 February 1984. [EU Speech]
Dreyer, Peter H. (1969) Eurodollars. European Community. No. 120, February 1969. [EU Other]
de Kergorlay, Roland. (1982) The European Community: its agricultural policies and trade. Speech given by Roland de Kergorlay [Head of the Delegation of the European Commission]. Fresno, California, 19 April 1982. [EU Speech]
Dalsager, Poul. (1983) Extracts from speech [on common agricultural policy] by Mr. Dalsager [Commissioner for Agriculture] at the Conference of the Irish Farmers Association. Dublin, 21 January 1983. [EU Speech]
Dalsager, Poul. (1982) Mediterranean agriculture: problems and prospects. Speech by Mr. Poul Dalsager, Member of the Commission responsible for agriculture, to a group of Community journalists visiting Greece to study the problems of Mediterranean agriculture. Athens, 22 November 1982. [EU Speech]
Denman, Roy. (1983) New EC CAP proposals not designed to hurt US agricultural exports. Extracts of a speech by Sir Roy Denman, Head of the Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities, to the 12th EC-US Conference on Agriculture. Washington DC, 3 November 1983. [EU Speech]
Dalsager, Poul. (1982) Speech by Mr. Poul Dalsager, Member of the European Commission, at the opening of the International Green Week. Berlin, 21 January 1982. [EU Speech]
Deniau, Jean-Francois. (1970) Summary of the address [on agricultural policy] by M. Jean-Francois Deniau [Member of the Commission] to the 52eme Congres national de la Mutualite, de la Cooperation et du Credit agricoles (52nd National Congress of Agricultural Friendly Societies, Co-operatives and Credit). Vichy, 23 May 1970. [EU Speech]
Dalsager, Poul. (1982) The benefits of the new guidelines for European agriculture for livestock farmers. Speech by Mr. Poul Dalsager, Member of the Commission of the European Communities, on the occasion of the General Assembly of the European Feed Manufacturers Federation. 7 May 1982. [EU Speech]
Gundelach, Finn Olav. (1979) Europe's role in world agriculture. Speech by F.O. Gundelach, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Communities, at the Conference on the Prospects for Agriculture in the EEC, organized by the College D'Europe. Bruges, 16 June 1979. [EU Speech]
Gundelach, F.O. (1979) Speech by Mr. F.O. Gundelach, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Communities, at the conference on the Prospects for Agriculture in the EEC organized by the College D'Europe. Bruges, 16 June 1979. [EU Speech]
Gundelach, Finn Olav. (1979) Summary of a speech by Finn Olav Gundelach, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Communities, for the Worshipful Company of Butchers. London, 3 May 1979. [EU Speech]
Hallstein, Walter. (1958) Address by Professor Walter Hallstein, President of the Commission of the European Economic Community, at the opening of the Conference of the Member States of the European Economic Community. Stresa, 3 July 1958. [EU Speech]
Heringa, Berend. (1965) Agricultural trade between developed nations: Problems and prospects. Speech delivered by Mr. Berend Heringa, Deputy Director, Directorate General for Agriculture, EEC Commission. San Francisco, 18 May 1965. [EU Speech]
Hallstein, Walter. (1963) Agriculture in the large-area economy. Press resume of the address by Professor Walter Hallstein, President of the Commission of the European Economic Community, to the Deutsche Landwirtschaftsgesellschaft. Wiesbaden, 17 January 1963. [EU Speech]
Howell, R. (1976) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 241/75) for a regulation concerning common measures to improve the conditions under which agricultural products are marketed and processed. EP Working Documents 1976-77, document 162/76, 16 June 1976. [EU European Parliament Document]
Howell, R. (1975) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 352/75) concerning a regulation temporarily suspending the autonomous Common Customs Tariff duties on a certain number of agricultural products. EP Working Documents, document 370/75, 12 November 1975. [EU European Parliament Document]
Hansen, F. (1975) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 48/75) for a Regulation temporarily suspending the autonomous common customs tariff duties on certain agricultural products. EP Working Document, Document 1975-1976 56/75, 30 April 1975. [EU European Parliament Document]
Julien, Bruno G. (1983) Address [on CAP and comparison with US agriculture] presented by Bruno G. Julien, Secretary of Agriculture, Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities, Washington DC, before the Kansas Association of Wheat Growers. [Kansas City], 18 November 1983. [EU Speech]
Jenkins, Roy. (1979) Address by Roy Jenkins, President of the Commission of the European Communities, to the meeting of the Bundeskomitee Europa-Wahl. Frankfurt, 24 April 1979. [EU Speech]
Jenkins, Roy. (1978) Agriculture in Europe. Speech by the Right Hon Roy Jenkins, President of the Commission of the European Communities, at the Royal Agricultural show. Stoneleigh, Kenilworth, 3 July 1978. [EU Speech]
