Raunio, Tapio and Wiberg, Matti. (2017) The Impact of the European Union on National Legislation. ZEI Discussion Paper C240 2017. [Discussion Paper]
From the Introduction. “Today it is a tragedy that the European Union (EU) – that body long ago established with the high and noble motive of making another war impossible – is itself beginning to stifle democracy, in this country and around Europe. If you include both primary and secondary legislation, the EU now generates 60 % of all the laws that pass through Westminster.”1 This claim was made by Boris Johnson, one of the leading figures of the ‘leave’ side during the Brexit referendum campaign. Referring to a video footage of Commissioner Viviane Reding, the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) went even further than that, arguing that the figure was as high as 75 or 80 %.
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