Jokela, Juha (2017) New Pact for Europe - National Report - FINLAND. EPC Report, May 2017. [Policy Paper]
This is the third in a series of National Reports to be published as part of the new phase of the New Pact for Europe project.* Since becoming a member of the EU in 1995, Finland has been of the EU’s more constructive member states. But with the rapid emergence of an openly populist and Eurosceptic party in the 2010s (coinciding with the financial and economic crisis in the EU) Finland’s image has somewhat changed: it is now often seen as a hardliner and, at times, a difficult member state. Despite these developments, the Finns still sees the Union as a vehicle for security, prosperity and influence. Drawing on the discussions held amongst the members of the group, the report presents a set of conclusions on how Finland sees the future of the European project and on how current challenges might be overcome:
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