Jenkins, Roy. (1978) The Common Agricultural Policy. Extracts of a speech by R. Hon. Roy Jenkins, President of the Commission of the European Communities, at a symposium on the Common Agricultural Policy organised by the Sun newspaper. Manchester, 9 May 1978. [EU Speech]
Jacob, Barbel. (1984) International trade issues: current & future. Presentation by B. Jacob, Deputy Head, Delegation of the European Commission, Washington DC, at a conference organized by Senator Jepsen. Des Moines, Iowa, May 31 1984. [EU Speech]
Jenkins, Roy. (1979) Second Hoover address by the Right Hon Roy Jenkins, President of the European Commission. University of Strathclyde, 5 April 1979. [EU Speech]
Jenkins, Roy. (1979) Speech by the Rt Hon Roy Jenkins, President of the Commission of the European Communities, 20th Anniversary of COPA/COGECA/CEJA. Brussels, 20 February 1979. [EU Speech]
Knuppel, Ulrich D. (1981) The European Community as a trading partner. Address by Ulrich D. Knuppel, Secretary for Agriculture, Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities, Washington DC, at the 40th Annual State Convention of Minnesota Farmers Union. Bloomington/Minneapolis, 24 November, 1981. [EU Speech]
Knueppel, Ulrich. (1980) Speech [on agricultural policy] by Ulrich Knueppel, Agriculture Secretary, Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities, to the Florida Soybean Producers Association. 1 February 1980. [EU Speech]
Killeen , Seamus and Kyriazis, Nicholas (1987) A reply to some criticisms of the CAP. Research and Documentation Papers: Agriculture Series No. 16. [EU European Parliament Document]
Lardinois, P.J. (1975) Discours de Monsieur P.J. Lardinois a l'Assemblee Generale de l'Union Nationale des Cooperatives Agricoles de Cereales. Paris, 6 fevrier 1975 = Speech by Mr. P.J. Lardinois to the General Assembly of the National Union of Cereal Agricultural Cooperatives. Paris, 6 February 1975. [EU Speech]
Lardinois, P.J. (1975) Resume of a speech given by Mr. P.J. Lardinois, Member of the Commission of the European Communities in connection with the opening of the "Green Week". Berlin. 23 January 1975. [EU Speech]
Lardinois, P.J. (1974) Summary of a speech [on common agricultural policy] made by Mr. P.J. Lardinois, Member of the Commission to the European Communities, at the opening of the International Animal Production Conference of 1974. Utrecht, 10 October 1974. [EU Speech]
Lardinois, P.J. (1975) Summary of a speech by Mr. P.J. Lardinois, Member of the Commission of the European Communities, at the Congress of the National Centre for Young Farmers. Caen, 4 June, 1975. [EU Speech]
Lardinois, P.J. (1976) Summary of a speech by P.J. Lardinois, Member of the Commission of the European Communities, delivered before the Scottish National Farmers' Union. Aviemore, Invernesshire, 25 March 1976. [EU Speech]
Lardinois, P.J. (1976) Summary of an address delivered by P.J. Lardinois, Commissioner of the European Communities, before the 1976 European Congress of the General Committee on Agricultural Cooperation of the European Economic Community. Brussels, 1 April 1976. [EU Speech]
Mansholt, Sicco. (1962) Address [on decisions setting up the common agricultural policy] by Dr. S.L. Mansholt [Member of Commission of European Economic Community] at the agricultural conference of the Netherlands Labour Party. Utrecht, 1 February 1962. [EU Speech]
Mansholt, Sicco L. (1960) Address by Dr. Sicco L. Mansholt, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Economic Community, at the American Farm Bureau Convention. Denver, Colorado, 13 December 1960. [EU Speech]
Mansholt, Sicco. (1964) Declaration on agriculture policy by Mr. Mansholt, Vice-President of the Commission [EEC]. Brussels, 18 December 1964. [EU Speech]
Marjolin, Robert. (1964) Development prospects for the Economic Community, and its place in the world. Summary of Robert Marjolin's [Vice-President of the Commission] speech to the "Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Auswartige Politik" [German Society for Foreign Policy]. Bonn, 19 November 1964. [EU Speech]
Mahe, L.-P. (1995) L'agriculture et l'elargissement de l'Union europeenne aux pays d'Europe centrale et orientale: transition en vue de l'integration ou integration pour la transition? = Agriculture and the enlargement of the European Union by the countries of central and eastern Europe: transition in view of integration or integration for the transition? [EU Commission - Working Document]
Marck, P. (1982) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-84/82 - COM(82) 138 final) for a regulation on the strengthening of controls on the application of Community rules on agricultural products. Working Documents 1982-83, Document 1-528/82, 23 July 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]
