inoustrv AT ffilttlng issue chanrbre conrmunigu€ obltqqtlon taken ehipbuitdin sod warsaw quettion dreet publlcatloa crisi'' transpoitr operatlo programee hagu€ mal3 undereround discussior tiaifi eurodean outtum mlnlstenlel corn chect froz thg AA holtday etffiopei j5blt lsrgline riionversion vel rlahartf marke plcnory irl t'tq POLITTCAL potsttton UARIE ilrl€x cmo 77tt6t 2428I opql nequest supplemeittt canninq merchant ltn workerr qtq transitlon ffigetition potrer prograffifior workclr eeual econ0tf arentlna tnade rzo6 l6ndon utijisation f86r igirr financlnr estimate cohctruotlqr reeearch ecport funte'rest ool sunnrou qugstlm prrff varadium magazine conditione flnanclng qye mtnlstorar oryse indirect fneety 2359 verbal lson'cal'l pofftfcaf governmept cgrnrnunltv clf joi ofitee fgnce mertenr IPPLEI 'traidl iet tnan cormrnlty Q73 iglw ssg1e cockerill 'europe'' minlster dlsctrsf inancing protection tartff qrgrf N0MI9 no495 ARKEI liberote heclfieltcd aelliag scussion farrn tstrobel nuno troer i'ioveqberi ollinq SC wrffiana iirffilfr conmissicn hear rationalisatlon governmeht llz stmee tna qgry bror orld 2350 2479 joseph berkhouwert show eurato'l sng attcnptlng lntervenblori a668 oardldato 3862 gomoosite brdget wl6rort eetuig marle japacity immediately starr scu rodue LUPPLEITETTT thlc fresh rqon IUICD ntty obllgstloa uetzgeri tllltrocht veeetable regulotlon communitvl 50O nesotiatr itro ROPE irrlrit cnlutsrcounoll mtrt wherc pmposed ffisit supply final MARTET gorunission 33rd frrronean tieal fggi provte IITE ceport sttiimllry erlyjipelq fr€lroh 413 INIE umrny'gunamu cctt blggect earlv goverrrent uanket beet selg speculatlon supplemsnt ousehold saxony comrunity eutoeeap t1rtg 6ll gg4gggl ety llnitten co4ltott wrlttcn 2583 wrtt deputlct drafting consumptlon benelux lisbon 112 scction aoal luxenrbourg COT recelve iem soet britieh quota coltmorr jfifq ambasaador irii qopsll deal projecte arrrba clashc 2590 542 3750 iorrt ffibtlilcomlttcc 170 4t5 tno furorc enensv aoctdcar ssttled artd onar futput stltutlonal sel1 '3I suspension fltil italo leoooldvll oonssrrntlvca accreditation trarie 17742 uxembourg tllgtton'tq managcf mcry aseoctatlon additlonal obllqotlcn set tiel collierv trn olan JO ssnciation redevelod drav tussel mlnister orgel UNCIAD ierqt commtrnlty rcst stl1l amanqement vanilla itafq meetino fr'ettch lflig gutdlng oecernber IAAST soc1al nke' ute tnrd oreat 'orose gubpqg subtcrlbd lealt coordination sovlet mln devolomgrt congres doll sion jolrnsono lerdovlco ccl fonthcoming IA sorllomqtory machlneny cibltqotton aqendn amerban gr0ce interg urugr pantle coltino' JOIMT counteraillng dug xrlfrd nierlaan yestendayt agric rte establlshnent summory hoogonena imrr coorcn alcqrhol acrieulture freel7 mainly slrrnentty establishmcnt houllcr 0ff1o1al fotvrord chaftcontro11edbybonncoa1it1on egorp ZL mlnlster lndbstfle charqe dnaft mining situatianl hunoarian commun'i relief stee thdrawal no eglitiear gian tlroso ljeclorqtion comrretition ttlrr uritv proposif unctdp POLIIICAL illp tu'c ernt modificatian seede olnjnq t'jui lguid 3738 eventual neglon witheec 181 ulnmary 412 apd 9omm trehnieal eecrlnigeria tl'nde maln authortsed PARIJAI tord politjcal upurt tjii gaullc 'nicrrart nex countrie 1I1 2543 enquiry GG ropel ffiem I1I statlon rnembership proble glntl authorlsatioa policv alld qablnet i4men ommunltv undi5closed posslhlltty pcnnnent aprl1 sqiea uiolsterlar ljl pavnent LG6B subdidie 841 conslderatlon ence exeluded measur€ somaliland munlcipal 474 LETINS derinlrer indrr ween deflnltlve bclgium OMM 6dt auttronleatton coatrol coorrllnatlor coltlnu cornmunitv collieri niaeion lqo leltggg apinion y€ir oompany merten FGTB adopted'by compen EIJRAIOI alroct 1e57 foreign hdng iff6 unfair porrcr resu goctal obllgctton age DOCWEIIT AS lndustrte 3832 poutical predlctton comnlsslm rol rpene potrtrcal rienn brandt deci CSC forthcmlng DAIL'T lltgh 'rr ond soeclal dev obllqat lp66 3880 puf ilrntamounb oonmn coalt rritten rnrry esetlo beginniog '33 fornally corlrn9 fnauguratlon reratlon rli CA lnter establishment ffianopposltlon gsltlitaffan cmpensatlon 1535 agricultur louncl enterprlse r66s' orlsl perloit tl'ta 'tf councff econonric eurosvndicat atde refugee tef erude eqgr roiag ptlllilkprice cfimq caeee markr hlgh refcrence ory reshuffle qlj ecdromic uemer gccunatlonal ftench frransfcr me0dene SUIITTARY cewiaox visi CCTI4MO syrdtoate pol1 fire 1s66 gerrnany improven noi76cr pnoductlon activi pp4 rogres errrope countervailino 1q4o experience reeotvc 457 thqhdav secllon betnay aacheir agrleullurel quotl improvcment operatlon topic ulql 2497 tmo rrv uel flnanclalr oort prench reqpj 3687 oaplta ES brussel coutrfervrj 'ity noo merica diplomat g1s llaguc esonomlg gcrmanministerofeconomicaffairatocentralise replry eie' burape eavt spaln 1'1 ececutive formalj co'mmunitie coglc TIIE rtnore francc aoreeetot dossier inseeticicle tlanrto IONKXS ggegng securltv nerct olrllgatlon srri asetstancc betr countrler lqri norkinq ovenber conffilttee rstated oreek boectal 3761 parallcltsm agrleulturerr rnsport lrnisten buttetr aqricultmre reslgn grantel advance segr6 ere rvrlttcn groiben pre ttl0 rroocr obllqctlon lntegtttton ernployer nattqr conferenee 2380 tejilre autl IIA frult duliesi ru1e gryser ouotas lrelonc off'elen uctlon arlstng prgslyqt bur rrnlsston closecl SISMA siesi orodugttgn developtng enenohtalk comtlsslon applicatlon dlspel eomment agricultrral plurt organlsatlonal leserreb pjrl auorst L2 advocate chamberg mrrtxnr organlsatlona asscmbh college trarling optlmum do4ov communl scarascla dgy communitic ioe provide treldor TEL poltcv intenoenetnatlon utilisation ncll tlovn lfnlttea enslon uanret errt4tr sturlv propoeol agtivitv rep1y dlscussed nmw ilupglx against' SUITIIARY bova fol 124 impnrter qurle nain comnrnlty 1429 cmnlsslon euqopean lgr tudy rffit iublica 2483 ii' imported trrnsfcr trcaly IIARKETIELRAT0II ECOIIO'IIC urstrer 'franco caloulatlon fast umtyarrailgcm tneq poet subsidiee authortty tst ttb anc 'irentlno tiocial progr€mme centresi liuratom 2a271 lntcgtest uoale eurspeu pr2 vanden southern trbde pordered federatlon shierring thla jpro counclladlsouealon conservative ibeci goposalsrrcport adopting fiirancing vlor boanl comissiqr plte ncd resource bclng rhlncland combination rl'f exparding isrq olcg0munlty rupehot gatherlng preparatory BCSC URAIO scrqp fvtfith unmet hac lork revlslon lleclly pedlnlt folitlsal parliamerrt rabour regrulatloa fulfillment 2477 iqti volunteen progranne bourgulba reirl flgurcr increase tlvgiene eertaln ar4gtf patronat inrluirv EGI mal llulletin pati begln summa cfatfonl irlt EURATOM libraryl mlgtant adntrlrtnetlon varloue aornposfie 2331 eoutpment oecf resolutinn LAL published p6fi 96r iglustrlal appointnent 3695 poper lllc organlsatlon dlrrllh ltberallsatlon 8egr6 cmmnittee eurslg soal tabled a1e agreemt ort nnntol oomplaln strobel procluction reportli octrrn trail sidnrar europcrncw wedellng aqlicultural dcutschland bernasconi ttrrion 8lr discount delegatlon ounctl ereation crermany the' applic neasuitg rtlnlon parllamentart ffibyepassociationcomnitteeofvorkingdocumentonassociation 426 febrtrary NTERPENETEA natc deputie ililfifnt colloqqr malall uednesdav aont BO4 prans' 17th prep jlguj ltro rerleveloprnent accordlrtg postponed conoern NCITES 7758 EURAT0DI sui itft' trane ecrlln a1i union g1q llng eilted' amintore cale d14n 'ioo nmgurr promoting EURATUM cormunlty slll crl tourism 'OECD rcsunptlotr ITTTERPEITETRATION egnledv 22nd conrmirclon convertor rld COMMON coil t'lnanclql establtst 100r reoonverslon LAZI todayr iill 3fg greehljn seuffert a11lance eed€urtnrnrtrlt 24272 decisior growe rgalian end ghlpbutldlnrr 1nlk uumtotl sti tlodnesd urged favoureal wtthotrt interpenetratton proposa1 canmunitlcc tcritten ffie1son collllotl winnl imchi independence lmpl SUPPLEMENTI 2517 waehington expansion SUPPLEMI1M burretln bxteinai corunlttee AVT without ilp conciliation trnnv benzenoid lligment hono department experienee strike pl1'll'rl 1uu swmarv flsngst lri chemist rrttiin ltra tariat uarrpr inf living loc tional ffiea diphvnvlanlne ls6 tgg sdqv petre tedgvclqlmen obli trlrltten germarr deadline afric thooc rithout gql consent EA ilesolutlon gfslng t'letern agreenent ive flnonciol order rrsize c0mmon a6recment prize comnunltv lnternatlorale friday lllchel eqegeg4 februnry transoort l4rr cgurt refurd palment rilx uerge 131 fnterdrenetration geruany ansterdan contracllng ffiq1reststoassociatiorparl1amentarycon pjr naintenance internat praluct cvclical oroduetlon back IFI VI ffilieiilbn sociallstst atcelt dag lljjt lleu studv india researoh svstgm eurobe lmpltoatlqrg flclda iilfftieffigffiilnttv lntelest ari employment interested cory C0I4F permnent llbge orestinn perhape grussel fodiuon rny reallstlo socj aliqnment parllament budgel luqgft oolr ig1 ct1 belgium ve4 commlsslotl pum plans comnetition gclvernnental birthday steo smoke ugsetp4 isgr asqogj flgrre commlsslon staole ARBED eumpe nei lolnt rnarket r'nai plenarv yffig colrnlriet ocmn document iltrratom prodgce liitgione aetivity pr9 rep1ytomrber9 llorking lov enount fope clraft ltlo ugj cokine comunlty send erhal panltament SUPPLEHENT ilb oover shipnrent develop 6S1 auppl' tatc sffirffiut 1672 leooo1dvi discusscd abou rorx agreeme'ntonreorganlsatlon inlqrpene fuston evenlnc lgar comdsalon 439 runarq edheslon nding unworkq comrnunity uyl L965' tllegal EUILETTN ahcot ofeuropeassemb1yon 609 E7 fgr cited efe out' erhardi tilb commlssl'otr' cguntrle comrnunitvl gdted adoptcd ctrlstlan BULLE flood oto founrlrv interoenetration eqq 157 ameemsnt ftsl nenottg lcoml circre seientific UAILI POIITICAI edible ttrtc vee neqotiator for'rbeaf britref lnlt special lfororg luxembourg IIEUROPEII businessr lvbmber authorisatlon arbrlcan reserveg constd dooneaf nnd ratgr money vacclne alignment publtcatlon gen rtcht mertert europ6enne gec erdatlorgcmtgsldr IN 9QZ comnuntty fronr sltuatlon vinelle BIII intet'nt1 canne harmonlgali9l ryl builetin ogr gunope marketr tkr compared ILIR exchangc creggot ionlon repli polltical cqnmittee decleration irst did contrqct iective mmlion manua1 rlsatlon EUROPB scety collectlve unofficial brttlrh define netherlrrd comnrztity progr to'llr poe IOMIC athtc systenr earner ratl eulz iiquiditv lure iiav J822 141 jror 'ranco report lltaternent conglstcncy qltt 616V decfaratiolr september impo fnerrl iraft dcstgn nglo col 2526 11glglellne effnrt jroq EU49PE temberg tunislg rwandai marv proc€dural fqleratlon bfoduel eonsolidation f970 ratlon aftemath J2 nenber 560 lhort prlnclple coanltta companle oltg asricultural uri 2448 nunalom BULLEIIN irrtf 6ladwyn fron treaty rccoinitlon ohange confermce councl1 'council ryml4 servant decalogue fl'a thoec xpofts strlke part sflvrtv FT if3 elter settle 2406 reappraisal fah courtt i'europeii gof charbonnaoe i'o fact ecoaomic conunent 4utrpm ftee1 ioli only dcslgn courcll eradeftrtian resumed trrcety wlttr desay 2587 ill stateg 2328 connerce urnrrr rfocaet dtfflcultte meetlni hitish paigy unpl3 oountrle ilrose 0ecd oomrtnttce flrrd nucleor comrmrnity hea onl 1966' grl1 stnrobre EEIAT errssjil SI'MMAR MIC plsngrv ATTON frnm mtnlster agenla' maroh fsoqqniq park OB 119 coql i'th ortrn rnovember'1 EFTA disagree eritain authoriginrr slssion llural appolntel oould yyttao nnfmol vr€dellngta cornmuntty fal scandinavtan econdnyr ald P4 dortmund TJRATO egq orgaillsatlon ecob ordena 742t publicotion prj lndustrtl soeeiali bl'rlgs documentation brltleh tretst frrr ita1y corncll gy eqrralleattm steelindustr farmer narrvtube uof lncorrgruenele ohltqcfion arfr irladtated saan eoalr'eoope confg fmicr corrioge lntere sand ltlon salzbourg aqricultural economy' uilson vic froduction runcil cgfpetltlon tnmly US tobacco duma fryt 3lre cing fonrarded outl CAI countrtraooording cmnrmity lcaldaylneurorre bullettrt europ6an comm0n duke rebete trust' strengthenlng nlth come i'rilson ainatot totr 4esulnptlon cgmmentl loj onnsultative rhlnelard ba141um excjlse dahlgaar fia fnaustnt t€vvtber 1q17 ormon household fermanent openinq manklr gfge taxation comn'1n mis t'eiirope' ratlg tall ECOIIO deliverv nheet comoanv CT negotiator iti e0scjproduot cornrnlttec gnsoort ssio durtng uerrnq 9G6 t19 upeu 519 maschlnenbeu entrg 'letter fnvestment sttend producc credlt derf cxtcrulon' qqqft enary value oqq telna betwecn pttovldcnce berlin ereatlon resurne tbelglum deringerr 'IEUROPE aussenpoltttkrr' gglgujltyry science poa flreal 37752 intenpenetration itp account' anti pmfnt make hallstein cornrnrmlty menbership 6offov nuolcr big ETNATION august trtrtnal conmurity snloke brusssf rgt alihnment iilo L29 lran mmrrnltiest crd fgtvqepn cogntrte betrvecn comrnunlty stoer decenbcr rat eulropean IIITERPENETRATION acti ficrrre markst blj polieie LF cgoperatlor arrangement committee poiicy 'iroo pnoduatr replle 56L rtqli 969 jystlse l'llnlstersr lndustrv duties' 549 lnterort saarlor cultural dra retr unatuu grglgn fisstle rtin admleslblllty discrresion 'ferred encrgy crcation establlshment BULIEIIN 65aa yestenlayr doirrtiie EUROP rtan trcnd ilor ooultry gtaf comn'ntti eunopc f61 2412r crcrnsultative commentr nrnents aspect cornmuni iffii6litttion holden zoaland ffif ITIARY cltgd f471 2341 ieii eiglndi socla1 ntrtarlff polilisal obuguilon situation' xlay ral economt preparatton selling oetprlt consultattw fusion alreot UB pedini adjustment nestnrcturatlon AEC gglman lucerne und senate i'ianeh hclj rq6 flrdset steodily olhb th1a liberal niri erti teahnlclan aqrlcultur t111 partnersnfp b6twcen b1qclu membershlp lipain cent ION affalrsrr vchiclg brtrpselg 45e offing 385 ilsocial dichgan ffiitedstate 2578 arrlculturattouncll ition palltlcal ntereg hcrty alrqoady gerrnnn older ordinary bnttlsh augu devoted affie ltlge haulacel import conccntratian draqon lqb slgnature crealtt 1792t brussels' lnstltutlon wgjln 11' ock tty dessert bconomlc gter inilustw alliance ecjgn doei 'hrr break lrby kragt lleekly irnportgttof adeqqate norrregiai tntsforworkcr6whomovcy4 qurcpn 1O8 urlnor IIAT0 EIIA hraly menben neetirg questio presiden cegeg specific UROPB governnent pc escaut schmilcker meetlag lit commurr moro' liance bobba 2539 worried sprlng package arrangenert leopoldvl EDE ptatt comnllttee crist 3877 2491 ste6l tafei rllctin tnbqup asscnrbryt lecanuet el' lnon ejbp co1lar rport queettdr switzerland tralnload 1ot D'7 ommilite p't eura equolisotion balanoe dlsousslon cosleri stockholm ratesr indicative crfge BI'I brtssel tecision coffiultatlve 'rconplctlon i'rd' statroq energr MABKEIT asacilly ECIIC justiqq lrrcfly referen famlnq naterialr comrm view fiscal gerna4 IOIES lfazlonale equlpment lrr pedlnl ain ucing htgh trart atlou hellwig bjuseelsrthtrgday aooroache pe7 amer stertal exploratony pqli endr natonalisation betllel rlll cotmlttee thoaa standinq ffiltr eocial icul wanted ri' ZB breaker TIO opinion tnto rrusserl culture quay fnr situatinn teehnologtcal f'' qucrtloa scla iiment 1456 atinr wl0 strare eurclq rltfftcultle parllancnt states' deriveric sumanr choice trosr austria ye provisionally 9lsggeg RO igerpenetration sllso bergbau 2555 bjlsrg 256I conf'or recent wltl republlc diecrimination lhoac posltion lliqh pr€o zuratq4 modlficatlon bt4 cmstltutlonal rdy bulleiin vlewpoint tfftt iri cond cnmmon xfirq COM betuecn thte ligrht MARTETAURATUU motc sji satisfactlon ileigltat fnozen oocuoatl ffir' spcclal goirmu racy abou'b stion eurqsytdlla'ee cembourg BIT rndex mlnersr uanror aids' jailufr utnt IEIT progralrme crisl ribauernverbandrr nroy particlpation 1741t conrnunity cqnb coun nl6 ton lntegration resettlement ta1 lcaklatlon cofimlttee strtke 9EC irfr conrpalrv rtinll refuse jeln commleslorlt llo pcr novenber satton i'rr duc' rrpubllo tarirf ffiance chrl sor DAIUT indlrstrial at EUNOPE n€alloarrx ipi numbcr stecl lmol ufro ccnlon colllon sllp countervaillng ltaly ehrropet jtu quotro oountnleao commi pir form hallslern ne8otlatlon asslstirnce lau bullettn'no oaullera 1av vredeling' OG eunaiom stei military rapport iort eunardm rtesoer piefer brqf bul1 figure be1gium comncindtty annual coooeraslon december 4th strue mecttns a4drygitt podslbllltle chief tadoptlon tletin todgvr luct communltlc investigationg uenxsyeunafi pnoposara ldeputy 2466 omlloltcsrtstbqur MARKBT biufeeif lrcely SUPPLEMEI euegtlm flg atire commrr ITERPEIIETRATI0IT itt LINICE ffiarter9tobetransferrerltobene1uxcrruntry o'ecsc elrly meetl SUPPIEME may liovember 6ar dlsctlssiott stral qleojh lnanclal unlur cqtlollq conrnrittee ileclslong aicl seaport conmefce coa 0penlng bqr erfope surn atmed trrlff trensoor kllntter trg cormnen leal reglonallsm 1445 latlon yeat machlne furntghed edv arfet io60 steil tiga itlteitfelrlitrati femratlon turkish cltlaster crertion 3744 maehinery negotlatlanl germayt jeubqlp lev repr europcon aqtitude dcptrtle fourrtrv rirr 3893 eel I'IARKET ea EUNOMAN ired cgnment recomrnendation cheese elted' llge ecc3 interpeletrat elgssel ieiit rbout relevance publicatinn conununlttes' jqrfo imoort orecfst 3219 nulst betureen sovn population coastal URATO ffit nese poaition firtu 1O0 914 finanee entst qupst cornrnlttee' how ECSC communit un aif sut rolne brazlli wttput PPLE notlfletl 448M eunopean ngt forecast julyrlo66 ergssg financed king olivier policy' cease dlreetion L15 QI cele gullntrn erlrtne sll'coordination linit aqri egqgep question rrteer arrangemcnt arranqencnt bcononlc gunmary loan pflimlin elusl sabatlni carried esttmate coaceraing trvln1965 italtan omt steelt thtfutldlnsl oraln stngle statlstic nean blilrerrn arteituation federal ijv el1insl ltrlon' diphenyl OL oc blalsse thoeo 3806 natlonax dlstrtbutton' 1'j krao improving nationalisation TARY applled jlg3 ilur rrrant textllo pay irag brubselq oommunlst esongrni rltrout iffi1 like extraordlnary satiou drsft wav HARIET' r20 rrr rul1c erhardr cotleojli thlg C0GECA dtw llrg EUR0 conce1ninq undertaken brrll ha fpeeial folfarm suppression ttto porlioment jlt cut wes9 electiorl OEOD ttp consultotive conventlm obllqctton fcfru annei ol'senegal rleclslon hoogovsnr reot ltglt fpg rheptaloguc rlisation iittister LEEIN tucsdav cogr orecast shipping mlnu sunmanv eslr e€l untli hozambique aruraba join cru commissionr mf rnteramerican tdil igtprpenetratton opnd grouth om1 394 ltc P65 EUROPEI' fsfm llbenallsatlqr pedlnir 4cqnom iquidi I95€ aporoximation sociallst 'effiponer trangerrr headg parllenent EEKLY illf partlcularly LRTINS brhar 0ovcrnncnt vtslt bllsi resumntion ffiffi shutdown obrtghetn guropea sltuatton tteq 0rovth C0N0I lpjm 'I8I modlftcatlona doun gusqqrv shape outuut ltallan rroeta pridav fwgpp 2336 arranoement equivalent ondey I5I8' communlsv confcrgroc uerger bfspssl cobl eecleast sulphur unlm discussed oui roqm june europeaa politicau iher committce isppjt rfulton rncing rnaln oonstdsrrtlor north outlyine tneatment beautour dru januarv sgqi comblnatlon keniredv troop commentg fi8 itiftan oele' ARY optlmlsm flrd economic nlu time schweitzer EUR0PE' round uarf 1523 nucle annulmen iiiiffi suggeition derlnger eilted 'ti fficv thoco shortly lcrf bruseel appcal tratnln m31 establishnent lsslon son classif 1962 rlr orample 489 9ton integratlng salg cpmmg matt cal nrlnersr lcatlon occident procurement eix gamation EIR eqgoevrdlcatl bul'letin complex aryel etir lurcemblurg brusgelr caen ounatur S9PI btropedn frorn 2563 hahnt ueeting rrofkcre erly journey lndrrcfrir'l lch pubope negottatton fiftffioao reuratom gnant itgie eeononic tlnitea bclglan qutton couneil comilittee queetton solutipn papeterie manker 1le admlnlstratlve declarltlon 103 arrlval 2452r sesgjlon l'rano iif schmc otiuqnt lndustrrr oerrnany rrcry fff eltng llmltatlon teehnieal eut'l euraton 26th propramme buoyant benelu tin eggnomij ytw corcigendum wltnout herter meter EUMPE'I consultattve question'no actlvtty laf SUPPLEUEDIT mtntitere lrdustry ccmmcn eost reglllationq agriculturc meoting agrlcult'rral probj suspensior sentence prrbfi counotl transmrtlnq bobleter communltj ETIROP CDU uuon rlnvestment investmente stor tlia're WEIJ srill ffiiobn francaise 2323 4psary salu alunlnlun ivecommi commerce commirrritv chamber5 tnformatlon irolltlcal forecastg ste connittee SUPPLEMEIIT lntcrvlcr bankinq sttd LS66 88r bxraz 'induetrial ttorksn dliagree rroup saisin bulretin MARI fiee custool lntegratton pan tatget rhsr wmkerai shaleq prciject atr crrl ottransoort afrect asreement roor12 entrii counternaf suspended ncial marketi boben l4lrdster germalrstee commurrity oranqeg' llock tourh err ftu ind6ry aqriculture develoelnf mlffi 195€ rrd rocommerulatton congrss 531 furooetoutcona PSLIS replace expgrtence ice w'fa mqy atono detell eru'grean proce soctal contacl caeteau addlttonal ffilicatiorr ancesheet lle4ery tla npn rup t'nqnorgt' rhuetterappolntedasslstant0eneral coahiinc etreet rvanda arat dichganr message cotrncil lmlrort elratom IEX srtierlana moscou appleg manpower oro8rlnqre quatlon moderrisation cixthent reduotlon aerloultural BULI eec0ounqil lnterpenetrotion railwav uunofe eventuql cultivatinn declslon' flve POL lh€rt bet vesetabl ieorganisation tlo objectlon u11eliq fluesrllct btltl counollr chalrmanof 2515 cottlo effect ej SUPPIEMETIT l'arm diffrcurtres' nodest outcme eurode eolltjlcal qllament germon rmr pcdenatlon danube i'ito drtch ffio demand'in paure kereedy stat€ment oormon place ette6 ittee r84 luropeor tfig qourt etor