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- Transportation Policy (1662)
Andriessen, Frans. (1983) Extracts from the speech [on competition rules for air and sea transport] made by Mr Frans Andriessen, Member of the Commission of the European Communities, to the Economic and Social Committee. Brussels, 27 January 1983. [EU Speech]
Burke, Richard. (1980) Address by Mr. Richard Burke, Member of the Commission of the European Communities, at the Offical opening of new premises for Irish Business Systems. Cork, 8 September 1980. [EU Speech]
Burke, Richard. (1978) East West problems in shipping. Speech to be delivered by Richard Burke, Member of the Commission of the European Communities. Bremen, 11 March 1978. [EU Speech]
Burke, Richard. (1978) East West shipping. Speech to be delivered at International Business Center of New England by Richard Burke, Member of the Commission of the European Communities. Boston, 2 February 1978. [EU Speech]
Bonety, Rene and Doble, Roderick L. (1981) Prevention of marine pollution. The enforcement, in respect of shipping using Community ports, of international standards for shipping safety and pollution prevention. Community information system for preventing and combatting hydrocarbon pollution of the sea. [EU Economic and Social Committee]
Burke, Richard. (1980) Remarks [on maritime transport policy] by Commissioner Richard Burke at the opening of the Posidonia exhibition. Piraeus, 2 June 1980. [EU Speech]
Burke, Richard. (1979) Shipping policy: a view of Western Europe. Address by Mr. Richard Burke, Member of the Commission of the European Communities. Stockholm School of Economics. Stockholm, 18 June 1979. [EU Speech]
Burke, Richard. (1980) Speech [on shipping and ports policy] by Mr. Richard Burke, Member of the Commission of the European Communities, to the annual dinner of the Liberian Shipowner's Council Ltd. Hamburg, 29 October 1980. [EU Speech]
Burke, Richard. (1980) Speech [on shipping policy and marine pollution] by Mr. Richard Burke, Member of the Commission of the European Communities, to the Institute of Marine Engineers annual dinner. London, 14 March 1980. [EU Speech]
Burke, Richard. (1980) Speech by Mr. Richard Burke, Member of the Commission of the European Communities, to the Conference on Shipping Safety and Pollution Prevention. Paris, 1-2 December 1980. [EU Speech]
Burke, Richard. (1978) Toward a shipping policy for the EEC. Full text and summary of a speech by Richard Burke, Member of the Commission, at the Seatrade Seminar. Brussels, 11 September 1978. [EU Speech]
Burke, Richard. (1978) Towards a shipping policy for the EEC. Speech by Richard Burke, Member of the Commission. Brussels, 11 September 1978. [EU Speech]
Burke, Richard. (1980) Trends and developments in international transport policy - a European perspective. Presentation by Mr. Richard Burke, Member of the Commission of the European Communities, at seminar of the U.S. Council of the International Chamber of Commerce. New York, 16 September 1980. [EU Speech]
Contogeorgis, George. (1984) Extracts from the speech by George Contogeorgis, Member of the Commission of the European Communities, to the meeting of the development of transport in the Mediterranean Sea. Thessaloniki, 2 October 1984. [EU Speech]
Carossino, A. (1980) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Transport on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-332/80) for a directive concerning the enforcement, in respect of shipping using community ports, of international standards for shipping safety and pollution prevention. Working Documents 1980-1981, Document 1-708/80, 12 December 1980. [EU European Parliament Document]
Donington, Lord Bruce (1978) INTERIM REPORT drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Regional Policy, Regional Planning and Transport on the communication and proposals from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 121/78) on marine pollution arising from the carriage of oil "Amoco Cadiz". EP Working Documents, document 147/78, 31 May 1978. [EU European Parliament Document]
Donnington, Lord Bruce (1979) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Regional Policy, Regional Planning and Transport on I. the best means of preventing accidents to shipping and consequential marine and coastal pollution, and II. shipping regulations. EP Working Documents, document 555/78, 15 January 1979. [EU European Parliament Document]
Donnington, Lord Bruce (1979) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Regional Policy, Regional Planning and Transport on the proposal from the commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 488/78) for a decision rendering mandatory the procedures for ship inspection forming the subject of resolutions of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization. EP Working Documents, document 556/78, 16 January 1979. [EU European Parliament Document]
Harris, D. A. (1982) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Regional Policy and Regional Planning on the European Coastal Charter. Working Documents 1982-1983, Document 1-302/82, 4 June 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]
