Mueller, Patrick and Cornago, Noé (2018) Building Peace through Proxy-Mediation: The European Union's Mediation Support in the Libya Conflict. EIF Working Paper No. 01/2018. [Working Paper]
This paper develops the concept of EU proxy-mediation for the study EU mediation support. EU proxy-mediation is an indirect approach to conflict mediation where the EU works through intermediaries (proxy mediators) that are institutionally distinct from the EU foreign policy system in pursuit of its mediation objectives. Conceptually, the paper identifies drivers of EU proxy-mediation, strategies of proxy-mediation, and ways to manage EU-proxy relations. Empirically, the paper demonstrates the relevance of EU proxy-mediation activities for the case of EU mediation support in Libya. While the EU has not assumed a prominent profile as a direct mediator in Libya, it has actively engaged in proxy-mediation activities, providing mediation support to a variety of actors at the regional, national and local levels. Importantly, the EU facilitated coordination among key third-party mediators; provided financial support and training to a range of proxy mediators; and lend its own leverage to support peace initiatives of the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL). The EU's proxymediation activities in Libya show that the EU can play a meaningful mediation role through empowering others, even in situations where it does not establish itself as a direct mediator.
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