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- Subjects - EU official documents only (65769)
- International Economy/Monetary System, Globalization (161)
Hallstein, Walter. (1961) Speech by Professor Walter Hallstein, President of the Commission of the European Economic Community, at a dinner given by Mr. Robert Lovett. New York, 24 May 1961. [EU Speech]
Hallstein, Walter. (1962) The European Economic Community as an element in a new world order. Address by President [of Commission of European Economic Community] Walter Hallstein to the Diplomatic Press Association. Paris, 22 June 1962. [EU Speech]
Marjolin, Robert. (1963) Interview of Robert Marjolin [Vice-President of the Commission of the European Communities] by John Gibson. Washington, D.C., 27 September 1963. [EU Speech]
Bobba, Franco (1964) Europe and the Others: Economic Problems [what have been the effects on the world economy of the creation and activity of the Community?]. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Marjolin, Robert. (1965) Extract from the statement on certain monetary matters [international monetary system] made by M. Robert Marjolin, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Economic Community, to the European Parliament. Strasbourg, 23 March 1965. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1965) Johnson-Hallstein to continue close U.S.-EEC contacts. Common Market President confers with top administration officials in U.S. Bulletin from the European Community. No. 80, April 1965. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1968) Common Market Commission urges greater monetary solidarity among the six. European Community News, 21 March 1968. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1968) New dimensions, new patterns. European Community. No. 112, May 1968. [EU Other]
Dreyer, Peter H. (1969) Eurodollars. European Community. No. 120, February 1969. [EU Other]
Boggs, Hale (1970) Address by Hon. Hale Boggs, Chairman, Subcommittee on Foreign Economic Policy, Joint Economic Committee to the Business Council. WHERE IS UNITED STATES FOREIGN ECONOMIC POLICY GOING IN THE 1970's? Washington, D.C., 12 February 1970. [EU Related]
Barre, Raymond. (1970) The International monetary system: a common market point of view. Speech delivered by M. Raymond Barre, Vice President of the Commission of the European Communities, to the Council of Foreign Relation. New York, 10 November 1970. [EU Speech]
Long, Olivier. (1970) Reflections on changes in international trade. Inaugural lecture of the academic year 1970-71 by Olivier Long, Director-General of GATT. Geneva, 26 October 1970. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1971) Consequences for the Community of the present situation in the monetary, commercial and agricultural fields. SEC (71) 3274 final, 15 September 1971. Bulletin of the European Communities, Supplement 6/71. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
Dahrendorf, Ralf. (1971) Declaration de M. Dahrendorf a la reunion du conseil de l'OCDE au niveau ministeriel. Paris, 7-8 juin 1971. = Statement by Mr. Dahrendorf [Member of the Commission] at a meeting of the OECD Council at ministerial level. Paris, 7-8 June 1971. [EU Speech]
Hijzen, Theodorus. (1971) Declaration de Th. Hijzen, au nom de la Communaute europeenne dans la XXVIIe session des Parties contractantes du GATT. Geneve, 25 novembre 1971 = Speech by Theodorus Hijzen, in the name of the European Community, at the 27th session of GATT Contracting Parties. Geneva, 25 November 1971. [EU Speech]
Barre, Raymond. (1971) Discours de M. Raymond Barre, Vice-President de la commission devant le Parlement europeen. Luxembourg, 22 septembre 1971 = Speech [on the monetary crisis] by Mr. Raymond Barre, Vice-President of the Commission, before the European Parliament. Luxembourg, 22 September 1971. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1971) Joint stand on international monetary reform. European Community. No. 149, October 1971. [EU Other]
Barre, Raymond. (1971) Recent Trends in the European Community. Address by Raymond Barre, Vice President of the Commission of the European Communities, at a Conference of the Banker's Association for Foreign Trade. Boca Raton, FL, 28 April 1971. [EU Speech]
Barre, Raymond. (1971) Remarks [on Community-US economic relations] by Raymond Barre, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Communities, at a roundtable at an international business conference on international implications of the U.S. new economic policy. Washington DC, 13 October 1971. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1971) The US surcharge of 10% - position adopted by the Community at GATT meeting of 24 and 25 August. Information Memo P-31/71, August 1971. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1971) US trade at Europe's expense? European Community No. 148, September 1971. [EU Other]
Barre, Raymond (1971) The situation created by the United States monetary decisions. Statement by Raymond Barre, Vice President of the European Commission. IP(71) 171, 29 August 1971. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Common Market consumers. European Community No. 159, October 1972. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Common Market official says that more than currency realignment is necessary to stabilize international monetary system. European Community Press Release No. 6, 19 January 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