Hill, James (1974) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Regional Policy and Transport on permanent links across certain sea straits. Working Documents 1974-1975, Document 319/74, 5 November 1974. [EU European Parliament Document]
Ibrugger, L. (1978) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Regional Policy, Regional Planning and Transport on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 252/78) for a decision concerning the memorandum of understanding of 2 March 1978 between certain maritime authorities on the maintenance of standards on merchant ships. EP Working Documents, document 348/78, 11 October 1978. [EU European Parliament Document]
Jung, K. (1979) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Regional Policy, Regional Planning and Transport on the EEC's relations with the COMECON countries in the field of maritime shipping. EP Working Documents, document 51/79, 11 April 1979. [EU European Parliament Document]
Kaloyannis, K. (1983) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Transport on the creation of a European Foundation for Safety at Sea. Working Documents 1983-1984. Document 1-773/83, October 1983. [EU European Parliament Document]
Moulle, N. and Beltrame, F. and Bourrier, A. and Lahache, M. and Deveaux, L. (1974) Le rôle des ports de la Communauté pour le trafic de céréales et de farines. I. Synthèse pour les principaux ports français et italiens = The role of the Community's ports for the trade of grains and flour. I. Synthesis for the main French and Italian ports. Internal information on agriculture 122, February 1974. VI/2941/73-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Moulle, N. and Betrame, F. and Bourrier, A. and Lahache, M. and Deveaux, L. (1974) Le rôle des ports de la Communauté pour le trafic de céréales et de farines. II. Monographies pour les principaux ports français de la Manche = The role of the Community's ports for the trade of grains and flour. II. Monographs for the main French ports on the English Channel. Internal information on agriculture 123, February 1974. VI/1169/74-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Moulle, N. and Beltrame, F. and Bourrier, A. and Lahache, M. and Deveaux, L. (1974) Le rôle des ports de la Communauté pour le trafic de céréales et de farines. III. Monographies pour les principaux ports français de l'Atlantique = The role of the Community's ports for the trade of grains and flour. III. Monographs for the main French ports on the Atlantic. Internal information on agriculture 124, February 1974. VI/1263/74-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Moulle, N. and Beltrame, F. and Bourrier, A. and Lahache, M. and Deveaux, L. (1974) Le rôle des ports de la Communauté pour le trafic de céréales et de farines. IV. Monographies pour les principaux ports français de la Méditerranée = The role of the Community's ports for the trade of grains and flour. IV. Monographs for the main French ports on the Mediterranean. Internal information on agriculture 125, February 1974. VI/1264/74-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Moulle, N. and Beltrame, F. and Bourrier, A. and Lahache, M. and Deveaux, L. (1974) Le rôle des ports de la Communauté pour le trafic de céréales et de farines. V. Monographies pour les principaux ports italiens de la Côte Ouest = The role of the Community's ports for the trade of grains and flours. V. Monographs for the main Italians ports on the west ooast. Internal information on agriculture 126, February 1974. VI/1265/74-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Moulle, N. and Beltrame, F. and Bourrier, A. and Lahache, M. and Deveaux, L. (1974) Le rôle des ports de la Communauté pour le trafic de céréales et de farines. VI. Monographies pour les principaux ports italiens de la Côte Est = The role of the Community's ports for the trade of grains and flour. VI. Monographs for the main Italians ports on the east coast. Internal information on agriculture 127, February 1974. VI/1266/74-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
McDonald, C. (1978) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Regional Policy, Regional Planning and Transport on the proposal from the Commission of the European Community to the Council (Doc. 540/77) for a regulation concerning accession to the United Nations Convention on a code of conduct for liner conferences. EP Working Documents, document 47/78, 2 May 1978. [EU European Parliament Document]
