Crum, Ben and Davignon, Etienne and de Schoutheete, Philippe and Micossi, Stafano. (2004) Three Theses for the New Commission President. CEPS Policy Brief No. 47, 1 February 2004. [Policy Paper]
This paper advances and elaborates on three theses concerning the incoming European Commission: 1. The President of the incoming Commission needs to have a strong profile as a ‘technocrat politician’. 2. The new Commission needs to base its work on a multi-annual mission, agreed with the European Council, and that gives priority to the development of EU strategies in the fields of economic governance and of justice and home affairs. 3. The internal organisation of the College of Commissioners needs to be firmly based on the principle of collegiality, with the Commission President assigning portfolios on the basis of substantive tasks rather than administrative entities.
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