Browse by EU Series and Periodicals
Please select a value to browse from the list below.
- AGRICULTURE:Agricultural Markets (671)
- AGRICULTURE:Aid for Development of Fishing Industry (15)
- AGRICULTURE:CAP Reports and Working Notes (58)
- AGRICULTURE:Common Market Farm Reports (48)
- AGRICULTURE:Conditions of Agricultural Production and Agricultural Structures (27)
- AGRICULTURE:Fisheries (79)
- AGRICULTURE:Newsletter on the Common Agricultural Policy (374)
- AGRICULTURE:Studies (279)
- COMPETITION:Competition Policy Newsletter (20)
- COMPETITION:Europe Information:Competition (8)
- COMPETITION:Studies (150)
- CONSUMERS:Consumer Survey on the Economic Situation (20)
- CONSUMERS:Europe Information:Consumer Policy (6)
- CONSUMERS:INFO/C-Health and Consumer Voice (163)
- CONSUMERS:Inventory of Acts Relating to Consumer Affairs (5)
- CULTURE:Studies:Cultural Sector (11)
- ECONOMIC AND FINANCE:21Info/XXInfo Newsletter (14)
- ECONOMIC AND FINANCE:EIB-Information (116)
- ECONOMIC AND FINANCE:EURECOM:European Community Economic and Financial News (106)
- ECONOMIC AND FINANCE:Economic Papers (151)
- ECONOMIC AND FINANCE:Economic Situation and Business Surveys-4 Publications (1)
- ECONOMIC AND FINANCE:Economic Situation in the Community Quarterly (105)
- ECONOMIC AND FINANCE:Economic and Regional Policy Collection (24)
- ECONOMIC AND FINANCE:Europe Information:Commercial Policy (1)
- ECONOMIC AND FINANCE:Europe Information:Economic and Finance (12)
- ECONOMIC AND FINANCE:European Economy (546)
- ECONOMIC AND FINANCE:Graphs and Notes on the Economic Situation in the Community (226)
- ECONOMIC AND FINANCE:InfoEuro: Newsletter from the European Commission (24)
- ECONOMIC AND FINANCE:Medium-term Economic Policy (16)
- ECONOMIC AND FINANCE:Price and Cost Competitiveness Quarterly (39)
- ECONOMIC AND FINANCE:Research on the Cost of "Non-Europe" (18)
- ECONOMIC AND FINANCE:Studies: Economic and Financial Series (22)
- EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING:CEDEFOP Flash and CEDEFOP: Vocational Training in Europe (39)
- EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING:Europe Information:Education (2)
- EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING:Magazine for Education, Training and Youth in Europe (30)
- EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING:Task Force Human Resources: Education, Training, Youth (17)
- EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING:Vocational Training Information Bulletin (110)
- EMPLOYMENT:Employment Observatory (152)
- EMPLOYMENT:European Labour Bulletin (8)
- EMPLOYMENT:European Studies-Trade Union Series (1)
- EMPLOYMENT:Forum (6)
- EMPLOYMENT:Labor Studies (97)
- EMPLOYMENT:Series: Studies and Documents (ECSC) (7)
- EMPLOYMENT:Trade Union News (208)
- EMPLOYMENT:Trauma and Rehabilitation Collection (1)
- EMPLOYMENT:Union of the Industries of the European Community [U.N.I.C.E.] (3)
- ENERGY:Coal Research Collection (ECSC) (39)
- ENERGY:Energy (28)
- ENERGY:Europe Information:Energy (11)
- ENERGY:Oil Bulletin (492)
- ENERGY:Oil and Gas Technology (20)
- ENERGY:Radiation Protection (3)
- ENERGY:Rational Use of Energy (4)
- ENERGY:Series Energy (4)
- ENERGY:Solar Europe:Newsletter of the Solar Energy Programme (4)
- ENERGY:Thermie Program Action (5)
- ENVIRONMENT:Environment and Quality of Life (77)
- ENVIRONMENT:Environmental Research Newsletter (18)
- ENVIRONMENT:Europe Information:Environment (1)
- EXTERNAL/DEVELOPMENT:ACP/AASM:EEC-AASM-ACP Consultative Assembly Session Documents (66)
- EXTERNAL/DEVELOPMENT:ACP/AASM:European Development Fund Quarterly Report on Projects (63)
- EXTERNAL/DEVELOPMENT:ACP/AASM:Industrialization (85)
- EXTERNAL/DEVELOPMENT:Court of Auditors Special Reports (41)