Mansholt, Sicco. (1972) Full text and summary of a statement [on international monetary system and development policy] of Mr. Sicco Mansholt, President of the Commission of the European Communities, in the plenary meeting of UNCTAD III. Santiago, 17 April 1972. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Meeting of Finance Ministers of the enlarged Community to discuss objectives of international monetary reform. London, 17-18 July 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1972) Monetary fund saves the summit. European Community No. 160, November 1972. [EU Other]
Barre, Raymond (1972) Statement by Vice-President Barre to the European Parliament on the present monetary situation. Strasbourg, 4 July 1972. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1973) Education and the new Europe. United States policy towards postwar Western Europe. Bretton Woods and after (2). Worker participation in the European Community. European Studies Teachers' Series 17. [EU Commission - Brochure]
Vanhaeverbeke, Guy. (1973) Impact of the enlarged Europe on the United States and Europe. Outline of an address by Guy Vanhaeverbeke, Deputy Director of the Information Service at the European Community Delegation in Washington, DC, to the seminar sponsored by the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations. Chicago, 7 February 1973. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1973) Le Comite economique et social. Les problemes monetaires internationaux. Employeurs et travailleurs aux Pays-Bas. Les structures syndicales de base en Italie = The Economic and Social Committee. International monetary problems. Employers and workers in The Netherlands. Basic trade union structures in Italy. European Documentation: Trade Union and Labor Series 73/2. [EU Commission - Brochure]
UNSPECIFIED (1973) Money unstuck. European Community No. 165, May 1973. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1973) Pollution in Europe. New towns in Western Europe. Bretton Woods and after (1). Multinational corporations: Problems confronting Europe. European Studies Teachers' Series 16. [EU Commission - Brochure]
Haferkamp, Wilhelm. (1973) Resume de la communication du Vice-President Haferkamp sur les recents evenements monetaires a la Parlement europeen. Luxembourg 15 fevrier 1973 = Summary of a speech by Vice-President [of Commission] Haferkamp on recent monetary events to the European Parliament. Luxembourg, 15 February 1973. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1973) An address delivered by Sir Christopher Soames Vice President of the Commission of the European Communities at a luncheon meeting of the European Chambers of Commerce. European Community Press Release No. 41, 30 October 1973. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1974) Conference and crisis: Washington Energy Conference. European Community No. 175, April 1974. [EU Other]
Ortoli, Francois-Xavier. (1974) Declaration [on world energy crisis] by Francois-Xavier Ortoli, President of the Commission of the European Communities, at the opening of the Washington Conference. Washington DC, 11 February 1974. [EU Speech]
Soames, Christopher. (1974) Interview [on economic/financial problems, international relations, UKs concerns with Community] with Sir Christopher Soames, Vice-President of the Commission. 6 December 1974. [EU Speech]
Cheysson, Claude. (1974) Press conference by Mr. C. Cheysson [Member of the Commission] on the Commission proposal to set up a world fund for emergency aid to the developing countries. Brussels, 21 March 1974. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1974) Shifting mood and system. Atlantic forum. European Community No. 178, July 1974. [EU Other]
Simonet, Henri. (1974) The recycling of capital and the stability of the international monetary system. Address by Mr. Henri Simonet, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Communities, to the Centre International d'etudes monetaires et bancaires. Geneva, 28 November 1974. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1975) Communication from the Commission to the Council: Effects of developments in the international monetary situation on the working of the European Development Fund. COM (75)428 final, 25 July 1975. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1975) The European Community and a new world economic order. European Community Information Service, Background Note No. 22/1975, 17 July 1975. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1976) Motion for a Resolution tabled by Sir Brandon Rhys-Williams pursuant to Rule 25 of the Rules of Procedure on disorders in world currency markets. Working Documents 1976-1977, Document 392/76, 4 November 1976. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1977) EC leaders urge joint efforts to revive world economy. European Community Information Service (Ottawa) News Release, NR (77) 26, 5 July 1977. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1977) Enlargement puzzle: can they fit? European Community No. 203, September-October 1977. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1977) Room at the top: Springtime for summits. European Community No. 201, May-June 1977. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1978) The French elections: who really won? European Community No. 206, March-April 1978. [EU Other]