Mansholt, Sicco. (1968) Resume de la declaration de M. S.L. Mansholt, Vice-President de la Commission des Communautes europeennes. Bruxelles, 10 decembre 1968 = Summary of statement [on the agricultural reform proposals] by Mr. Mansholt, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Communities. Brussels, 10 December 1968. [EU Speech]
Mansholt, Sicco. (1958) Speech by Dr. S. L. Mansholt, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Economic Community, delivered at the plenary meeting [GATT-thirteenth session] of the contracting parties. 11 October 1958. [EU Speech]
Mansholt, Sicco. (1958) Summary of the speech by Dr. S. L. Mansholt, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Economic Community, delivered at the plenary meeting [GATT-thirteenth session] of the contracting parties. 17 October 1958. [EU Speech]
Natali, Lorenzo and von Verschuer, Helmut and Franklin, Michael and Jacquot, Michel (1977) XXI Congres international des journalistes agricoles = XXI International congress of agricultural journalists. Brussels, 14 June 1977. Newsletter on the Common Agricultural Policy No. 7, July 1977. [EU Commission - Brochure]
Ohly, Claudia (1993) What have we learned about the economic effects of EC integration? A survey of the literature. Economic Papers No. 103, September 1993. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Provan, James. (1983) Press release from James Provan, Member of European Parliament for North East Scotland, [on EC-US agriculture] during visit to Iowa. 3-6 May 1983. [EU Speech]
Renshaw, Derwent. (1984) Address [on EC-US agricultural trade] presented by Derwent Renshaw, Secretary for Agriculture, Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities, Washington DC, at the Georgia Agribusiness Council's Annual Board of Directors' Visit. Washington DC, 25 May 1984. [EU Speech]
Renshaw, Derwent. (1984) Address presented by Derwent Renshaw, Secretary for Agriculture, Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities, Washington DC, at the Great Plains Symposium on Agricultural Trade. Fargo, ND, 12-13 June 1984. [EU Speech]
Renshaw, Derwent. (1984) E.E.C. agricultural reforms. Speech presented by Derwent Renshaw, Secretary for Agriculture, Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities, Washington DC, at Newspaper Farm Editors of America. Washington DC, 17 April 1984. [EU Speech]
Renshaw, Derwent. (1984) The European Community's agricultural trade policy. Address presented by Derwent Renshaw, Secretary for Agriculture, Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities Washington DC, at F.I.E.I. Marketing and Management Conference. Tuscon, Arizona, 31 January 1984. [EU Speech]
Renshaw, Derwent. (1983) International markets and trade policy. Address presented by Derwent Renshaw, Secretary for Agriculture, Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities, Washington DC, at the National Public Policy Education Conference. Illinois Beach State Park, 14 September 14 1983. [EU Speech]
Richarts, H (1973) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (doc. 316/72) for a regulation on production subsidies which the United Kingdom is authorized to retain in respect of certain agricultural products. EP Working Document, Document 1972-1973 326/72, 14 March 1973. [EU European Parliament Document]
Renshaw, Derwent. (1983) Speech [on US and EC agriculture policy and trade] by Derwent Renshaw [Secretary for Agriculture, Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities, Washington DC] to the Farmland Cooperation Annual Meeting. 30 November 1983. [EU Speech]
Ruozi, Robert (1973) Vertical integration and the use of contracts in agriculture. II. Italy. Internal information on agriculture 119, December 1973. VI/1360/74-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Renshaw, Derwent. (1984) Western Europe's programme to keep its agriculture strong. Address presented by Derwent Renshaw, Secretary for Agriculture, Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities, Washington DC, at the 37th Annual Southern Agribusiness Forum. Memphis TN, 26 January 1984. [EU Speech]
Renshaw, Derwent. (1984) The effects of changes in the CAP on US agricultural trade. Speech by Derwent Renshaw, Delegation of the Commission of European Communities, at the 1984 Agricultural Outlook Conference. Washington DC, 31 October-3 November 1984. [EU Speech]
Schnieders, Rudolf. (1984) Europe and the USA: the most important partners in world trade. Address by Dr. Rudolf Schnieders, Secretary General of the Deutsche Bauernverband EV (German Farmers' Association), US speaking tour, May-June 1984. [EU Speech]
Simonet, Henri. (1974) Is there any future for the European Community? Is there any future for Britain in this Community? Address by Mr. H. Simonet, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Communities, at the Scottish Group of Labour Committee for Europe. Edinburgh, 16 June 1974. [EU Speech]
