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Armand, Louis and Etzel, Franz and Giordani, Francesco (1957) Un objectif pour Euratom = A target for Euratom. [EU Other]

Armand, Louis and Etzel, Franz and Giordani, Francesco (1957) A target for Euratom. [EU Other]


Battaglia, Edoardo (1966) 2 PDFs HERE REMOVE 16 AND MAKE SEPARATE ITEM-Rapport fait au nom de la commission des budgets et de l'administration sur le projet de budget de fonctionnement de la Communauté européenne de l'énergie atomique pour l'exercice 1966 (doc. 5), le projet de budget de recherches et d'investissement de la Communauté européenne de l'énergie atomique pour l'exercice 1966 (doc 6). Documents de Seance 1966-1967, Document 15 et 16, 2 Mars 1966. = Report on behalf of the Committee on Budgets and Administration on the draft operating budget of the European Atomic Energy Community for the 1966 financial year (Doc. 5), the proposed research budget and investment from the European Atomic Energy Community for the year 1966 (Doc 6). Working Documents 1966-1967, Document 15 and 16, 2 March 1966. [EU European Parliament Document]


Chantenet, Pierre. (1967) Discours de Monsieur Pierre Chatenet, President de la Commission, devant le Parlement europeen. Strasbourg, juin 1967 = Speech by Mr. Pierre Chatenet, President of the Commission of Euratom, before the European Parliament. Strasbourg, June 1967. [EU Speech]

Chatenet, Pierre. (1964) Presentation devant le Parlement europeen, par M. le President Chatenet, du 7eme rapport general. Strasbourg, 17 juin 1964 = Speech before the European Parliament by President Pierre Chatenet concerning the 7th General Report. Strasbourg, 17 June 1964. [EU Speech]

Chatenet, Pierre. (1963) Speech by Mr. Pierre Chatenet, President of the Euratom Commission, before the European Parliament [on the Sixth General Report]. Strasbourg, May 1963. [EU Speech]

Consolo, Federico. (1959) Statement by Federico Consolo, Director, European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom). Cleveland, Ohio, 10 April 1959. [EU Speech]


de Groote, Paul and Jaquet, Gerard. (1961) Euratom au service de l'Europe par Paul de Groote, membre de la Communaute europeenne de l'energie atomique = Euratom in the service of Europe. Article by Paul de Groote, Member of Euratom Commission. Courrier socialiste europeen, 1/1961, pp. 2-4, 25 mars 1961. [EU Commission - Working Document]

de Groote, Paul and Krekeler, Heinz and Sassen, Emmanuel. (1959) Press conference given by three Members of the Commission of the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) - Mr. de Groote, Mr. Krekeler and Mr. Sassen. London, 6 February 1959. [EU Speech]


Finet, Paul and Hirsch, Etienne and Hallstein, Walter. (1959) Interview of Three European Community Presidents, President Paul Finet [High Authority of the ECSC], President Etienne Hirsch [Commission of Euratom], and President Walter Hallstein [Commission of the European Economic Community]. National Press Club. Washington DC, 11 June 1959. [EU Speech]


Gaudet, Michel. (1959) Euratom. [EU Other]

Gaudet, Michel (1958) Euratom [French version]. [EU Other]

Gibrat, Robert. (1959) The Euratom-U.S.A.Treaty: The Obstacles. Remarks prepared by Mr. Robert GIBRAT, President-General Manager INDATOM. Paris, 8 April 1959. [EU Speech]

Gueron, Jules (1959) Review and status report on the Research and Development Program of the United States-Euratom Agreement [Joint Research and development program on nuclear energy]. Remarks delivered by Jules Gueron, Director of Research and Development, European Atomic Energy Community, at the afternoon session of the Atomic Industrial Forum Meeting. Washington, D.C., 4 November 1959. [EU Speech]


Hirsch, Etienne. (1959) Sommaire du discours de M. E. Hirsch devant l' assemblee parlementaire. 9 avril 1959. = Summary of the speech given by Mr. E. Hirsch [President of European Atomic Energy Community] to the Parliamentary Assembly. 9 April 1959. [EU Speech]