trainee nritten rrltal relinquish ougr€e qca SUPPLM plcnary oig trafftrc netherland neetlag 19O rnate deveropment nlrlv ttrere airrll betrreen uarket iiiffi ccuu 512 pr8 nlgslon justiee EI'BOPEAN sygtem kaurcily 57L llusse gil conmrnlty cepceo molecule oauller 1g1arl tffitrolnlngondinformotlonofleodenoftomorrow practical segel hindrance injsu comnisglon polnt apta SI'PPIEMENT sscod SUPPTEI' 9sinor 3g5 firgtsllgg actlvltte coordinotion outhorised hs' potentil 3906 ig4 senator ueek bord ggbgr gl1 industrlal lqtb fabrication urrlty wholeeale eoje liqutdt berhhad conferorce meeling OLL europel IJEU bnd fnuit enne ortheoming wltrant lperl iaeion ilrrg prcsldcnt tgf comunlt poucr context kooh flgurc declaratlon orn 3836 situation unworkld I'DI intq dtscuaslon nature note troclet cmmnlty conrnent huhr undressed metzger septembcr pe'f cornr inning 1'q repalr spo qreag iai'ini nol ltoly EUROPE'I syrnposium applloatton besborrsible ln4lst imun americaf republto qpr economlo resune ASP irnplemenation tir brltish DEC certain e6ffinitv lrom professional donestlc runetom ncu panllamentartrr cowrcll eum euuropean euntom plrnarv deltvertee apprpximatioa laanr 2419 37292 flcely government titfru deplore york rrmolriq negotdatlon natf dlscrimlnattgn contact african iritten glted authorlw rnepl ryin gtfe draftg qpe eiirope meetinfi L4L EB0 comnunltie bullerin springorum 14t revtew conmnity ovelr forbr1ng1ng 011 IJ burat ilriiiuij lateoect additinnal barzel 6corrrnrrnltyooklngcgal bar oope IAIIKLT efi aooloximation 'ion iom coolcr haulaee alnerie elabonation cientt weat ctf j'rpanese peisonnel urcll 2316 LQ 6flnar eunatom lnveetment E3 businessme pqqrg coefficient infrastructufe etrrqqeqn index mlnlsten bertevelgpment tej regardlng 3794 alrreencnt eol 3884 proposed off isqle carrtqge fatm rome worktn P7' goa era sdeclal rytterin ihlnl agreenpnt llffi conaiderg commiscion e'4 eijrl word additional qlou obllgatlon crlslsr m6rm apnle nggommon LSES director L525 cornmunity maiket uccttng shell yoltng kingdom cort€ emba lorkin obllgrqtton tiog hish uonetarv ooke irpllerttonr communiqu6 gjgmmi xennedv ninisterial gconomique 2q8g e€mestetr P9 rsuit makinq beport intenpenetratton doqumen lorrvolglile fffa technlque ecqrordo drason ry'ga hgh PCLITICAL llauritania agricu1ture qucgtlqn getmanvisitbymmmoroand deu 23L2 amara bctwen countnt qommunlty ecruitment tqral parllan€ntl gpbii thlrd leiixg 766 islon acrtculture doy ministerial confirence isurday kan€dl8g comrnission questton treatnent potenti quatlm iireit plp weelc 'lnd eveneing' ombl pcrmoncnt belslan per theatlantic assemhly lsupplementaryfinarrce 1eiing ooirt partyr cqnnlttee europea certificate hr1le suear unl tsrm teq if'rrle rorker consldcratlon electlon 539 r€xl consulted elngh xrag lfest 520 regot apnolntment bqpw rulletin oolllerle ion6ey reception llarscille nou rtion tur important 2354 thlsi t577 statcment conncil nucl lilnitten ecdlnt resumil indian NQMIC slectrlc conrnon rrrato ggal mtne goc4 weetly inessren nrrrt communautd svstem prollqm 3848 rn' swi ueratlon o1atwlmt jflitu gcrmany dlount qlrro 1589 implementlng plon bookrr orierrtation practically norea ougree SE ETIN octotrer nmlt procosrirrq clt 361 ror tfbat sional shippinq sa'rr grcnitg e1ect add sclentlfic eteo submit leuratom reeze petroleum partv llmarv svnthetlc control EUROFE assisl ploe exportst rttfr oopan ccio cail cconomy bureau onlalg oonnuntet sioq SIJTII geeti ilalf agricultureff 552 s€f gffne wcekr 4r5 celllng IMERPENETBATI0N eshold varioug ommuntty icndon csnsil strrcttrral zrd lo8 bullding technlcal borrgtrlbar assoclatlon negoliation brdapest hausteln ministry pctponc cornment gut speak gorrernncnt obll commerciale europcan grade cornall obllgstlon temporary ffitttport roundlng dtsctrsslon euratorn LD LEIII booksl irb steelilork eficit edlaryl 9ggng ARPPD duration goverrurent €aful i'iorlcl ncmbcrahlp polltlaal F1 tqa queatlon 2379' reactlon ECS increaae rglp transporrt basi orlab woltjer rlnstauatlon to7 t6rv'i conmunity' 25L4 luxenbourg gmcc tuti tunkey EIEA thc oc1o4 EC0NOMIC 3712 ijkralne problese 546 thtll tlarsaw rglotiation rto toubeau suunarv eunatoil snso comnrleslon addltlonal EIBI flhloh arrear teet vatcrvav gohcnctno ati0l l2th rotlficqtion tlniohsi igon idle cnrd syndlcale erlsl traanr ri61 37842 clted ltal talk riol'hn nam tli rcafftrm cuatore eeneral ngan iei litaten narkett llcctlng ooo legislation corntnllss competltlon ud 2r7 expansla comndt laat arrive uranlum confcrencc memberstate btrlletin bochum ltrel sls 2tg8 luxenbourq joll authorit prcferential lmport'levy 6V65 debatc ust establlsh suppller 0rqe1 euugary kjo 19G6 esig obllqotlon fo1 gauller AIBBD gga fuffl atlantic tat a1to 2447t igblic llho eupop6an mcil 3754 cmrnrrnity uanint ad18e guar vredbllngr actual' ttiorr corumrnitv trlo terminatlon maru ncmoramluttl rgl lq6 arranged luxembouffibout errrofq gltrqct lelmato4 NS mlnc deadlock thtl synposia consldcred r'ar ltark rlsolution efr ture alternate prlgg STR 14q6 tart submlttet suggest staff eovdered ulgn4gvj utch exarninatinn ML atrange dumping utft furttren tember oint irrael economlc dly nro OPE jrxr ETT ll'13 onomic processed lgnom cllrrent analyst uorlrl iocatton eromro neetinq corncil programrne crq basic 25BL IUARY ahcet decislon 24' 394q ctive pnoposal seegl psp frrtrrrf governm€rt conrmon 1o6a 597 ltilateral MAME' aifd irgg 242 llanbcrrhlp reyr uestre1ations'i acrap oiqmeat lun lfashlngton IUSS lletln SUPTLEMEIIT gerean deputle arnerlca EMEM tirqrgggrj stat quegtlon ansho t'lankevnunaro q6f energy conmlsslonr lntsreet erhom conrmlsslonra der' aertcdlture suaar rlssociation EEIS questlcr rry comrnunit publicati igl lnsell declqrudon wlshc proqramme developlng ratiol EFTA3 fallure ttpge rhod prelude national mansholtatallan policy demond lco rjratom kegnedv rcrrlon 135 diversification cursirmptlon commissionts relmrt 145 maitkef FEC formally cornrnission lhne lut'i dumplng rrrhr uotlonr se1 commrnitie cattle agricul fqlellum jhl productton orice mmt 509 3708 bracket deelslon sersino debat€ ltttttt egotion wtnhe oetotler nit lnpact inbalance DAILY ospect on ken4 auttrorlsatlon rrrl imminent lsgpplle oenerar eciic 6aulle nationale qtresticu arm rederreloornent ncgc reielr qtbd trf inj lndustt'f affi EAGGF zfr slight cfinlttce transnri reactor anrual hanmefard pnl teclaratlon tifi bc6nomic MAMET tio H5 pmcztrmnrombrllettn ugf iransport 15ilp nterpenetratl down elgr eonsunptlon llltertt crude cowtlrerngd gerilan inconsistent bnrtah rcgulatlur brench derand gxccuttve meetinq aerian lletherlandsl rsr oeke citec cxtenslon fnench log 237ri lieport EUT9PP ttve authorlse iatent countr syetem frrneral EPSC steelmen pcraqtal eldt 0bjective buuetili SPEECIT SIIPPLEMENT P'4 IBIT3 bene dgsiqn fhst capacitt technical own IINS canned sslon 8or arvv eeedan erport EY bul1etin util'isation comnunlty prodictio clabecrl rplation cmpeoaatioo IIEU monetary amerlean fory4 pollticol 'community ereopffr tomorrovr paymentsr concernlrg art 8unnary declslon ftocly adncel comoeti soeirlist dlbanl xquality exe procedur rel 4jl flag lntmcrt ssion vorllng finaneial frstate rpgg ehtg gl4l nectlng seat flgurcr'ln be'of sume udy three'pro nail congrcs ggg caai poltttcal seourlty nullettn proposal' septenbiq force' ar4l slpglc 3813 BRUSSELS 37O5 consldered oqrnctrt indusgigg hansen crexgcutive whlte oil obllqailon 372 lastructed onii ertropeatr ihoio commttlop communlqud wlll ZZ econonv DOCI resumptionof defcrred newrr ffitio RPENE 2ft5tr tul1e qmpqsig sltuablon alreet ko3 collection face dlfecteur lrrraqf compo orrlef nectl'ng AP foundrie pltl commjsslon STJPPLE nnanna eltaion parhament '367 fus eompany proceed guropean tural uolid trnisia 2157 provisional whom'e'nry fndustry segslon oorrmor 9gr4le dlrective rnuniei brackette 'ieaqoi' vert'l e'conmenlr cohilotr parliamentarian slted' treatment mire lnplcmentlng todisco seopc cobrdlnatlon lorkinq lft bncl nee pecnt 2363 POLITICAL polttloal itrvl o1ru ffigffiffit 3878 cotnnunity OEI leyl neqotiation o3cowdeferred seoretary rropcl uunaltm curgrea programme' epn measure no' IGAF qbout BUIIETII pni publicotionr dalt ent faurer developoent' alumlmun subsidle reglonal conso interpretatlon brunet tion fnanee gheet oelcr agreemenr fatc furd obllqatton suppteldelilt pont atater trnd outbreak substdle dbd ioa ccrventlotl 9onselgatiye lorltil sperdtn narathon snd soci6te aoodst 5th ccrnnigsicl g3egtgl untm 2485 shoet lead tinetable italy'ca11 lurla eommon obllgdtm reeord cf'immon btue olin rrslr whord ffiiie dted ittab tect cet'eral eecrtennedv tatlo livestock authorieation thinking bouth referenceuprice cd qifatolll reiectlon crlmb tralfport ctrnsitler water turatr trorklng declar itlz8 rout ard andtrresday euronc covernment irchberg europcsn 13C nma etted litheag narkct wtthout badlt procedurea brusselg freparation erleub ljql foaluctlon' apglnst ueekly 'it L448 dtgd securi examining specla1 maritime g'pun renresentation po1l31cq1 neettng weatellg lustrv rgsomf statistic pqgllamlmtq CAM vinemaker eeijt estlmate rtt demographic allov latin serap tau agreemert oranlun'oonsldered b'ussel comnittce lrl dellvcrv directorate ouali initiol fnterp trervt iffir comperutatlon I59O 1494 guidance problemivlew 'rtlon brazl1 bctflccn marsellle nrutton eomfxlnte' oroductlon struet4lef eiep publ putghase loyalty hearing regulati lartettr appolntnent resmption ffn ply redresentative simullaoeor securilv aerlgultura oiltod report' lg58 ffieftnt gqtto ennetty agreenrent interpenet tneu 5umlnary wonld coalnlne etra dtfferenoe epsslfrance whonr 4'5 sontercf TEII EURATOI erlc role milled marjolin ECONOI serytl europaon rattflcatfon publl dlstnlbutton ircrease WEU fontc irout cltretion prfcc aetion t'tu'b betueen ceg athen revieu tqunpll cogoutc tropical mtsta crisist ferl' etlbo dollare developpement EEE otrorr tnfrlnse anrr sma11 troclett I18 mlae rnt URAT0M govcrnment greeee half directlvc rallwaye euratomi 121 1o4 dernand induslej ccupatton bul1e eurcharge amblgtutty countriee digcusslon tfhom tlof subiect councll ctturkev custoe double enrosyrdlcate coord ffiing gorrrli qterlal sum cali lbql intrp agrlcul iiti llnk hvdlaul ertain ESC ueetlng minimum ouestion reallsatlon lqqtn11lllgji italyr find egiqe dcveloplng reduetton l2l negottatlon rnsm arli4t sessinn prepare rihouttrncy ls1on efthdtad decision EEIA 396 allowed I'1 frjo site ltablllty 499 gallery trt year probablf queatlqr pr6 ffiite grer net lnaugunatior tperative 3a1e furr DOCLMEIIT SUMMANY lio ljrterpenctrgtlon berkhouuerf fosl commrrn strobelr 'ian gom9n among vetn' coulson considered uithin oely makea memorand'unr slaughtered cgal cornnrlttee lnteteet europliische estion trgsn gqmqe tnoop ooctlment iee co4signment cgg fu4 gemany atld tc'in 4fl srrrssel lnrnni mee cqnrnunitv 00rst rninine norbonne droft ti3 darly lfine wernert nicn ACTIVI rlge luestlon policie private 454 h6ger ffiuropeancommunitiesande rqffvflg rooe propo doee ihompson ql' slee1 po1icy lmpact lihrket comection obltgauon tutional cgafilaatton will politiq lrrxemborrr wrlttsn solltl eritlsh el4dar egrygp ljruguay cdnnun ruct 211 eld atccl rt'tic renewed warning daye ccrtaln pbre prdce pujiii lard comnunttlesragneercrt future steer eound EUEPPE rlletia 966 ntlelerar polltlcax nilt sbeepr meg nergrman consrtltat que IIITERPEIIETRATI0N reh creatlqr o41 qlf whcr posslbj flm dcl sesl 1ullhout iqfgnpengtratlon produced ncgotlatlon meesure 160 errope oeqgilfion trrely timber brltaln nlgor be1gl asslstanoe addlti rirc illttee mey irlensoi chauont traffic lease wtrom authoritil wedeung qel pe6 imlcommission irate prortuee clrclce discontinued eurooean tinbe III denmaf 480 107 oeuf ogqi 2385 stqsj EO l'lt cjldi zurlch shtp closc companatlve obllqouon ooggr trrlu atcusjlon coicinq nover scientiilc AT'7 suifi trnra1 suinf amen sessio competltion'ru1e 381 zuvcrovic holidayl se11lne '1g6 iuice fiana EOUSE rallse nothorlon sjiellji zaa connqg FOI lppt'oxi gosslon vtsit unloh cutlrqlt chtei rolci flv I5B5 involving ooment colonna inriustrr po1 domlntcan louf wlth thermal commerci alronfanfinanclal oeznrarryr oocucm ESIA 3690 sta froq ortllne unton tuxcnbourg EECIEITRAIOI loping cormrittee inaugurationofsitaper cornmtttt catlqr trott3 dgn4qf ufnofe comnuuisfr swtne ptoflraryig obllgqtlon dcclaratlon 515 lgprlon' elfpry llnlster higlh legali food accounl 2461r beir chrirtion raw unde troclet' PARLIAMEITTS uaiket apnrlia comdanv3 tari rut UEU porrtjjqa N95 publtcailon ockeri1 hold politicol lnformatlon reptid soofaf belgian slower fersonal be181an nurnro't eurosrrndigate sntegtg allocatlon communttte tig levles factory hrfr publlcftlon regeneration icipati hanl pollcyr almlturol ca1ate r66vaiua ogical beloian productlur uifo 1559 expirrting prolicv doqrgnen wtthqrt lcaden irol pest petttnlr campaign tool steei sa1g god1 rspllr lnsralment lta1i communltle coqsultatlve datent nch lpeq9 rltllra 2q66 llovember motor plgnotritccl lla katzenbach flov ghect develognent mnnxet llgig4 alarm couurnrnities' qlrnigg endrseptember siilll haekkerup europeanchristian treal larr den ffiom EURC'PE 393 be1qiil ltter gtor cona i'1r f'olden given justicei offeten wgmaterl3 txembour gol tlport ligtil'c porte cojnp valtdlty BULIET rtttrln conaervative' poher aigner budeet trrtlon cotvlmo EUEATOM imr' febrqtrv bgltal lqh ltlee sliort farmen conmuntty comnlon uttq rlght llnglr e'g 2474t vithdnaw article l4s9 retention belng INT COMUON xith 0ornmuntr qulotly vieit book eolltlcal lluclear onday EURA put assoclate ulau ruhrkohlen porties' egqg wase MA irench drod ilg tlujjedn terdayt cormlttce decemben vaqesl tcrm eff4 rneeting fop concluslon expertsr scrutinised branch cnn oal rrlttan rcdcvclomcntr gerrnan cenot€l ject mgfqe t86e legilgv oag EFC tnitlal SUMMUTY mechanlsatlon girloti gauthier itl lhosc puhl contraotlng urgent tuesday fani eqc deeision rissionr nbd tlinning commieaion'court ewope relatton ertd calllng NTERPENETRATION mood reorganlsatlon'of prreaent eastern rosc rtf EUR0PE €tnanq cahmber eontaining 'levi erilc'tin entry IIL 524 limbourg children UABTET fnvestmel'it conpositc ovorall risa authorlgid onci lnitial ufliradcyl 115 bctglan URATCM developnent dpy tol germiny must 2464r postponcil P0 econolic tiut gorrlon ffitlsh comtleslon' rlstlon covenlng authqf ogricultuml comntunity oouncil single offert suaan memorandum goverrlncnt dtecrlmlnatlon L7O oeler minca obllgoilon lni vorld summi porltlcal hoesch rneroato perlpheral stag oftedq aqre signature betwqe anrj rcg redevelopnent eoonomlo cowtoll fficdevclopl lib vrc mamnoth arfmfnibtnatlve consumer rlc'atroo eurosean rechercheo olfen saturd rnlsla sh3 dil touer 1449 6a tuesgay roundl oonrnunity tllgh clrcle IFCTU npany cournent 2535 SUPPLEMBI UEC enlargmetlt ncrgcr stldy trom bdalr blrllettn flnqngi ITERPENETNATTO uncil responslbllity brit nrenaratton bhlance ustom 5cd ibrrl qulstion plpeli4e betrlan wnltt€n cqnposlte fro eftapublication vlolatlon dupartycnarnnan 1ke lntetect requestg i2ttr hoogqv fsrael poultrv mgn TEIITARY led nrussel fqg pnlce 1ist ST' redevej CGIL breton 1e1nte3b bant rfo uunsj prodgctiqrn strengthering mcetlng MARKDT purqpo J6 drcoutlve vlcr ltrtatttaltrtil iueotlon btanalng 404 i'entente 3861 ANNEX urpr igat perllnl' ltrr consi BUTLETTNS 1965r spaakr trip 41965 ittrdv prlcc L7 funafi 1st decigione crlttclsm reorganlsatlon condition ol'll'utloi onlcl i1rta arbltn 0l'i 19ff thto prcductlon llouse f'qgfprqne madagascar pnlcee NJ etr asscnbly oountenralllng scaslon soort tour qpi l'irr'tnce dmjment redea r'eeognltion IIITEREPENEIRATIOII baichere mer jmdrovlng 28' elr coutoll moderrttse CEFCEO ailtaqrents lilx frealy lmpport hrlletln uegk deelaration mattersrparltamentarlf policyl cuirerit ble ffiiltl wcdcltner lcqldrop ffi11 lon lnle edellng dreoutlve rtlncs' soclal g6g 3rct gnfttsh ve1 apporttonetl treply 3674 muy ofminister pocumnur reynauul cmnlttec comnmnlty conferencel nay inport leeir management lrige martet poltoy vredeltrul compl comnerce prloe 2480 po15 mmmon salc geiman oociments to'trooo ''ltirln ite oven agri preferenoe sltlng hqrcl 1955 integrotlon BC iae U3 lg65 rrconomic rultng fomilv stnucture oll GATI orotlcl leirratcf mnt ul3 mlnlstcr fhe EU40PE lhoer umptlon respecttng ntr steelnaker dollarsr BPTA blolrle dittrich' ljlaiug'ramatctrt bclelen considerable dusseldorf eulosvpglc revaluation prtnolplea ildustrlal emr por vleu prop sutilmiry mondqv BFTA traftng ottrcr cormrunautdr exterriled peltion arnd ncomrdrtlou gj aqlinst argue reconsider ltrllrtcln mtetlnqofminietcfsgfagrlcylture acknowledge appearlrrg eountrie hrtletin 252L economig nater agrierrltrrral dbd' unnf 348 zea saveglrald ACTIVITIBS xnme netherlandr SUPPTEMEIIT makerlt BULIETINS ttrrkey written'question traasfer iij moving comuoil ianrrarv runato unlig jflol cooperatior uorltlon rlv ngs4g unlty furull clause irish 32nw aldeba comoaratlve weef mganlsatlon oberrheinische wintllnprl aeronautical eyrlb euna'r0lvt ngle rnment ratsed conmission regulatione lrotes wrttten ragon developing fent 535 librarv agriqul syotcm called laekkerup verifiiation jglrualy bi11e associate n331 jqt6 ztumtcu 'general 2435 nuaiffieportby aucceaa ful1 btrtlt corhmlttee nfra couilof pubf tco 1ie veal qqhleyg uarrbt lransport eulgm inq oermarqr ocrteln iniiial memorardum BU germony cguncllr felipe ection SUPPLM4 condttlqn dcfcnrca icisinq intcnd oranpg frr erltetln ilcinq r0t hunsrilck uxcmbourg 3575 lteextt clvl1 CTAD llister ifcru fiir point assumed unci1 'reply declaratton lunsrstewart governmentr ratlf'leatlon ttrurrday trildr statemente pfeduct pnc ilv 3781 spettatore comllot spaak rtplian 9suugg lhoe gulrerrn asso tndurtry temptatlon lntert ecttt ftal 2417t rrolicy prlme 197 stote eeenomlg rrrci sucar tor 1ryortant ir4 illel otto accredltatlqr rtitish lclbb imi jilgqgr maqhlnery rroduct coatr ACTIITITIES iastallatlon eonfltlencc 1111 congri nolled NE 2q68 li2e6 parrlanent nomic perioheral eur0pen justlce POLITI tlntttat ura1 buncil oorference tihe ssor capi ftall'an suiqmary oreatlon 617 fnfenrational miirket railway irt rateg opposltlon courtry cornpletltlon interuoven thfr rn oonferenoe cgnqljsed bivalcnt pnogra ict through agreerrrent qnomig while sixth countnle cirll aliqn crlsi soollllet ffiiriii cohesl rhl gene CEI errnopean nuroocrslx trot ahd hutton a4d sflrr11rrgs1n0agca49 rulletln quo tnvestment cguncil lntercct kaptetn gul ll5 nojqpt ica liurope 6lt formal activllte jlieope compronise quantttatlve indla alted arloultrral pl reiect lgsue germ 9upp1em€'nt SIIAPE obltgatlon rnll1 try capanna trpocltlqr ef mlicv vredellngr tralnlnn negotlallon arrl droduct afternoor bgtlfrig nlj lotin courreil agrieultural troec FIEC 589 sohl countrles' fritistr dlrltofe fqldqv butdecllneln tptipn SUPPTEMEI'IT govcrnmcnt 2511 lletin minei comunit tullp lllltaff orrantltatl cmilttee publlcatton dqnlsh EUDPE dcbate gu4 boolt strlljrt resured altcd detectlon reselruattong investnent' defenslve elg lqtefpenelration uestton fgon bodie see statement rriea reorganisation tqaco bulie 368 E'I eunaroq outpit ffiy brlef IJJ 849 legpj ate ortnrt dlreatlve nppl eiglsg allgnemant tfr gessi yithdran bnacket techn barl 9oal fo5 soolal atn unofflolal J01 difficultie colq euratom' nrmturltte fnterpenetratlon throughout fge alm sumrnarv neaaaetattonrcredlt outhorise rturkcy rcspcrslbtl hevaluatlon srrnatctt industrie nuuetln vork membershtp LTI qrlota r8ll errrorrear tritten qtryi ab courr rehabilitation ssi rronwork uunarom eorr rtary qgii3 geio foqll qpergtig tent lntercat uonld aooperate lleath rrslon rmon onment BRUS inlerpe4 o1' I0I yuqoslav gfoup auto closer luol presiclent'of jpy IARY u9tw99 corununitie quoted comiaelmrg eiflslp tgrs lettouncil ionslqnnenti mututl propose veqetabre bqlonce lstiticat fanfani mrrkqt datly accident modlflcatlon germany ucy ttm ncet ugf61 ltton' d'ga chset ffifr consensu rlce il6 ELDOTNAT0 commlttee conrnunitv srmtary tlcgtdlscuaslon yea AASI' 0erman ummlt ean svnthesi debentune cloud oonference lty schqdfled deeisir membership scd AIIY progreg triropeilt offlng reouction coltfe rep0rt cornnunity oroee probtem en BRTEF be1ge ommunit lninistrative rerswal sessigni eeoj inister kennedy gove safety reaotor S2 nittc steelwork 6anting cornmittee lnteleet 56ek gmrnlty burlncre llnsrwhat tollt eve 37681 ferm filature cet 955 qrrd uueatffi pqnorp conrment europ IIEUBOPEII europdenne consurnptlon prebi commit communttle sclnlicker creatlon eun4tu tlettn f'ir t956 offlotal rrn gsfq encrgtr frenr PT 1966 EUI constructeur ojo impoft 3873 eay arab vest arrangenent ecnnomic 0ermany mlniglgr igure eut produotlon adgl whor nmitleq SUPPLBME bef 374L evfin eurafn oue coolr investme conr publica conmurdty etport tatrl rhursday ta8f sumarr suppinment unlor eunatont rnitv ffi'e tue l'tlu' ethloolar drlve rneating IIEUBOPE'I qgqtrallge V0RORT resumptlon rrork nel WF eenmr 5ve pnlit 24O9 tlltrd thtr butter thlu agalnst ati thursd rs11965 eurisotop danlsh na6cr mcating rltr itrbll declartttoa popoent isiii preparatioa senirte buuctln conplex publiahed nelrherlarda pnobleme belqlan srnl nelatlon dlrcu gieat flnenc counter iulv lvq lret3 thlnl organisatlor 5S2 qnd councllt eco tlrc timetatrle permanentrepresentatlvestomeetonmondayl nlc iagera marjo1ln arloptlon baslc ui'ne rescinded aoollcation oreanlsatton ithorrt alebcoart ryene rvt doct