Selden, Zachary (2016) Looking Forward from the Warsaw NATO Summit: What Next for the Alliance? College of Europe Policy Brief #13.16, July 2016. [Policy Paper]
Executive Summary > The NATO Warsaw Summit in July 2016 came at a particularly challenging time when European security and stability faces threats from both the East and the South. > The heads of state and government of the NATO member states made some strong commitments that reaffirm the centrality of the transatlantic alliance, including a tangible military presence on the Eastern frontier of the alliance. > This is a good beginning, but the question remains if it is enough to truly deter additional Russian actions that could further destabilize the European security environment. > NATO should redouble its focus on its core competencies as a political-military alliance and make a stronger commitment to the security of its most vulnerable members that would act as a more powerful deterrent.
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