- EXTERNAL/DEVELOPMENT:Developing Countries - Produce and Trade (18)
- EXTERNAL/DEVELOPMENT:Europe Information:Development (174)
- EXTERNAL/DEVELOPMENT:EuropeAid-Tools and Methods Series, Guidelines (1)
- EXTERNAL/DEVELOPMENT:Studies in European Development Co-operation Evaluation (1)
- EXTERNAL/DEVELOPMENT:Studies: Development (15)
- EXTERNAL/ENLARGEMENT:Association Between the EEC and Cyprus (Joint Press Release). (1)
- EXTERNAL/ENLARGEMENT:Association Between the EEC and Malta (Joint Press Release). (1)
- EXTERNAL/ENLARGEMENT:Association Between the EEC and Turkey (Joint Press Release). (1)
- EXTERNAL/ENLARGEMENT:Enlargement Weekly (58)
- EXTERNAL/ENLARGEMENT:Europe Information:Statistics (2)
- EXTERNAL/ENLARGEMENT:Together in Europe (31)
- EXTERNAL:ACP-EEC Press Release (2)
- EXTERNAL:AL-Invest (15)
- EXTERNAL:Diplomatic Corps (77)
- EXTERNAL:ENLARGEMENT/Enlargement Weekly (1)
- EXTERNAL:EU/US Relations and News (16)
- EXTERNAL:Europe Information:External Relations (130)
- EXTERNAL:European Commission Humanitarian Aid (ECHO) (71)
- EXTERNAL:European Free Trade Association [EFTA] Publications (24)
- EXTERNAL:Globalisation Newsletter (2)
- EXTERNAL:Tacis: Newsletter of Tacis Information Office (7)
- EXTERNAL:The New Review (1)
- EXTERNAL:US Government Publications (4)
- GENERAL:Activities of the European Parliament (4)
- GENERAL:Analytical Catalog of the Schuman-ECSC Plan (1)
- GENERAL:Assembly of Western European Union Proceedings (129)
- GENERAL:Assembly of Western European Union Session Documents (165)
- GENERAL:Berlaymont Papers (3)
- GENERAL:Biographies (955)
- GENERAL:British Information Services (27)
- GENERAL:Bulletin Supplements (315)
- GENERAL:Bulletin of the EEC/EC/European Union (422)
- GENERAL:Bulletin of the EEC/EC/European Union-Index (27)
- GENERAL:Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community (115)
- GENERAL:Bulletin of the European Coal and Steel Community-Index (6)
- GENERAL:Bureau of European Policy Advisers (BEPA) Monthly (45)
- GENERAL:Carrefours Newsletter [Forward Studies Unit] (8)
- GENERAL:Commission Memos [Brussels] (7)
- GENERAL:Community topics (39)
- GENERAL:Council Press Release (1012)
- GENERAL:Council Press Release: Council Meetings (67)
- GENERAL:Directory of the Commission (56)
- GENERAL:Documents and Publications Catalogues (62)
- GENERAL:EC-REVIEW-Activities of the Institutions of the European Union (39)
- GENERAL:ECSC Consultative Committee Sessions (18)
- GENERAL:ECSC Spokesman and Information Service Notes (312)
- GENERAL:EU-Council of Europe Press Release (5)
- GENERAL:EURinfo: Monthly Bulletin of the Belgian Press and Information Office (162)
- GENERAL:EUSO Europe Socialist Press Service (10)
- GENERAL:Embassy of Luxembourg Press Release (1)
- GENERAL:Euro Info Centre News (15)
- GENERAL:EuroFocus: A Newssheet for Journalists (420)
- GENERAL:Euroforum-Europe Day by Day (177)
- GENERAL:Europa News/Europa Flash (Commission Delegation, Rome) (55)
- GENERAL:Europe Information [General] (1)
- GENERAL:Europe Information:Political Affairs (3)
- GENERAL:Europe Information:Statistics (1)
- GENERAL:Europe [London] (52)
- GENERAL:Europe on the Move (89)
- GENERAL:Europe: Magazine of the Washington DC Office (422)
- GENERAL:Europe:Agence internationale d'information pour la presse. Bulletins quotidiens et supplements [commonly called Agence Europe]-index (23)
- GENERAL:European Commission Delegation Newsletter to United Nations (New York) (40)
- GENERAL:European Commission Press Release/Information Note (Brussels) (416)
- GENERAL:European Commission Spokesman Service Weekly Memos to Spokesman Services in Delegations-General (1048)
- GENERAL:European Commission Weekly Memo to Foreign Delegations and Press Bureaus in Third Countries (138)