bnusse belglum ltg exclse sltuattqr pnoblem ipdup illlntster sub countrry swederr authorltv matthle pedinl hoplrrg latr apportioning jjft tage forj966 johson sole tbqz coal i'ational ltaty DAILY''EUROPE'' tlol' ffisqtionr prnt OCA luxernbou etatcg inl63e8t COMITEXTIL enroloqed fconomic rcfurd qurnop mlnv nconorntc threshold tatrsrt excluded trust nclgtan tleaty jo' stnlke jan lrz meetingl 3936 arn shottting qrorluct torelatlon I15 pr1 ECDU trir rl'l stqel glgggg nevdnber belgo taosnina corni mffil mrrsb reestablishment 917 495 arc reseorch resolutl indort crop sabatlnlr elnancee macmillan shin kennedv forae plgd cornpanie flnet ron aetivi gull industrial EURAT agreanent erlletln FI eeember argentine eifre ulnrnt commrnltv consunrption EMI parllaaent tween hrbltoatton publlcation pedtnt tftt igal mqnshqi matter a1d J818 olitical nnolg g'aln parig butlef INAPLI provinee ftccly toriff instu orlgnlsatlon DEITUARK egtabliehnent ffiav 1ori oubllcation lleire EED rttten functlon erection 6'AL rnerger EF'IA thresho moror urltten berkhouuert fish JOITIT trerul reader eleotloir obllgstton bulletla tont IO pel comrirteee stria communitv meagure l0lb betuen ide dlsoussloru ctttratlql pur9ib aptati ELDO statlstlcal mqrkct fbom ina'rstnr rsummarv rehltec rnonthe partie EUROIE vrltten dommunity statcnentbyeecchambcrsofcomnerccandindu3t gflted dutch llisslo tisia lilr umq4 denroonatc msy produo readaptatton sihratlon questlona riapo1itica1union soclql irr'''rty comml cxemutlon elgh commisslon obstacle hearingr'hoogorrcn conveutlonal wlnter cus eotnnentr partleo' J791 g4f p1an aqricnltrrral pnrlljn commitlee commtsslon htm contlnent outrld apondlng tlil offlclal ECO lhrlletin 3rr l6r11rt 432 ioat ul4qrer INTERPENETRATI0N eyei publicotlon ene gernan qgcounta E4 egsrnomlc cabine statenent beinf oroduotlor m'farm unnrur munitj cnt handln fritz atrcot hallsteln BUIIBTINS talburdeng pnri vegetable uilsln cnmrnerzbank il' holding rent alisnment eepaiabymarrledwomeninilec rrclt readaotation quatter lssu unified agricmiture esnt aldsl brazlll UNCTAD unlbtenal gtpclr dtsousslon ldon clggca ffitlon drott menrorandum 129'49 epani dlspute tledlum publi ettuatlon erta preparatlor atlartlc atjgfr todayf hcld tpeqqer eunoretbmurents moll enqtratiol'r 0nre1 ostend rlletln cpmnunltle partner pofiticat nodifleation bermann' flenoh rnee lav increaslng ttrrd llld obugcrtlon real country conmunlttc tllson' mankl lfeekly rnnuglrte dutte cormcll AUFI outline tt tfanspo obuqcruon icelsettle thcct IF this' allgnnnnt prepa trtbute 128 wltlrout obiect decisiorr port HMOPE itrillan novem intelpelretrat cencdl rappllcatlon ruasian elght bptvroen rtraft trllg lcttca winn pey durlng fcnd gectol rrmonisetion reciott ffiouncil fioe imount breothing newsprlht lgnment srl dectstor overcome pol1cy blu rembolrg ofted eurosyndicate charbon 395 buulnesn concrete uay wlttten ttrl€ comrnittee hepgomiq unnrrn arufeommunity 2533 coulcil actlvttle extenslorr uneasy IECON0I shment eiiut coal'prqductl'on ltaltan creation 1rl4 iaistcr credence lrcrap brusgef lamb experrdlture ceyrll'qa EF tallan rrkev gqd cor ti4irnge eptember symposia countrv januany mtlk IMEBPEMTRATIOI dani3h exportb comntrnitie sfnposlum adoptett tglt orgardsation anendment fbr negotlate get esc respected dtrtch poullrvm9a sumb adopted etate contnunity fcffu corrunission annex' tgjl ortsation wrlttqr draftr watver fojectr ggeegll monday ja41 r4v parllamenl exi submission nqc atton L964 yrlttcn ewgpe referenoe kenya firogre ftgurc conoerniru KIY rrecelpte reaz mate cojncll JOIT CECLES prrblloatlon rhreehold lq'b eustry delegattor constituent runiti ggrlr synposium replv BI eited' wbom comeanv lonrte pran ern dstmrt anal guarantce brttish approach iigl anr self produc 2514 invgslqfnt 3807 brusse1 IENI nqu sghed ulthout ntgnremetlatllon sjtz elsrwglnsrgda ffifproductionand ojlg EIRATS district juiv TRATION forec indrrstly 2J9B' eufepe isc arq l4r franoo'o€rman belciun EF'TA bs1 ropnesmtatlvp inn justl lnaoale eeiconcei 711 reaundant van lorecast want asslstanee retainerl conflrmed lowarrl rus deta NA drnlsh nearerconcir wtii appear AUT 3947 lhogo area otganisation quareer 3704 chrlstnar connunl euit ttcounter oeneral gqtn antl N6 sunmtr mil1 steuern exist preliminary flav dlsorlmlnatory LM today publicatl rtallan ratt thrrrsdayr sport cerna eird rork ops btrllettn cokc e1ratom natural ttatiar lnoreabc8 unive comnunity ggcial rnrl reactaptationof crltloal fffiation vnunalou obltq AI'INEI lfovenber ionol 2t7 reeumptlon onglagv lntlselt ument sut4ance cotmunitie hrropean uhcek usr llote resume cgmmon seeon irrllo irkte SUMIIARY lltg flrling llufrfit SUPPIEMEI speci erlll etted' oeaccful ergsfo4 who rrou ncasures' t11rr firesdayrsesslon' buuetl sfeech rive cotstoll spec represented clte ioun fl8uree rrrjcc qtrestlons' lruqly rnaiton tgj eptar tccl 07b nwn industly tndustrtal 505 diffl'cttltie peaini returrr etlon romorrowr 149 fornal pol1tlcal conslmpt sea p3l mmunity shlpbulldln trezlse reo dlsmlssal ffiiuar on' participation eunntom coatffsnr zqorfob considerations'and' torking negotlation J78B rlay hpta fccrnomic rrorld fuulumn awaldeal lgc 1998 senl ouse conncll fogramc trlanoe pollclea connectlon daymanagenentanddi coltmon euepb uunnt inadegrracy feedin electrlcal 111 yain trng GA' crt renewal 559 commotr lntorngt gbce gernanv cotliul syitposium fat llcenae sessior ffillon rttge furin conventlon' econgqig 2523 ptglectlon dobate bqps nnc thur solrt pn4i author she tncreased rrnd IIEX sector' ncetlng commlc arroleqn cbement rterect summarrr conslder ftntlng sclentlflc igfeifrrlphur pla ffi'de way irltra watgr 139 cokinq developlnq lg2 in ffinq cboperation coulrm todrv rithin electricity slg rcactor cconomic sln reservations' va1leg rqgional docrrnent istablietment ryroip otrtline chanoellor meetlre crap l8nda approral EPTA ilconornlrarrdtpsi to1 ccr perforrmnce increas€ ttrl ltauan flrranolal rrltrant srrbsidy uor'roor eurnpean tlflal ffrrope 1460 cqmmupity qualltative presented interoetrtratlon h1rd 595 waterc EITRATCM stoek uanrutaunatom nationdli catabllchmmt t'lutual ilurvi oomnittee tradc punerom cular dthoart arangement tute erot climb cornmon derilger corm composition r'l mejltg gounci e6nt ltfillqe sust account AI pnonogatton reetina cll processln8 omie sgnnrarv proflt guepltcgr BUUJ prg 3843 othen thie assernblv sunnary sympostum ITICAT anount complalnt ajr stoter tnlt€d lob gennanyt hormone SUPPIJMEM ereooean eurosynlloate relation statl tnd beyond sine ajtiqq regont TP say glul ueeet relthout approximation irlsh jfqelrf 2457 mip peef ra46 von aupranatlonal onal charpentier ualance ruoorch industrla ixgg31g rrra olenarlr ROTE stnterlna fertgptlgn intr 1i1 i1ljre' eip canada t'letherland rod atie thl rnternatlonal 3909 alcohol t5efl possible hmmercial iturnormtt pottlroff intcntion thoo hesse SDAY rant 769 aerlcultural tune ETI enaot proposolr' admi 8rea8 ng euna'rom imt detenmlned o'ielil DOCUMEIIXS ROPEII turn coalmlning knag ttll roduced iron export iielie declarat nato statesr ME iaar IMON rnltle domestlr uqlfp fedcrsllst rit tropanl pecial lfato hecty britain stl'on agricultural commrrni declaratlqt NCIADT 4EQ anri interlational lic tax lud1 lfr j4r21 1J9 nwrzl SB burrilestag reservatlon commissior llbu lmerlcan wigorrt forsed our cugtom lhose fgllffiu ll' c1afu ALTER thdra raju thlr 462 eesslqg commot g€mny di anrer forthconlng zone ficultia debatea mieting comnensa movlng 61e grantlng baianee shadfl iirn nisemtty on'cq postl and4juneofberre1r dtitriag bulretln xeruredy farty buroprn tlr ua efiibffiolur steeljmarket p0trlrpat euhatcm buuetln prlcg partnersnto chri pedtntrg carcas TI soon gstlce dunl SUPPLEM brugse paying ccnt stnck dsrov appllcable terq guestlon litiq nordrhein SP IITERP aompatlblllty tqet comrnlssion bguspe1p dispute pcsc regoti rade e459t fr'aely traininq supplementary DUROPE embargo trcatv commuritie conrmlsston prineiplee onomig el construetlon aprj torelgn ecneral tnocletr nartetsr urttterr ullgon baa interpenetratlen qo4i pplittcal erij o1lrrc thea pnlaear deolslona bfittlaet spaaf healtlr elected counoll consultatloh jld llr' lleslngcr furvilli financlal neat parllilfe submlt vocation beprescntetl' dutoh saturday iiifar'tllsil'8 eubope'' hrlletin btu industr''g parlianent mstan wrlttsr strata tmorror queetlon discord strateglc rom following firanoe jean ustlce JAU nineliq thelcommission seconl rhodesta3 resignati TJNCTAD I7 krup shars intend after rcquct fnvestnent ura'luu OIIIT querled conferencc wee st'lolaity quantitative reactlorl anxiou defence priee ehljrs nade aorl dor tlbvelopmrnt brr 4SL brltlllr inlerp tntl sgry rnajorlty l'gbl9arv 3902 conqmic difference 6uennb coilprtrnlge problema honge frqnce nanpover lnterpretatlon qlt sheep cnnser todavr comrnunitie speeial arrd ffissalnst f1g reoctor corrrnosi ndustry communitvt mni isetlr 11st lrop nrbllc SUPPLEMBNT garrnrnv beeome fqmglities' rumanl llr lieh tflnanclng allrop€an jgii EUROPET' tcrubeau firsr forgcast etock commttn t' lyon new 2a7 49SC o11 ifn jurie ST'PPLET essence ooouoattonal BUIIETI projectl nuu effiatorl chicwc nop ccfi uniom j0rr yesterday' clcotton nlntla ptthead arlrl associatloh gnerey ban oonrnlttee ui1k ''r f1n 2544 technlcar 362 appllcatlon articipation lel icial chilc ilember speeche matnly 5g2 oeorgo fl'9 compensatlon coilrnon europfan jrry redevelodment jobnsonr clrange e'lf connunltv neric nnent pollsrr plutonj lndur toreca septenrbcr 0o'uro11 dooperatlon comnrunj herrera reactiona se11lng start gltgungpe' liq 'l dlnectorate frglgt lulling 2rd fleld arrlculture forelin rotl moy notr w6t rglation gunatoi on'brugser jueti electric telnent euratg crlfl marigeieunatcm MR labou1 obilqaiton dahomev BULLETIN pro9uction gtate po1i ECOI describe apel' rlvjlljo cstabllshment uorld erqe expecteri g3t eag enned enerry wllson uarxry'runarc runatom sueee fndlan physic rrcing antwerp nbh afrlcan studle grmariy ancal trorg hseiibi adninistrative conmittee rtaltan technological olted' cusitone orce tjon' eii'ia nsc ttaroh euronean fomrrdod 'publicotioru burt 3776 freely wednesday servie orlslsr po4 IMERPENETRATION trend EIIRATOM coiilrr'rnity eecltunisia comnnrnlty noy austf JOII wtth seprember obltqotton comnentson ten cormposi COIJIICIL brazia isr 2370 stnotelfe ilada her wcstfolen orocco tration eutopc 01i EI' irrcrease inal etqgttqp ted rtthoot eggnomi orose 9rrase1 offixr eirenc bau tee nununlty gtvc qrnatc r'the todav5 regarding i'il iongrcs i4r pntoe mono l9n SUPPTM markitrgr fir obolish stlll phcrmaceutlcal ojrst nerotlatlon look ofr 19i9 nordrheln ueefty FPJ cnmmission rtlfege had stonda stop minlstersl resettlenrent 3888 rnonopolle rigrout nonetary cxtensl dolific oelngn rapc ronr pipeline safetvcommission 3892 BILI agerda sessloa asslstance ster fann refenerndum alned gure cltile firesday aet quafter polle acy arul winter prob marseill dollcv tlll LTTA TRADE polir seere haulape gnatn ilq lonlp b6lgian ztdlrj ltrlyrilettrenlard SUPPTEI jigr assessing 571 conynitlgq probleme inierpenetratlon APUI ntgpenetrqilon hlfh junc proposala eek IARKEI nesr rrlu ch1c 236 herton uansholt S' lrrt'frr docwlcnt stool uanxer frangai slegf orlcestcoltagl EIIII tatement 35'50 prob1enrstflb ministerlol rournd consumers' mtlrich lbricht tlmetable deltberatlon datry conmunitic lax J'E comnirsslon etandatd gtlhut erpope eurodet corrcerning rlttr prlntefiab shipbuildinq letherland 3763 lndustry reasonable appltoatton 3925 lntercst entg guldel'tne strong rtn rcsource nery OF compalry anrt secretariat DU pnoceedtng vredeling l'ebrtary 0ounollt cour beisaqg aturdav ustrial couttffiher aily aoricultural lleek SUPPTEMENTI piq oroduce wlhout aw starulard slsg conf marking cil qfoacttvtty technieal dislov grp SUIPLEMBNT rrrunit sunlrary 15lt8 declslong itiqh illn ffiavr auout vrcdellng' grepse lnci importing sustaln egaf hindranie uednesday john belgj limburg sutmary smbb oji lnorease d11 curdelsteel anthracite cotrmittee aap llab EOSC eec lnteru'et ffiation rmen rryr ejgjo osdnrt collict'ir qoultrtc pmltlon l'lr' tfqison unnrer flnanclal crrmrn'i prooesslng septenben pansiof 1I2 martlnorer rne PI llovenben lp4 bersani gtgpe lati researqh nrr communist luxinbourg otremgtty aaeoolatlon satlon uunooe finnlsh' starch flguro erhord decreale lmaglnatlve renb outcone 3i5 EUROPF cencva epropean faper discrimina movenentr COPA tipq hanmrg hortzon rrsoclal poli'tica1 paper corsumer rhlr sosd i4ere obltgouon comtor pql auttcttn agrlourturar lrrformilti tten sunmary developtg bid next oberbrrrgmeister irri cornmlsslon rsrp ftlufsoa betyeen aocreditatlqr ftlqoslwia thtnt coltpe cruluco ovr liaisotl ATOM oral 2356 cooperation rivat duty cietfr contain obltqutlon edldlte 3700 uonnet itlcal enlafaement 'ina bonono mutualjlgsi comuop intended nunercu cheaper authorlsatlon ei'ted rtucr shu nce dentist artlolc krag meeilngd 1O1 coy A6 ffikt industry i111 nev€rlucrcontnzrtturg ijkl siunent 810 fiab prloea marlet3 lunping televlslon l962 commiltee uanxnr I96 agenda prqlucer ouq custong einato diid ffiiron bnlletln lucombourg tsselnbly requdst thlnt eilt6q '453 fo8r€a timorrow lliantfc pasta eltcd' 11ve QEED admini t'lr adopi erman P10 guota ridemann oeie olosely uratom igsjrc urnption ltanch manxe 25501 fnoufrfe H4 financial 91O rilsten irte artrftf OJI maxlmum lfiuropcan belglan nixt ileply ilrttieh 4ltce bclglrrnr 3eign tomorrow approvinq hgad tuesda citru rreatv ttroso reqtte roundi 941 pav centaql comuou begin redevelorment FEB egonomtc iie lrleotphallenroolleoblve europct fgn pradtical januanr tto gijrn eumdean coorrerative refurrdg 1otlr ffire 102 conmunityr arvtual'actlvtty iitgffiffiu e6cr ce1l trerd qo6 thta llalsonrouee geo marob eutat0m lcelandiq qucatlqr mdy BRIPJ' reponto colmog hatchilo political IAR positive hc4rio€ tnalnlru MMARY hunicipalitie jqlrv MAP0GT commun collierie deba UPPIEMENT parllamen iro situat toro EIC rxation cornnunitv 2OO estimatee ftr 'r' pope oro filffi coneultative l4o'99 menorandum gaull cornmurilitie user salt 4uf fifrd BJ cqrcunrence febfrnl uryu dlrrolverl WEBK omur lareh palti lactoalburnlne europsln artgola lrdrl fconmlsslon uamer ugt rtat'ena 479 notlce bnltetin SUPPLEMESIT stslwardstagenda textlle corrnerce eurgpe fes0tlsrt obltqatlon glgv gglrn1k meisrrre eoalrnlne aejcuitural 61FIE mam ttlth icenclo freeze oberbourgrnelster ministers' IIEUROPE pgt tinn composi oi' irsupplementany freight 6ing lc80 countervailine sohedule eqr eolltical fiin NATCI flre materlalrsrlttcn associatiion asricurture erropean sesrloa internal etiioj€an l''a narket cai chanceltror coeoal oeet' irdustrly ementary reeommend transeortati hlgher sccond headtrayineeccouncilofministersongrainagreement pssl 484 1ffi'ffitt itaint ferecc AASII united other connunitv otl resunc lrrlustrlal sul 2382 governnrental eutatomtatoinic progugtion 147i agrloultunal ratlflcatlon sambre nomen converslon sohunan monnet sortfnsho wegllv uenrrq dcbatc monument tarlft anenlcan iudlciou umryatl lenzlsquelttotl rr jafruggrjg iidq pollov 0eler 125 pertlctpatlon pmrtuct deffverre P5 sectlon rlian euttatcm lght 1564 hbruary comilon stn61e ge doonred STMMA germnnv forest extnene 9financedecision uti 397 EMETIT eptlansportcomnltteeconc aftermath lnst tonorrov lnstallatlon oroundo eurore CEE iai tqt €gggery prodr icati' wont develapment publicat lnadequitc nojfa soft lhi eommodity publlc eutatotvl erhard meetlngt luxombourg tr'lestrick prodtlct EEM ACTI auqust preclude f'ri lre'tnl panfani favour tror cialisation exatrange artret herte itlfl reseacrh EUBATOM izrrent regnlatlons' burlletin connon sunorp europr poltt well zealand uneertainty ECOTOUIC tjrlttcn tlrittcn pgllole quectlon rrithin lileek genenal lfe prernise statemelrt SIIPPLEMEITT refereffijrice 241I alto pelitip mtnlmun JCIINT rleeisions l'rench atudd fntetpgllel ROP deciaione uinqle pres fnteroenetratlonsno 1569 liabilit manp actjvjlty SUMWEAY ioraell fln9he ii'sh rnemorandunr annuel mlniqlgrg strange 530 3805 implementing comon fief rith eontract executlve c'erman obliqauon mall 470 at'denneg cof1 obftgutloh confldence BUIIEITIN lohfic suryey 156 insurance operatlur ameirrlqan rholc jtrstice attitucle euetom brttleh buttern belslait olthead sumpt enerqv ulnxst world orlglst glite rnoy tqv 52t pryluce ggkq licv tl€h coklng SUPPLE lcdtp 4l8 potenza breach 3874 a54b 'nkev tradtng 196 road meetine comrnunitv younql inereased brocder resol para jefrawtfur eitnatc IENT nrotorlscd 2532t tioll speclauzed reeonversion sfnposium parliamentarlansl supplement r1ransitlanttc ijl cftd cotnnent zi61 declaratl exclusivity blrugf rnetlium internrtional fuc lceral ENTARY easter rsgevel evt trlkc nat1orra1demokratlsctrceartctapprove posi ek tumn tqgg ploegt soecial 2450 hourly 3986 lsteln blr telexrl fgrut prob1ensofdaf ooooeration US3 DAILY'I automatic RY declslond farnr WEXJ marchd euratol inteipenetration lueelrcrrcply itasj POLIUCAT cqrseouenoe july chalandon ltol'1 2575 sui'll pact tulce moroccan ltt runnrc gagt mea lnce eiutlve unbtdlrg EB lhoee FCOIOIIIC rrcply beoome immediate ntnlea requested BIJLLE grinsi 1678 j826r sugan afterrnath 11ig9 farm€r lmplementlng thu oroepect lion troety ivofv examination tntereet comnon seoord qlgjl ira responsable organi lurther i3a11an caaa nisslon plea hard nubll qelei gneccer0rcek 452 leoal rawjelleel' UE dlstrlbutlon obl rin 541 ocncral redevelopment exter qtd anerlcan settld prb symposlum vill oltsl dny L21 ehaage' 3871 3671 commnnigg oorrtton 2584 pollcie orren 3rql rorr netal oountntcc ehange ELT6ATCM ont in'i tulletin 416 ociotioncoucll deutschland jto 1965' ITEUROPE econc ciab1eincreaee stern ECOIIOIIIC nltten scale best eunlrom toaboutigned shipyard 18th parliamenton MSM onc pnssible omj danish eply comcll rlletin ura aituation e€tzilistria goe etlng IIEUII 'i96fi pprnmpst conmlssion tmcndcrshtp neetinc conurlsslon assletancc einition dlrectlve orat cernbrr ogencie obltqoiton LC redevelooment euri 37662 tllul freportbymrmtl too franre oonstructlon economl frlday over subnltted passe ffitc et4c iobasco lntemrt SUPPTEI'IENT 11L parli no17 communitiesr alirong grunrlig tox aftsl margulie COU trlneetre proceerling axencle ITNCTAD uropean agrl qghq pebruary tactic bnard UK 6mrnent 1980 rrenbership iltc rective datc ixth nray eqg rrrqf oonmunitv uorth solri euiosyrrtlcate2 co91 blnc arranqement tension IP christma tjestern scsslon scr fl1 polit novernbe standing 3845 seoond apl connctl lntetust 234o xviithround ambassadorg 3679 riterpenetrattont frsely trarrsfer froely exdortslha europe compulsory tecutlve ocrnan rise discussl 428 EIII ortterta 0or nuratom tlrlttcn l4terbenefratlo4 jr4rg rdjected ltrordlc pare 4teunatipng rue entente whorrr eumpean agrtoulturat britatn agreemant residual tement scveral favourable licptlogi sap fnformation cgnselt 513 casteau 2rr12 eic dfy subrnitted prineiple BULLETIIJS mtn'suppltcr ruphcld sgijgp agre€ment iat closurclard tqtivg field erence oonstdered sleneral cotrouxt ffiienounce cincle alarn secuttttp onange uorkliristrurnent frwe ztrta reuniflcattoni headway comnunitie ffionl oommltteci lnto SIX rlomrri 2il6 YFTA olthe julg coa1 ecoisfic 2494 ryufl ffilto errronean eeondnic lg1lg lledtterrarcan lllnlsterlal 2401r freneh oubcome stulle lalrt riff stnengthenlng planner sbeg4 amsterdam r'f ctranocllo cjuestion Q3 rtsg l4b0 intcr bulletinr plafr fught mlnjlnum 3833 groin 2311 member 2556 osq srrnnarv develo agricu commutitv prrogra computer qirestion ftd comrncgt lflnl 2320 deyelopnent aqricultrrre 'no coalltlon 2440 rst ti l'lo ment itallen econqrllc lirl haelkerupr brttala razorr oplnton accldent srrropdennc hrdf lq66 brltalnra jlqncl 409 brebhitsr irrdue tern decj 1958 rultrie ilfl eeonomir 585 appoxlnatlor klndom suiliiiary efii6al iaboun coumon thxe lfritten ttar 'coa1 percnt serie effeote IROPE hart ttati citrpce0 li meagureg steermakeri oornnlttee scientific ffipru gntpdy cont4 irat econornig FRANCE rolllng terrn ttrmpson iailn nine propoeal invcstrnent uilitary lullingt ltl0g loulcl dorrn tlansholt a6ree prelimi gouth international iorra subsidlarie lil robcrt betneen mor represent ely merde ommon uorkinq rrltalo poi worktng lr' iiraeli secord comrmrnt summqrv sheegard nort prorluctlon 'non qa1 schetlu prepanatlqr adou ffiron trropean rtlantic 24l6t fiederal etogk erndlovilcnt coafederatlon economte alter ueqpg oppoaitlon lta1y lnlustry dcoldc recorunendation cuttlnn 4qe lloun ifscged 0xvqen flsh consequence 962 elnorye austnla statenrent co4lqrn minlnum publlcatj cornmissionr luxembours despite techntcal summ gnp 'ii eaturdav aooointment nlibrarv ecctrni coouqrtv toplc pcltlon 3720 isation oaullet e1glanchambcrapprovcstransferof lovrer unptrflo morxlay johnson bading' 1595 queen eeonomi oele terparnementary cetrt i'iestriekf hclp dtdhc F3 qea llg israel epolrojrnlc bergmannr madri novemb€t lhoa quastlon appeal affact eoonomlc asrlcultunal 21i lrce ttetirope 5j6 drili forefnont regulattorr uonsultattve bill ccqromlo altd coordinatlon polity BULLETTN nev qegpj'qg TUROPE enzl ftrtrsdayt authori repty ffiatlon establish sumrarv battern regulatlcr countrl'e lot trrllost conrncrcc lullingi LBTI vnedc1lng bese vhola dey hoc complication politica mo4r8 'ir statemepl oomnunitv rgenda andsupply penn UNIOIIS L96 repont ffiil rigeria nanshift appolnted oocummgr nc4 edy authoritv uember scope EMBTIT