Tömmel, Ingeborg. (2007) "Modes of governance in the EU". In: UNSPECIFIED, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)
...it is the aim of this chapter to, first, clarify the concept of governance, second, highlight basic modes of governance and their role in the EU and, third, develop an explanatory framework for the emergence of specific modes of governance in the framework of the EU-system. Two questions are central to this chapter: · First, is the EU characterized by specific modes of governance and, if so, in which respect do they differ from modes of governance practiced at national level? · Second, to which extent are European modes of governance shaped by the structure of the EU-system, its institutional setting and its procedures of decisionmaking? In order to deal with these issues and questions, this chapter is structured as follows. First, a brief outline is given on the debate on (new) modes of governance and its origins as well as its significance in EU-research. This is followed, second, by a clarification of the term governance and a distinction between four basic modes of governance, constituting ideal types. Then, third, the focus is on how, why and to what extent these types of governance play a role in the EU-system and which modifications they undergo as compared to governance at national level. Furthermore, it will be discussed in which sense European modes of governance can be termed as ‘new’. Fourth, an explanatory framework will be developed by focusing on how different modes of governance evolve in the process of European policy-making and how they are shaped and modelled by the structure of the EU-system, its institutional setting and its procedures of decision-making. Finally, conclusions will be drawn with regard to the analysis of governance and policymaking in the EU.
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