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Number of items: 115.


UNSPECIFIED (1950) Click on View Item below to access Related URLs slot which contains Link to Index for the Bulletin of the European Economic Community. [EU Other]


UNSPECIFIED (1954) Belgium and the Community. Bulletin from the European Community for Coal and Steel, Volume II, No. 2, December 1954. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Europe's first two years. Bulletin from the European Community for Coal and Steel, Volume II, No. 1, November 1954. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) Transport on the common market. Bulletin from the European Community for Coal and Steel, No. 6, June 1954. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1954) The high authority reports to the assembly. Bulletin from the Economic Community for Coal and Steel, No. 5, May 1954. [EU Other]


UNSPECIFIED (1955) British association. Bulletin from the European Community for Coal and Steel, Volume II, No. 3, January 1955. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1955) Community trade unionists federate. Bulletin from the European Community for Coal and Steel, Volume II, No. 5, April-May 1995. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1955) Rene Mayer takes over. Bulletin from the European Community for Coal and Steel, Volume II, No. 6, June-July 1955. [EU Other]


UNSPECIFIED (1956) Bulletin mensuel d'Information. Numéro 10, December 1956. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1956) Bulletin mensuel d'information (CECA) = Monthly Bulletin of Information (ECSC) No. 1, January 1956. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1956) Bulletin mensuel d'information = Monthly bulletin of information. No. 2, February 1956. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1956) Bulletin mensuel d'information = Monthly bulletin of information. No. 3, March 1956. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1956) Bulletin mensuel d'information = Monthly bulletin of information. No. 4, April 1956. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1956) Bulletin mensuel d'information = Monthly bulletin of information. No. 5, May 1956. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1956) Bulletin mensuel d'information = Monthly bulletin of information. No. 6, June 1956. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1956) Bulletin mensuel d'information = Monthly bulletin of information. No. 7, July 1956. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1956) Bulletin mensuel d'information = Monthly bulletin of information. No. 8, 1956. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1956) Bulletin mensuel d'information = Monthly bulletin of information. No. 9, November 1956. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1957) Bulletin mensuel d'information (resume du cinquieme rapport general) = Monthly bulletin of information (summary of the fifth general report). No. 2, April 1957. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1957) Bulletin mensuel d'information = Monthly bulletin of information. No. 1, January 1957. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1957) Bulletin mensuel d'information = Monthly bulletin of information. No. 3, May 1957. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1957) Bulletin mensuel d'information = Monthly bulletin of information. No. 4, June 1957. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1957) Bulletin mensuel d'information = Monthly bulletin of information. No. 5, July 1957. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1957) Bulletin mensuel d'information = Monthly bulletin of information. No. 6, October 1957. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1957) Bulletin mensuel d'information = Monthly bulletin of information. No. 7, November 1957. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1957) Bulletin mensuel d'information = Monthly bulletin of information. No. 8, December 1957. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1957) Contents. Bulletin from the European Community for Coal and Steel, Volume IV, No. 4, October 1957. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1957) Un siecle de developpement de la production d'acier. Supplement au Bulletin mensuel d'information No. 1, 1957 = A century of development of steel production. Supplement to Monthly bulletin of information No. 1, 1957. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1958) Bulletin from the European Community for coal and steel, volume V no. 4, May 1958. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1958) Bulletin from the European Community for coal and steel, volume V no. 5, June 1958. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1958) Bulletin from the European Community for coal and steel, volume V no. 6, August 1958. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1958) Bulletin mensuel d'information = Monthly bulletin of information. No. 1, January-February 1958. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1958) Bulletin mensuel d'information = Monthly bulletin of information. No. 2, April 1958. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1958) Bulletin mensuel d'information = Monthly bulletin of information. No. 3, May-June 1958. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1958) Bulletin mensuel d'information = Monthly bulletin of information. No. 4, July 1958. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1958) Bulletin mensuel d'information = Monthly bulletin of information. No. 5, October-November 1958. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1958) The Community comes of age: Transition period ends. Bulletin from the European Community for Coal and Steel, Volume V, No. 3, March 1958. [EU Other]