proposat deflclt rumanlan rail 3899 runitv ABTET plcrrc schedkue BULTETIN agencie stattstj l'lovember unfii request' lntaurt nenotlatl pean portuguese dhd phaeed uhm corrnunlty publicaticin uanf arrterica lileight youno t666grrii eurbpe 1828 parllamentsl corcluslan oranse HIGH mond search lo' plendrv colu carboni extonnal bri 166 1578 TICAL aotlvltv fjon uuugr 466 a6lreement reet 8occ1a1 harket ccnslderatton tlccklv absent ltne teucounci1 USA tracllng polttlcal proqramne SUPPTEME competition nesolutlon ARKE icfl't atand hoaly tine gommunjjur goventment municioal mmunitv gerrt greeqe eeee commentran conven lcgon 0ermanvr SUPPLB earonqo nodificatlon n9rk 722 enalig4 prospec plasttc eoonomtc custom EAGGE tunry rrrt DOCIJI tt'erl regional stuul nfl TARTET 101 sltuatlcr agreemeht' lltt ili' cmnon polltica1 activity submls pre6 res ptrli presence dellverle industrf ltlng comnunitv cttsd minel intenpenetratlon goal i2l oroce raport type 'nne ueeklv llable orstom 3879 attenpt ended crf agltn ffifiiffigiiaatlon vla summry e'yeuratfi 2'415 sciic eqeooer rhodr endorsed f955 ocesseal patent S1 lonent coaluinea foq raqg rrc lololl minesl south oommunitv nety'fur seiectlon electnto cpur prcpcot lorrlon obllgoiton front rhsaom ffiolfibot tiotll franoe oha lrlorking satqrdav stf 508 ouoia slunp tiojr info clalm recommendatlon reces indusrrv eome ccnmtttcc 1ouch comunlste police KFB marked brltalnr ltrtoulturaf BULLETT 116 136 JCIXT iect treoly tlrage ftnanclal ltely stareh novemb€rr reverse dep3rtment assistant interpenctratton flsh9p price STX iln 'reement gane comrnene yestcrdqvr uccd YEETLY alrd gneece qrperl rrch qtjlon cnumon rle IFCI 2349 discrimnati fine pol loo pronounce armengaudr compildbility ffiinctl xiesinger poor ttlcolon pork conmunitle ''URAT0M tmarrl nep orototvper agreemerrt coto fbozen poii deciine lcrcl €cimar 2lv europlan relaxatle4 questim senatc rurrstiorr lndustrial arlcc' morch jlffi agllicql rodltie aetjlvlty vlews' council' tufnqvgj lrttten 3829 2362 tlce inr productionr becauee ianrgnopp ommi lntetest ffiitie qrrota igej 7or wrltter ffdrcry 545 c€mmo somment ''EUIIOPE 4IT 'il pnoduotlon SUPPLEMENT todayt tlme pronouncc bpeciil futune rou irlsc maintenance 2436 ml1k steelmaker bgddingr chlldrcn covtmol tgry poutrcat stlc redeltngr exterprise quest'ion teheran 574 BTITTEIINS februarg cornmlsston sgel 39i rune auttrorrsatlqr ttsh fiction rcdy chaneellor oornmitteer ovg iarxey'uunnrou rage res6lution indrrrtrtr oackaoe BULLETINS furnace consunption dollar ilritten situotion veri AT0 3'4 replt 5rr oasta haely rilt lllcv calabria solution sugge lj4gjrc bate house aqricultura over' elggry qharge merrt britainl brusscl gjea serenee oomn sunmr need frcely celebratlon 3944 ulnrer nme succecrl drlbrv tocouncil rpengtra pinst CEEI accredition feptctl poz meetl'ng latdftout qtg discriminator eerning drauback scnvloea rnlc neea9lon nllitary working hamburg jrlri3rni countrtes' ouncll tarantp program belgion manufactured SUPPIEMEI'JT commlssiol usinof samt enf suspenslon sharf' supnlle nerv sesalon rlgrorrt publil policl bcpncgentaltlvc eecbudqei arrangemcnt' lnofeased aseoeiatlpl BULIETTN IIIEE cmnrmlty NUTICE uheat mlner 1476 oloprtl'ij sluice eg4 flritten coar ulron etg BULLETI expent AE 1nlstgn lolr unliie yestenday INTERPEIIETRATION pvard loire sypplv asirirmeetlng flrsl red gnsq ftrst 3713 llould bl'dget ffiffijili benelulc poland bee connunitsr efisc mcty 817I lg6 vislting ef' gggg reptrtrsurvey charnber 0li lulllngt obllqcttoa spthler urop sue cornnlsslon aaru offerc created redort paiiy justicq3 irnoort bonnj february iwant qolqon xed inosln ro11ed pubiic nunrtou tanpo parlty content SUPPTEN selvice oompnomlae sy lntetent ectrt mla8€nda renxer eyrergy 3699 SICABAM t'tarket agreee ACTMTY obltgstton srte aant transport clal procedurest'main geese t'crd'ray budget ARKET C0PA te1d1yr ltatthle 481 detelopment questlqr 8ommuni jrrly during qrrc ommission industr probable ccsrt fgf orocrammefor otrllqetlon gppo trtne nortt nur postal freeat trlde vegotable unlfied drtve conrcrvotlvct kaptem trworktng revised btitish frankrelch lilee fficonomic inltiatied avf lrvilustry larch 'reqnqyf POIITTCAL iouttoal decenbet goj4 thipyard lulling' rcduotlon pliiii pproach transpdrt t€tlftcatlon depar ualret deojlslon rfeel moil f'riln• supptrmrrr rition vr'lla brwsel elrr partlclpate toth rrrlal ollmb iiit fnrfutrfe open bousch atll questlm fntensification epont aratlon fgtng tt6o gacfu pqsltlon urofezdoounp itdly ollofltic mrtho iatlo inclusion ljqt freoly nesottatlon trcthollandg publlcatlon terpenetiatior nsy ast1yiti SIXI peoromi extraction techrjc stateisteel L72 ltlarket gchnrlauthorlsatl IIADIR ckruncil leadershipof rcpnesentative turin prgstlscra exemptlon aqreenent 'trst I8 gqlttttgq ENETRATI0N coutol frutt parod oldtnatton iiqrppgal larllament vre they sunrmarv septernls litag 2397 eent jcai bcfurcan tq fnorn adopte gernany uct lgia ile leu nsei gru omrron corninor parllarnent poll alds' boig americar nister eqropean ffii1nce provlsional thoao monthly oovernmcnt elementr ctil commlttoe dav wffin hoy europe'i' econmicy recommerrlatlon mandate a1l SUMWIAY febru comoetl 4summarv J3 manufacturer lglan coll iexcmbourgtagrccmart illarket rogrommc ilaekkerup ettg 3BA lflr IIEUBOPET' sccretarlat igt corrneil main morning 421 hur colljjl natwal haml 271 drcet lellels arket erroper defcnce comrnun I'IARKE amerlogn iovardc objeotlve lt' spl wglneeday develooment interperqellatiop reque ofl eratom memorarxium sociar menber app crrstm OOCIJ te1 obltqotlon obltqa il5 neetlng llain queljlcejiorrg itll rgend't system kohlenunion securlty EE ECONOHIC commurlty closing IIITERPEIIETRATI0 ipptement brll bnown for'communlty ttg eunatou rncil comountty prorogatlort subsidi gernran seggr actlvltv bly putch srth oltep 5O1 reserve ee1 accl ryee ffioyi EUBOPE exp ncv bureaux of'dequcst r€r srrnrmarv veaf authort 3913 tfurope uanah datee satur parllarnentarv desulphuratton 4r calling elig 18J obltqatton ftnanclng iour vegetabl eegnom shordd llritten marfet confgrg v4e JOIM umrsfnunatol 367 oolicv meet6 notification accidental gral' c1ar titl pr5 8I5 sation klne 1oth tioo countrle llantrelli mlnerg btillelln mugnozza ginn6i allsteln rer nission tr60 flppoin dov wheat totn adenauer eelt inecscsteel HAROLD erleirnatcm reeonsicler vhich fiijestment norrrray 'trnclt progranrne nlirour plryfnt 3855 '8landardisatlon contemplating cpppj dopted tolitical ole iog presentatlon lmdort gsggd bfg ecoromic llnear trlth elted produet'ton t'ebate pqg synrl rniner efj basl devastated davrnent zotine afrir ttrtnl cockerrtll ery appltcable EITT lnterctt ifr comnrntty ihprsday 1963 investnent SI'PPI vyarlltvaa belgn coverlng pharmaceutical eport nmr1i tuypnnagdo nig lega1 prinate paurlcr edal roi burletir hague llordic c6t qnooic fevy socialiet moselle bnoslo betvecn crrtl cooperate slr communlt mauritania 115L ocperlenoe ecorrmenlatlon justlee SUMURY gtatement wor shluncnt pow 3905 gpfrpg lntenoenetr counojl 3gg nedellngt forecaata restff coomunltv L35 lbtb UPPI berkhou negotiatlon qerr responsibilitie inerease sumrna sirpplet econmlc pedini' contemporary rope rrrat0m politique reqrrest east cmlng gue ipt security qtget P1 johneonre touard erisi eoordination ountrie 196'6 saturdav pole IMACE lfughter cominent 'PPLEMENT obltqctton cludq ECHOES brrl conqo uunatot l11 ltncrlt fr4 nst ifunited protective nake ht'rns lln nrtce 0ele' parallei atlaritic bocullentg flnanoe lnv MENT alltaratrorr pr6aumont' trea run lfnitten mon comnrunity bulsartan plo comnission SUMIURY reslgrratlon conrnerce fs'rael ag€rrla bulldlng teachlng 54o componie darger eoa'l senvlclnr SUI deadtlne po8 headr conccntratton eetr frp opened trcaa plonafy bundeswehr nrust butlf rrld founrlry lebanon stsinrt lredeltng vant declarationg unltcd ttmay lgg home oqqq rapporteur 3755 wlthotrt japanese ondon grom l0l confederation UII der intcrpsrctratlon ire oomoetition agncements ST'T wbq obllgctlon pnogratmc ffilr betrreetr reasqqgjh progreuree 92ffie lntcrcct gwary ffifina comuolr pian tfrom towanlg soeleta atfanttc geilnan SIRATOI opqt' usg tha prtaea programne force albin 4I0 hen aupplanantr notorlsed mrtual lulg suppl sctcntlflo 2527 sumlla took BUIIEI1N 2424 axf europaische 8th meaaure approcal hcdy eaet fti britainandeecmembershlp guesttcr 6jli rhta ohl rurgper several ggp brlquctte recognition resolvlng qrog ebiope 'i ue susar bettrreen ctriilgf etlrope steelr infrini prnduct germaq tcatlons llorld sales'subsldle 6tt plate feature npan atreet ecorromy ecorornic UIICTAD rimplica rftion 2430 she1l rlqlrl freioht oocanlarllamsttt informing roth IVTERPENBTRATI MON lu'y par coungll or'ecce perioaic b0und TIIARY mondav t'lanxer discussion maiiklt EURO 1q2 rliuqit 555 orlrl h6sch valldtw SJ9 erlretln 9gggp oomnunl rnuth slpf comni lnterventlm ater burundi evolutlonof fonanl mlnatcn ltegfope chamberr gfen lurope oror bultettn criticisn second markeil1uratom comrn gcrman gurltom mlrrgter interoenetratlgn obltstuon outstadinq euestion love prnrlur nonic rtw modificatlon nan gpq TY ttronson exhraordlnary 174 teel erop atnount oikiog 3681 baudoulnt etzu cn' smr hiuroipilr rq6o pollcy resolrirtion 3842 rqenxrrlermaro wonk comnittee a6rg prlsf lock 593 188 sell tho 402 industrialist suffrance €ecord prloe' eiclrangofof steg abnormal candidature wrtttcn ulloiq 4ru service LI ltrlttcn 24o vth tomaloe eallsteitl teehntcal dclallno eheet luxe harmonisation telegram readaptation unnrnr difficultle reference iona pflce lllfit AUGUST hunero bel'gique trilq BUIIEI trgtlo committec trode preso equfre commlgsionrg two lert stil1 lfeek anh rtalian interpenetritttoi negotiation' eooperation looklng count tyge aqencieg lilic suddlenent thtg ieiii pln abatme backed upttq 8vrope 106 a0enmen0enera1tobecomnndcn activlty it tverl attention iaw ale TI' consultative ffillth tctteb dismantlement conunittee ohllclottoa lustice despttc fnstiuments'for l'l ombourg pene sgi subnlssion finst tough notlonol sqgtm 596 nlenerqy exterrston allrnment inlsterr venbal trendl bnussel lnpo emat ffselenttftc nedtun fifapa rejt staf nqf qucstlon 494 l1ie communtty limit prz ried efta arln montreal flex9iy brrttqr plannlng ltbcralb belqe cmnunlty approved ANN flnanlcal ered connission oroduction italy session bryg LJ tradg lgggggg cruee ffiiconattron regulatlan accession greek eropean cxohangcd tln forthcomino DCSC bloclc jugtice jeflneellayt itaf reeign 'fl franchise hrblicitv ggpany demurvllle householcl parliarnentarv hrr xvl forl op€ration tnoc'ly SM robert eqen meoeure adaptatlon fiaancing ltuely v93l legt rilf exhit'rition prll 1'19 t6oo efo avll nqr nmitteei fronceouthorisedtoexcludefromeectreotment tng ccmmon 1erbyepsocia1committee undertake IE EUNATOVI aely alist tjritten surplu capltal aeroplaggg 146 MARKE oalled gurlettn 528 ght directive lttrtrrl pnoduct sopy hor icj january dustrv dual gnler competltion L967 nefrlgerator 2538 coilil0lj wlthout IIOIE ARTET rt1o miners lrlo rule ISI orma qtee ned atlantlc' ''BUROPE'I ll6ta11urglrter dpv tfeek cooperatlon internotionol ormulae ffiptnton EUNATCM firm lntorest roard aoutlook rrri powcr eunaldt probabre plcrnc OIN urlty dialogue network nrltten orrrmgnt joitrt ltay geoffray authorisationi llbrar N0 luxemtrourg e7ffifir tjtati0n JFEDF trogo bopont dcveloping ioin 1954 ounatom composlte intentjon rae iasue ffigr oroductslpoblcm lssuc synposlum grldiog ar1 agcnda eubatqii nat1ffi rroduce vgmenr ourg lnfi nessage wrltten polltloal confltlentlal wtttrout comunity proposale proposalr lnterelt eurooer mettrod rwant mifjrant hnibal quroec asriqullurai NIII 23616 rr' arrproxima eruse cornrell partle impor appotnted vredellng' EUITOPE ju1y elene rca forroatlon countervailinq proposol proxima reaatlon doubtful edoronlo cornmunitle tical sqfjs eeonomlo austerity comnrission inlsters' communltv univensity OECDI coordinatijn orcanisation umrur lhflrt agreementa an1tq ffifl ger enrnpean vrant EURATCM eltklw oenmany aiiie po1tttcal exemptian yant occupatton conclude lfj clgquie fmportinq mcly communlcation suit canal ntmont ohana€b interference rosseprav bl94de P'1 carriaqe connected irrtlustrvi weekr tfrla rnis vorking tectrfrfc pollcv on81 whosc roeco umrnr efte acainst civil mrreh INTERPENETRATION 57r conflrmatlon rigy aereenent nolre 3709 egreh ulmgr coomard 0ECD 534 pending oc'tdbp comnoditv segtiop eqrrre ssue rdoubld' dele8etton dslnmark ccn4mon iioll'lli ffitrv volontary pailfamentaiy ulr' soolarshlp neport' poflcy coor conrnlttcc 2545 electior IETIN e€ed eurosyndlcate oontract aolutlon struotwal viriue flnance jpra cqrsultatlvg scrc decline lication lfalroon instl commtmlty hesly nil geqsr ilresday ttgltttc qroup stabthty oaday roman ltbmenj' 1ae niqeria potatoe described rfe tig41 poliey veekend 'griidance llarshall EIILLEIINS free dlscusslorur 1599 trtrtune proces ecutlve t'jc QAI ordarru CT'1 igcreoancv hour lclal agg OI' uamee fug mrry 2lrrl transition discussiogontratiearrdindustrialcooperation progromme ilurg igteohn brltainr ftsh CEA ahact forcc solutlon eeek larenf janu monetar wtttr te6 jlgg ffic eflillq llatherland blondeller cbrrlcd sltr bfsht nred taufa geoo44 addi yet agrliultirral sndilrtr selr probler rarliatinn volattle oerman €rnnlg jathologlf 150th tqp qmnrltv gfsecg ntri uqg brusegl fuil protest cnnnunltta rack official areh agreemgnt reportlion ltrltten tlefere'lfce taz6 hostllity lqlil teql tlrla lqian tichartr domanl parllamcntary ffil reply congre dail'f lusiria lbqt researclt olr lndustrle associaeion pollcvl slttlstlon foreshadowed weeklv tndla corntg tufri rsiorrod utilisatinn ency gqe mgise transfelr tariif 5qp reariy petween cryptic FCQC marrmaunatom 1967i supplernent adjounncd irritten oonswotton enable tilst MAAKET bnip economle egorlenlc 3929 ffiq eeclpnee a't slve trilt mffi mixture anxlou L437 mitiei lnport D94 polttlca1 tovn ptlot itte lgorjt6 ncantng cgf marketfuratom trrafl progratmte gldqq eonn EURAIOM iecn annejx gummer circulation 2465t lntentlon vreaetug pie vlevr untted doe siatenent public sagreemen billgse1g 3cl'50 ilchitecfural coungtl overlapa arurinol osked orqanisation SUPPLEMEXIIIT opent h6cherl 2557 eff gtl ccheme gau1le lrbrnopc ouestfm commrnity tractor day euroqe MABKET colr oli conmltteg 'rv orc 1p1q diip 2470 wailtre cornotl vphi ohllqat cofm createdin qjro conmunist sed europeon amal ldeekly regulatlon couvedemurvll cor4mon 564 able gencral septemter assenbl bliiffigrsrrip 1967 using bllcctlon ECONOM 93g A1O dehousse melchett vienna eormtent l4ua intergenetratlon contractri salarie poudgrs 1483 critical europet ici emplopnent lan sift nrbcrchlp eenel govenoment uhich conc1l commu4ity rllaments oetober oomments'to ttl actlrrc 122 eurotom iearch r'ft adjustement liligrl aeaobtatoal dlvtston farl E8'E confererce atd oef odean cantalntng eeven murvllle conmlssionr geqllioytd arret JOIN' ilnion satisracttcr produclpnj conrrqunlg quortlon' GJ freedom utili vepftr ootobcr eul amount' tire incren INTE lllestlon oonsresat comigendum ECONOMTC patlence 21' ttlan apergu egu ngot austrla verloren tlrosc austrian ufiom ulth ednesd 6ffir' i6v1 SAT0 asalnst slxt crash comnnclmise tlgrt LGSI organised oppoeition ltie prteego publtcatlgn ilglgllaa connoll pollttcal STINS cqnni€elp ecr interrrational usge tllnrot egonomlp oblleqtloa tcchnicol wooi TES ready soeialist pranco 516 ipuufrding compof ductlon trtke 52nd neetlngs' assoeiat hlp EITROPE rbr€lfv DAIIY afticul buneau controt domestic cofr04o teeczt pcrlod projeot h'il progranrle tuf lnov€ lbol outlet brlttsh treatv soclallstr sultl rlsk dzii qteel s3te conpetition sumary level covered opment veatl conclulloi dutle rcply ffirflc tg66 cotrtrol 19643 poli comlton atior oanoei ulatlgn uest bull gugr6ejnerger comnunityrr colllerle butterl uqgf grltgr3i ECOI'O oule lnterurt struggle ergl trsc belge ction lrish SHAPB ttav cognc saa gui nicoutttceaaalyseiregultgach1evcdbygloup casc ebc coar' rlegree uestlon cermany gcale stnce federation eiiilr ilannower ttrose sheetrgalvanlsed 4policatiof reae nctad 10an' deolarattma 15P4 aflsdor istanbul 390 veekr entr d'be airnual'eecactivitf qpq crtsl ffi'to 0utoome gaman lrier thursgey memt'rcr ixqt' J18 rsal 1rr eoecific dollcles' 9l4gg cottittnlty det cef 114r98 experdlture garrnan IIC erpgrr steej tlrgraft sheeo clntrast ldest iht coinittee llffdrilfft lurembourg NTY questtqr ruporr coast tian wage rdraft otrltqotton flu proposal 'oh eroduet rqte 3725 rr€tsumptlon curtisg jito comhon nlckel el8gqf ltalian itron mai conrmission iltgh contrtbutlon ti4 lotlon terrr lafety pisanir mel'ting 2503 prodlrqt sessiont hlast sliebuilcliqp tmber frane ECSO ltf ffidmlnlstraitve tlritten produetion 485 startal rlud europa vorklng lett conferencg lede gnd comnissionr thoae statlsttc poltcy iiffi commltf 'rkev change rrtol eunato ITCSC lhrlletlrr amoun econ t'r luxemboung TRATI0N i'rt nnopg NATS itf hieh bslgian brrrssel enurg discusslon custojf anlp disseirsion darrhetetrn BAID 1712 brugee 2344 ufr 2552 esg flnrldcr filnanclal 6fl recrultement polley sumnngqy statu vlne tndependenca 'JMENT resignation 965 ldrderonound JI avotr fain AASDI edenee LFITIN rcorgonisotion mem qor bqi supplle ference machine yurgosl capacity comrnon ccmmo rlglrt ju're ameglt BUROPE cteu EBC authorityr producen CAL britlsh hiflh eurosyndicat 1O5 fefinitlon egg lrbalarrce 8115T brqgsel throne g45 0okina seriksr ffiffit 77BT fll allianee coordiation LEA requegt luxcmbourgspcmancnt found ec0nol itouncl fno worke association tia boarding itatlan conunr bre blsmarsk cropptnr echoe suggestions' ricultriral ohanga rrroduce 2a1q itten slumlt progresg ncw uni publtcatton eited ewooel sup CCL ltound mlnimum pcfcrcnoc titof eurosvndicatz hpfg lr7 itaiy sharper eurqoean seoqtd tlhite guldance malze brarv nach govcrnrncnt chanqeg russla JUS belgiaa lewyear coton fooq igpjgi9 lgure aryl tle accesslon l'luestioll inevitable aqreemen rceearoh tel'l orogrammer timetable audible darty europs comparatlve ulyt transmrt JOTIIT pisrneat bnitaln fieely orogramne agriculturll 2315 oar fatunrv nerr f'rlf dlsilrntlement intorpcnctrctlon lueedayr L12 srrlllle lmport lapsin irrdustrv tislo tbse srrtr officer badlng rllerhausr coml4on nsteeilt pe4 amendment gb6 rmposltg ecfl BUIIETIN rurnover reftrse infringiag plen unity cffilk opblmlstlo committ partnera ffom paint URAIOM mil sate1l1te PLEI nre 25o7 3837 grover arttrresing1ccomnisgion hmmon tural' purpose errropean 4le lrf lteermine fen o€neral pedinir cornmttte prospect meetlngt14' congultative 4'9' zffiforminterpretationofeuropeanconvention dpue pnes present mqflet interpenetrati0l l5c7 intervention pto n5o ional el• dail dlcfuante isolation toleranee suamatry ccruell cbmmttlee tanlff fondant votc prt MAM roto mirlirrfr lrdtutrat fgrm bcrkhouverr3 lohq omrnittee opentng wl1rout nourdrprogr€6 rleratlon uedium fiodf technldal ftee investlture nucfear sltuatloni oun 0ctober consten commonwealth siiuatron hnswer sgls chase ego ecla bqur 1970 beratung fr'eely ttrltr comnission' 'tenporarily euna lfeutassemb1y' thf iladir financin be1go lfuettenrrnian arlan schr6der lhsl authorised ee panie llichel 'publlcatlon task ennedv ffifng tht tareet advocateoenera1 M9 arsy 538 glce exten ife curnbntly nlnatom EURUPE eeci to'become sardrl prepared lqun organisjion entrprisee agrlcultural modified rmporter euroocan neasure marshall tnadersr seem rcsc nbc comml'btee conhexe resu14li9n stage ionsidered lgt desk rrlti wnrxn obllgt 2585 industnial aprtl investrhent rltt€n suttrotijey po9 requestforauthorisationtoapp1ysafeguardnea3ure9 sutdtt 1nd hrary velopment yritten nunber resunption narty uant oqpeget leure rrage ia3 prepar sltuatldl lyl eountrv jstice hiqh posttrum econohic motretary social EII ncnbcr jolnt EIB htnatom firel itffiranoe lettere CEEP gcncrcl pnoparc3 bulletiu econo corunentt lfo iotion doncatlo levl statistlc ent4 EIJRATOM anhinanorlanrlha6dandct1uurcn joiiliiuipte dal aooroximation anrangcrnta 411 phvsic baudouln announcement europ'ean lintcgrotedeuropc couisil co4surnpt gazette agsociations pn6s eoonouda eoiecitt interpeile productionl7 4FO eurobean 2369 asset biesheuvel ac'tg rlecenberl prirduct ftaly prellminary 551 bqiji sleeping cockenlll rtihr collg germatl thtn fqonqmie tariffsrl comfuniji no464 unemploved rerl puultgattorro qirr isatinn electricitv oountrlog dlno stateslsr hrly sltuation nlty meetlnr coml 55L damae governntent nte sraop ffiecutive uneh hontieuttr 11gp speclal lntenstfleatlon progranrme requirement vreaeling eeonomic head frlffertg L20 uqst ilqlal eklv gefiuon conpetitlon rign obllgotlon 3922 lric qrd teri iilr tiq rrupt D2 latest nln€tplcrso legq eunatc ATIC qaullcr L26 f965' 16q0 rotterdam wtu nroductlon SUPPLEIVIBII fuily octobgn ement url brown bindinq machiner companie w111 swls BUMPE rrfr6 coordlnatton rone 1riff sont 2e2qr uanrut iintcrlte flan drop quarter confetence lntcrrrcntlon slle P6 councli dr6tude lebour hozaablque' 2ll4 diiffi CO relatlng prceqroc berkhourcr fnldau kirchberg officials' authorlzerl standard clrculatlon tod community pair maurltsrnl statc 403 P'5 quartefly qual iieuil fqrm nq1f E99C 2e7r FP burope op natl UNCTAII frj ected tntettrt as6essment high OAILY fibre rlfchrtrucokcr approxlnatlon 2488 nterpenetra internatioriral llnksl 3869 buropei candidate structure welghlng gerflany grlf eunellm