Kirchner, Emil J. (1991) "The EC Council Presidency at work.". In: UNSPECIFIED, Fairfax, Virginia. (Unpublished)
[From the Introduction]. ...some Presidencies seem to do better than others under adverse conditions. For example, a comparison of Presidencies between 1986 and 1989 shows that some have been more successful than others either with regard to a range of policy objectives or in helping to solve acute problems. This raises a number of questions about the Presidency and the office holder; the extent to which the Presidency carries power irrespective of the office holder or the extent to which influence of the Presidency depends on the power position of the office holder. (3) For example, is size, experience, commitment and political clout of the office holder a decisive factor in influencing the course of events? Were the more successful Presidencies confronted with less pressing problems, more conducive circumstances (economic, political and institutional climate), or were they endowed with more organisational resources, experience and brokerage skills?
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