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Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. La Commission a consacre une partie importante de ses travaux a la mise au point de son avis sur la demande d'adhesion de l'Espagne qui fait l'objet aujourd'hui a 12 H. D'une Conference de Presse de M. Natali (voir P-131 sur l'avis et BIO 437 sur la Conference de Presse) = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group. The Commission devotes a significant part of its work to the development of its opinion on the application for accession of Spain which is the subject today at 12 H. Press Conference of M. Natali (see P-131 with the advice and BIO 437 on the Press Conference). Press Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. (78) 436, 1978

UNSPECIFIED (1978) Commission des Communautes Europeennes: Groupe du Porte-Parole. La Commission a consacre une partie importante de ses travaux a la mise au point de son avis sur la demande d'adhesion de l'Espagne qui fait l'objet aujourd'hui a 12 H. D'une Conference de Presse de M. Natali (voir P-131 sur l'avis et BIO 437 sur la Conference de Presse) = Commission of European Communities: Spokesman Group. The Commission devotes a significant part of its work to the development of its opinion on the application for accession of Spain which is the subject today at 12 H. Press Conference of M. Natali (see P-131 with the advice and BIO 437 on the Press Conference). Press Spokesman Service Note to National Offices Bio No. (78) 436, 1978. [EU Commission - Working Document]

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    Item Type: EU Commission - Working Document
    Additional Information: Bio No. (78) 436
    Subjects for non-EU documents: UNSPECIFIED
    Subjects for EU documents: General policy and overall development
    Institutional Administration, Developments & Reform > Commission
    EU Series and Periodicals: GENERAL:European Commission Spokesman Service Weekly Memos to Spokesman Services in Delegations-General
    EU Annual Reports: UNSPECIFIED
    Institutional Author: European Communities, July 1967 to October 1993 > Commission
    Depositing User: Phil Wilkin
    Official EU Document: Yes
    Language: French
    Date Deposited: 07 Jul 2016 13:22
    Number of Pages: 4
    Last Modified: 07 Jul 2016 13:22

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