Browse by EU Annual Reports
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UNSPECIFIED (2003) Follow-up to the International Conference on Financing for Development (Monterrey - 2002). Monitoring the Barcelona Commitments. Summary. Staff working paper. SEC (2003) 569 final, 15 May 2003. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2004) EC Report on Millennium Development Goals 2000 – 2004. Commission staff working document. SEC (2004) 1379 final, 29 October 2004. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2004) EU follow–up to the Barcelona Commitments and operationalisation of the Monterrey consensus. Annex to COM (2004) 150 final. Commission staff working paper. SEC (2004) 246 final, 5 March 2004. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2004) Translating the Monterrey Consensus into practice: the contribution by the European Union. Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament. COM (2004) 150 final, 5 March 2004. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2005) Accelerating progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals. Financing for development and aid effectiveness. EU follow–up to the Barcelona Commitments and operationalisation of the Monterrey consensus. Annex to COM (2005) 133 final. Commission staff working document. SEC (2005) 453 final, 12 April 2005. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2005) Accelerating progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals. Financing for development and aid effectiveness. Impact assessment. Commission staff working document. SEC (2005) 454 final, 12 April 2005. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2005) Accelerating progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals. Impact assessment. Annex to the communication. Commission staff working document. SEC (2005) 455 final, 12 April 2005. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2005) Accelerating progress towards attaining the Millennium Development Goals - Financing for development and aid effectiveness. Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament. COM (2005) 133 final/2, 7 October 2005. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2005) Policy coherence for development. Accelerating progress towards attaining the Millennium Development Goals. Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee. COM (2005) 134 final, 12 April 2005. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2006) Financing for development and aid effectiveness – The challenges of scaling up EU aid 2006 – 2010. EU monitoring of financing for development aid effectiveness: Starting to deliver on the new commitments. Annex to the communication COM (2006) 85 final. Commission staff working document. SEC (2006) 294 final, 2 March 2006. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2006) Financing for development and aid effectiveness – The challenges of scaling up EU aid 2006 – 2010. Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament. COM (2006) 85 final, 2 March 2006. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2007) EU report on policy coherence for development. Commission staff working paper accompanying the Commission working paper. SEC (2007) 1202 final, 20 September 2007. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2007) EU report on policy coherence for development. Commission working paper. COM (2007) 545 final, 20 September 2007. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2007) Keeping Europe's promises on Financing for Development. Financing for development - from Monterrey 2002 to Doha 2008 progress report 2007. Is the European Union on track to meet its commitments by 2010? Commission staff working document accompanying the report. SEC (2007) 415 final, 4 April 2007. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2007) Keeping Europe's promises on financing for development. Annual report from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. COM (2007) 164 final, 4 April 2007. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2008) The EU –- a global partner for development. Speeding up progress towards the Millennium Development Goals. Aid for trade monitoring report 2008. Commission working paper accompanying COM (2008) 177 final. SEC (2008) 431 final, 9 March 2008. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2008) The EU –- a global partner for development. Speeding up progress towards the Millennium Development Goals. Policy Coherence for Development. Climate Change/Energy/Biofuels, Migration and Research. Commission staff working paper accompanying COM (2008) 177 final. SEC (2008) 434 final, 9 March 2008. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2008) The Millennium Development Goals - State of Play. Commission staff working paper accompanying COM (2008) 177 final. SEC (2008) 433 final, 9 March 2008. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2008) The Monterrey process on financing for development - the European Union's contribution to Doha and beyond. Annual progress report 2008. Commission staff working paper accompanying COM (2008) 177 final. SEC (2008) 432 final, 9 March 2008. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2009) Aid for trade monitoring report 2009. Commission staff working document accompanying the communication on supporting developing countries in coping with the crisis. SEC (2009) 442 final, 8 April 2009. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2009) EU 2009 report on policy coherence for development. Commission staff working document accompanying the report of the Commission to the Council. SEC (2009) 1137 final, 17 September 2009. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2009) EU 2009 report on policy coherence for development. Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. COM (2009) 461 final, 17 September 2009. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2009) Millennium Development Goals — Impact of the financial crisis on developing countries. Commission staff working document accompanying the communication on supporting developing countries in coping with the crisis. SEC (2009) 445 final, 8 April 2009. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2009) Policy coherence for development - Establishing the policy framework for a whole–of–the-Union approach. Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. COM (2009) 458 final, 15 September 2009. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2009) Where does the EU go from Doha? What prospects for meeting the EU targets of 2010 and 2015? Annual progress report 2009 on financing for development. Commission staff working document accompanying the communication on supporting developing countries in coping with the crisis. SEC (2009) 444 final, 8 April 2009. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2010) Aid for trade monitoring report 2010. Commission staff working document accompanying the communication on a twelve-point EU action plan in support of the Millennium Development Goals. SEC (2010) 419 final, 21 April 2010. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2010) Financing for Development - Annual progress report 2010. Getting back on track to reach the EU 2015 target on ODA spending? Commission staff working document accompanying the communication on a twelve-point EU action plan in support of the Millennium Development Goals. SEC (2010) 420 final, 21 April 2010. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2010) Policy coherence for development work programme 2010-2013. Commission staff working document accompanying the communication on a twelve-point EU action plan in support of the Millennium Development Goals. SEC (2010) 421 final, 21 April 2010. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2010) Progress made on the Millennium Development Goals and key challenges for the road ahead. Commission staff working document accompanying the communication on a twelve-point EU action plan in support of the Millennium Development Goals. SEC (2010) 418 final, 21 April 2010. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2010) A twelve-point EU action plan in support of the Millennium Development Goals. Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. COM (2010) 159 final, 21 April 2010. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2011) EU 2011 report on policy coherence for development. Commission staff working paper. SEC (2011) 1627 final, 15 December 2011. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2011) EU accountability report 2011 on financing for development. Review of progress of the EU and its Member States Volume I. Commission staff working document accompanying the communication on enhancing EU accountability on financing for development. SEC (2011) 500 final, 19 April 2011. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2011) EU accountability report 2011 on financing for development. Review of progress of the EU and its Member States. Volume II: Annexes 1-4. Commission staff working document accompanying the communication on enhancing EU accountability on financing for development. SEC (2011) 501 final/2, 30 September 2011. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2011) EU accountability report 2011 on financing for development. Review of progress of the EU and its Member States. Volume III: Annex 5 Third monitoring report and progress review of the EU Fast Track Initiative on Division of Labour. Commission staff working document accompanying the communication on enhancing EU accountability on financing for development. SEC (2011) 502 final, 19 April 2011. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2011) EU accountability report 2011 on financing for development. Review of progress of the EU and its Member States. Volume IV: Annex 6, Aid for trade monitoring report 2011. Commission staff working document accompanying the communication on enhancing EU accountability on financing for development. SEC (2011) 503 final/2, 30 September 2011. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2011) EU accountability report 2011 on financing for development. Review of progress of the EU and its Member States. Volume V: Annex 7, Donor profiles. Commission staff working document accompanying the communication on enhancing EU accountability on financing for development. SEC (2011) 504 final/2, 30 September 2011. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2011) EU accountability report 2011 on financing for development. Review of progress of the EU and its Member States. Volume VI: Annex 8, Survey results. Commission staff working document accompanying the communication on enhancing EU accountability on financing for development. SEC (2011) 505 final, 19 April 2011. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2011) Enhancing EU accountability on financing for development towards the EU official development assistance peer review. Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. COM (2011) 281 final, 19 April 2011. [EU Commission - COM Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2012) EU accountability report 20112 on financing for development. Review of progress of the EU and its Member States. [EU Commission - Working Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2012) EU accountability report 2012 on financing for development. Review of progress of the EU and its Member States. Volume 1. Commmission staff working document. SWD (2012) 199 final Vol 1, 9 July 2012. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2012) EU accountability report 2012 on financing for development. Review of progress of the EU and its Member States. Volume 2, Annexes 1-4. Commission staff working document. SWD (2012) 199 Vol 2, 9 July 2012. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2012) EU accountability report 2012 on financing for development. Review of progress of the EU and its Member States. Volume 3: Aid for trade report for 2011. Commission staff working document. SWD (2012) 199 final Vol 3, 9 July 2012. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2012) EU accountability report 2012 on financing for development. Review of progress of the EU and its Member States. Volume 4: Appendixes. Commission staff working document. SWD (2012) 199 final Vol 4, 9 July 2012. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2012) EU accountability report 2012 on financing for development. Review of progress of the EU and its Member States. Volume 3: Improving EU support to developing countries in mobilising financing for development. Recommendations based on the 2012 EU accountability report on financing for development. Commission staff working document. SWD (2012) 199 final Vol. 3, 9 July 2012. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2013) Aid for trade monitoring report 2013. EU accountability report 2013 on financing for development. Review of progress of the EU and its Member States Volume 4. Commission staff working document accompanying the communication beyond 2015: towards a comprehensive and integrated approach to financing poverty eradication and sustainable development. SWD (2013) 273 final Vol. 4, 16 July 2013. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2013) EU accountability report 2013 on financing for development. Review of progress of the EU and its Member States Volume 1. Commission staff working document accompanying the communication beyond 2015: towards a comprehensive and integrated approach to financing poverty eradication and sustainable development. SWD (2013) 273 final Vol. 1, 16 July 2013. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2013) EU accountability report 2013 on financing for development. Review of progress of the EU and its Member States Volume 2. Commission staff working document accompanying the communication beyond 2015: towards a comprehensive and integrated approach to financing poverty eradication and sustainable development. SWD (2013) 273 final Vol. 2, 16 July 2013. [EU Commission - SEC Document]
UNSPECIFIED (2013) EU accountability report 2013 on financing for development. Review of progress of the EU and its Member States Volume 3. Commission staff working document accompanying the communication beyond 2015: towards a comprehensive and integrated approach to financing poverty eradication and sustainable development. SWD (2013) 273 final Vol. 3, 16 July 2013. [EU Commission - SEC Document]