rrhora hallstetnr implementation ita london ieqe rotation ef1ta sohi summanr nf' oonfcreme autdrorlsatlonl questlut 'IENT goullc po3 OINT teriaj tt'o committeg rttr1out utltry strugtural blenatnpltallan eura' indtrstrv eqo pqlrbttrt i9rlp mi unite tate L6 llcqrls realrncn asrric arri eutl loation3 3844 genaral ecqnomic lnterest gonmlttce carcaterr aent 3889 25t6 bll LL POIITICAT ihprn' llqorromi gompany adaptabillty sitrn coqmr lemnitzer provlslon L22 fair inaugurated linisters' project opera cool t0f ofltaly share contrltutipn rur mttt option oecd death lgqy ''nvestnenl 1cmnr nore lreatle UNI cormtervailing steef brfef prppurnqtt 0e1er ol'member eurn inrlustrie egt extencled arrtcultural ffioucv defr rate moio agriculttrral flnal categorie riqht glas ILLETI pnoblen cornmission erl isstle fec'pffnr recognised grundi rnenber guest reetlng immi acclslon 2394 flnarrolng bnrssel ohligotlon beielan relginn declaratiou outcome sufuit lmnediate tholr tut'trtll olljc llnd onfelcnce politic fte lnte powder 1e66 arlucauscig possibilitie comdany crtterla rlceision ntl 'c'r 9ommunity lnteect llark mernber saturrl cpfpgfite ryq 5x1patsm offlolal aqrlcultural gqa shcet lnlon belqium marthi lqjr indonesla marrarernent lrnoortsr rtarlan orrr rqejre liae ACTIVITY ugrk stcel' 1975 flfrumb ligb groote thrrrldav genmany debr6 66lnatlon laotopeg BLLL fnvpsfmentg cbtlsrgorr M6 conmtttee lol L1L ulq la60 repof 6th urg 2400 BUTLETINS asgoclatton rgeg obltgctdoa progna'nme nilv kermcdv rtl rrlan shr meetlng presenteituatlon covrmol eurolre ocfobr neer rrsupport em obltqoilon actlvltle conmittce osi panel lcatfgns versi6n lrnl BIIJETIN danger applieation rger uritten andi exchange exceexl literrarrean eg fhursday mlnieterlal contaete ofjeast lryglene birtter poucvt conmlsdton L456 appotntrnent processlno ccmi commonoccupational gfli rlcelbroken fjrg 588 distortlon' artnann BRUSSE ecgnogic commer lullfng gonpetltlvepcs gtqtqe rtrr lnan indrstryt I1B 'nm cflnsirtr BUL hane ggpmon pmarkett milk iglr frederik ateel 526 pmblem 4ARTET chairman hrblicatlon ftnternal examlnation mankef or5o POLITTCAT reconversion dlscussion EUMPE trading representatlon anrl banagatillng rram 1447 delay WEDNE qrice inte lmporter wa comieeion prolongatlon lcultural E'TIN tial wlthdrawal eeonomie natulal igfugtfv iffiffieffi tlrl sinessmen rnal leader prqluct 4pii1 tchaclls' cottent commutrltle goclatlon quarten oquy llbad bul1etlr cortactsr diarlc dtfflcultle lillnlrtcr beare representation rlqll lnteteat EURAI0M frelght rcn tlcal recomnendatlon lncrease referred mafn 196d commlsslqt gueg effit ublication ffii€ communj referendum an4 meeting'in 'eelela4 eoromuo foreisn sight econonlc arca o1t negotlatlm sunnatt cabinet eozen lstance counterv banking ''A ofto lpdgltll recoqnition J4 areoclatlon intj ffipean brllamept 19G7 1950 l97o L572' propasal UEA dgv ecscsteel fle eulopean corurgnitv rgani rlchartr vieu agrecmcnt eltra pgp aflhual loff tnjufopg gale coopcrotlgn pricesi consignmentsr norw llnnrnt compet ffian runalou advlsablllty nterdeaetration sygrnory slfe lntoplt effif euror grocbgt 4lb portucal ctcek coroal spgcial fisatiog rdi mosoow publlshed gc6 ororoectr preasidium obltgruon oranee htyrpe nesettlement eilngl itdgglg1 proufen 1970' itieraftatfon vislt actlvlty 4lt hec olligjif suggcstlon weucounci1meet h2vre ICPTI gennan jotft third po6 pastern d9qguryli ffieffiite sabatinir econg stredish inister'for inieip eteatom quotlm becnme route dr6 tnanotrg luxemboqf EU0 rleht 3q2 bulletirr tra4spor argerrtina fpetr rriti frop uarret grundig ohangc something 'bfeu apteyn uee ttrlni rsfrg gueetion australtan ttrt OLP outstandind lnallged conver trcly EI'ROPE 'rilednesday mdig apparatu PARLIAMEI dlfflcultle lntegratlon 2418 rrlicirration oonmon ltbcral pessinism tshare reeiprocal trlourevw 'i' comnrrnitv RCPE trarl lart r'ithdraw tlt1c onmtic buttetrt gongnudlv sgl higher ccn0 conmurttt ornt submltted panllamentst draft i1in SUIIIIAR farllament ktng late pe5 aoriculture ETRATI0N nalisation reaotirr rtrance lbcd foot christian plan eeclaustria quro3p rbonnage stardardg ruatp lropctl weakenlng oai ffirrangement worker orr eqono rial tiopg eefrl parliament itve lglg temponory framed' egc eoq oan careli meettng suldance bultetin zimm€r iticol e9prgse gridance lnterlene sheet nneasure qer harmonisatiqr right construction eunatcm prirrciple marugt euroee counci1ofeurope uunatgt ltical gaullist lrxl offtclal fatlr edi pot onmmunlty succbss lldcherl tdn'l internaztonale merrnr installatlon tfl workcd uortd thursday marret hrrope four ppeof aie'l eeklv gfr eep brttail cotton upkeep tuthority ueual belglun attend maqk' thtc seml 1133 commissio nmost 'fiu stli1 sbnlnz meat mdryb veek EIIC compensatjlg lir individual strmerf ECONOUIC st6 llquidatlon oluncil ooalnlneg inon rltrorlal saturrlay eterpenetr egeg ftmkish blast purchose wine erg ibur situatlon adv tlmestrlbute mlnlstair rac rep1ytowrittenguestionrro84 ofeiscat iberai communr durjng marugf 419 ptember fm'vietr preltrinary aircraft tie artiei aariculture cooicn buttetli techni be1giancrisi rrxd1g staterl ogqgrl EUBOPEAN ffligg illtltalta conferonce tonst 1ro ardltor questtoa spanlsh fdlo ESC' brp qn' ilelglan aast worki partnership qllon forelrn suiiiiilary ncctlng ld€ rrloduction 3825 securitv clogure commltteg prrtcesse nequcst NULLI ratest xelfgedy ffiforcoordinationofnat1ona1packagingarrdtabe11ing crise 2493 franco 105 anrtculture orosramme connuniqu6 5O4 ttr trdnd atlattic ohaftstntegratlon 408 soclalist cetu action lruusrl badingrsuritt arlopted mgrch elatlor ifuture commlttec oligv nossjble produetlon appeat lord egatinn qoal il9 3808 gtic hepe agonising COMI rnay itloj5j3 4rrr enetgv becrsronp act obllgotton ul declaratian tative couuon obttgadon's vredellngt ilgr cmmlttce cdmlttee llabert otlve jaint tranepet sttuatton renaral 129 brusse proposalg 0auf metzgerr soeci TERPENETRAIION dirrctootna pedtnf lnstltrtlonal ofli sslbn ahontlyrbtlt briirlerlrn rncellor ICAI ieply SUPPI obliqresoh aasm'parllamenta rcsult lmcn thlnking ffieii 2536 subsidie prograrme plegllicilr lte ino icr accnettltatlon dolrar d6veloppenent vlthln investment lllohclc residue lrrlugtry cienerel lllscouragsl BUTLETII rrt writterr resolutlcn sandrl b1e FA gate lntefct sday 3937 cofioli cassinga gstlon OAI EUMPEAII rtccl concerning oete trp ald' effiloaffift prebisch agence l'l4 cfcr arid a57 stgsl commissiont earch 'hearllge oversea eggsre sociai ivlgv coffce 1oca1 whou lonolnc purchase econornl 405 parllamcnta lgteqpengqrtti fln4nelng bullentn lfri ssel aket suppiy frittcn uiing hearlng lrance EIEOIE ECONCHIC publlrhlng executlvesr coretntrcttqr pnt HADIR couve eustnen onmuni 392 eef comnrunitv rggulrtlonr conmunity nlej'peletlgtlgn t'ecord oroductsr stec nze vl1ller neeti 'LA hulst picked bclslun fei lled productsl cgai 'd' 'rroad pit ninemaker rnrd coreluslqr fraace ta felen i1cce iloro cfimoi 5roffi lietnensteleven tnterdenetratlon ooal igtll4otl ttrla tive ellssiotr lssuesr connittce tai'k sident tffibulletin IIT tntiye rropean 88C produeer tnterest decenrber fg66 dear brie comqosits comnunlttc frylt decembcr tiii mls ilac ltsolrsssr negnti bcsg servtce eranoeean ghoet F6 74or prozen metal lldir offlclalsr grr law 0rltten corunittee rcy tloach sioo MARIET cqrclnslm cnnnistii past lojr chicken lawt welpht consign ennedvround prlco brussetq brgssel e4le urtfii whon reouest WEEI burlettrn cornnunltle PARLIAUEMABY rrnv occid 2393 ilot itv tradet under harch 9IL thort wtgrout aligrnment ttro posltloa actlon fublicationsi sgg fgt orogrurnm oonsultatlvc cereal corrleii arran situatton move scssion iritistr internati yugoslavia ettitatom no'66 bulganian wane lmorooii gmmlttpli r'igal memorartdum luxsgbourg vred mlit whori couacil tonrorrowr SUPPLETVIENT 14fl8 stapqe considere4 extenslon po1itical trre sch januar rreoaynent parliarnentary ltroocovcn 1716 an suoarbeet HNOPU quai prlc€ dan medical coel 9E99 japinese enrbango tut declaratinn progree ljc aleryler chtcxen jn4f qa ggl lia1l itntnorp tralnlng canbin rhfljnll lrich EFT4 losse naa dlseussed cpmpensatlon SHAPE fever uonnittee graln 1'l courtofjustice tnrltlg iesr crlel ltl i'rirne ltt6tt linr 565 conlml IIITERFEIIETRITTIII 'ommission communiqud eiffiif MMAI fnrit st9 r'€l hooo reduction rqngual liquiditv scarasola aad ltrrral oviet europo mte daland IIK appointment ilo422 BRIEP fif pagk'rqe strength oald flnanolal parlianentr avaiting v€stertav' mineur pqrqa sgnmery forei concentration millinn buld foutloa1 asm IAA rlquesr straus cmnglrt adrlitional BUIIL ffiresentat1ve rly belonglng tucer pfllm1tn reorqanisation schieswig qnestion nanagenent esterification drlvc eomm1 vreaeltn8 m't stahlwerke eurctorny'jsaec 0ct llahn' L5OO ury counoil fan opposed uorl 1565 omd sltioui seuropean euratod tgesdery fct roan bris tran lcal stutle foleig 9urg mts fiiisronfe eood 2421r reseadch repoo ulrt qucstfon perrnanent as moscow ae 3875 smassoclailon oonrmlttee rcvj aountry proposcvl vl9 p1y grotnth pishery manv BI1 ttme uenrer rationalisa 9blgf bundestag importe growing ifoulturel anerica increose prxrlic iaarir operattcra integration rulc URA'IDM incegtlve universitie aereement FAO 2454 iiecial swj lrtovementt holsfiy lxlia'l'oy i'e6dgu rlt agency ame npr tarlff retl tfgtlge isherie ITI composite igislsr rfp fa1i me€r tdgdne medal rnrssel diplonatic ta5en conditlon exhtbltlon sitrration centre qgcstlon ioll commuiility claestflcatlon comptrtatl crrrruvcmormcoc progres 15OU menorandurn cpal svffm lmpronemernt vesetableg PE tntmpenltr4tici fryultll iryxiegtive rai1r lfartct froclr titate nembership trrtuatry troar fieslnger jlegary uunofg oontraot fcbnbrlr organisec sugar 562 tsoudcros' l4ay 2541 nnatou producto amal€amatlon rrro negotiation 'of mericarl orker UNOID commissicnt wide induetry ner nrl supplei milan culpnlt vegetables' iit problern conseguence eeqrsaulsqt senegal dcolaratlon SUIII'IARY otsction rrov uclear proviqt 111n rvi' 3'197t pflw rmmission crganisation otrlllntlon lqql1rnc sumj polittcal fle1d woru coost roport 1qa4 IIKGT reelectlon tanker fertiliser britaln oret 21st roriti ohan6e enerqy tgrqenetqatl enqorromic 28'n'1 onsi cmrnttv TER pollcysltallan IINCTADI neit oall comtunltle conventlon qapprp 2473r bgr pem ncgotlatlo custorn tenn jaituatl tuesilay shed hanaa tiative ffimediate omrfi forthcomtng sltuatlqr alo ert9n SUPPLEMEN francerg plenery reactorlworklng htfr MARY eight DA cgnmmltv powen fiec liitish deregatlon rtle 179 l1rta 'mml 2415r prh sularpl eml ordfr presen tery beelng valirlitv rats obtlqsiton 3882 tmplcmentattqr repet sfre ffiganisation inguranee ccmmrxf MAHIGT ttpo 'eg ioan archi method earore resolution'by li'qn 4broad qrld lfeu oflceg slngle ffir more usrnesse mtntsterlal fretlvttv ploces opt ivth ookln8 mini retc ircgcc drourrht rehitectural L956 eeononie brlquette indugtrv tablc nlstcr arrangement' tunlelaleeg ftxatlon tngnthlv monopolie 6eospeci 1q1ry ecoamic riletin lnstrument turopcr corrtucttng qpprov€e progranme cd' shreet p1i mqjrcr 248 V2 venture foreca 802 intcgrctlon erred fnterdenetration matlum amendmgnt jir inje publlque parur elrigpe efu 5fi sca measurement rfura 1nqu14r 451 ecopojuic ium irterdenetrrtion corncif lulo opinlon patural caulle relevant panl competi chalrman phase procedure turd wedngssllq anticipation LO montresl conntrie jotur llej iii 9oa1 afriean gradc iedneg qeoloqical CO1 left CC utr parllamentary eece fonce incomnitments' cornmunitie seen delegate gentral POLI lnr EEP negotlatlon employer poot italv disaster estalrllshlng ptttite latln aqrierr1 arrica toubeau' firture etaited anf bo' 594 draf ggll tesear omi coalmlne structural productlon pe41i mr' oounell 3s2 soane industryl consuraptlon eiryg ouct t96z TS TLI IGIITS tratrsfer obltqrtton tytng o0ntlnue nor'urd produee dltch flenarv deelston 6ilve TTNS syrdlcale chamberof mlne onat tjri 415 belflsan bulleti meet februarjr egononic good rorrf IEEK hetzger fnterpemetratton onarrge MASKET extensiorl comli thunday provision narry uaoputon ltuatlon concern comrnurritl gryse authoritie 39Y0 pt'rrpol allrlql EC roll obltestlon dlrectlvc ftallan state tment J82 trl gipl nffiati 'rench 76'' totffr rcstrictlon olenalv llanrburg outstanrlin medlun artdle heard franchlse qqqtq 49tra associated spgfjal bcgtru lntmert belqi stllt movemqnt obltgqtton chxlt llloif fneedon rirn'' pouer itllrgfd rullct holdlng compqplty ccrnnlttee pciliqv hallstelnre gpg attrlbutabfe attitude gn3 connlttce 2528 jolntly file preparation financlar fremly opposi ifo6 UNNT vegeta wirrlm tropcan bnarcl ffiinatin legitlative frl SUPPTE tremd grftgh neference comlxlai noad fut declaration nucgir 59r firely rystem l1tion election pei mity berkhouwerr arld wlthrlrawal mamgf ftnanctal ncoalminelfederation ireely lsull cenent rcer'rs stresse llbrarv 9omnunitv trrasteaoe unioni resttmerl 'pie obllgcrtton P'9 taxe rallway nav 110 arnangement targe UACEE oafll circle toward nlner finding shlnbullrilne liscount and' eyeloetrent J955 suppiiiiieitti communiqu€ 1cain ooopenatc rese L4 deolslm LB crerlit eoneiing ffiln lnfrlnnemcntat mr producj tsullettn govefrment tne tntecrt 1n6 leather irnpllcati morket CS brutsel farrnersr eatry surcharge tleu input nultilateral lllgh rragri duich llrltten tip ctrc tqg4 q'i jii eparatton connrnltle notei hlfih transformation comnlssion' pnote copenhagen pqtiil fuoely some rway coarl eiebi'i uccausc specirl to'communlty comnitteg BULTIITIN tlcfl pli fhyssen handed eylop cnunci uedne plenary rtt6raral apoointment rccl brgl llatse processql improvement ahead borta veqetable traplt ttt sauattni iitci'inunitv ticlr'' frerlod rnterratlonal relatlon ffieeoductlon s€d sijppliimiint mlay sdgy playing thi ccmmor 3864 develohnent demar6s6 harmelr pharmaczutlcal 3773 brusgel fvlsf colit phlpbuiltlino gaturdav vril sociolist pro'rarme eierat ecglomic f44l strasbourg nemorandum railnav 591 gelq aheot 3846 rely agnlcultural eoonomic marf thcu etatement eutolgb4 sumrat authoritl ltbb dlscrlmlnatlon tranco brg poiltlc aondltton produlj ggglne anning drcct ficely 3898 snl nanlfru t'rench lnitlal levle pedtni BLEU iltd naut fenneov dlscusslon erpeneti' rrgu svedish liqnedo fer trcaty aecording eompetition offtclalsl fishinq oursr se pnesident SU flnanctal oenoa llotes jlrocle builettn nrocer uranirrrn france nsr rvin lferetrc€ 3777 defenoe brbald slted financltg qll nattonal 3756 newsnrl colorrr rrenzr IAT0 HTIN probten yacket deeember makcup hon statlstlc culreat stepl diecusolone bu1lc forge ifta EUROPE parllanent igrm ecijc b111 qtor rearlvoal trectret oere dialoquel rgcsrrl oounci 99q geggelon fronl21 EFT'S parlianentary chonge plso llrr 2310 2495 banana ffierpenetratlon ndle draua rtljo interlocutory variou oii hfopr lower iecii oornnon cationq I'ITERPEIIETRATI presse qentina mleting lfuqo requeet llague j0o'mmunltte amerlcan msi EEDA readtion ter comnurtty ser qgreement conmlttee ffiilffii llallstifoi exporter corrsidenationof ngjfls lmportcd nultu terpgnqtrati slde 1636 fourtlreenth parllamentsr qrmmission JOI solt aheat stx 761 fnoln lle PJL sfr 2334 weflafe EISC uine change'in faat'reaotors rce exarnination SL rnisatinnsr admlntstratlon po1ard term SUPPIEMENTI theot except AASU product•' ufta'and RLIAMENTS nisotion inquiry chancellorship flea qqmmjlttee evqlopryr advancc uood frs€ty comnunit jli btd inleref4gigllipf conference' oblttqilon EIILALW tve eti srildy lreropean agaln li'or tre frou countervatllng cfllelilll etrl'alffin lrpq oilwork ther regulatlorr rum errrosyndj lgqusvis equalisation margartne SIJPPLE oessl agroo frentlno impending securtty nesume rljif ier contingency 9ti economy rrope frencvusacontact 401 wcst J9SI 186 eciaration ling RUE anxi necessarl imprdvcncnt 1705 bcrlln l1ile guide erttl poliqyl flturg econslr llnrerlcan eglgljptgel cyc11ca1 periorr tluf soci broken requlatlon oblteatlon ltcnch sunmarv iiljt lvtelgh prcsent ocfober vegetab hal1ste1n commol tetu lfgrp counc'r' T4IN INTEBPENETRATION runatrol politlr 3718 preventing commission'liger 'AATOH reek' eirope inclu iiis9i contro EJ burted shtpyardgtcorrd rrnrl ropean ECOIIOMIC egri ASM 0overnmental oomtni valld flnanolng alrcct hunqajliqn abeyanoe 99h oltedl 23rd rg'r drnooeilurc posltl bref c6ngres corrr findingsr closr oct rjotfo POTITICAT mlntaln copp€r bnl goo oountnle disogree powerr frui euegpe fubf polloyrpolnt lctton lltalksbetueenmr xemuourg craft er9pealgpsfe krupp chanber augrust esentative 4gri1ig1 eerglg nriee cancellatlon energie forolgrrrgrlmelcfforta mklneifogr strdy ucoklv ffiog abandoned ituropean MARK completa considcied apel ooordtnating foraction lldson urville oteel belou traalng protcc trhe lrve flnancial 9g3 armack interministerial memoranda comrulttee ejt metalworken ATIOM euratonreconcnds1ntensitlcatlonofeecprospecting parllamentarv 3J fll4af epsc conmentg SUPPLEMEI'IT irrtervention oroauct lnternatlonal cornmuniqu unresolved being executive gbvernment def colloquv consultrtlve ngement aidq mone oroar man nhol supptei'ffint veterinary forqed lntcgratlon thange torsten odoptlon ceitoin sear pnojeot symposiufir TJTATI grroie llltr menger figuresr different iffil aa4 eltuatlob runarot agrieulture questl relatl eu'opean belgi rdustr aasl larcl balanee olympla crmt 1o65 poltttoal eunonean BUILETIN soaln convention oondination unlgqg shich belaian sept preferance on'r1 ary IIIIERPENEIBATI0 sumgrn ltartcet oloser rnunity ITERPEIIE etpitom CISL 3854 sutt coursc exeeutlve diphenvl prnbl talkg vqee concehtratlon EURATSI ratlm golq obltgotton do€ thtnktng int 51pril number clrstom corrunturlw 579 indu I4ARTET plernarrr concerni iornnunltv levelopment io4 couitrle bui ilr orsay ftronan eropa sdcbatc ftrstfce 8lt SUPPIEMENT conmlsslon brcll pgl fndustrlal institutinn IG BENELUX comnti eroat meettnc produce g4r QSC a8rtcrrltural treaa DATLY ili luxemhour llgreg offihg fiuely event organlaetlon dlsqulet 9g4gg INIMPENEIR 1t7b llansholt cl itrj COMMONS helltrig nfr iatln regqlatlon taecone ratification mdetlng rdthor 44g saarbergverke enr abotrt plsic rhlnelarrd eting ecscbrlletln nembershtp pressure lffqh henct corrventlon straighten 6toyog r67li europoan rnember obtteqtloa rpenetration frmoh relgium aptlv councij FDF anfl consultation hungary ltrle communtt rbelglan liuropr quest FUFSI 441 asenda coat urittcn PAY il'l orulorse olted offlce nrcetino runy mlrket uanrer fe1 statistical rrf 8oa16td nodl gitru wealellngr neqti quebtion 3480 dlneuglon bleftltn devclpprrcntsi commr i'lorlt ngjf ffiternational 664 nostal bucareat ilffiliftustl jam UNICE CIBE tuesdpy ps4 ffilotffi 2502 bulietla 126 cmnlttscatrorktng oqdltlqrr pnroiluotlon ptroduct 3C' fouttrr sumnarv 176 fltlto STIPPI lntracomnunity fnto prcparatton ffi3 lpjlf ecqrqnlc T4 noner oorurent spectal rrul the'yeer leopoldville stook germanv bof rationalisation inform'rtiori qucatlon ulfust rqsignatinn ghp eetlng mlntster lelirrg lal nncl sonk ferno openlng iffi gqgbomlc hedy ilcnrv french cu governaent tndugttr 1519 declston r966 ihitsun ca1l nut consumotlon tmport bllstan conmqgltv aglgl c0m basln onpmic BSC pr7 olf' elmarch cluota rtrbltcatlon lfcal lolo NPII glg fficouncti th progrannc 5'l PREE declde ftliop BULT HA eunlpe replrto r3lo tlior' comt4on decenber'on levie sant lorrton apply eompanie evil ncf glreet nterpenetratj legolity I14 L32 sqar lnternal plenart pcmpldou pgll exception efficffi torrard lrt etratom uroa mansholt oronlc conntaslm conrmisslon eqs directlve youn teot ghngn lntttal tlal recorrnendatlon chamber itr oovcrnmcnt 16th programme austri discrimination solutloa ltst lntra iry crule 'roblem LURAT0M eunalom ffrte PJ oonptaln orcle RSI ind pr'l wlttrout mlrllstcrtal qbop 429 itoll eiq lnoreaslnglil consolldated betwqen organiffiffiactlonsr llhocc ihyr l4l participate L55B conpensation waterwav p0tre opi strategry glitg associatlon conmonmarket interoenetratlon tpsearcn ataigre€oeni eqrral €e DAII ofod dlvlslon tan wittr larknt asi ninoh SI4 stampinq nluni SUPPIEI'IEMI fruely inconle vriroln legurifv dirt 2361 gongres ftrrcly tesued di5 pnovlslon exccutlve nfta' 1t6f L37 ilurtolre largest arr developrnent 0roanisinc ttatcmc secretary tueidoy stlu tornnd rrrage councill ffiit goversd element relgian ert nunrnom bfweelfj steelworker ffitee lue rnr GOMMON a8reement pog arrangefd ffiguoe itlssion koptcyn motorised fralrce brltain eg4l bogota b'uilrlirtg oountrlc opportr dlfflourtle pedlnlr colrmlttee olqneat lul szu itntelryentrgtion summit amste0d oggl flower gaulle mcmcr leunato rcpl droscherr ellc anl eunopedn continue coklnr grant llbenation fffitto publicatin interdenetration eard library E1 143 dif u'rly assoei llne consortium entpnthllr0hoddar er' nieer kenncdy effi week moveflent uruguay keban llth ueto 1542 rhorc llew belgtan le draft' mamen gglr19n gptlmlem t1n est sspect m4ghatenet rhcct comniesion spoce intergovernmental confidence tomorrov urheat 3910 deccnber g9glo6 atee rfrj frffir cnnstruction con aoconllng rrral ertry arxl contrect thffi befg desticide NP standardsrl LARKET preporstion charge dceoutlve pensation synposiun RAT0 rep cmlsalqr stocf rrritten lank sabattnl eair taly mllltary tfioil demurring DITJE march conlnlttec prosr fefuse manketr prddueer nubl eame fonrarrlal ltteel vltl tntetest focl sunmarf comrlsslon austr elrbt wqrld growth countttcc icf nembershlp roce klng goglni exccuthrcr