Black, William and Jefferson, Clifford W. (1974) Regional Employment Patterns in Northern Ireland. General Research Series Paper No. 73, January 1974. UNSPECIFIED.
-~-~r TmL~ much regional de4¢elopment’ policy is still concerned with the ¯ ~ W promotion of’manufacturing:industry there ;has been an increasing ¯ ¯ awareness during the past decade of the contribution to employment Opportunities which can be made by the development of service industries. The importam role to be played’ by the grov~tli of service employment has been clearly recognised in the Northern Ireland Development Programmes: the programme for I964-69Vpredicted a growth of some 30,000 service jobs; the programme for 197o-75~ more conservatively suggested an expansion of the order of i5,ooo. Such eStimate~ as’ have been made of longer term employment growth in the province also emphasise the importance of services. Recent estimates Suggest that as much as 60 per cent’ bf the employment’ growth that could reasonably’ be expected during the n6kfft~Vo decades will probably be in the services sector.
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