Charpentie, Yvan. (1978) Monetary Disorder. Opinion, 1978. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1978) Retreat from free trade? The Community and the world recession. European Communities Commission Background Report ISEC/B44/78, 21 June 1978. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1979) The European Economic Community and changes in the international division of labour (report of an expert group on the reciprocal implications of the internal and external policies of the Community). III/1367-78-EN, January 1979. [EU Commission - Working Document]
van Ypersele de Strihou, Jacques. (1979) European monetary system and its international implications. Speech by Jacques van Ypersele de Strihou, Chairman, Monetary Committee of the E.E.C. and Chef de Cabinet of the Belgian Prime Minister. Washington DC, 17 April 1979. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1979) Multinational globe. Europe:Magazine of the European Community No. 216, November- December 1979. [EU Other]
Denman, Roy. (1980) Atlantic trade relations: flashpoint 1980. Working text of speech by Sir Roy Denman [Director-General for External Relations] for the Wye Plantation Seminar. 9-11 July 1980. [EU Speech]
Schulmann, Horst. (1980) Common economic policy challenges: a European view. Remarks by Horst Schulmann at a US/EC Conference. Wye Plantation, MD. 10-12 July 1980. [EU Speech]
Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso (1981) Problems of interdependence in a multipolar world. Economic Papers No. 4, August 1981. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso. (1981) Problems of interdependence in a multipolar world. Report presented by Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa at the Conference organized by College of Europe and the Institute of European Studies on "European monetary system and international monetary reform." Bruges, June 1981. [EU Speech]
da Fonseca-Wollheim, Herman. (1981) United States-European Community trade relations. Speech given by Herman da Fonseca-Wollheim [member of Delegation, Washington, DC] to presidential exchange executives at Wharton School of Business. Philadelphia, 11 December 1981. [EU Speech]
Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso. (1981) The monetary relations between USA and Europe: European views on problems of interdependence in a multipolar world. Extracts from the report presented by Mr. Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, Director-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, Commission of the European Communities, at the Colloquium of Bruges: European monetary system and international monetary reform. Bruges, 5 June 1981. [EU Speech]
de Kergorlay, Roland. (1982) European Community - United States relations: a current assessment. Speech by Roland de Kergorlay, Head of the Delegation of the Commission of the European Community, before the National Foreign Trade Council. Washington DC, 12 July 1982. [EU Speech]
Thorn, Gaston. (1982) Reflections on world trade policies in the light of the forthcoming GATT ministerial meeting. Full text and summary of a speech by Gaston Thorn, President of the Commission of the European Communities, to the Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce. Zurich, 22 December 1982. [EU Speech]
de Kergorlay, Roland. (1982) Transatlantic trade: the view from the European Community. Speech by Roland de Kergorlay, Head of the Delegation of the Commission of the European Community, before the National Economists Club. Washington DC, 16 March 1982. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1983) Communication from the Commission to the Council on the promotion of the international role of the ECU. COM (83) 274 final, 24 May 1983. [EU Commission - COM Document]
Soriano, Ronald. (1983) Controversies and issues in U.S.-Western European economic relations. Speech II given by Ronald Soriano [Delegation of the European Commission] at West Virginia University. Morgantown, March 22, 1983. [EU Speech]
Soriano, Ronald. (1983) Economic recession in the countries of the European Community and the world economy. Speech given by Ronald Soriano [Delegation of the European Commission] at West Virginia University. Morgantown, 22 March 1983. [EU Speech]
Lake, Michael. (1983) The European Community and the United States: a precarious future. Address by Michael Lake to the International Study and Research Institute in New York. New York, 18 January 1983. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1983) Farm reform: trouble ahead for US-EC relations? Europe: Magazine of the European Communities No. 239, September-October 1983. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1983) Iberia: the challenge of young democracies. Europe: Magazine of the European Community No. 235, January- February 1983. [EU Other]
Thorn, Gaston. (1983) Introductory remarks [on international economic problems] at the press conference of President Gaston Thorn, EC Commission. Brussels, 30 May 1983. [EU Speech]
