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- African, Caribbean, and Pacific (ACP) & earlier (2987)
- Relations with regional entities (7595)
- External Relations (13608)
Michel, V. (1980) Report drawn up on behalf of the Joint Committee on the proposals designed to ensure respect for and protection of the rights of migrant workers, students and trainees who are nationals of one of the Contracting Parties and regularly resident in a Member State or an ACP State. ACP-EEC Consultative Assembly working documents 1980-1981, Document ACP-EEC/18/80, 18 July, 1980. [EU European Parliament Document]
Masseret, Mr. (1997) WEU's contribution to reinforcing peace in central Africa. Assembly of Western European Union Forty-Third Session Document 1566, 13 May 1997. [EU Related]
Robles Piquer, Carlos (1994) Report of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Security on the democratization of Africa. Session Documents 1994, Document A3-0170/94, 23 March 1994. [EU European Parliament Document]