Arnould, Valérie (2018) Blind vertrouwen op het Internationaal Strafhof helpt niet in de strijd tegen straffeloosheid = Blind faith in the International Criminal Court does not help in the fight against ????????. Egmont Commentary, 9 July 2018. [Policy Paper]
The ICC’s acquittal on 11 June 2018 of Jean-Pierre Bemba, former DRC Vice-President and leader of Congolese rebel group turned political party, the Mouvement pour la Libération du Congo (MLC), has kicked up a veritable storm. The ICC Appeals Chamber overturned the 21 March 2016 conviction of Bemba by the ICC Trial Chamber for crimes against humanity and war crimes for acts of murder, rape and pillaging committed by MLC troops in the Central African Republic between October 2002 and March 2003.
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