Jenkins, Roy. (1983) Speech [on the global economic and financial crisis] by the Rt. Hon. Roy Jenkins [MP] at a meeting at the University of New York organised by the American European Community Association. New York, 6 January 1983. [EU Speech]
Arsenis, Gerasimos. (1983) Statement by the Hon. Gerasimos Arsenis, Minister of National Economy and Governor of the Bank and Fund for Greece, on behalf of the Member States of the European Communities, at the Joint Annual Discussion. Washington DC, 27 September 1983. [EU Speech]
Denman, Roy. (1983) Steel: clash in world trade. Address by Sir Roy Denman, Head of the Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities in Washington DC, to the American Institute for Imported Steel. New York, 5 December 1983. [EU Speech]
Blanchard, Olivier and Dornbusch, Rudiger (1983) U.S. deficits, the dollar and Europe. Economic Papers No. 24, December 1983. II/473/83-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Denman, Roy. (1983) A fair deal for free trade. Address by Sir Roy Denman, Head, Delegation of the European Commission, Washington DC, at the Economic Club of Detroit. Detroit, 5 December, 1983. [EU Speech]
Dykes, Hugh. (1984) E.C. trade with the USA and the world. A press release and speech from Hugh Dykes, M.P., on a U.S. visit. April 1984. [EU Speech]
Meade, J.E. (1984) International co-operation in macro-economic policies. Economic Papers No. 28, February 1984. II/49/84-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Szasz, Andre. (1984) US-EC financial and monetary relations. How to co-operate in an unstable non-system. Address by Andre Szasz, Executive Director of the Netherlands Bank, to the Eighth Annual Conference of European and American Journalists. Knokke, Belgium, April 1984. [EU Speech]
Denman, Roy. (1984) Unitary taxation. Address by Sir Roy Denman, Head of the Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities to the Executive Forum on Unitary Taxation. Washington DC, 23 February 1984. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1985) Bravo! Spain and Portugal join E.C. Europe: Magazine of the European Community No. 249, May-June 1985. [EU Other]
Preiffer, Alois. (1985) Statement [on the economic situation and employment] by Mr. Alois Pfeiffer [Member of the Commission] at the OECD meeting of Council at ministerial level. 12 April 1985. [EU Speech]
UNSPECIFIED (1986) ECU takes off European Currency Unit's global role. Europe: Magazine of the European Community No. 256, May 1986. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1986) France turns to the right. Europe: Magazine of the European Community No. 255, April 1986. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1986) Liberty: a symbol of transatlantic unity. Europe: Magazine of the European Community No. 258, July-August 1986. [EU Other]
McKinnon, Ronald I. (1986) Monetary and exchange rate policies for international financial stability: a proposal. Economic Papers No. 53, November 1986. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Armington, Paul (1986) Towards understanding major fluctuations of the dollar. Economic Papers No. 43, January 1986. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Kryiazis, Nicholas and Chryssanthou, Nicholas (1986) US-EC monetary relations. Research and Documentation Papers, Economic Series No. 8, 1986. [EU European Parliament Document]
Haberer, Jean-Yves (1988) La decouplage de la finance et de l'economie. Contribution a l'evaluation des enjeux Europeene dans la revolution du system financier international = Decoupling of finance and the economy. Contribution to the evaluation of European vulnerability in the international financial system revolution. Economic Papers 64, May 1988. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1989) The world economy in 1993. Forecasts from the MIMOSA model. Research and Documentation Papers, National Parliament Series No. 6, September 1989. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1993) Price and cost competitiveness 2nd quarter 1993. Part 1: Quarterly report; Part 2: Tables and charts. II/244/2/93. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1993) Price and cost competitiveness 4th quarter 1993. Part 1: Quarterly report; Part 2: Tables and charts. II/244/4/93. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1993) Price and cost competitiveness. 1st quarter 1993. Tables and charts. II/295/1/94. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1993) Price and cost competitiveness. 3rd quarter 1993. Part 1: quarterly report; Part 2: tables and charts. II/244/3/93. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1994) Economic interdependence - new policy challenges. Proceedings of the public hearing held by the Committee on External Economic Relations, Brussels, 28 September 1993. Research and Documentation Papers, External Economic Relations Series, Working Papers W-7, 1-1994. [EU European Parliament Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1994) Price and Cost Competitiveness, 2nd quarter 1994. Part 1: Quarterly report. Part 2: Tables and charts II/295/2/94. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1994) Price and cost competitiveness 1st quarter 1994. Part 1: Quarterly report; Part 2: Tables and charts. II/295/1/94. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1994) Price and cost competitiveness 4th quarter 1994. Part 1: Quarterly report; Part 2: Tables and charts. II/295/4/94. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1994) Price and cost competitiveness, 3rd quarter 1994. Part 1: Quarterly report. Part 2: Tables and charts. II/295/3/94. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Ilzkovitz, Fabienne (1994) Recent developments in the international use of currencies: Towards a tripolar regime? [EU Commission - Working Document]
