Lenzi, Guido (1998) The WEU between NATO and EU. ZEI Discussion Papers: 1998, C 4. [Discussion Paper]
[From Introduction]. That being said, the theme of my discussion today is "Western European Union between NATO and EU". What I will try to address and talk over with you - since I have not made up my mind yet - is whether the European Union is energized or on the contrary stifled by these two organizations, after NATO’s Berlin and Madrid ministerials and the EU Amsterdam Summit, both of which have indicated that Western European Union is an instrument at their disposal. It is now clearly established, even if not as clearly as we may have wished, that Western European Union is firmly set in the sights or NATO and the European Union as a possible vehicle for their future activities. Is this situation, of having two suitors, a reason for optimism and encouragement or could it become a reason for discouragement and passivity? In other words, is Western European Union propped up by these two more comprehensive European organizations or is it stuck in between them and less able to move than it would have been otherwise.
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