UNSPECIFIED (1982) Motion for a resolution tabled by Mr. Plaskovitis, Mr. Kyrkos, Mr. Bournias, Mr. Efraimidis, Mr. Pesmazoglou, Mrs. Nikolaou, Mrs. Pantazi, Mr. Papantoniou, Mr. Vgenopoulos, Mr. Georgiades, Mr. Adamou, Mr. Alavanos, Mrs. Castle, Mr. Adam, Mrs. Fuillet, Mr. Seeler, Mrs. van den Heuevel, Mr. Marcopoulos, Mr. Chambeiron, Mrs. Leroux, Mr. Martin, Mrs. de March, Mr. Frischmann, Mr. Blaney, Mr. Vandemeulebroucke, Mrs. Castellina, Mr. Capanna, Mr. Protopopapadakis, Mr. Kallias, Mr. Kaloyannis, Mr. Marck, Mr. Gendebien, Mr. Papaefstratiou, Mr. Lagakos, Mr. Gerokostopoulos, Mr. Alber, Mr. Lemmer, Mr. Langes, Mr. Byes, Mrs. Clwyd, Mr. Caborn, Mr. van Minnen, Mr. von der Vring, Mr. Schmid, Mr. Walter, Mr. Gatto, Mr. Ferri, Mr. Pelikan, Mr. Lezzi, Mr. d'Angelosante, Mr. Gouthier, Mr. Segre, Mrs. Squarcialupi, Mrs. Carettoni Romagnoli, Mr. Galluzzi, Mr. Ferrero, Mr. Bonaccini, Mrs. Salisch, Mrs. Lizin, Mr. Klinkenborg, Mr. Abens, Mrs. Charzat, Mr. Radoux and Mr. Griffiths with request for topical and urgent debate pursuant to Rule 48 of the Rules of Procedure on the establishment of a Centre for Friendship amongst the Peoples and the Promotion of Studies on the Resistance against Nazism at Anogia, Crete. Working Documents 1982-1983, Document 1-237/82, 10 May 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]
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