bctwocn numerou osygin carcassonne omlo cmnnrist touardi flxed nct meetirg textile l4z tuni suggestion disqrssion ppe jaran stru uth SS vier cicl six' notrnr qttjllglslon stlon trie wltrout suppietvieifi rollert UAJIKE whtther questions' ourrg euroeafrlcan v1slt requcst ucter ore phnr clearanoe ilgn arrtumr 133 railr ail compromlse tcr lrlestrick spherc debenture olenary nrnorytr organlsatton acttvltv f88 nruge ncxt 3rd snnt reunion europearr meetlrlg ahect rey fftia DOCT'MENTS png alreement offtoe BT'LI stccl goverrmabt fraught I39 fao commuait yesterdayr goverrurental spegtal phatmaceutical grm nuropearr drropean rrhd gurupe'' roqolution atthorlsed bydn eourt inve help introd activltie cogrt sie iifrf exporte movenent cori ueaiccrtu w1l1 winning rccommcndotlont' eeobeill slgge n€inoranlur potato 78r5r llmburg iffit belgran cansideratian recommend togo aid million ortce sijk meetlru rugse flouy sanpleri schmelzen lamentary fishlng 517 debated resoluti 8h1 indial ltooni agr libera rftrttar eesolutlono 'e'urarot glx ol' board sessi land crcatlon polltlcaldavin ille ogendo tqbc podlorny oublicatioa r0l€ intemqtlmol bu1letln SUPP eporg firet rt'jotlrn aoricul ffi6gsau 0irst 56165 4erd suppll tntcr''eci llberal authority whsrn 2441 outstanding upteep 2414 eeeeour observer bultetln confcaeratfon ffiitalian plgmeat evnb mtry eoosomlo BF'TA spanlsh' there nunqtom PEN i'iffifbritiehduropeanmovement 391 hgupgelf commtttee market catt1e asrsoclated systen carbonl rncll ystatement nra mankeirzturatot4 nlanr'ed cqrrucn rgv outstardlng top ICPTU' ardnartet spor jggllut sclencc 'IIINT hi' del c0lffi0lt srrrorn directly obltscllon lnrtnershlp etrro lilritten itg feef prgduction parliamentarv eunopcan ellqi lrdustrle ullx inter proteotim tnxny'nun asri at1ant 2146 plpellae coutrc agreementondef1rr1tlonofl eroductlon easibility 4iamentatv nlary llm eenxent cojnn sernbly headquartor stntmatar eurolr protluction eourtrie pening budset should 9ommunitv nroblem discus jhe ncic CO4MCN r1letin varloult ieruredv ongmlc prpposal aerue11 8JT seek ETFATION vearlv cement ffiif eonvene ity commitjee nrice CD oecuoied 3727 annual'eec plall 2343 keruredy outlpph' anigr gednesday interest wanta llan cornrmrnltle sldent workcr SUPBI riglrje wttrorrt bosio thrcshold conslderql iho pllge 'lrccqnmcn concernlng men ianrer rratom thoee qrain pour expertlt lianment IUA pollt1ca1 obllgutton settlement ird 137 couroll EESC harvest brupsel eheret gelling economv comnent rcglnld comrnitteo sult u4il ltk MAFKETANATOT1 conqnlc decl stlil 1601 gig statem'ent greece dgvin eurosvnclicat aystem rif equality flrst tote regulatl'on dreot limit'fpr eurrodean momorardun minedl P2 seiita EUROPEAII traasporting rehabilitatlon gpal anotlrcr prl ollveoil bullitin distussion sutop cottnci esgqgmi'c plutonium NTE cnisi fnternatl weekl lggg c6mmittee 9fro BULIJ lledel 477 plcven' iflc result acf lertz consumptlbn excise iprralne dec revy euratomt text liaison tjor possibilltie alxiance libetation jo65 comnlsslon acttvltlc redevel rlttt lnauguratton marjolinl tntrodiroed paeliagg 449 providence ET numbe artd' iffiomplain industrlql mtwtthout romemeettngofslxeinancemlnlstersonjrrne20 jojlnlrsupplemenl uhat tertter oned vishe fronce lgig bssui1ent 3914 rtat cqnnrunltle r'elopmen gtnrok gta 3726 erlrope ralsad flnanalng alllancc sunat0m bu1letin tep1 orestlon frirlav lmplementatlouqt cormlsslor ntqrpenetration extensi eant itrly gpgpetf cooperatton eirnatort titrobel vraretrng tfon rcrt wullng intern' errrooean intetqengtratlon 11ntttqr 1t ldouln cleara4cg denand crgro 14oq ouu corrsultatlve reform brussie stabilising pound power dbuqrl statute ptiorm negulation illrricat tteurope'i 175 frm comparison cooon ltlnisters' OPE'I all rar elemntc british frade commlttee' thr consuleative iiet6ti ovember industrlallsatton dlseuss€al publieatien lef eurosvndicatr adaptation pc9 ftnanceal dlsconttnue coilrlcil alrcraft iceland b'lcr pinancial outltne alf jup lg66r ogoinst slled corurequence total BI'LI veiqhiuq fu11 diff ''' redcn development mine uorker 'rtrrilten enclr tlilson slgned comr eltect lilropc LV firrkey BULIAIIN factor parlr irelard 0pen chr6tlenne outione ratlflcatr BULLEITX ruhq assistanec eyl probletr complete eompensation 2105 ftalv ftrance comnuni 554 1957 mtninnrm naln whtoh IIEUROPE'' lop ific lateet holdb chq'iqlot prlcea onn esq cheduled nlic meaaures' detrclop itxtraordlnarlr frb 241or alopt eontracted produot institutional hatchl wood tredty begll 9onoromise droblen westphalla ttuatlono oqo ffialjan rneetlng meetlnp ffiany comtttee ett dea€mbcr vould condi BLENE uqgrammc TII ljul INTERPENETRAIION asricultrrre agreeme whoao qlin chlnrtaddltlonrl eunope nei' lkbl rreh MU ncl allarged 'rqrelr resolution sa8reement fixing anrlc4tural renelral cult'une somililand rio ncntbcr effa eeqaui nqg call 08bon tutzc 14eq eupopoan cartel scrt irdugtrlal 2rro5 comment rochereau jarruarry elslanrler tedevelopment dcn lnterpat V5 intergeqetratiqr ltr foroe bey cre paneuropean fanfant 6essl pesition IT 529 onne aeoy DAYI etld stationing mediun writlen participating veterlnanle tert finalisation molasse itn pregaratlon PLEX' eoal appllcatlgn gteel mlnrgli capacitv europe' decision' bhtne rooatr quoilm enernv analyala arel lrlr ETITEIET whlch ffiaee urftaut post oplrdou rci lbctlve lgg6 ggii plenanr eulgpe liquidotion ford francel hineral 147 tdashlngton qijcr obfiqctlcn slrtke dublication dtffer tlge loirx lleailll catroux' platetorloc axl firesd ocrlngerr adopt briti JS hl aqricul possibillty forned tuatlon oor upf JOIIIT 0uar6e mernbership ooeb decxaratton lionrt lnp 117 hoely econcny comnunihy levi frrcm posttton ggsg HT organisatlon fennedy eunop coluuniatl vith laborrr mllk annex gtpctrlbn porci rrpamily rcoormrndrttdr forestrrr 2172 trro cgffilltce approa snal1 maltflcatlon eonference uanxbt rrtrt pari mlnfieenrto rrcmln6 TRATOM agnlcultunal etropean worklnn annlversae steet deadllnea qoo commttter kennsdy 4A5 uith rurocrarme cot'4mon rnational flt ftaltan submitted syctematic punat xenneily tmportero miqrant scrap ecdevelooment euratou gtted txvlltef drive asrefment iuest alternative i'nterpenetration cornoetltton pneriuent complctior omon conrmittee foerent relatlonsr pqjnt protein lnqulry swctllah nonl swle nelfane rlo 237r concerned thlrty rubber rourrt certoin implication spead ldleratlon medtclne dld amerloan suppleueifts sonfetence life obuectlon counhicr qtap bcnrbllo wori' permanent marketl EUINS 17592 hearta uropeae acnl addltional herqer dir conmunlty stg ower jiattonal ltberallaatton drtrl huur tua mqrce doomed ord every luxernbourg brio ranlf uarch rrussel fsecly frenclr ol'ix IIITERPENET steol falsc wednesd dlofan epropel sranted ffift aaje iten 1T6 irradiationl israell EIE uenxnt frltten EIP vlli cro 'pr eiei gs largeet ISOI bodle brrrrsn iord eargr MARKE'I cli cotijrg BIISF qec frontlcr 2€f PO atlfylng ghneral jec8c researeh vlen lnterast EFITA IITTERPEIIETRA elmultaneou lorraine ''ilritten reduatton nto camprlgn erhardt N3 statee eql ig3fl belegmjteel hioh l'tr PA endorse study IIEET ohangeg ggeqm iirterven egonci family jlfesteru 152 lapic pio electton canpaign umret trant ebcztrll oovernrnent ILY mlnlmum mouth ffroea po1lticai tronth reprresent rice 7fri8il reement chr opd suhr anxqrleunatom icouncil vrite eeonomlc IFCIU insulatlon c'rnrmittee slip fqrrn fmn ereatingy whorn aene ladustry outstand ov'7 outlookt about courpotrente rrrs eif importi ilt iaiunafpa 24252 lbera1 tlre cowrtrlca spealcr problems' managetnent 0ommission 19G 3570 frenoh inetellatlon u'l lnvestment ell8qes0onflrmatlon mrte sbon ba6hra lar deolr f956 format ina juiy rtinn rft formed normal expont fosslle assocla naf0 gej dleculslon' ULLETI SUPPLEMEX'IT quall iilcuttr wonreni ket roundr inrpl 109 authorrsatlon uunarw tiye comrnrnity investfent pettern coagres nqmic neact6rg nitrcgef pharnacist rnethod euratttt flssllc tqrklt oriec fmm coudirie station clash erroliatlon 3682 fisherie eemdiscrirninatorv tnv udeslnvestigation allstri COIOION lissionsiocmmrnit1e rqlicrrltulp sheel fina1 mllllon fin belgia qhjol meettnp ilfrosrsattan effiping ttlon wgef 7th conttnuc covernnent indicollong ptt tchcrisi poner ertlad tlcnamara ffiactivityofe'rratom esesgig agreeount commurittv examine ltrto mmfron setl fsse chatenet vlew cokln 15II ffii 5eili dlfferentlal afrtca answer getting cauncil vtew economie aqr lehr RUI economigond dte oa launcher connunitr transporb'1 octobcr expendi tecj i'lei'lr rhich standardi ofguncil ncnt nafo satisfactory aattvtty iqankei farm questlon nen mynity iirrrp colloquy rnd fanoc budge lllhrnt lreety firl channel ixpnrt ultly i'r tcrren cfiarii connlssion dtrecteur runarom 2348 bolievt opp movement ease uanrry'nunaqu eust EIIN iio r8l2 rcquesto urd dtsmlssed meetllng questlor qricultural lglru cgnnp posslble rreaty edf tomr drouot euitop questioa onrl wilson pessiristic flrm llttl segri INTEGRATION internazlmalcn long ultrout uarv 3jt tananarlve poeltlqr credit ztt scandinnvian ffl bnrge t€clslon outstandlag initial morday oryser stee1 grlture proauc marotr 1964 pubr mareh repl 13f bullctln po7 central objectlve rcpnccntatlve tgld cesfed cnncernin constructlon eunero rornc duction representatlve ffiargcerta1ntooeelccreo cuarantee bruflsplp btmd 1a5a zunope llqsii DAY jugoslavia tllt l54q s1i ooqclrntrattonsr ralesl txs jffia't profi otd ffijr qshof aqricu ertentton aravn carell1 riling omnonprice parliesrent drogresa duuetln peraonnol stabilisation 'll pproxima llloil freedon tend fiiffif opsrinp aeioplaneg brueeel lllrlal'p comuon 314 vttte council elqiun rgft erland sectlm comrnrnltle interaatlonal conc juice tolir c1erflr ttee ott pesslmletlc e'fi4 comnerc6 america sud dlmanche adjourned SUPPLEI4EM spaak' trerrl councllr lel1 msc cnlsl countrtc3s steirte certlflcate 1953 thle october c0mir cogl uan stotu oilt6tpecting lror apbli l7b2r wtb gmposi reillatton preparatrlon oommon 1rca lay' confefence furlon leqlel 1tiol1ri distrlct tlest fede f't'a4go nomlnatlon obllgnllon hcadway atl holidav professor consldering cou authorlsed LATIN tslc aesoclatlon bnuu ut'to ccimioiti turdav throuqh wormser oollutlofr basle nptfat publlcationg ige mlsqlon uommrnlly ilf pob ualkcr socialigt bulr ltade lntereet upehot prediction oqruen l4th ounrrle parltamentanrr aqneement cluncrf 688t ffiot oel gdt€d EUROPEII dividend eggy atnnt court leqal plcc arnatom 2404 be'freely ia1 pollc trld qbiectjv9 8hell serle bul belgiln L47 gden discwslon etrrat'o SUPPIEHENT safeguard dlembership entrale atc declsior liquidity memorarrlun pruning qe naertcuitlfcn fisherle briquette opean tation tch brm ltigh lonn establj 3783 stock aapan es' qgsimt 3BB bars thorr fifth dlscus ielrnope luon 1066 BULLBTINS cclude ioad revien agrtcultural 3tee1 rostov drawn soclol intracommunity seecigl brtrssel preanrble rnake block arrangmejt mont commo atatement iegal pric 'li nngx elrfat0t't output wtrich retallen buildinq TTIE bul1etln lreply advisorv lndustrlal YI custon oertaln wlitten fndonesia mission uarlet conunrlrlet brief HALLSTBIII UNICB qounqil chatelte havc terable murville 482 jjff ojnnanl groeben yorking institution hougsrty 24olr partnerahtp orw3 eil tertllc let raordlnary l€oanuet eeb sur IEI ebate ggggl 4lty aqenda ilrtr stbady tdork europarecht intcrnation'r1 econorrlo tltlc ttjsrj E'FTA pateat ftrnmlttec TIN aseension payspoaltlon confe IIP meeti l1ealu11ingrel genevai eutprr ornnunttv approval throurh te 9fu tbrmarur 0i1 ofcfl dtsqulet ltnbt oct€ rnternat bhard closure econmi tel varnlng aseerrbly swr rcnew'd uo'urtl cmrmity IITERPEIIE vourd mcngcr angentlnc impllcation lffi rriq t1n1 rtnoht uunntum 9rc9 aalrv cancellationin pbui comllsslon dou malntalned tec 1jil56 still objective EMFI'IT tsterp ffiirl engsfll ECOIOT marine istlir ycar 4inang tluttcnunion farmersandita1visyndicatnationa1francaisdcsindustriesdesprodrrlt c6nmission agrictrltural trxtuslrlg MSC iff nuelear folltlca1 reac menk 389 masslve eitnatcm countrlef cause westptnlla 2314 preltrd turtev L9662 dlvtderul erc frgrty ICFTU nanttatc plenar utlo remova hrrrgd tar febr ase vorker tteport linport aid' otrligotlon tmon fraely rrith jcn rorld mber saragut eon DSJWJBIJLI fortcomlng amr flvc iain xlal deputiee echoest cotmgi etcrey phl1lpp prlcee amblgulty JOIJ LET'IN munrlllc dt'd eeq rlrect proccsslng eurat0r1 adhesion ough gomnrunltv ohllq tr0ompctltlon pgnllament festment noe lnaugurated brl 66ffii commission' L527 prografifi€ veden certaln dtstance treni 2fjgf6 runelsl ullcldd erlxgpean puurorn isx TFIA' lces3 egpe agreemer gggme lloq comlselon governmental lary 1C5 oie suppont vertlcal bading teling eraln cnd de sicatlon ftrfirr offencat vealrt direct charbonnage connunlty allow3nce counc tarlianenrery concjusion orou edo associatcd crlslsl itryctu halden horticultural 4gongr oernan aaslstanoi POLITICAI cofe JON ntrnw irrm acttvlty ricrrrl sat scnt rther krledemannr colqp bvstem ilallstein tta rlamage tnlmt lrg cor'opn TICA 2rr consultatlve thogr senvice increased inquirv six resolutlgn fhgpch dffiatty rall wjth cooperatiorr ta'l onnouncom€nt 23222 ffi'tlf rlisat dolitical punarou bmqp chainnan 3838 leti nood B3 lloro dcnmqrk BIPE goverrnment comnissl asrt conferenoe clted' retmtn wheal ffilc progfamme qlm ext bnf lday AD 'llqi summer contraot accotdlng communlw eontinue of'vislt hlrltten 0r€8t supplie ortline gje mitk councilr motoriscd alrcroximatlon same europb'' suflmarv lir0pe PEII named settlinq rnimal prduction r61e l'lenary rgricr L0 nember reappralsal operate eluropean elfel cheet counall timing euftmttncrease cerd filp councll' sen ntent protectlon commltgee t'b eggnoml goc gricultural concentratlon aldr eldo 4fr questldr committqe 7r8 182 occupied nopth 5n6 rntt 1o6q tdnaft constttutlonal tnterert rebearch panllament joirtt councllrg SUPPIEITEIIT connrunlty corurcl coke larule repor cornnunlty lat0 manxnr eural lirll'l ecqllomig lrovernment salgf bnltaln unnxrr te4 oroblem approvcd tnaln bmu bu1l speclflc nlgerla buuetu wltztr aompetltlon ajiket congo financlng 4EI EC0 analysi sgrap tje niq LZ1 sljll3xx T6 scqep 0onsultatlvc rlerner efc succesfur link paotr soctatlst utrrl favorr bmb space oocunmn funoort dub vritten ECOIO gfivitv aottvttlasr KWL dlet corporation altgnnent aluniniumr 2w3 rrhom bu1let rotrievl province lcatl teit5 1'lilrrolx'arl itlly germair expert kenncdv vea1 ien affalr perlleoeoer attack vegetablg INTERPENETRATI0I cmnittee sonstruotlon qrharn starrting quarterly yallonne seonetarlat lnduetrial schuman annua1 ffitbel' falkcdhauban foreca3t ylorcj ppo associatioa cornccon vredej tffih turkev fgez bstg contruct sutvey cheddar fuel ifgill ggqqrll bfflrsh zealatd impgrt offer remo nroduct comtr eguallsatlon conmlgsl'on authotisatione TO waseg communi chambcr pneeldent candldature lmgfrcaucoaf NCTAD 'tetherland mlorooltmate rrlalrnif ardffitd publication 140 tnioprt qcojl drerrinr iioor aceepted movc gtffiwri replj necommendation 82r anrlctrltrtre ltiniejler bblqian dtfflcultlct EUROPE'' rouna ratified l57 v9ntl9 brus qtetion eeca responslble glation tlgltten suspenslou pebruarlr 598 flnding hay CFT TA kcnncdy e1rme orcrllt panllamcntarv heparation if' P7 chalr fiu ohil 198u tri SUPPLEMENI germapy becuperation EI4OPE traff bonn body motorisgd ffjp fqp repoi geneva woitje sltuatiqr ploa rejlorming eunamu litle europeil pojiev accguntancy lluropean merqer luxeml stlli gap ve4icleg SI'MMA oaufle omprqr vredellngte elgn ing treattesrfund lulllng arbed 544 fic YARKETIEURAT regulatton fueety comlttcc chamben fourth fomarrt medlum eteel gfrp i1kt ooklnr bmnurdty lii communltytr snecial LT chattge tlg brussej comparert TT provlsion federatton investlgatlol' stimulant PPLEMENT inoooe wernen' jgl1 suis fturd quli scheduled sorinj qlnppr cotnmlttoe rgii urope73rlef speolgl RKET 1ee6r otlnterurt oricee emglllglqn lebate expanslon OT turncl written coltr limited 24492 col1 cnlarglng isreemant 7ir17 guarter delegatcr pllght addresse 459 1p6 catlon ba1 ebgsel pollsh mof oollcv jlirfrrn aoslvttle cmncnt JOINT coverruent bcgilglic omslqunqtt parttclpatlorlo wlre L56O tariff siiaps caiilgexport ffilal crlt grape organisational cqrfendhoc llarch appnoval iunatcm pntnclple elect eely lrrbgre forlu DAILI communlqu6 lqdon 1q29 dht J599 justic dam trinkhau EIDO tffi developln8 vrerleling' rrnpp concentratlonr roer llt nrembership rnce ilght I38 bulletl cal'i arttt provlslcra tlsb hetr aluminiurn applloatlonr abollshe directoratel prlce9 pollttoal stago forthcomln8 debata jeb0pn bank lem n1ullrr nrgsdgy vehicle 550 aprt1 dlsagree HE c1f youth irr rr'4 tudi€e lou ifig agrle errop rsserffio efim mbou higfrer EGSC increagc asked 592 drod' ctted eoke tlgn feripe ICPTU UCSC erlletin srlt tit sessi'on EUROPEI done cotnmittec smp intcrgorrcrnnentalthc flonday conferenc 9qg f6iiffirt ietln ye''' aluminirrtrtrle greec i4j furnlsh 4ofr1 atlontic agrlculturbl traasport idea podgorny comflsslon eurspean pgpylpjtir agalrut eeasion L966 quarantee intervierr oontrlbutlon elinopd nhich c0i rtnll rovinq 9r9 slx equal cosoa achievencnt wedngsdav prgqramme maru15p iops ig oppose lgs aterst 2368 l't cgrtoe broad brnr JOIN techno neplv bfln shore lmt irrench ree i'hst pnice communrty nelrnord cgnmitteo euratonr brussqlfl satu contractiag beln5 tline used 2365 tecture ldinq a'li ren connrurity secqrd thelr obltqqtton supranatlonalisn S9 bou arv cnnsideration srritzerland gp1'' EP soctaltste' ENT when sjrtp nounc 2549 memben eagt npr4 incidence beef ilnp llatotprop rabolltlqr federalist re finance nomegian apri srequest erlcu contegplated nterdenetrati fuu roux4 dectslon europe'i addres EE6 comtlttcc ntary accept lrnterert T0 relati SUPPIEIMENT stamping ork roundj achedute replaee llallstein solid oiq debate mode prepared' oourt rapcclaltsatlon 3881 rale denmar tfoot fiiance sumnranv agtlvltv EUB9PE atratlon eratn ueei joiift tlrne lfi oublloatlon cqrferenoc ratj enrr comrmrnicatlon buglres riomt nec ekkerup lrln itrain uronlum letin con8res i69 tomorrourg atl8ntlo influence mali preparc ration enlarged eoclal basiir po1lt1oal mprovement usat lgrmgn0 whoin uestern l'rittetr STJMI proccdure nouevnhr trcrrl natlonallsatlon ALALC austerlty wttltr antonymous' recomnendation vtstt artlcle tl ianent buaqiln scher americen tlro revision illgh stegl ncgntiation itrrt counqu forthcoming rrrivate rubo wttroulobltgatlon pas selllng administration comnunl milkr TZ sel qsiggion tomonrow occupatlonal rlil vredellng ial EUFATOM strategic fllc eq6nch tmpont italiy 445 USSR verge PIY ooordlnatlqr pur tuly detemination yqge authorisation ropeiooct tunisla nne iucrease LETIN small rclatlona arrangcncnt fon vhere dutlcr ispra tlato prcparatlon expnrt €amtnkad miner comlttee trrr compcrslte slon iceforriceclurinflg56 varlou tcnder dutie 0overnmentre srx ESE aetivitie con'gres ouegtlon convcntor diecuasloa 'rcoal eurato lnfomatlon wlde ffiffiffi comnlent ansuer bld comnttlee SIMI' lectly llga AIIIIEX sect gommissiou oyntjtqg uanrot ficonomic buuetin ecpnord ulurr training 3943 gge unnrrt plant nearly aud B1I extension germann commission'decision trerxl tade worrying SNCF nennl reolutlqr f'rance thut aband MANKET held slggi commlsgion wttho volune j'anuatj poli1ical sagi eltqp rcprtrcntotlvc'' inlqepengtratlon cai1 morrlo dircctive furtnrgnetrarlotr rrant EGIC bredeffig r1irer compl9teer cornmlttce erlletlt exporti tradlnn BO rrequest conbination bullet ovembe lllriotma tlalverstty consigjrmejrt 37rl falrlreply uunatom lrsa dcononrv selq iger assoolatlffier supplenent died' agreemen' sras cornnlsslon'g caty' cgtnlnon 4nnex eubsl ofeuratoln starrlard meetins uowwtb reduqtlat counq januasy 3714 teohttlcal'and redundant iftl0l brttlsh tndustrte harkie'i' ffiein thory cpamber hanburg at1 lrecly on1 obligctlon canmunlty spaat jry ret cl6sure harmel nrcfrart sumsry submi ffiliserrsserl aftermeth notlslcatlong coumrnitie pr4 2471 1547 comtrltv preserve co corrntry rt'i night ray ltvbrld mineret iec veql consultat conmuniqu6 tunlsla freeaom 1me preparatlon PI9 trelrd roductloni 492 rratlfle ualpa chad lisation IC 25403 servlce oapltal flare daultt ltlna olrs'ro llarket trrd ltti intra suegtejlept po1lcy sge1 posltlon f6d officiol corrncil mr'oele review cnedlt n'attfa rrooeteurope dcclslon irhmcnt tohavemeetingslnparl exorcised 24ag lnventorti trcoaln russian lfednesday speciar 1603 cotnrcll 5ffi ana varieti cololon SUPPLH ggoslgvia rehabilitatino eunalou finnish ITTLSON cmunity UARKEB l6gt thtrrt merger peb intri europti WEE agrccnent avjn tioe 5O9 utter EUR lmportance ejl nfsdgf 6ver ngtratiotr diplolnatic wangaw osperte lrorelgn comrnissionr yest 433 etf franceendorsesluxenbourgdeclsioasandof J422 mff rlf deolslort lfrtgfpenes lroc tilemaat nellef ollnteteetand turnover iluil IMART flantsh leave mangh fanana comrmlnity relatlone nt iefiiffi section size rornt governmenttt ffint gornm ppen cmrnity EI charge6 orape tfi uthorlssl crisle guacoo mnnrioi hran bxternal posttlon 1r4fr UEEILY countrieg urltv rtte cmmtsslonr firrancing lreavy zfi sueden bustnes kapteyn ljta'best conpetltlon gieneva rtomestlc conrmunlty dlrectorll ISUPPLEMENT ppoductlon organisation 0fflce 25622 soan itcmr balance fllrcstion politieal todau llnked soeiali sidmar sutituny eystem rmunity gold birtlday rcrk fffigationi I9 497 interestecl eiffi do1lar deadllne econqmlq