van de Koolwijk, Pieter J.A. (1994) The international use of main currencies - A Statistical overview of recent developments. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1995) The Globalisation Newsletter. 1-1995. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1995) The Globalisation Newsletter. 2-1995. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1995) Price and cost competitiveness 3rd quarter 1995. Part 1: Quarterly report; Part 2: Tables and charts. II/24/3/95. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1995) Price and cost competitiveness 4th quarter 1995. Part 1: Quarterly report; Part 2: Tables and charts. II/24/4/95. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1995) Price and cost competitiveness. 1st quarter 1995. Part 1: quarterly report; Part 2: tables and charts. II/24/1/95. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1995) Price and cost competitiveness. 2nd quarter 1995. Part 1: quarterly report; Part 2: tables and charts. II/24/2/95. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Benassy-Quere, Agnes (1996) Potentialities and opportunities of the Euro as an international currency. Economic Papers No. 115, July 1996. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1996) Price and cost competitiveness 1st quarter 1996. Quarterly report on the price and cost competitiveness of the European Union and its Member States. II/005/1/96-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1996) Price and cost competitiveness 3rd quarter 1996. Quarterly report on the price and cost competitiveness of the European Union and its Member States. II/005/3/96-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1996) Price and cost competitiveness 4th quarter 1996. Quarterly report on the price and cost competitiveness of the European Union and its Member States. II/005/4/96-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1996) Price and cost competitiveness. Quarterly report on the price and cost competitiveness of the European Union and its Member States. 2nd quarter 1996. II/005/2/96-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1997) External aspects of economic and monetary union. Commission staff working document. 17 April 1997. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1997) Globalisation. The Courier No. 164, July/August 1997. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1997) Price and cost competitiveness 1st quarter 1997. Quarterly report on the price and cost competitiveness of the European Union and its Member States. II/224/1/97-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1997) Price and cost competitiveness 2nd quarter 1997. Quarterly report on the price and cost competitiveness of the European Union and its Member States. II/224/2/97-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1997) Price and cost competitiveness 3rd quarter 1997. Quarterly report on the price and cost competitiveness of the European Union and its Member States. II/224/3/97-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1997) Price and cost competitiveness. Quarterly report on the price and cost competitiveness of the European Union and its Member States. Fourth quarter 1997. II/224/4/97-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1998) Euro countries should speak with single voice in IMF and G7, European Commission says. European Union News No. 92/98, 4 November 1998. [EU Commission - Press Notice]
UNSPECIFIED (1998) Price and cost competitiveness. Quarterly report on the price and cost competitiveness of the European Union and its Member States. First quarter 1998. II/339/1/98-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1998) Price and cost competitiveness. Quarterly report on the price and cost competitiveness of the European Union and its Member States. Fourth quarter 1998. II/131/1/99-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1998) Price and cost competitiveness. Quarterly report on the price and cost competitiveness of the European Union and its Member States. Second and third quarters 1998. II/339/2/98-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1998) Proposal for a Council decision on the representation and position taking of the Community at international level in the context of Economic and Monetary Union. COM (98) 637 final, 9 November 1998. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1998) Report to the European Council on the state of preparation for Stage 3 of EMU, in particular the external representation of the Community. 13693/98, 1 December 1998. [EU Council of the EU Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1998) Views from Europe's markets. Europe: Magazine of the European Union No. 381, November 1998. