Andriessen, F.H.J.J. (1989) THE EUROPEAN COIIMUNITY AND EAST-WEST COOPERATION. International Herald Tribune Conference, "The Soviet Union in the 1990s" Moscow, 8 June 1989. [EU Commission - Working Document]
As the world's largest and most open trading partner, the European Community has a crucial role to play In the far reaching changes now occurring In the International system . This role has gained In Importance with the community's progress towards a sing le market without Internal frontiers, paving the way to Increasing economic and pol ltlcal unity. The great European market of 1992 means a giant step towards trade I lberal lsatlon, putting the Conmunlty In the front I lne of the battle against protectionism worldwide. In this battle, a~d In Its external re I at Ion, In general, the Community's Instruments of pol Icy are essentially pol ltlcal and economic, making I~ an attractive partner for al I who seek economic progress and peaceful change. This attraction Is particularly evident In the opening up of new opportunities for east-west cooperation .
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