Nieting, Karla J. (2001) "eEurope action plan: The case of Common Foreign and Security Policy". In: UNSPECIFIED, Madison, Wisconsin. (Unpublished)
Although CFSP is not specifically mentioned in the Helsinki or Lisbon reports, on-line government is. Improving government services available on the Internet was listed as one of the ten priorities in the eEurope plan of action. Insofar as foreign and security policy is a primary function of governing institutions and the successful development of that policy is of vital interest to the EU member states, it is important to examine what CFSP is, how it fits into the eEurope initiative, what steps are being taken to meet the eEurope targets, and what additional steps are needed. Such an examination is crucial to the success of both projects, because at the foundation of each lies the enhancement of public trust in the decision-making powers of the European Union as it continues to integrate and enlarge.
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