Caruso, Bruno (2012) Per un ragionevole, e apparentemente paradossale, compromesso sull’art. 18: riformarlo senza cambiarlo = For a reasonable, and apparently paradoxical, compromise on art. 18: reform it without changing it. WP C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" .IT - 140/2012. [Working Paper]
This article provides an analysis of recent debate about the reform Article 18 of “Statuto dei lavoratori”. The author finds two main reasons of the popularity of the Article 18: a current reason (the relation between the protection provided for by the Article 18 and recent debate about precarious workers) and a traditional reason (the symbolic value of Article 18) and suggests four possible reforms of current rules of dismissal: introducing fair dismissal on grounds of poor performance ); amending rules on dismissal based on economic reasons; modifying judicial interpretation of the criteria for the selection of the workers, in collective dismissals; amending current too sever remedies to unfair dismissal. The article highlights that this reforms can be enforced regardless of any changing of the Article 18.
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