- GENERAL:European Commission: The Week in Europe (London) (1)
- GENERAL:European Communities Commission Press Release/Background Report/Weekly Timetable (London) (586)
- GENERAL:European Community Magazine (London Office) (34)
- GENERAL:European Community News Releases (Ottawa) (232)
- GENERAL:European Community News/Press Release/Background Information/Note (Washington DC) (1487)
- GENERAL:European Community Studies for Teachers and Students (4)
- GENERAL:European Council Press Release (11)
- GENERAL:European Dialogue. Magazine for European Integration (19)
- GENERAL:European Documentation (108)
- GENERAL:European Documentation - Teaching Series (6)
- GENERAL:European Elections Briefing (7)
- GENERAL:European File (227)
- GENERAL:European Parliament (EP) Research and Documentation Papers (180)
- GENERAL:European Parliament Newsletter-Report-Digest (91)
- GENERAL:European Parliament Session Documents (7090)
- GENERAL:European Parliamentary Assembly-Quarterly Subject Bibliography (34)
- GENERAL:European Political Cooperation Documentation Bulletin (14)
- GENERAL:European Socialist Courier (19)
- GENERAL:European Studies (2)
- GENERAL:Exploring Europe (1)
- GENERAL:Forward Studies Unit: Working Papers (19)
- GENERAL:Green Papers (116)
- GENERAL:Information Memo (1839)
- GENERAL:Letter from the Commission of the European Economic Community (54)
- GENERAL:Monthly Notes (ECSC Common Assembly) (26)
- GENERAL:Monthly Papers on European Documentation (157)
- GENERAL:NATO News (20)
- GENERAL:Speeches (2092)
- GENERAL:Think Tank Review (85)
- GENERAL:White Papers (46)
- GENERAL:Written Questions (6)
- GENERAL:dc-europe bulletin (51)
- HEALTH:Collection: Practical Information (4)
- HEALTH:Industrial Health, Medicine, and Research (77)
- INDUSTRY:Aeronautical and Space Industries (22)
- INDUSTRY:COMITEXTIL. Coordination committee for the Textile Industries in the European Economic Community (24)
- INDUSTRY:DGXXIII Journal Internal Newsletter (1)
- INDUSTRY:EURO-Info. Bulletin of Enterprise Policy (51)
- INDUSTRY:Enterprise & Industry Magazine (19)
- INDUSTRY:Enterprises in Europe (3)
- INDUSTRY:European Innovation Monitoring System (21)
- INDUSTRY:Industrial Development Pamphlets (12)
- INDUSTRY:Industrial Processes (3)
- INDUSTRY:Industry and Society (91)
- INDUSTRY:Results of the Business Survey Carried out among Managements in the Community (297)
- INDUSTRY:Studies: Industry Series (5)
- INDUSTRY:The Panelist. Newsletter of the Enterprise Panels Project (3)
- INFORMATION SOCIETY:CAMAC:Publication of the ESONE Committee (24)
- INFORMATION SOCIETY:EUROTEC-Technology in Europe (1)
- INFORMATION SOCIETY:Euronet DIANE News/I'M Information Market/XIII Magazine/I&T Magazine (58)
- INFORMATION SOCIETY:Europe Information:Information Management (2)
- INFORMATION SOCIETY:European Multimedia Direct (EMD) (1)
- INFORMATION SOCIETY:Frontier-free Europe (66)
- INFORMATION SOCIETY:Information Bulletin (32)
- INFORMATION SOCIETY:Information Management (29)
- INFORMATION SOCIETY:Information Society News (30)
- INFORMATION SOCIETY:Information Society Trends (94)
- INFORMATION SOCIETY:Statistics, Telematic Networks and EDI Bulletin (17)
- INFORMATION SOCIETY:iesnews; Esprit Information Exchange System (31)
- INSTITUTIONS:Commission Staff Regulations (10)
- INSTITUTIONS:Court of Justice, Information on the (41)
- INSTITUTIONS:Debates: Common Assembly, European Parliamentary Assembly, European Parliament (444)
- INSTITUTIONS:Economic and Social Committee (268)
- INSTITUTIONS:Euratom Bulletins (33)
- INSTITUTIONS:European Investment Bank Press Release (4)
- INSTITUTIONS:European Parliament Information (141)
- INSTITUTIONS:European Parliament Press Releases (3)
