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Draft REGULATION (EEC) OF THE COUNCIL opening, allocating and administering a Community tariff quota for ferro-chromium containing not less than 4% by weight of carbon falling within subheading ex 73.02 E I of the Common Customs Tariff and extending the benefit of this quota to certain imports of ferro-chromium containing a quantity of between 3 and 4% by weight of carbon. COM (77) 391 final, 28 July 1977

UNSPECIFIED (1977) Draft REGULATION (EEC) OF THE COUNCIL opening, allocating and administering a Community tariff quota for ferro-chromium containing not less than 4% by weight of carbon falling within subheading ex 73.02 E I of the Common Customs Tariff and extending the benefit of this quota to certain imports of ferro-chromium containing a quantity of between 3 and 4% by weight of carbon. COM (77) 391 final, 28 July 1977. [EU Commission - COM Document]

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    Item Type: EU Commission - COM Document
    Subjects for non-EU documents: UNSPECIFIED
    Subjects for EU documents: External Relations > Trade or Commercial Policy > Tariff Quotas
    Internal Market > Customs Procedures
    EU Series and Periodicals: UNSPECIFIED
    EU Annual Reports: UNSPECIFIED
    EU Document Number: COM (77) 391 final
    Institutional Author: European Communities, July 1967 to October 1993 > Commission
    Depositing User: Phil Wilkin
    Official EU Document: Yes
    Language: English
    Date Deposited: 31 Dec 2019 21:25
    Number of Pages: 12
    Last Modified: 31 Dec 2019 21:25

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