Maurer, Andreas and Wessels, Wolfgang, eds. (2001) National Parliaments on their Ways to Europe. Losers or Latecomers? Nomos Verlag, p. 521.
[Table of Contents]. Preface, etc., 15-26; National Parliaments in the European Architecture: From Latecomers' Adaptation Towards Permanent Institutional Change?, by Andreas Maure, 27-76; The Federal Parliament of Belgium: Between Wishes, Rules and Practice, by Claire Vandevivere, 77-98; The Danish Folketing and Its European Affairs Committee: Strong Players in the National Policy Cycle, by Finn Laursen, 99-116; The German Bundestag: From Benevolent 'Weakness' towards Supportive Scrutiny, by Sven Holscheidt, 117-146; The Parliament of Greece: Slow but Constant Moves Toward European Integration?, by Peter Zervakis and Nikos Yannis, 147-172; The Parliament of Finland: A Model Case for Effective Scrutiny?, by Tapio Raunio, 173-198; The Parliament of Spain: Slowly Moving onto the European Direction?, by Felipe Basabe Llorens and Maria Teresa Gonzalez Escudero, 199-222; The French Parliament and the EU: Progressive Assertion and Strategic Investment, by Andrea Szukala and Olivier Rozenberg, 223-250; The Parliament of Ireland: A Passive Adapter Coming in from the Cold, by Brigid Laffan, 251-268; The Parliament of Italy: From Benevolent Observer to Active Player, by Federiga Bindi Calussi and Steffano B. Grassi, 269-300; The Luxemburg Chamber of Deputies: From a Toothless Tiger to a Critical Watchdog?, by Danielle Bossaert, 301-312; The Parliament of Austria: A Large Potential with Little Implications, by Barbara Blumel and Christine Neuhold, 313-336; The Parliament of the Netherlands and the European Union: Early Starter, Slow Mover, by Ben J.S. Hoetjes, 337-358; The Parliament of Portugal: Loyal Scrutiny and Informal Influence, by Ana Fraga, 359-376; The Parliament of Sweden: A Successful Adapter in the European Arena, by Hans Hegeland, 377-394; The Parliament of the United Kingdom: From Supportive Scrutiny to Unleased Control?, by Caitriona A. Carter, 395-424; National Parliaments after Amsterdam: From Slow Adapters to National Players, 425-476; The Reticent Acknowledgement of National Parliaments in the European Treaties: A Documentation, by Astrid Krekelberg, 477-490.
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