UNSPECIFIED (1984) EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT DELEGATION for relations with the UNITED STATES. COMMITTEE ON EXTERNAL ECONOMIC AFFAIRS. Notice to Members: Re: Unitary taxation discussions and trade policy measures in the US Congress. Members will find attached: 1. An excerpt from the Congressional Record of 8 March 1984, entitled "European Parliament Protests US Unitary Taxation". 2. An article from US Import Weekly of 14 March 1984 on the course of the Trade Remedies Bill introduced in the US Congress by Congressman Sam GIBBONS. The Secretariat for Interparliamentary Delegations has a copy of HR 4784, the bill "to reform the remedies available to United States producers regarding unfair import competition, and for other purposes" for consultation by those interested. Annex. 26 March 1984. [EU European Parliament Document]
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