buffiile recuperation bundesbahn 169 hmatcti vlslt countriqg 3934 natlqrallsatlon bettrecn lligh lgf oogntlte gfl inflatinn materlal signat cotmol spirit ACTM I1ARKET ICAL tourard loten uorking buttef extending URATOM dcclgetlon onxiety dlscusslona flench frcnotr heldr ebench solulaon repfi bergnannr polltlcalday t5o comnrittee protocol dcfcndc opens'thi attorney coqposite cotmunity lcm tllf sltuatl0n mankmarnarort aro appoaoh frtfretffiginr i'iew measurea plenory a68r hindrancc enerrrv eg'l dutj bomboka beef' americ cormlsslon veget eoctal WIRY WEET no'1 eurcpeon produet 'IEUROPEII rtr f'lnance corrumon iertain nooted sl suppiemeift DAC freety euuoopean vithin btee overcone representativeg ngn commrrnitv rcpont basse AIIET lry sofconmerce 4estvity interpenetration cannot ilanuartrr conttact aforelgnpollcy purgpe ovaev PE'' BULTETINS nodcrrr favour'6f cobnunlty oroduct flgwe prngramme tqmrgvpummu pgllg qeneral bullctin unnret rend arrtcpltural econgmic cor4gc taliltln booked L9G6 thjl technlquc 123 belation unlj effiia EI3 reduced prod chriatening natocouncl whlgh IBNT reiat memoranlum exo1rde trocletr mlntsten flrchbcrg washlngton notified trgg 3698 slxth 4pt lntsprt barrier protesl uncm comnu orrler 'comnualtv bqsi tlleek worklng n9en crmhotl wttrout overall ulnrst exchafrge nanclal buratomr 1691 commtsston tg67 unnxur eeaf eunarom membere buj xnfqcmatlqr tblr affluent ltlr gke married IETRATI0II irternational tter drago orjn issi fnterpenetration en'ir ech aqainst ECONL 3gt formej 0ctobcr tlanspqrt psyment eyropean interview rpean ui'th going pompidqute baslo arurual stcel ttnnre'ffiunnropt obltoauon boerenbond ollar capltttl IVIARKET iarfranrenglth 311 ionlreg tjo clrristian P12 iray irrg negotlatii EURAIIM KE seostqr rdtnf OM nining atoo 3824 tl€4 egojrogigj4 dr0rsay bulumq budgct tandon denmark irdf EGC nlarketln8 parllammt 6trasbourg nlll NOTE i9ff fanfanicrneuropeandat1anticcrigi dtplomate eur nary ntsters'of tprograrme ltegl comnnrnltlee disquiet ftestf appolntment 4l importance t'he prolongation eurppe finonced imposed iif2 people rri sttuatlon liifii ltab1e treated lninc charrcel ccn040n erat roun forvarded oraotltatlve brazil wiir' rrlce nebateq councir fnterdernetratlon SUPPLETIENT isot stocking uuf lnic wlthogt ear elltdeotslon crea liberte johnson'e item fortnight ECONS provi eurooeah eoilleonmunltv apg egpge whom TIITICAL uegt 661 commur asslstaat t4i enquirlr lsatlon ipterp van'nater marketlng febmnry attltude eec'reece ltd roduce sumnary mepting portuqal ARKE7 lct9 llhqat rnteaert struye crnd ance I956 soor fedenspilel nevr oav comnisslon lielllle 3851 stone p'7 minister edinburgh belsffan jpoancse poi1cy mlniare keep cmlttee tomorror vaterwav 2518 jjgti berlln vler framewonk pil obstruction guqar aeni UN deattr smmon ffiissfin prodqcl bneach IIIE ront stoak deliverie qomrqnil ffijounijtre viable ngr sfeventlon eltj eee cowt ugtcheg dffi pear vity gmmunitv IMARY eenelux eunaro collieriesi conmunitie establlahmcnt tlrlr eecet SUPPLEUENT arief figrrre eature ecsc uittr 2415 doc lncriasc productcur i5i rll topucnt crpde sa'lurdav SUPPLEME ente increasc bulle itico 191 bnoglle kennerly hgg tftrdc 65th ganese LHTTN MAMEE membershlf exanrining fest PARTIAMEI eullatolrl position EIX KRB associa ugi glept lfrance mallfytng'thfesholrl rrlritten cad vlenna ilo committle alseri EFIA qiqe coortllnatlon hoccoal financing table oommittee rullnga cancerratton leadlng IIS ruling polloy ilding 9ca1e SUPPLEMEMT ggtlpcil aoproxllnatton erial eroauctg 3895t bal germn tqal reyln bel brussele COBECHAR biltlsh t10 broslo ifpgr bockr nultlnationalisn lhmlahu oplcq parlramel 'iclavrr 3923 cij deatlt polltlcal tsunope etl ECSIC germin denounced authorlsation stuily tranpport rnc euc or vredelino' imrlort rnen 'to 1485 ngpgr cmcnt iriternatlongl logical balancesheet hlttlng agrlcultrre schau YS itillc mlr tary eurochemic cttebllshncnt research estobl ffirnrrnoc conmrurfity lrurembourg survey 12th 1562 belsian droiect iqriculture application vote 1486 IEF repiy DATLV irtschaftsrlng arraneernefi ila 'problem coer 'eoufment icy aeterffiav timburg g7i7 rrol rt svid oppoeitlon assistanee shut 'rry atght onch technoil earn petltlon irlritter pnoposed DAILY'' obltqctlon haulase haae ECONOMIC ociatignj NO taske oregk bruetln toconsiderr amenlca reorganisatlon gaslrut 0eit'r btardard francalse priqget oonsten mer8er eating daolrlonro iillul memberehlp' reductlon lcout conferenco itie imperullng EIJROPE SIIPPLEMENTI hruetln eurape ecoflqln european monetarlr po1lsh telingr etrta rrblloatlon urcrao manch dne rnmment sgtjnqlli potash'agreement BUTLETTNS' ycatr lcvcl consumersr reser tjinemakinq eergmar septemtre AIII aosta oommrrnltv comhuniite fmj 21u hwlorr ution cornnission miniftcri UV66 guppl outpul petrol llrrlt agriculturur hrthill joirit ffin obltgatton ckrt tradez efiei COCCEE preeldent fonmal fatfoe ullqg conslderedl huedq delegatian assembly estate fnfrastructu esl reorganisatinn gittfe supplv suhrltted suedish 2525 dcnad levies HIROPE subnitted democrot uroll consume rowd fdt 0YI btief planning altgnment dta orocranme wehenke nccatsqry 9th interpe 563 associqtion aqfll declsion uonierg efm rafronoc lice nenorandum llilsort' rounl terrltoire BULLETTNS aor dlsqu absence IUTO thir4 rlrcrt alttay poilcy odhesion uenxer bnlef arienloan advisory s't comoosite 1zr4 mann quegtion stte cornntttee qtructurei recommended quq coelltlon volume gennanv jlijgiqultie ar vistt tttgh rcer ttdy lrtafka lemon 1oq6 ulrl prcsldent oheege puuficitioir soanish key rrxembourg fiidm tabllng fiomj qraln ourdanocrsectlon pared rlrt agreemeot rorrdi NAT outturn eont icvineec ainerican frange opcratlon 'hedtt ltrter seale irtttce politicalof die llr'lr surmar communltl6 ruie becoming lccanuct IIITERPENETRATIOII ts64' dlsaussed lttee liration a11ied ltce4ce owqrd orraine lntetalt salo fntsrenti elrropean r'oduce 3918 tturc gncr counclln harrnonisatton questloa sclentlflo commissionproposalsfor'i mandarine rounfl lly 2446 thtrd bond card lcthh christtanof fducatlon BE9 maisiare politlcal tomorrowr integratlon lofoffuwvw ttntlnc berkhouner' genelra1 flunoqp iin svi yrit ncrlr natlrral lirr iteliq heely qay tfre staple rlio sveet crlsl conclttgion reftrnd eeclsluite bullef clparvlerya afi moort commtssion oalla 36692 rolled inccly cornrqunity truclear m'unfeg schruder nerjoti cxl plasma ope cot4mcn prospcct fie tjfn 2253 lssue lergy INSEE et€nr jotnt RPEEETRATI pcrccntogc counlrte mtd cormdnt arrrlcultrre coencil eoanoil dnltlll evo1ut1onofbe1glan lptemeji intervlalir E98C 167br pollcl ieerha cotmrunity brttaln ratiflc illca coup certatn exclude wfrintng troac teno comqg nur4erult grru iopiicable schaffner flnffry aeroolan€t failure nej EMENT blueprlnt assenbj rltative FPP UPI'L MRKEI 'bt4fgt expected monooolv ttnesn subsldlgri mqllum 14th ltration dranenaeenent natcrlal tuation yesterday bropose4 lrest vehicl llotu doul brltlsh pi4 comrnissiot spenlarv adooted irdla adaqlgeiog tmrnunly tog esa ou prengh appflcatton t1o IBBD resigln otperlcnoc timetoble' planta eeorromic lli suppll€ btutttell ruu urri govegtment brlblsh ttgo 2r3o many encouragenent speotflo UI fraoenork chequer europtslsohen rbuc progre cqrilnlty nattonql obj rntry mrtrker' orange ghould fnterpenetr effeot natinnal amerlca pakistani rncry eyillz slpirra doutschland rrnent fofl fonesify lngtltutlofre schgme furtcrest collmon planned qion actl nunntom edulfprice lbwe nunopn corrtltlon authorlt unprocessed geman U8 wlne dt' agatn tze ncy arendt sijt S31 lnd c0l ung 4orrday bergmannt drb dttd fri bybelslum' o1l qneqg''l' falm 4lrrrust trly san governmcnt summare decernber iion flojr nggolrllccgrfodd cmparisonofboelandprovidcnceprlccevlth s8o seporc lredlnqq UP eonslsnmenta representative rcport german euro l'ir indlvidual cornmisiion polltlc ioois ttre eecasrael poned dccision ffiadtailont reeeive colendor tlc wri germalll subsldy commlssion oonnunltv wil1 rttlssl possibility ifu t'tr uarty forxl ECON0 ennedy offclcn stablllsatlon pcttlnl BL 113 favourablc obllqstlorr'to irm symposium luglllql nttror aumon securiw flrrn lnlerpenetrotlgn oneration rlrry 1q66 coot'dlnate semt mosotr ngroa suppliee 507 communitiest oueqqtion reservation lforld sctrssed guppeal lnl ie llsnlte cmd prorogation lotncco 4uroe reuropaer vtsedel probrefisr 9lcu lto nry hil soclaltst limbrrrq nanqe bqllta gguncil ptto arrangemente andior fel comnleelonr outlving 8EC roqnd lifr mlon glif ook brrlgsel chievre fnom L3 iar eueattqr ftrrrrql connuulty trllnletcr previou cogmullty suggested TIE publicatiqpe mr'lhrvelln mlilton vir diosgenine teqgl ltrno ebropet adoptton nqw rotlon COMMSN interpar11amgrta4r klnd dismisse flin govcmncnt financl et'd'ocpanslon afaer rcturn exdort qo'r etrope reglon UI6 cohlot 2559 berkhowenrg lyn scrop prelininary chancel gdpman rlowrr plttg mttgslon lleat fohrmann cornrnlsslon SUPPTETVIEI collective mlnesr CUIC arrangetnent wgqkqrsr concerhg schmttcker thgrnral rirt cost dlscusged PARIIAUPIITS agrigel preservatlcro lhoec publie6tion II9AUE traile eiiliffilo withdraw brussei politicql ferleral agjricultural lhlrd aqrieulture fueely dcr ggugn ncgotl MI tnftlngpmnt statemerlt notlfled 498 postpone lerner glv ilderallsatt bcg rrato europg mcrfe lntcrrert fonrmunlty conmentt E9 2450r ioint ffiffie LCS 'ffii condltion 414 gelgiatr icate obllgrtlon ltroerder p'3rfu MARKET group motion vnltten thirit consemption BRIEF ine OECD ftol concent payment develoglent nlnor radio cal1 aihesion forgotten threshnl IIATO oevuloqrg 1lc 469 cstend commetrt oandldate uork HARTET tseatment oaloulatlm ladrld ancl respective flnanotal f6ffi 397' tllird comm ffitattr 543 orofession CGT conlnq 49O great chrlstian sclap ifg salqq 1xhn'x cu1tural than rrqg solut just llev HKET fam eecactivity assenbly applfcailon 26t vrcdeun8 cohl regulatiolr MENIS vear beolt prqluctlon fr5 correctiori tariffstf 1t62 NOTRE ueck1v eentre 6fi EEC' zero trofk fiocly eurorrc eguallaation flom seu uachlaert manufacture addttlonal tllo sjr prjce sacial sqsflonr commlaslqr i8hti gounctl pntce strengt'lren ehorter pm93 ropbr cmnlsslan effiiaffi grunitzkyanttmr borinage chanse ET4URATO preferential ecscassociation 1jf strueture tijl labour borura altqnncnt lmlnary warsav da' ritten pfllmlln conmrunlty nterle corment 1C9 unlon parliamentatv actlut dr7 tejpletat rgsruitinq developnrent brltair ryisu italtam vi natur4l uportrestrictlon horisinq il'r sellinq agreemeqt corrrse ilu summorv repolt poultry ninsen unat ficatiohr pedrnl iennedy e6eta1 putting visltlng protect iegdav eeoresentative ilev threc rura citi liathorst suf IJL outlook belgtum gegg1g3l instrument perty thoma pompidou spatn confercnce RKE nerl fmported GNP B4 fqllg cblloguy assombly netherlard eulnopean e6ornta evaluation menbrandunr 9ommunitl iefcal munftv aceordtng promote lnfrastrugigre economiet ffiatotn scopc gchaetzel ffiredwlth126 ECI cooled doordlnatlon 2347 activitv cohtloti courcil 255T wtthogt eliminatlon rnaveau min satc tmely fllere gernaryl 11r farrneri viev ffiaf conclusion cmntrnltv consuftattve vrede lileu tgchnicsl 407 cel proceediirg iabow igqe clgqgre partnershlp IICIN lql thlri 785r lgpte diplornatic trle 2489 cutting improvemcnt 2509 ending tennedy ffufu reveri bry sbftar ameriean tll' essnonic ljoluti tenen uatertray 1ioil gfaded voice frpefy ICFIU concentratio dlttrich' belsgn countervalllng erd fnc appol 16o gaullcr vortlno ardenne 749 leaning reli changed econornic UARKET gopp rber atlaltlc tom eurorrean fteely poeql h18h planninq snall mavrto ettrlpla ehqrllsregulatlon pgli constructl gier brllctin denjal TUC reject sja rtjp aasu eiic brllettn leirrn EUROE buropean ulta furope peech iteel guj bctrcan nonth egeltlor cmhott dxtraorrltnary tender parll j16y l'lr dortmurd mritv franc 24gg qe11t1t rruq rcpalr uarfei seeond coomlsstm brffisgt sought 2554 uanrnr SI runarnil economi talian external RATI0N vdbz material ofije coinmittee 'rkey stmfn erape POLITICAT partlcular neet CET tiummarv msrch obllocflon elux pqrt obllgcilon speciil oqg ertnaqrdlnaqf lg66 prodrrction sabatlnt jlqlratton igrure gtuale dty diffleultie 3722 atlantlc reguest voji comrrrrtltv comnd'gslonr PEQ eecrlnigerta internatlonal BURAT0I' 473 enthusiastlc ljlmetable 2572 abollsh seienti bcttrcen lltol information crehf contmnt grard henrte commentl thtb strdle 3723 tr dtcoutlvee rescion councl mav sutmarlne ctln 'IIN LISS statemeat EUIOPE crosslng co4qittee reactorsl euj lttce EURATO srtr soup derestriction mechanisation again htjsch signetl comnlssion nerger vetrt arnount nuolear butrettn uyl'l licatiqn rort lfl lntermqllate lullingr tentr vegetablc lew gal suu 3706 WEI concerng schaetzel II4 rnl cclll israg prgject commj ffiofficeofitsmember rke taff EIIROPE mmllon ggig aesociat'ion COUION itroso lst qopqrf 78or ryhi uo membe agrfcullu necessi bourguiba fiyg lierie incvltable stb'et sl9 deyelopment feh programm outlaok 2411r sumrnary dollttoel chai prllea EUN adoptlon cgr irora obllqotton content'' loil bergmann benclur efb teel'r sstardard udu EUROPEAI'I WTAD inding eolitical producing forwarded suspen rcactlon iublicatione neq reappointment 447 builetjln approache comnosite ednesctav fo9 auesfion objectivea' europeau represen into weekly making frarrcer e'urofxla judge forecastq flndl west chlna decearber wlttrogt litovember fishing orqgogulmmenj llel8lan flgure agrlculture pjtrr prlee peneuropean illcel buslnessmen redeveloprnent brltlah tnershi tqtl tal cmnunitv BILIETIN probably 144 tltl c6'r stewart afternath pnopoaal rtrhr NATO sif 3696 transdort igr roenetratlon approdmatlon experull conmntst gtaternant asqocia ober declalqr high' flat vay OTES 1t1u agenole austrlar expr foranl edet 5tt nunetom pollticgl l'ttr b61g1um ertajn ogl dlrdustrt maitkr flougue 3719 COIIIOL nge intergq UROPE 6iiei birlref 392r coaj lqpfg AO iiittsipenetration btil ffiqr1ties1n monne tmeogtea conml rard cnrichcd 1499 gnce 400 pen uolrlcrr decided introduction whorr bog commlsslot furnlshed rvr SUPPTEMEI hoo 3594 rr4 deoldeil egian received lga D3J ptraae last dgtle nmn tr4n rejleveloonent firr sidr hi stlotl truction 24f toulrd SUIIIIARY fcienttfic pafli cgmnrission works' evjopj tyg qlon ffidoverof1ettersofcredenceoflieadsof forelgn nafionil EFXA lllcker lcl'r''a' iica fate liberalisation ta1ksbet lat lg sorutlon jloo LAFTA I13 mhrch company ooni lribour progre88 unification 2337 ffi' phlet taxea fompqt p31a l1rla JFC ineat suly COUNTRIES hly agitatioo gerinaav berkhouwerf b€come ftrture abolltion summanv znd irlu property commejtt ryr l6qq newqrrlint schedule applied erherd commisgion cista ggc rtaliaa'steel ohtef redundant'italian ishme monetarv fisn lnterert riiftdh imol obiective non dehorr rrreattonl against vredeltng joining meetingr belqiail frelta priec gbverntrcnt do' 3erm ci1pi 9rnunary washineton addittonal productsor191natrngl dtied ngsd society ccoloqr rnctl c€rea1 'tcchnlcal worken soneern 1465 oandalsn daf differentiated whora eurofe offera qe' mny fgdgml rbply conmunltlee likely seseton NAIO omffiiffitilc 176tlt structur rocmerra AY rlecision rrga aft gehman nterno str lgglon aprll ulnret ig3 icat orlj poer SOCEMAS dilr0 arurcx wrfiicn steady oml BY 6't settled cot'tmot statoment poh compensation 38661 belglrm suppf enterprise oix PB 442 rtrdatc IROPEII scal eg59 tntegrated tlat pfgebtlf€o' E40 com pglitical venezuela iaeuea 168O tzerl auttrcjnlty prepafiil EU lhumber f545 NEUROPE PARTIAMEIITS IV corrtinent'r stntke blumenthal rluly commlsston ieji ronk rguqsrf 2a7qr manxst hoosoven lnccty ffiieef lrnerlt ant tecl controct EDSC mnderni rjl l'nench ffidtad menbcr letterb aunll chemieal cewrtxr POTITICAI throush why product cnuncil olen oermany technological' debegture communiti€ icn consider sigg crcrjenee ommune RIELISTES hreu enu gtcaesu BEC rnsultntlve referrinq DAITY prtce ang USBR CIS economiejgllg brltishsteelindu o11ve polltbal btussel studie ountry 1b0 comnrunltle battaglia rptotion vegetabre ttroae coltt netween luxcmbourg iouiroll american eummarv lilter'ld oplnion 1928 denetration febi' tionsformorch23eessionofa rrhoceedlngp aqencle econoqtc alain alrlengmglt atrd conunlsglon gelmanv uslnor scrrpe bnrseel lattket snu MUON oommlselon soundtng 81dollar rional clranse DECLARATTON belsiu fot rlea UARTET tiie cfiina ril drcrt tunlslan principle mecleci reiatr adopteil' qucstian runs gtt boeynant ntlnat0m 10th geoonl hini dhop6 gouncil statlr thoac frrternational 9ptobediscussed 9ublication 23922 co0vtot't ectatlon request corferences formation blalsser consumpt supranatlonal jrtlerpengf februarj M6N baden meetin8 furtherdetai1sofdraftbattag1ia sltustlon merloan coking policf oommunity agcrda reb euthorisecl ueck itroogoven resolut'i irrangenent ccrmmunlty cclltmot launch fietrly cnerenr geacnal crisie overnmental lrnpor inerv europeen glll9 guna relatlv tqrrltof presldcnt 'rozen rre rerte areek POIITICAL bejl9gn pismeat iedrenbotr aqriculturet tnorcascd ote iead washington redtl ttsg documentati chlef nise srnall sugal sof swit eondinatton nunatom mutton embe beprcscntativc cot aopler sesslon e'fd7iffia afrtcan interpenetratlog betweerr office eury deoielor oomtnice veract SUPFTE extensior potential mectlng resunptlon euq'opean tilson rtaly paokr ctatement prograftfil€ tatd consul EI'RATC trr'o ggq scran ftgure payjn notiel ls5 questlo conment lnformation tff ld efg brpggelp establishing eltedn ftalian 1524 kr obllqqtlon interpenetratlon competltlve igeria shipbrrilding politica1 €hitcb 2403 saterday justlce'' J0INI coneentrati been1argerl ncerlure farmersr varden E9ONPMIC amalgamatlon buti inqui avi COI4MOI cqmlaslqr SUMMARY cie neasutes fixation unn jndustrlsg tr6o ce corneia ir' early 0clc commiesion lux earl ecnt ers ruretom novement trade btrrmmru fob iltlcal amended austrio assistang oottqr sxoor polttl meetln air sid tnr 118 ECONOUI consignmeni cottutlsslgt aorlcultural counctlr P3 finsider lumbybritishassociationofchamber oj't eclm urhel 194 cxtraordinary poficy olauac berenced exonrt xmffr pelfflef febrtary oreca 2395 ancr flroqe offtcer reas0n cormlttee supplcrneat ltalyfelglumrlr rrrn hlrngarian effiosvnaic seed illesal dlsoussl ltten thoso rntrte unchangd viewpnint LG speqial pglce uraiom SUMMTRV 4rtdfv lron llaushterhouse bta tlrltten EEO 8ig11 ein yba 548 asrlcultural prograrmne oommunlty ffiorecasr rejectioa poal trv llp schurnan rnlfy lq86 rhine yurfqt paot rie sttbd 2117 eom'neni egso orv companv eystem' establishrnent POTITICAL runamll dlreot irrxembourg 2nd 364 legislatlon 3931 oetabei cornpenration sndl ci1ni10i1 ttrtr ftpblle catl amgunt iqjf reen 2478 RAT0UI ffiffirh comtlttee miljtarnt irrnrorlqd 460 llmited profession betng €coflomf frogramme publloatlon nrpry chang ttcctlng iil nlijrn commor eieifti frdn 1LO appolntncnt deccmber ilffi tnteptt tumover nedium EIJROPEI praottaal problcm nent 3911 r'elropt surnmary yelopment fii palicy zjql silii 4t' 100 ttoso vef teurope blrlr their agnloultural prlce potlcy urkish lncone rmstatrlkartell srredcn gff sussex discugsion angn ffisav francolsovlet dlscusion buf otlrmotl inevltatrle industrv minen econornlc manilate edsgy cert'ralbelgianmilkcommission' lmr fishery dipnenyl breart far turg eminence RUPE'I hclfcr tleekly bli trilson vedovato ndb ffimaqhine jtlly lrltv vlth but ffie authorltie lntoart deelaratlon 557 advocated exportn iia eecttigerla meetirrg ctl6d f8qrn agreement sfee rna1 ooyp ougrde ratee cct netrlrerllatd rourd stotement trrcome forecaateforfirstquarterotl967 bralletln migrant ncr nlnth mqasure letln BUTLETIN t0onrrwrlty il11 L65 tqd ntrnr disctrsr nreellng lriedenannr 4ll0' gwru4ls fai' lndurtry d'rteg receive drrrisel tlatlojt sle IJ7' rlelnl fund hgusgho jlrdustell'of cogrqgln ffiqroh malntenance an3 unlikely 9e xennertv thod 352 shect oefe connunlqud jur SUPPLBI markct lapolt amserdam EIOSF po' coorlllnatl rergyr yjry itconsultative saief orive luxen goverrrnent loi 500 sir statest gufenan obllqatlon miniaterer 9ok germa4 t1'jeflrent ffirrn oplnlon airln lllmet bovlne omic uatrer L9 tictgrcr destinations' alnerlan richart eonferenee producti rejection marigf 1ncapltal centrale ofttalffi'economy cance1atlon lnextrleably qfor conunission ommgn findlng getman IEIA laia ult foreseen 2459 sumamv tqf arlljet priority made dcvcloplng et'k milltory belqian eount arranl3ement saag'palatlnate pgvlnq rcgunc pri weu lnteregt gonseouence 55th ged egegtorn EE9 posed commls comuo unlt supplaletff deadrock rocaetr mir pgppg scientlfic SIJPPLEI f'5ttr lgn SUMI bulghrla councit tiol4 wedneg4qv current 14611 geffi oot comf kre tlsson' 'ARI hugr slt nuneto roundt t'o conmutitv niner 'ftatovt TD voted computatlon lufo ploc ahange for' illdtrstry cnmmljr grain fentfflc OED fun opeulag eriu ooneldcrd outstde prodtrce frontier rwler parte oountnteg hourc heath pmposal zrf ntativg cofiont gmang ri ior RAT04 EDF ccoutlva a'rru floated stsel commutl rof S4 communitie lpsl bnltlsh funther teg impac rrgoormtnndrttan crisd russlan loefica1 for'sat0 politicat rooolan baron erh nrofc neport ooverqment uijiii geefm4er lmportant tttlf J816 oij friqgv uanxrr qu€stion sumllirl airline ecscbu rraur 2490 gnmmny iffily closed jottr a7i conftrence bridge iftd conblnatlon haffsteln n€il at' SUPPLEIT reaction emop MTO agrleultut WEEX pouclm 4gt ftnlshtng ist provlslonal'btdget olive reason nse flnancing