Lyons, Sean and Tol, Richard S.J. (2010) THE ESRI ENVIRONMENTAL ACCOUNTS. ESRI Research Bulletin 2010/1/4. UNSPECIFIED.
The national accounting framework, including such key concepts as Gross National Product, is a vital input to economic decision making. However, the standard national accounting framework does not take account of the pressure or damage to the environment caused by the economic activity. Thus, similar levels of GNP might involve quite different environmental damage, with implications for both current and future welfare and economic activity. Environmental accounts are now constructed in many countries to take account of these concerns, building on initial research by Nordhaus et al. (1972) and agreed international standards (United Nations et al., 2003). Environmental accounts build on the well-established and coherent national accounting framework, but add to this what are termed “satellite accounts” dealing with environmental issues, in a way which allows for them to be integrated and measured in a more comprehensive framework. This provides an increasingly sound basis for decision making on the environment.
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