Hirsch, Etienne. (1960) Speech [on the 3rd General Report] delivered to the European Parliament by Mr. Etienne Hirsch, President of the Euratom Commission. Strasbourg, May 1960. [EU Speech]

Hirsch, Etienne. (1961) Speech [on the annual report of the European Atomic Energy Community] delivered to the European Parliament by Mr. Etienne Hirsch, President of the Euratom Commission. Strasbourg, 29 June 1961. [EU Speech]

Hirsch, Etienne. (1960) Speech given by Mr. E. Hirsch, President of the Euratom Commission, during the European parliamentary discussions on the external relations of Euratom. 21-22 November 1960. [EU Speech]

Hirsch, Etienne (1959) The State of the United States-Euratom Joint Program. Text of an Address by Etienne Hirsch, President of the Commission of the European Atomic Energy Community, at the All-Conference Banquet of the Atomic Industrial Forum and the American Nuclear Society. Washington, D.C., 4 November 1959. [EU Speech]

Hirsch, Etienne. (1960) Summary of speech delivered by Euratom Commission President Hirsch to the Strasbourg Parliament on 16 May 1960 on the submission of the Commission's third General Report. Strasbourg, 16 May 1960. [EU Speech]


Ippolito, F. (1984) Interim report drawn up behalf of the Committee on Energy, Research, and Technology on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (COM (82) 732 final - Doc. 1-1164/82) for a decision adopting new provisions relating to Chapter VI 'Supplies' of the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community, Part B - Explanatory statement. Working Documents 1984-85, Document 1-228/84/B, 21 May 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]

Ippolito, F. (1984) Interim report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Energy, Research and Technology on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (COM (82) 732 final - Doc. 1-1164/82) for a decision adopting new provisions relating to Chapter VI 'Supplies' of the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community, Part A - Motion for a resolution. Working Documents 1984-85, Document 1-228/84/A, 10 May 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]


Krekeler, Heinz L. (1959) Euratom and the regional problem of atomic energy. Draft speech to be delivered at the Bologna Center of the School of Advanced International Studies of the Johns Hopkins University by Dr. Heinz L. Krekeler, Member of the Commission of the European Atomic Energy Community. Bologna, 16 March 1959. [EU Speech]

Kreyssig, Gerhard (1958) Rapport fait au nom du Groupe de Travail sur la revision du Traite instituant la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier. Exercice 1957-1958 Deuxieme session extraordinaire, Document 17, Fevrier 1958. = "Report on behalf of the Working Group on the revision of the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community. Year 1957-1958. Common Assembly Second Special Session, Document 17, February 1958". [EU European Parliament Document]


Monnet, Jean (1968) Organizing for peace. European Community. No. 108, December 1967-January 1968. [EU Other]

Mattys, M. and Hauser, R. (1962) Production de pastilles d'oxydes mixtes UO2-ThO2 par frittage dans l'air = Production of pellets mixed oxides UO2-ThO2 by sintering in air. [EU Commission - Working Document]


Pedini, M. (1965) Deuxième Rapport Complémentaire fait au nom de la Commission de la recherche et de la culture sur l'état de réalisation du programme de recherche d'Euratom. Documents de Séance 1965-1966, Document 41, 11 Mai 1965. = Second Supplementary Report on behalf of the Committee on Research and Culture on the status of implementation of the Euratom research program. Working Documents 1965-1966, Document 41, 11 May 1965. [EU European Parliament Document]


Rey, Jean. (1968) Compte rendu stenographique de la conference de presse de Monsieur Jean Rey, President de la Commission des Communautes Europeennes. Bruxelles, 17 decembre 1968. = Transcript of a press conference by Jean Rey, President of the Commission of the European Communities. Brussels, 17 December 1968. [EU Speech]


Sassen, E.M.J.A. (1961) Address by Mr. E.M.J.A. Sassen, Member of the Commission of the European Atomic Energy Community, at Europe House. London, 16 March 1961. [EU Speech]


van der Goes van Naters, M. (1956) Rapport fait au nom du Groupe de Travail sur le Marche commun et l'Euratom. Exercice 1955-1956 Session ordinaire = Report on behalf of the Working Group on the Common Market and Euratom. Common Assembly: ordinary session Document No 14 1955-1956, March 1956. [EU European Parliament Document]

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