Smith, Don C. and Hogan, Jessica. (2005) "Teaching EU Law & Policy in an Online Setting1". In: UNSPECIFIED, Austin, Texas. (Unpublished)
The teaching of EU Law at the University of Denver Sturm College of Law has been enhanced by the development of an on-line delivery platform and course that take advantage of the strengths of the internet to deliver a robust, challenging, and timely look at European integration. First offered in late 2002, the on-line course provides students a structured way in which to learn about the EU while also providing opportunities for students to improve cross-cultural communications skills with European experts. The course is convenient for students – allowing them to complete assignments at a time and place best suited for them – while also providing a means for delving more deeply into important issues through class discussions, on-going feedback from the professor, and learning about the EU’s evolution as it takes place. The practical day-to-day issues involved with offering such a course are explored along with an assessment of key lessons – both from a substantive and technology standpoint – learned.
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