UNSPECIFIED (1959) Bulletin mensuel d'information (Resume du septieme rapport general) = Monthly bulletin of information (Summary of the seventh general report). No. 1, January/February 1959. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1960) Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 2, June 1960. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1960) Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 3, October 1960. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1960) Resume du huiteme rapport general. Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = Summary of the 18th general report. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 1, March 1960. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1961) Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier (resume du neuvieme rapport general) = Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community (summary of the ninth general report). No. 2, June 1961. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1961) Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier - Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community. No. 1, February 1961. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1961) Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier - Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community. No. 4, December 1961. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1961) Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 3, October 1961. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1962) Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 2, 1962. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1962) Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 3, 1962. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1962) Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 4, 1962. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1962) Etude sur les perspectives energetiques a long terme de la Communaute europeenne. Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = Study on the long term energy outlook of the European Commmunity. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community. Third special issue 1962. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1962) Etudes sur les perspectives energetiques a long terme de la Communaute eruopeenne = Studies on the long term prospects for energy in the European Community. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community. 3rd special issue 1962. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1962) Memorandum sur la definition des «Objectifs généraux acier» de la Communaute = Memorandum on the definition of "General objectives steel" of the Community. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community. Special issue March 1962. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1962) Memorandum sur la politique energetique (25 juin 1962). Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = Memorandum on the energy policy (25 June 1962). Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community. Second special issue 1962. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1962) Resume du dixieme rapport general. Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = Summary of the tenth general report. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 1, April 1962. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1963) Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 40 - 8th year - No. 1, 1963. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1963) Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 43 - 8th year - No. 4, 1963. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1963) Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 45 - 8th year - No. 6, 1963. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1963) La C.E.C.A. 1952-1962. Les premieres 10 annees d'une integration partielle: Resultats, limites, perspetives. Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = The E.C.S.C. 1952-1962. The first 10 years of partial integration: Results, limits, outlook. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 44 - 8th year - No. 5, 1963. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1963) Politique de recherche technique de la Haute Autorite. Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = Technical research policy of the High Authority. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 41 - 8th year - No. 2, 1963. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1963) Resume du onzieme rapport general. Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = Summary of the eleventh general report. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 42 - 8th year - No. 3, 1963. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1964) Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 50 - 9th year - No. 5, 1964. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1964) Conjoncture energetique dans la Communaute. Situation a la fin de 1963 - perspectives 1964. Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = The energy situation in the Community. Situation at the end of 1963 - outlook 1964. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 48 - 9th year - No. 3, 1964. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1964) Indications sur la conjoncture energetique de la Communaute. Fin d'annee 1964 - premieres perspectives 1965. Note preliminaire au rapport annuel. Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = Information on the energy situation of the Community. End of 1964 - first outlook 1965. Preliminary note on the annual report. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 52 - 9th year - No. 7, 1964. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1964) La conjoncture energetique dans la Communaute. Situation à la fin de 1963 - perspectives 1964 = The energy situation in the Community. Situation 1963, Outlook 1964. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 48. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1964) La politique de la Haute Autorite en matiere d'ententes et de concentrations. Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = Report on the High Authority's policy concerning cartels and concentrations. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 47 - 9th year - No. 2, 1964. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1964) Le progres dans la construction en acier. Congres sur l'utilisation de l'acier a Luxembourg, 28-30 octobre 1964. Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = Progress in structural steel. Congress on the utilization of steel. Luxembourg, 28-30 October 1964. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 51 - 9th year - No. 6, 1964. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1964) Report on the High Authority's policy concerning cartels and concentrations. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 47 - 9th year - No. 2, 1964. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1964) Resume du douzieme rapport general. Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = Summary of the twelfth general report. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 49 - 9th year - No. 4, 1964. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1964) Une chronologie de la C.E.C.A. Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = A chronology of the E.C.S.C. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 46 - 6th year - No. 1, 1964. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1965) Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 53 - 10th year - No. 1, 1965. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1965) Conjoncture energetique dans la Communaute. Situation a la fin de 1964 - perspectives 1965. Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = The energy situtation in the Community. Situation at the end of 1964 - outlook 1965. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 54 - 10th year - No. 2, 1965. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1965) Hommage a Paul Finet. Activities fevrier-juillet 1965. Traite de fusion du 8 avril 1965. Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = Hommage to Paul Finet. February-July 1965 activities. Fusion Treaty of 8 April 1965. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 56 - 10th year - No. 4, 1965. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1965) Les progres dans la transformation de l'acier. Congres Acier 1965, Luxembourg, 26-29 octobre 1965. Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = Progress in steel processing. Steel Congress 1965, Luxembourg, 26-29 Octobre 1965. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 58 - 10th year - No. 6, 1965. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1965) Noticias de la Comunidad Europea del Carbon y del Acero = Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 11, February 1965. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1965) Noticias de la Comunidad Europea del Carbon y del Acero = Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 12, March 1965. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1965) Noticias de la Comunidad Europea del Carbon y del Acero = Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 13, April 1965. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1965) Noticias de la Comunidad Europea del Carbon y del Acero = Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 14, May 1965. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1965) Noticias de la Comunidad Europea del Carbon y del Acero = Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 15, June 1965. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1965) Noticias de la Comunidad Europea del Carbon y del Acero = Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 16, July-August 1965. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1965) Noticias de la Comunidad Europea del Carbon y del Acero = Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 17, September 1965. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1965) Noticias de la Comunidad Europea del Carbon y del Acero = Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 18, October 1965. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1965) Noticias de la Comunidad Europea del Carbon y del Acero = Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 19, November 1965. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1965) Progress in steel processing. Steel Congress 1965, Luxembourg, 26-29 Octobre 1965. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 58 - 10th year - No. 6, 1965. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1965) Regles de concurrence et politique economique. Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = Competition rules and economic policy. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 57 - 10th year - No. 5, 1965. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1965) Resume du rapport politique et du 13e rapport general. Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = Summary of the political report and 13th general report. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 55 - 10th year - No. 3, 1965. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1965) Summary of the policy report and the thirteenth general report. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 55, 10th year - No. 3, 1965. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1966) Dix ans de recherche technique charbon - acier - Ten years of technical research coal - steel. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 62, 1966. [EU Other]

