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- Agriculture (8112)
- Agromonetary System (52)
- Agriculture (8112)
Dalsager, Poul. (1984) Declaration [on agriculture policy] by Poul Dalsager, Member of the Commission of the European Communities, to the European Parliament. Strasbourg, 14 march 1984. [EU Speech]
Dalsager, Poul. (1982) Mediterranean agriculture: problems and prospects. Speech by Mr. Poul Dalsager, Member of the Commission responsible for agriculture, to a group of Community journalists visiting Greece to study the problems of Mediterranean agriculture. Athens, 22 November 1982. [EU Speech]
Gundelach, Finn Olav. (1979) Speech by Mr. Finn Olav Gundelach, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Communities, at the opening of the "Green Week." Berlin, 25 January 1979. [EU Speech]
Gazagnes, Jean-Marc (1996) The agrimonetary system in the single market. Working note on the common agricultural policy special issue. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Jenkins, Roy. (1978) Agriculture in Europe. Speech by the Right Hon Roy Jenkins, President of the Commission of the European Communities, at the Royal Agricultural show. Stoneleigh, Kenilworth, 3 July 1978. [EU Speech]
Letellier, Jean-Guy (1977) Evaluation of the problems associated with the utilisation of the European unit of account for the common agricultural policy. Research and Documentation Papers, Economic Series No. 2, October 1977. [EU European Parliament Document]
Lardinois, P.J. (1975) Resume of a speech given by Mr. P.J. Lardinois, Member of the Commission of the European Communities in connection with the opening of the "Green Week". Berlin. 23 January 1975. [EU Speech]
Lardinois, P.J. (1976) Summary of a speech by P.J. Lardinois, Member of the Commission of the European Communities, delivered before the Scottish National Farmers' Union. Aviemore, Invernesshire, 25 March 1976. [EU Speech]
Lardinois, P.J. (1974) Summary of an address [agricultural problems] by Mr. P.J. Lardinois, Member of the Commission of the European Communities, at the Congress of West German Agricultural and Credit Co-operatives. Wiesbaden, 28 May 1974. [EU Speech]
Lardinois, Pierre J. (1976) Summary of speech [on agromonetary policy] by Mr. P.J. Larinois, Member of the Commission of the European Communities in charge of agriculture, to the Guild of Agricultural Journalists. London, 19 October 1976. [EU Speech]
Tugendhat, Christopher. (1984) EEC Commission proposals would curb food prices. Speech by Mr. Christopher Tugendhat, Vice-President of the European Commission, at the "Food Processing" Award Ceremony. London, 6 February 1984. [EU Speech]
Vredeling, H. (1979) The Community role in the field of social and employment policy. Speech by Mr. H. Vredeling, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Communities, at the London Europe Society and at the Confederation of British Industry. London, 9 February 1979. [EU Speech]