Moulle, N. and Stammers, A.J. and Deveaux-Payen, M.L and Goodanew, T.F. and Vernier, J.N. (1975) The role des ports de la Communaute pour le trafic de cereales et de farines. IX. Monographies pour les principaux ports du Royaume-Uni = The role of Community ports for the trade of cereals and flours. IX. Monographs for the principal ports of the United Kingdom. Internal information on agriculture 157, August 1975. VI/3172/75-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Moulle, N. and Stammers, A.J. and Deveaux-Payen, M.L and Goodanew, T.F. and Vernier, J.N. (1975) The role des ports de la Communaute pour le trafic de cereales et de farines. VIII. Monographies pour les principaux ports de la R.F. d'Allemagne = The role of Community ports for the trade of cereals and flours. VIII. Monographs for the principal ports of F.R. Germany. Internal information on agriculture 156, August 1975. VI/3171/75-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Moulle, N. and Stammers, A.J. and Deveaux-Payen, M.L and Goodanew, T.F. and Vernier, J.N. (1975) The role des ports de la Communaute pour le trafic de cereales et de farines. X. Monographies pour les principaux ports des Pays-Bas = The role of Community ports for the trade of cereals and flours. X. Monographs for the principal ports of the Netherlands. Internal information on agriculture 158, August 1975. VI/3173/75-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Moulle, N. and Stammers, A.J. and Deveaux-Payen, M.L and Goodanew, T.F. and Vernier, J.N. (1975) The role des ports de la Communaute pour le trafic de cereales et de farines. XI. Monographies pour les principaux ports de la Belgique = The role of Community ports for the trade of cereals and flours. XI. Monographs for the principal ports of Belgium. Internal information on agriculture 159, August 1975. VI/3174/75-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Moulle, N. and Stammers, A.J. and Deveaux-Payen, M.L and Goodanew, T.F. and Vernier, J.N. (1975) The role des ports de la Communaute pour le trafic de cereales et de farines. XII. Monographies pour les principaux ports de l'Irlande et du Danemark = The role of Community ports for the trade of cereals and flours. XII. Monographs for the principal ports of Ireland and Denmark. Internal information on agriculture 160, August 1975. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Moulle, N. and Stammers, A.J. and Deveaux-Payen, M.L and Goodanew, T.F. and Verbuer, J.N. (1975) The role des ports de la Communaute pour le trafic de cereales et de farines. XIII. Resumes et conclusions = The role of Community ports for the trade of cereals and flours. XIII. Summary and conclusions. Internal information on agriculture 161, August 1975. [EU Commission - Working Document]
Noe', L. (1978) MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION tabled by Mr FELLERMAIER on behalf of the Socialist Group with request for an immediate vote pursuant to Rule 47 (5) of the Rules Procedure to wind up the debate on oral question (Doc . 28/78) on shipping regulations. EP Working Documents, document 51/78, 11 April 1978. [EU European Parliament Document]
Nyborg, K. (1978) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 12/78) for a regulation laying down the customs procedure applicable to the stores of vessels, aircraft and international trains. EP Working Documents, document 129/78, 31 May 1978. [EU European Parliament Document]
Prescott, J.L. (1976) INTERIM REPORT drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on the Community shipping industry. EP Working Documents 1976-77, Document 479/76, 23 December 1976. [EU European Parliament Document]
Pery, N. (1982) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-407/82-COM(82) 305 final) for a decision amending Decision 78/640/EEC on financial participation by the Community in inspection and surveillance operations in the maritime waters of Denmark and Ireland, Working Documents 1982-1983, Document 1-527/82, 20 July 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]
Rouzier, Jean (1979) EEC shipping policy flags of convenience. Own initiative opinion. [EU Economic and Social Committee]
Remilly, E. (1982) Second report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-577/81 - COM (81) 463 final) for a draft decision adopting a concerted action project for the European Economic Community in the field of shore-based maritime navigation aid systems. Working Documents 1982-1983, Document 1-417/82, 1 July 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]
Seefeld, H. (1977) INTERIM REPORT drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Regional Policy, Regional Planning and Transport on sea transport problems in the Community. EP Working Documents, document 5/77, 23 March 1977. [EU European Parliament Document]
Seefeld, Horst (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission des transports sur la politique portuaire dans le cadre de la Communautés européennes. Documents de séance 1972-1973. DOCUMENT 10/72. 12 avril 1972 = Report made on behalf of the Committee on Transport on port policy in the framework of the European Communities. Meeting Documents 1972-1973. DOCUMENT 10/72. April 12, 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]
Tronet, Vincent (2002) Statistics in Focus. Transport. Highlights of the Panorama of transport 1970-1999. All modes of transport except pipelines increased faster than the gross domestic product. 2002.3. [EU Commission - Working Document]