UNSPECIFIED (1966) Dix ans de recherche technique charbon - acier. Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = Ten years of technical coal and steel research. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 62 - 11th year - No. 4, 1966. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Hellwig, Fritz (1966) Fritz Hellwig: Solidarite de fait. Activities fevrier-november 1966. Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = Fritz Hellwig: Solidarity in fact. February-November 1966 activities. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 64 - 11th year - No. 5, 1966. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1966) High Authority policy concerning research on industrial health, medicine and safety. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 60 - 11th year - No. 2, 1966. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1966) Indications sur la conjoncture energetique de la Communaute. Situation 1965 - perspectives 1966. Note preliminaire au rapport annuel. Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = Information on the energy situation of the Community. Situation 1965 - outlook 1966. Preliminary note on the annual report. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 59 - 11th year - No. 1, 1966. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1966) Noticias de la Comunidad Europea del Carbon y del Acero = Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 20, December 1965 - January 1966. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1966) Noticias de la Comunidad Europea del Carbon y del Acero = Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 21, February-March 1966. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1966) Noticias de la Comunidad Europea del Carbon y del Acero = Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 22, April-May 1966. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1966) Noticias de la Comunidad Europea del Carbon y del Acero = Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 23, June-July 1966. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1966) Noticias de la Comunidad Europea del Carbon y del Acero = Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 24, August- September 1966. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1966) Noticias de la Comunidad Europea del Carbon y del Acero = Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 25, October-December 1966. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1966) Nouvelles reflexions sur les perspectives energetiques a long terme de la Communaute europeenne. Evolution recente, perspectives pour 1970, tendances jusqu'en 1980. Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = Review of the long-term energy outlook for the European Community. Recent developments, prospects for 1970, trends up till 1980. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 61 - 11th year - No. 3, 1966. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1966) Politique de la Haute Autorite dans le domaine de la promotion des etudes et recherches concernant l'hygiene, la medicine et la securite du travail. Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = High Authority policy concerning research on industrial health, medicine and safety. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 60 - 11th year - No. 2, 1966. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1966) Resume du 14e rapport general. Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = Summary of the 14th general report. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 63 - 11th year - No. 5, 1966. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1966) Review of the long-term energy outlook for the European Community. Recent developments, prospects for 1970, trends up till 1980. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 61 - 11th year - No. 3, 1966. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1966) Summary of the 14th General Report. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No 63, 11th year - No. 5, 1966. [EU Commission - Working Document]


UNSPECIFIED (1967) Chronologie annees 1960-1966. Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = Chronology 1960-1966. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 68 -12th year - No. 4, 1967. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1967) Concours d'architecture. Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = Housing design competition. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 70 - 12th year - No. 6, 1967. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1967) Housing design competition. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 70 - 12th year - No. 6, 1967. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1967) L'acier dans l'agriculture. Congres acier 1966. Luxembourg, 25-27 octobre 1966. Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = Steel in agriculture. Steel congress. Luxembourg, 25-27 October 1966. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 66 - 12th year - No. 2, 1967. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1967) La conjoncture energetique dans la Communaute. 1. Situation 1966 - perspectives 1967. 2. Etudes speciales: Comparaison des bilans d'energie du Royaume-Uni et de la Communaute. La consommation d'energie pour le chauffage domestique. Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = The energy situation in the Community. Situation 1966 - outlook 1967. Special studies: Comparison of the energy balance sheets between the United Kingdom and the Community. Energy consumption for domestic heating. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 67 - 12th year - No. 3, 1967. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1967) Les investissements CECA. Le progres technique dans la siderurgie. Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = ESCS investments. Technical progress in the iron and steel industry. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 71 - 12th year - No. 7, 1967. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1967) Noticias de la Comunidad Europea del Carbon y del Acero = Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 26, January-February 1967. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1967) Noticias de la Comunidad Europea del Carbon y del Acero = Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 27, March-April 1967. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1967) Noticias de la Comunidad Europea del Carbon y del Acero = Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 28, May-June 1967. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1967) Noticias de la Comunidad Europea del Carbon y del Acero = Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 29, July-October 1967. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1967) Noticias de la Comunidad Europea del Carbon y del Acero = Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 30, November-December 1967. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1967) Objectifs generaux acier 1970. Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = General objectives for steel 1970. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 65 - 11th year - No. 1, 1967. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1967) Resume du 15e rapport general. Bulletin de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier = Summary of the 15th general report. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 69 - 12th year - No. 5, 1967. [EU Commission - Working Document]

UNSPECIFIED (1967) Steel in agriculture. Steel congress 1966. Luxembourg, October 25-27, 1966. Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community No. 66 - 12th year - No. 2, 1967. [EU Commission - Working Document]

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