Pilati, Marta (2019) A geographically fair EU industrial strategy. EPC Policy Brief, 21 October 2019. [Policy Paper]
The ongoing ‘fourth industrial revolution’ is driven by the megatrends of globalisation and technological change, which lie at the basis of other dynamics (i.e. global value chains, automation, digitalisation, servicification, innovation). Industry, and with it traditional production and growth models, is being structurally reshaped. Commitments to enhance sustainability and security compound to these changes. The gains of the transformation, however, will likely be concentrated and thus increase regional inequalities. The current debate on EU industrial policy overlooks the inequality risk and focuses on international competition, sectors and technologies at the frontier of innovation instead. In order to be truly EU-wide, however, the future EU industrial strategy must include measures that actively target all EU regions and ensure that they are brought along the transformation.
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