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Statistique agricole. Informations internes de la Statistique 1960 No. 7. LES EFFECTIFS DU BETAIL DANS LES PAYS DE LA CEE AVANT-GUERRE, 1950 - 1959. Août 1960 - Agricultural statistics. Internal information on statistics 7. LIVESTOCK WORKFORCE IN POST-WAR EEC COUNTRIES, 1950-1959. August 1960

UNSPECIFIED (1960) Statistique agricole. Informations internes de la Statistique 1960 No. 7. LES EFFECTIFS DU BETAIL DANS LES PAYS DE LA CEE AVANT-GUERRE, 1950 - 1959. Août 1960 - Agricultural statistics. Internal information on statistics 7. LIVESTOCK WORKFORCE IN POST-WAR EEC COUNTRIES, 1950-1959. August 1960. [EU Commission - Working Document]

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    Item Type: EU Commission - Working Document
    Subjects for non-EU documents: UNSPECIFIED
    Subjects for EU documents: Agriculture > Market organizations > Fruits and Vegetables
    Agriculture > Market organizations > Meat and Livestock > General
    Agriculture > Market organizations > Prices
    EU Series and Periodicals: UNSPECIFIED
    EU Annual Reports: EUROSTAT:THEME 5:AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES:Internal Information on Statistics
    Institutional Author: European Economic Community, 1958 to June 1967 > Commission
    Depositing User: Phil Wilkin
    Official EU Document: Yes
    Language: Multilingual
    Date Deposited: 05 Jan 2020 13:54
    Number of Pages: 7
    Last Modified: 05 Jan 2020 13:54

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