Pessi, Roberto (2015) Il tipo contrattuale: autonomia e subordinazione dopo il Jobs Act = The contractual type: autonomy and subordination after the Jobs Act. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 282/2015. [Policy Paper]
The paper analyzes the impact and the possible interpretation of the provisions of art. 2 of legislative decree n. 81 of 2015, that, repealing the discipline of project collaborations, has established that the regulation of subordinate employment is applicable to those collaborations which are personal, continuous and whose mode of execution are organized by the client with reference to the time and place of job. The Author examines the evolution of statutory law, doctrine and case law regarding the type of subordinate employment, which is the basis for the most recent reform, and then considers the different interpretations about the nature of the collaborations disciplined by the recent regulation. In his reconstruction, the Author supports the autonomous nature of the organized collaborations and highlights the importance of the role of collective bargaining in the implementation of the new statutory provision, which lead to a new centrality of the two original categories provided for by the Italian Civil Code in articles 2094 (subordinate employment) and 2222 (independent work).
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