Tarditi, S. and Seniro-Nello, S. and Marsh, J. (1994) Agricultural strategies for the enlargement of the European Union to central and eastern European countries. Final report. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Tugendhat, Christopher. (1982) Bringing the CAP up to date. Extracts of speech by Mr. Christopher Tugendhat [Vice-President of the Commission] given at Oxford Farming Conference. Oxford, 5 January 1982. [EU Speech]
Tugendhat, Christopher. (1984) Commission's proposals on CAP deserve support. Extracts of a speech by Mr. Christopher Tugendhat, Vice-President of the European Commission, to the Cardiff Business Club. Cardiff, 30 January 1984. [EU Speech]
Thomson, George. (1975) The Community is flexible. Extract of a speech [on agricultural policy and harmonisation] by the Rt. Hon. George Thomson, Member of the Commission for Regional Affairs, to the British Importers Confederation. London, 22 May 1975. [EU Speech]
Tugendhat, Christopher. (1984) Competition in air fares, cost-effectiveness in agriculture: two treaty principles at work. Extracts from a speech by Christopher Tugendhat, Vice-President of the European Commission, to the Annual General Meeting of the Wessex Area Conservative Association. 19 May 1984. [EU Speech]
Thorn, Gaston E. (1983) Discourse de M. Gaston E. Thorn, President de la Comnission des Communautes europennes, suite a la reunion du Conseil european d'Athenes. Strasbourg, 15 decembre 1983=Speech by Mr. Gaston E. Thorn, President of the Commission, following a meeting of the Athens European Council. Strasbourg, 15 December 1983. [EU Other]
Tugendhat, Christopher. (1984) The Long haul towards CAP reform has begun. Extracts from a speech by Christopher Tugendhat, Vice-President of the European Commission, to the AGM of the Eastern Area Conservative Council. Bury St. Edmunds, 7 April 1984. [EU Speech]
Tangerman, Stefan and Josling, Timothy E. (1994) Pre-accession agricultural policies for central Europe and the European Union. Final report. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Thomson, George (1975) The Rt. Hon. George Thomson: full text and extract of an address to the British Importers Confederation. London, 23 May 1975. [EU Speech]
Tugendhat, Christopher. (1977) Speech by Christopher Tugendhat, European Commissioner, at a meeting of local businessmen. Basingstoke, Hampshire, 1 April 1977. [EU Speech]
Van Der Veen, Jaap. (1983) Address [on EC and US agriculture policies] by Mr. Jaap Van Der Veen, President of the Agricultural Board and President of the Christian Farmers' and Growers' Union in the Netherlands. U.S. speaking tour, 6-14 October 1983. [EU Speech]
Villain, Claude. (1984) Address [on agricultural problems in the EC and US] by Mr. Villain, Director-General for Agriculture, Commission of the European Communities, to the Fresno Chamber of Commerce. Fresno, CA, 24 May 1984. [EU Speech]
Villain, Claude. (1984) Agricultural trade: the European view. Address by Claude Villain [Director-General for Agriculture, Commission] to the 8th Annual European American Journalist Conference on US-EC Relations. [Knokke], April 1984. [EU Speech]
Van Dyk, Frederick. (1963) Agriculture and the Common Market. Address by Frederick T. Van Dyk, Deputy Director, European Community Information Service, Washington, DC at a conference sponsored by Dallas Council on World Affairs and the American Cotton Congress. Dallas, 26 September 1963. [EU Speech]
Villain, Claude. (1983) Barriers to American agriculture in world trade. Address by Mr. Claude Villain, Director-General for Agriculture, EEC, presented by Mr. Helmut von Verschuer, Deputy Director-General, to the Chicago World Trade Conference, Chicago, 18 April 1983. [EU Speech]
Von Alvensleben, R. and Esselmann, W. and Luckemeyer, M. and Ottmann, O. (1973) Intégration verticale et contrats en agriculture. I. R.F. d'Allemagne = Vertical integration and contracts in agriculture. I. F.R. of Germany. Internal information on agriculture 106, June 1973. VI/3359/73-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Van Trappen, W. and Zwaenepoel, O. (1975) Intégration verticale et contrats en agriculture. III. Belgique = Vertical integration and contracts in agriculture. III. Belgium. Internal information on agriculture 144, April 1975. VI/1590/75-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Vitale , G. (1982) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-336/82 - COM(82) 168 final) for a regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No. 355/77 concerning common measures to improve the conditions under which agricultural products are processed and marketed. Working Documents 1982-83, Document 1-678/82, 15 October 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]
Weinschenck, G, and Schmitt, G. (1966) La limitation de l'offre de produits agricoles au moyen de mesures administratives = Supply restriction of agricultural products by administrative measures. Internal information on agriculture 9, January 1966. 2083/VI/64-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]