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This page or section has the heading "AGRICULTURE:Animal Markets, Prices and Products" and includes the following individual annual reports: Agri-monetary Discrepancies [1978,1986-87,1989-1992][8]; Animal products. Overview of monetary compensatory amounts [1979-80,1983-4,1986][6]; Balance in the Milk Market [1976][1]; Developments/Situation on the Market in Milk and Milk Products [1975-76,1989-90,1993-94,1996-98][13]; Extending the Marketing Year for Beef and Veal [1980,1982][2]; Extending the Marketing Year for Sheepmeat and Goatmeat [1982][1]; Extending the Milk Year [1978,1982,1995][3]; Fixed Prices and Market Prices [1976-77,1979,1981-82,1984][13]; Guideline Figures for Fat Content of Milk [1976-78,1982][6]; Levy Funds in the Milk Sector [1979,1982,1993-95][6]; M.C.A.-Animal Products [1987,1989-92][5]; Native Agricultural Products, Market Price [1980-82][3]; Premium System for Non-marketing of Milk and Milk Products [1976,1978-81][5]; Prices of Livestock Products [1975-80][6]; Programme to Promote Milk Consumption [1996-98][3]; Refunds-Animal products [1987-95,1998][10].

UNSPECIFIED (1950) This page or section has the heading "AGRICULTURE:Animal Markets, Prices and Products" and includes the following individual annual reports: Agri-monetary Discrepancies [1978,1986-87,1989-1992][8]; Animal products. Overview of monetary compensatory amounts [1979-80,1983-4,1986][6]; Balance in the Milk Market [1976][1]; Developments/Situation on the Market in Milk and Milk Products [1975-76,1989-90,1993-94,1996-98][13]; Extending the Marketing Year for Beef and Veal [1980,1982][2]; Extending the Marketing Year for Sheepmeat and Goatmeat [1982][1]; Extending the Milk Year [1978,1982,1995][3]; Fixed Prices and Market Prices [1976-77,1979,1981-82,1984][13]; Guideline Figures for Fat Content of Milk [1976-78,1982][6]; Levy Funds in the Milk Sector [1979,1982,1993-95][6]; M.C.A.-Animal Products [1987,1989-92][5]; Native Agricultural Products, Market Price [1980-82][3]; Premium System for Non-marketing of Milk and Milk Products [1976,1978-81][5]; Prices of Livestock Products [1975-80][6]; Programme to Promote Milk Consumption [1996-98][3]; Refunds-Animal products [1987-95,1998][10]. [EU Other]

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Item Type: EU Other
Subjects for non-EU documents: UNSPECIFIED
Subjects for EU documents: Agriculture > Market organizations > Meat and Livestock > General
EU Series and Periodicals: UNSPECIFIED
EU Annual Reports: AGRICULTURE:Animal Markets, Prices and Products
Depositing User: Phil Wilkin
Official EU Document: Yes
Language: English
Date Deposited: 22 Jan 2019 16:10
Number of Pages: 1
Last Modified: 16 Sep 2019 11:36

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