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (1999) Price and cost competitiveness. Quarterly report on the price and cost competitiveness of the European Union and its Member States. Third quarter 1999. II/353/3/99-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1999) Price and cost competitiveness. Quarterly report on the price and cost competitiveness of the European Union and its Member States. First quarter 1999. II/353/1/99-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1999) Price and cost competitiveness. Quarterly report on the price and cost competitiveness of the European Union and its Member States. Fourth quarter 1999. ECFIN/353/4/99-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (1999) Price and cost competitiveness. Quarterly report on the price and cost competitiveness of the European Union and its Member States. Second quarter 1999. II/353/2/99-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2000) Price and cost competitiveness. Quarterly report on the price and cost competitiveness of the European Union and its Member States. First quarter 2000. ECFIN/44/1/00-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2000) Price and cost competitiveness. Quarterly report on the price and cost competitiveness of the European Union and its Member States. Fourth quarter 2000. ECFIN/44/4/00-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2000) Price and cost competitiveness. Quarterly report on the price and cost competitiveness of the European Union and its Member States. Third quarter 2000. ECFIN/44/3/00-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2000) Price and cost competitiveness. Quarterly report on the price and cost competitiveness of the European Union and its Member States. Second quarter 2000. ECFIN/C-1/44/2/00-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2001) Price and cost competitiveness. Quarterly data on price and cost competitiveness of the European Union and its Member States. Fourth quarter 2001. ECFIN/351/4/01-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2001) Price and cost competitiveness. Quarterly data on price and cost competitiveness of the European Union and its Member States. Second quarter 2001. ECFIN/351/2/01-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2001) Price and cost competitiveness. Quarterly data on price and cost competitiveness of the European Union and its Member States. Third quarter 2001. ECFIN/351/3/01-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2001) Price and cost competitiveness. Quarterly report on the price and cost competitiveness of the European Union and its Member States. First quarter 2001. ECFIN/351/1/01-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2001) Promoting core labour standards and improving social governance in the context of globalisation. Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee. COM (2001) 416 final, 18 July 2001. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2001) The next generation. Europe: Magazine of the European Union No. 402, December 2000-January 2001. [EU Other]
UNSPECIFIED (2002) Price and cost competitiveness. Quarterly data on price and cost competitiveness of the European Union and its Member States. First quarter 2002. ECFIN/266/1-02-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2002) Price and cost competitiveness. Quarterly data on price and cost competitiveness of the European Union and its Member States. Fourth quarter 2002. ECFIN/266/4/02-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2002) Price and cost competitiveness. Quarterly data on price and cost competitiveness of the European Union and its Member States. Second quarter 2002. ECFIN/266/2/02-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2002) Price and cost competitiveness. Quarterly data on price and cost competitiveness of the European Union and its Member States. Third quarter 2002. ECFIN/266/3/02-EN. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2002) Responses to the challenges of globalisation. A study on the international monetary and financial system on financing for development. Commission staff working document. SEC (2002) 185 final, 13 February 2002. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2002) Responses to the challenges of globalisation: A study on the international monetary and financial system and on financing for development. Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament. the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. COM (2002) 81 final, 13 February 2002. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2004) The social dimension of globalisation - the EU's policy contribution on extending the benefits to all. Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. COM (2004) 383 final, 18 May 2004. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2005) Draft Council conclusions on the social dimension of globalisation. 6286/05, 15 February 2005. [EU Council of the EU Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2006) Promoting decent work for all. The EU contribution to the implementation of the decent work agenda in the world. Annexes. Commission staff working document. SEC (2006) 643 final, 24 May 2006. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2006) Promoting decent work for all. The EU contribution to the implementation of the decent work agenda in the world. Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. COM (2006) 249 final, 24 May 2006. [EU Commission - COM Document]