- INSTITUTIONS:Official Gazette of the European Coal and Steel Community (46)
- INTERNAL MARKET:Commercial Communications (17)
- INTERNAL MARKET:Edicom Newsletter-INSTRASTAT [Intra-EC Trade] (9)
- INTERNAL MARKET:Euromarket News. Common Market Reports (41)
- INTERNAL MARKET:Europe Information:Customs Union (3)
- INTERNAL MARKET:Europe Information:External Relations (1)
- INTERNAL MARKET:Europe Information:Freedom of Movement (1)
- INTERNAL MARKET:Europe Information:Freedom to Provide Services (1)
- INTERNAL MARKET:Europe Information:Internal Market (6)
- INTERNAL MARKET:Europe Information:Right of Establishment (1)
- INTERNAL MARKET:Opera Mundi:Weekly Report on the Economy of the Common Market (338)
- INTERNAL MARKET:Review of the Common Market (288)
- INTERNAL MARKET:Single Market (188)
- JHA:Citizenship and Citizen's Europe (1)
- PUBLIC OPINION:Eurobarometer (4)
- REGIONAL POLICY:Community Support Framework (19)
- REGIONAL POLICY:Economic and Regional Policy Collection (24)
- REGIONAL POLICY:Europe Information:Regional Policy (10)
- REGIONAL POLICY:European Regional Development Fund (10)
- REGIONAL POLICY:Evaluation and Documents (1)
- REGIONAL POLICY:Inforegio news [Newsletter] (149)
- REGIONAL POLICY:Internal Documentation on Regional Policy (11)
- REGIONAL POLICY:Regional Development Program (6)
- REGIONAL POLICY:Regional Development Studies (40)
- REGIONAL POLICY:Regions of the European Union (182)
- REGIONAL POLICY:Structural Funds (11)
- REGIONAL POLICY:Studies: Regional Policy (19)
- RTD:EUR Series on Nuclear Energy Research (1099)
- RTD:Euro Spectra: Scientific and Technical Review of the European Communities (26)
- RTD:Europe Information:Research and Development (6)
- RTD:European Biotechnology Information Service (EBIS) Newsletter (11)
- RTD:European Metalworkers' Federation (5)
- RTD:Food Science and Techniques (1)
- RTD:IPTS Report (82)
- RTD:Industry Research and Development Advisory Committee (IRDAC) (4)
- RTD:Industry Research and Technology (220)
- RTD:Information Research and Development (30)
- RTD:Injection of Hydrocarbons in Blast Furnaces, Research on (3)
- RTD:Innovation, Research and Technology Newsletters (137)
- RTD:Joint Research Centre: Computing Centre Newsletter (62)
- RTD:MONITOR-SAST ACTIVITY [Strategic Analysis in Science Technology] (7)
- RTD:New Technical Processes in the Steel Industry (1)
- RTD:Nuclear Science and Technology (31)
- RTD:Physical Sciences (1)
- RTD:Progress in Coal Steel and Related Social Research: A European Journal (19)
- RTD:RTD Info (50)
- RTD:Raw Materials Research and Development (13)
- RTD:Redis News (6)
- RTD:Research Evaluation Studies (14)
- RTD:Research and Development (12)
- RTD:STOA (Scientific and Technological Options Assessment) Newsletter (48)
- RTD:Science and Technological Policy (12)
- RTD:Technical Steel Research (12)
- RTD:iesnews; Esprit Information Exchange System (31)
- SOCIAL:Disability (30)
- SOCIAL:Information Note - Social Events in the Community (High Authority, ECSC) (89)
- SOCIAL:Social Change and Technology (11)
- SOCIAL:Social Europe (71)
- SOCIAL:Social Newsletters (39)
- SOCIAL:Social Policy (71)
- SOCIAL:Social Security for Migrant Workers (65)
- SOCIAL:Social Situation (1)
- SOCIAL:Women of Europe (204)
- TAXATION:The Key: Taxation - the Customs Union (15)
- TOURISM:Tourism Studies (7)
- TRANSPORT:Transport Studies (8)
- TREATIES & TREATY REFORM:Task Force on the Intergovernmental Conference 1996-1997 (72)
Archive Information
Collection Guides
- Biographies
- Press Releases of the Council: 1975-1994
- Summits and the European Council (1961-1995)
- Western European Union
- Private Papers
- Guide to European Economy
- Barbara Sloan EU Document Collection