ffinomic rpeq atlantlo plevenr courrtrie rnsy tr' 3887r 1r'rt dcscrlbc movemsnt gefgian rneasufeg 8llr eatly approve problenre 're production l'lndustrle sllj eutope AASM fcr qqsm'a censure lbl electinn jql adut prcl PP gradual marclt' feq impnrt assist m111 ctted' nfit tign nether berkhouwer uqecl thright ffifta dlsc maeeq agreemen DAME f8o protectlor eountriee rltt€lr terpenetration prrxlueif radloal beneflt ftqn 3778 use tlallsteln transocean 4t1oq ament LQL 4conomic theme bgqpesrl buslnes 518 rty cqnmunitv iign airle EOIO executl've lrritten 384 1o66 sqf lnterect po5 maker policle rullng temperature thild missslon oduet qfeege necommerdatlon 94v artiele notizarloi anrended AIIITE uithdrau rrittea nuropean tton assoclatloa lpf aocesbl0n studis conference p2b l'lic BIB 'special ench cmment obllgatton ldommunt fat'rn 2422 arist natter og qood pqbope kapteynr anniversary oorl b€nolux safe zraq BULTETII contintring 109th fruqq australla vrcdcllng'l raustntan proores CI mggc gplug conurieeion lnstalnent burrpcen egle 6q6nemic mirket' e'tatlon notion econotntc hetzgenon fbance onlreduq 577 cactabe mean clou treoty sbaff thobe todavt transfr naker posstble POLIT puu nonlnatlqr lntarregt SUPPLEI hothouae fllal 1120 nejntson establlshnrent tlumnary 3904 'ope agreernent britlgh explooive vrcdcrln ffiat criterla oubllcatlon enc lennedy commlgslon rclicf ncc0lng 'JM amerikan medium jqffel agrloultrral nrigrant jury arf mankei therrnal ncct plaitic ube bale wednesdav trith rmmunitv tfuegpert PPI fayigq cowrtrie worl4commo aecepted polrrrcal imrrort lenz 134 trseatraneilffio1senreportlocouncii lferlklv laan sumuny rssociatic TEEITY leport sfect 1ed otfi0 react IAEA macchlorlatl icallon bror'm trilo llurope jorltt lltlnich rul L71 countervailing lrj SNCB sleel lqx frccly lngled cmlsslon thin 185 asrlculture tunny eurone gvryllc8l potitrcat eualei repre brtttsh gerqen enroocan 127 acreage aselst brug niiq ffiurrr gensra frice suj gnnotei moderrrlsatlon couatrlc AFOB eourcll rmssa interflatlonal mi111on rdf apprrnch kennetlv erochemio peiltnl 1oll unior 'il8 olt oauct finalise reduce nnice f'rom januarry ecoaonlc belg studied nconomic fanrlne anfiex 7796t ffiv uav crrmmunityr comsumed cul ivi pra EPE opar sgpeiib scnatd MARXET 'lritten TEBT pclttan sterling oostal trotr rmo q6e counol1 traty dtsneral glggllpjglculture dli qticq eonslder fmo tlation ccmlt L95 eurooe problen ltlar P'3 polftlaal check c0mm0n rvtthout u1let publishcd l'linister poc 569 monopolv lqlgqpenetlsllgg connitteeexpert ltllnlatctp bigfqel r6gion 1L2 faced rlder 246 prlgqf trrrst hrbllcatlon iitorr eilrat0li bavarian itlonday 536 afternoon neelinq ianish produgt conmunltv STJI epnt tomorrou meeting setback esrfuol JOIIT corunon IARKET amount declrratiol pt'oblem submttte mrgcd lrtth wqet pariirmentary thrlrsday vari 3707 fnclla epqli ffia oet importq tqr speciol ali drtve' obltgotlon 1197 unlonlst lfil lbclmologlgal rrcqetable tlj tgfan rrror flaq uaftout producta mondat subsldle trrork uenrsq llel obllgcrtlon loquy iruxembourg interpenetnatlon rebate rker ng's countrte eltopean bulwark 2414r iennedv modlfy legality rncy comparerl cot' smetq tmcly qrnt pharmaceut hoogoven standardisation inland connunity harrlaee gotrcrnnent namur P0LI iir ga3 fnontter eurosvndicate ftt BP tmot ossociotion lnltlal rht algg tecllnical resulting 349 pr1me ffiai ll5l ltlofo urlted ttcel ncsearch colvll conqres julv mnnrgy'sunatom dealer winnlne exdortg reconnendatlon protection' torclo horse gcrtnany abatemert itiity rorrnrl slrpp AUGIIST countrlesr eet earrli tjslpengtiat diffencnoe dit poreigr moro fpl hell probl pfpcg clefici cigorette agfrngementa bazza ohalr lqg4 sl1p tarret publicatlon cri omended ifrr blrtri llanoe orid ffilftr TEU PUTURE oonsultatlon turkey hnltterr'queitlm exanination seminar col'tmon problcmsurrdercons1derat1on lte' 96q neg line 5lfififfi asglstanoe 108 cancroon irladiltion institutiong exenption oi1 EUNATCI'I honday olurge stesl aangpo consultatfve eqi cout poultrvneat olsg eptafturopean chcnical eiiilan pederal wai detail icv tnteprt kllnkert lhtfn iladtr olttical SUTIITARY 1'9 IIEC ilpe dlty ralver rnity seselon ea1 coonc gtatenent roi1ed ierclan assistencc posltton conrpnt menorandun butldlng enate fyench tock sinter gel mry egql eurttpei authorlty onrllrr 373O dlfficultie chancellor ptofessol flzz nunlt0m rhilq trrtoultural necting lll erinaroi print alropean ecoif0mic lncncase o1'justlce mlnlsterlal CCI lng code ft'scty llorr period substance rennes' claim subnisslon urnber old coffiian ttn susnensi oove rassoclatlon njf oeattr adtsg flrusfle lnrsr lst€m que'etlon sc6pe utee BRI llrd aqtj brackct merggr rhlch punopn EUROPEA oqer trosc tornorrov requeat proceaelng lnig econmlo detall ese uree pregent aegoolatlon oslte tqxetle tu11et anent procecure trerrd dlrcusion ltrxembourg unio rrl rrport stom sgerman 2468 bail levei nagne bctwcen support comrnent troao 79or statlstlce LEHENT JIN beclcreece coalmirinq reoelved ratlfieg ymmarv dewlopnent bu1leti concurred car comrnentt brlletln ardedtoc uppij'meiii'f bari gryl seotor g1ggg9 agriculture soola1 irreutarce ston iple adheslon xosygin' lth conmunitv harnonisation rration norl oermair consunrp agree commltteer aontraet flsaal lla1ilstein ffpmbe ilcense interpenetqation egrnr connisslor pgllcv proporal rse lnerncr 0roac lmon euroqp ato mmillionl frozen lt2 FF0 atregional droduet corrncll ebanon ljttr D4I tejp wedeltng eall rrortglnal 315 drice cornmlty soclgl reag 0gneral gtlar eltablishnrent wl11 dlscussston commleslonc ffiiry interpenetratio4 acnt iligh businessmen xgonomic s1x lliggrla rste segsion develonnent CCMMON IFCTI epgrr nrcal runntc lleurope 'lilcctlttg mlsslmtpregenta lntegfnelrotigl FD tted conrmlttee capital plenaqp kennedvrgundt collieri'e polltl3ohe membcr ploegr neoessary homogeneity steel r€volutioh agrlcultgral liorl resolutlon eurosvndicr rng relative agregm contract t966 smarl dlrector bel8tan problemst feparatlon beg EUROPEIT induatrv lqlin slze goalflsh bnittsh senatet ngrg negotiatinn obltqutton facely rnic rlollar lntolert cgme comrni ilend dessent rnmefit steqj apeo181 ankara 3870 TIOAL trosygln rrrtu tile iieurope'i betseen lntemt rneasuresto eqe11alltc bulli 3q34 itlg courclt aspoct frnely rconslderatlon gduon crcxl yrltten compptition preparatoty 'scorments9nita condltlon SWPLEML luxembo sgientific stabillsinc g9gg nuetear natsht spanish eun 1613 pig fli scrro traordinarlr opposeal equa1 sfli arrival yesterdayt prorogatlon dele' dtcd smli butter' proeessing tonorrour sti11 posolble em'ent beltlan kriedemonn BITLIJTIN conrnlssion commu establi producer claimfordanagesagalnsteeccommisglon 4ola€so ei'rafi 'lt grn tntcntlona KET conccrned nrrmber according orterde cowe cgo ell EUNOPEII tuo trwage changc lectslon betvcen channer joint ettn ttresday lrrtrr europer rrlo NAT0 obltqdtton promotion EURATOH itz SUPPT schmtlcler sfeel ltam6nagenent assernbly urope nuffintrqt ini zijlstra L14 qrsvu forr stattlon srnorc ruthorisation ratom neu arrangerelt 'liouiditv obugotton farn w'r adootert cxemptton iarnentary today' eqrylli inancial eurai0y 2ra2i trad acces pec speciflc authorisetioo tturn 1480 brrf llember orgilffii conmurlty nearlng cage la6 prnblem iiot srtrge meal date arch egi aiuatc cpm4u opening autumn srlay inpact aboltshed levj lletherlanrl bulldtng ffittve i'lr comrlttee cfiryrunflyrysry ocg moment supplementnry ttato polltlca1 braeket €tnanocr soeial month P9LI lennanfr lcattong relt commttt foruafd NOTES commrrnlti itallan irnplementlng resisnation ON 4rd TIEEK batter ffi'svisittot tic narr slpei slbsidie 3693 trrld stand frerrto dlrncnston instltute orgaalsatloa eontact expor't lntalact coturcll 3olltlcal conunrnttte commurrj oad gtand enerey qeneie abolition lor ijy ECE llisunderstandlng exoort etslc mendf fullon wiil extcnston quotgd franee montevideo t't crisi budgetary heat criticise cantelrllf italian eei cbpa internattonale btr11qt1n benefit pledge executlon icett JC 488 rrni mcy cember cguve dropean brnardf eut'opean tetl rrratrfi visit lpprl atlon slbtllty IIITERPEIIETRATIOII edlton case bulp surf€y daiijh trooical bnitain arreement ecnnomlc foreeast prtees' AG ftoq lstuny eupply tqbb flxing ntry iutrl iist rlohtt't modtflcatlon pavment rcpnoeantetivcp iffiatta outeome slnale envloagetl ijr gxport publleatton 120 trqde wlthln modernisation lhv runald 4qb cooaon diacuseion tolabour 2442 wholesalensrcentre lnanc lmro reelictert eiffil ecscbulletln lgterpenetratlon europcran ecqromlc tgffiffi mondpv 399 conrmltte 'TRAIOH questtoh tuyuceconamiccommiss1onforhrropesteei 436 nofn ftur thoer nats trcatyrand eg€ egonopic esp lrworld lroblensrstatement uelqwrnfadoptlon 1961 conmon sje NTERPBNBTRATTON comnr pjpej extra bru reneual cornmlttee 161 n66rir apotication cone eavment vredel' faqm ting pneparation iistrefie oermeny lqqb FTA prd bullcttn 4gq rai lound plutoniun lliqrig reneral operation ffiin ffiiffii iirierview exccutivoc rcd ldr corccrnlng cmnlgnt' committe corumlsston officlal traae eradication oreece dlrcctor si6 ster'llne proporcl lncreaee coonllnatlqt ptiroy proenamme cornron wtne oouncl1 'ivfuk dlsaster eurosynclicate ei polrlcy coooe diplomatic BII tdvi qno monetary'problenr ead EIOO lin prodrrctri lslrj4on EAGOF terl repnrt IIE lntetpst i'affitleffed sudply fonecast budqet servia annlsuritten cornrnrrnity rrest juropean be1gian COHUON cclllol dllltov icultural vine transmlsslon itojt ussel berkhouwerra oltcd SUPPTBMENT EURAT0M iileef soqi bultetu aflaaelr'lihnn manket ffitiss1antroopstngerrmny leglslatlve guqstlon rttfu TELEX satunlay ollvelra progresa i'lo goqft contracting ptpell e4tior lndustnv durope ation writterl rture progra qu6 jotffr hlation rc'porl nuclear 3850 rrchicle er sutruey stalrt reek ETINS chemical aetir 960 'IRATOM ulf ccrltnon uttnato pe9 conponlo opposition counoll' stntue couumrnitie actton eitratom excmptlqra SUPPLEMINT tariffand offerg affif aga metho 1lst juetlce outputatrecordlevel gueotlor withort mot nate become cqrsultatlve ecscbulletin conpetltiyenes withdrarlal trjqr repti eurg deringer' phur lire scrapcompensatlon J9 25O deve ca11e ollowsncg 2106 fresih presentation gentati EDC ixsa forthcomlng letter assemblv consideration irefqtlatlgnf 377ot februarv gctman ovoalbumlne pjlij 3920 appended urtgrout 511 qal jiltuetr bloc commission nlurv sal soatn assistance aporoxlmatlon 3765 hallstein' europc ffieot hix levy trraffi pricesl lgencv LE P8 chose coirposite democrat lnveatncnt lvlex shi ponptdoru record might cmnlsrlon' neply decenber communitw outi1 sros lery rtel l8l rigrm groductlot nuatlon cormon iii'd' itrllan meaguresr feel querle holstein 2512 1F6 IENTS rqti assoelatlon tiorr qmjn 355 553 commentory iilt esearch 0e1e' olignment l€vi cmmtttee D4 srrlt llrerla inltlal neetlng' bnrsgel argentlna 195 llahnr prograrnme aqreement concession moderate leitfaden lgffi utrai uljlj matertal ilal develrooment fnter TUEE scheme ARIET r1o56 glve week' bound leg rgriculture alrrmlnum rrxosrammei repry annelg BIIL hacontribution rence gu exhibi bryrgel laott work coordlnatc ptnor hurgle irlay corirmunity utrltspeterto lnougunotion tirnetable 'rorkln5 llitterrand roduct poltolrl farflt conrnittee exploin mondgp ian SAMMARY suffici fre eitlqgqlb laclullog MAR el4ation htstr pnrportlon SUMIARY arrt ambassador pro three meetifid nnr me••tinq parllanentl oopegali april coordinate asspctatt 3867 week1y activitie lerl rtro bv'i examlnatlon prtoc coall ily euratom itttrou commu'l complaint parl steelmaking SOMIAIRIT uon oornmi e1onofnegottatlone elp shnulcl 3814 alignnent rncern conrmunity IET africa ito tbl TOM io6r lndustnle tjullebln counell gr eogncl oup iilri sull obllqdlon 2171 LS manpover comnron annoutrcenent generql consult ptgfltlgg atgeria la63 P0LITICAL intfrpenetrallpn oocument licr MM pp6test vehlcle ccnimlttee umfan 339 lrerl full utll suppffimei BUI 1297 finished onkef coalmine pcition nposigm toua ffefpa mlll1on duquesne assoclation gennany hrosvndicat 1956 courrc11resotution meetln8e 2778 hrrlt doubt lrxembourg cornputing coinmunttle 9ector ontsln nonlnatlon oranqr cominrnttxe tmd SII municipal krlin MARKETAURATOM uniflcatlon startup 2r78 brlletin annoc one drqft ish marbershlp unlvoctty ansurer elrylea economtc pogrmm' brugsel 3847 jug 547 rndiatt coqrt indutch lian iament fechnt covenment riy GATT hlsh crisea neuscheduledpricp speech hrrop lnlster regrulation gmup colnpleted j'eeway writeen cgl europaischen cassatlon' eurodeayr bgi anted acti'ritie savlngr betveen wlthin efiitouncil d'aide dar llst wnltten xrlstensen eimetabre eoo flanco datrff srxnmary prorluetian buttcr meetinrr sltual eqlra4g5 ange advlsory deolslon eunatq' lbryl adoptiono sarap introductlon lndustny chan 164 tnfluenoe ical davin develol problm ituation comrnissi'on fftdal cycllcal lfthnrrr dlffloqltte 8llg rangement qfiortdteu eei'ooe proposea ntre'r tgn cmriegionfe opcning DLY affit ga 3752 WEEKLY drnish departnen skin kattng ndu gleece israeli vrn ecollomic ir511 mmmoll btcerpt wlli increqse preoccupation snq ilrlfr rlrltten rriculture ffi ccdtuoll i1son regrulatlon EAGQF tcn efection publieationg AASIM si ebhor4 very nound lticr qucstion cument chamber'and stnrcture rlc galze tibritish aplva lrd EILT gaul1e tfry holldavr ankef trartlolc reseanch problem qnpmlc arkct gredee jornt tdy UNIR 'urther nteetlng 0atir frerrch compereellgll 'etiroee completlng elrope HMKE' etln sociall oonfcrcnoe besumdtionofcommuni BB itallqp teter agreerncnts comnlttee gheu spccch litget ifeekly rtlrerla strip jgpg nni o1hl EX ref faot eustom bulletina desinoble sentatlve shipment presldent fechnic 'rnd lntereat abrogation belqiuml lct wonker neeting ancillary demand ratio whm ffiontsatlon bullettn glj storage maternity screp a€pfuvmlq 3819 frida dlplomat tfrench befme 2524 clrarge ffiffilln pricc rque furnacc EE0 charlenraghe corference harme oec€mret lbbo u'i elay lqug rlebate esre tatu ocport eptn la0'f iffiiial pnlor ur' 8a11 babu ehect inven eearch tulr lf' cqpe eqt tomo ol1 EEQ due iondoa ton' lro lrv collected cur oocunente sun 151 tlini rrrr 0NOMIC J9F5 vepr accordlng meetlnq bans countrtee golrit gelry ltiq 'po adoption 138 cchm ounetcf ET'ROPE conrnlttee cowtcll 4lcohol oti poetponcd trltaloel fty pryr DP1 harmonlsatlon tropicar rcsolutlon interqenetratigg trdustry 5or avsteqpiltal tse quorter iiarret wlnnlng lcnrdovn aqeufi 446 ufi encrov cotlrltrle stocjgr arl lrtr tlualitv rmentlatlantlo cavazoutti orl undue ffiictrende tra euspend 113J aio party' worli reply'to lnvltatlon commenll ianqatrr supplementt fndustrfe 2407 bec rman cqmru consrrmption ra1 9gg EUROTE sent fof president frnaru tfcscnt offelen inprovemen publlcatloro differetrce sector counctl wl0rout r1tu DAI herger as' executlvc dtcdr o1lve born addttlonat ottp go1 reglgnal 7697 schelrrled tinber eantlmr ffiitf agerula clarify rrcrder produc'b dol gsrman readaptatlon bulletln ttalian toatton paui futurc dlscusglon n'o sludie CSE gre bnlletin productl nrlttsh 1520 lniercbt outllne hord ncftutd's' medecine flndlng countrl rebutive' contnittee len arnst aqtlvltv lllary luesda ttallan olenarv brea4lne catnour assoclajllon inattc'qtrate produ gemeinschaftl surona chieken adenauerr epc feed economtg between austrir summarv preparatiou nesearch 2342 problerntr cornrurllty modlficatton heating authorising sabatini EUBOPBI' exmaination elet qgtilq 3949 meettn8 diseussion DI fail econonic e661t beforc ftve brrna flover pr99e provislonal guinea ileunofeii ttutch operating svnlhetto communrr l6h7 pqt revlew uilsonr lsg eurqpqln trial lnduetrtal UUHNTS irlest ulnrrt lroly ultural cooperat1on seflfne imq markef euratohbullctin iqst silk posstbtlty cokin feparatton p€mtanart gllf suthmrtty perlod countrlc I42 puhllcation prcrogation ihejrd centreel beer 4fi controlled rrrl'tten authotrity authoritvr 25r 1563 lrurooe pattern anrerican elrect cnel ftcoly coai taking udtrotrt ccsunon commrnlty eecton dravbpck 'survev wllh 2486 votlnl tvo adopt'proposal elbatom builget rstom INATOI reflected 0renqe TENT merser AOO losule courrciil johnsonde impart frontter domestlc iviploe1eand comnlllg mctllum orestion monetanr areated advantage romd cca since su1 reactions wtseat saar btrll porltlon television bepresentatlve 392L oroduot lrratfoilaf becf ngri deolaratlon fl8ure comnlrslon sale f'r reappolntment lge agreemcnt ege financinq 2353 uprated INTERPEI I'EUROPEI' directorst leetirrq thureqav mcrve COMMOII resme egsr industrrl ani bplle dlr enetrqbj ecttve investrnont it06 glain pompldou rlth sociat bullctir mayl roaearott I'IT piemeat rluaru INTERPENETR tyl commlsslont boucau inttustrv st 0s1o ttonic cnrrncit manifesto oliev cctimon forthconing counclt xohlward weji SA lnslde ys iawyer lnlllsed 6rt exceeded 0fetential definitive econod'o llraft mlnec counsil soie ooverntent 3715 r6ber LL5 assoeiation thocr rorne uam a6ar dlscusalon seheme lntervlew 1919 tlu srcl socialist justice aooesglon proceeding sttr inteqra A1II rrinnlng daity nvratom qt arnerican regda durnping qrrestion commtsslonrparllamentary requestinq agalnet asrtculture instltutlon fesent hcret IFETU wellare abolltlon eraglo cbeece leqa1 poltoyrcommlsslon arrstralla SUPPLEIVIENT movementl machinery spain allgmnrcnt legal echoq tutte f'or agatnst rornd t4inister eompromise irlpno EC9 ryitns rheet contalnlng bronrnr internattonal elri lqgi droeres rltten problar 0a inteneenetratlon 710S adlt rop rlcernllk ommunlty scientifique ehact soclallst rro irtonce thosc 2364 grnination randurfl parliaoentary assoclated prototvpe NURATOM hussel dairv retalned nunetfi committerr lilomay iran solutj yeqricutturat 2r2 drxembour6 intendenetration holiday dcbr6 mar tntenratlon ghest sandri cok€ eale ratloual eerailon sncial duttea lilt 2358 econonry aseembl solstetaxation eqopomv 2rut po1and trjy cllrnb consul'tative 9or thopc II h61 4ttori olui summlt dust intenrention P4Y eurat tlon presgr qlqamati iectr sumrq them 3830 dberal juepf eoonoqf nsm pricee advisoryfconnlttcc rrdenea workr' aftelr finanzen swe oolllerlcsrshort adrlcultural pointsr associ priccc l4b4 l28 nii yorld lmportr comrntnlty illicit IIJ 'ffi hlnister onttnatlon rriirl SUPPTEMENT cqme 3795 lltv irstitution ve sith FAO' feu e0o tlreshold lt68 vvr966 IIRATOI ijrt liability 0oa1 betrleen lmpoverlshcd qfrbgl revenue rlptgfuer meaaureg el4isi wrtttm airli grantcd duc teelwork fruit pntnte conrncll qlee fleher general' rtttsr ipetroteum resumption eulogrndj r'j plthead partlclpblon hrcly reqardinq promsed reiected SUPPTEUENT comune natlonal further corrt nequested itrstitute septembet count4f comttorr finoncing 5C5 cttcceioc yct eanned atory mmibrio november otluoe tcd hjo fisherv stde hueller adjustring dlreotlvo del71vwb oonsldenatlolbvadhoccoalpollcycomnlttee coil'cxit summary aking cpa i11rt belelan 4ol pdgep4 socl runatot nity po2 mulr coln brute reg fueseay arftt 3mr trenrlq tgl staternent lrdustrtal anerican asr appolntneneidefencc step regulation lbb cdft legq1 cgqynlty ohlkotlon euppllea' ele urratom portpo ffqad 2426 valtd COGECA tsrropean c1i calve florence fedtnl qqqtratlon chotee PROFESSOR fntegratlon counci JNILIAD 2508 4linevorker ooor accreditati nroat hel 3860 communlty atlantto EUROPETI writtenl loterdenetration IU hand E5 comrnibt ion txisr vievso producbr HA' jeopardised ju linbur corunlsstan fren flow refire agencla rra mccttng ffiange ratlonalisation procedu eondition associatian ttanretlwnatol ptrtrl nationaxlsatlon bulletin lnstitutl denelopment eege 9rrsfomq lordon srrnmarv cgjnmsnt ncmber assemtrl6e sesgion britiah perlenclng volunta4r mectirtg parliament' uashingtoit wttholt buuettn enerrv publlcctton potitical foteeilon EEC conservin nqgqr9clqjsr TEUBOPE bigger 5rl tretld ffino472 jgqgri ffiffleiffil acreaqe PARLIAIIENTARY BIIROPE germany' ask pnobl puqlia rtioi outo qile congumer tntercet egiee gpngrg r'r'tt qn4 PARLIAI ttetnopdt SMOARY pure 1594 rm prodltion niqa ''jeunesagntcu1teurifrancatg'' rrir lloy cabtnet gqt refr gari economiq foftlant tlrcdcllng'e D17 agriculgural TERPEUETBATTON ruhr take gr3 ieiiffiit proclpsti aheet zinc prii holesaler CE poltricol cigarette sii AL coo nerket aftcnmthr 514 transfer ltbrar school auguat NAI0 executlrrc fogrtmrc agrecmen maintained cgmpuli obltqcrtton 3857 dlscrlmlnatlor jlpt bundesteg measurco ctstomg consultatlon judgement rrmmar appf ltqliqn read lntercrt borgmonn'r rcctlng brt comtttce conumlttee lntt codnoll brreau thlnklng burgbacher strategy furoee ppe' solutlm vredellng'9 frillfer publicitv owyyltaaor BULLBTIN occupational rnedical urv arcement scandinavian 0o4ln BULIETIN implgmentation nun ilard 1965 lroiii ilttk SO andrlr poiic republic lncldenoe ttnly ogme ief ocn l3bb1ry 3789 llrnrrt ruit nnofe BUIIEIIXS jnarket etin ria faure 9qtnq increse rjtedellngr stem froo TN porqs emmenthal ffipared counr dayin usc serni martinot NT aani version 3703 clt€d 114 common health suqar ETQ qsq agreo canning rrurchase tggs restore tragfelte 2391 DA'T ete benvenq' wtnelprogres tnn stndy ltterpglletlgtion tisteel de1hi agend 1qq7 llri'tten 104 general ropooal maximum let1n co0 belstan quallty drnp BBC gg5 'ieu five folitical effiecrpcnctntrqr resort readyrdeclare cml 370I coif lia h6ld pthnn obllqstton preparlng ljrnion eg3onll packafe propaqation centnal list e1 out 4JO advocat€d 4ugl CCIMII6N naintain energv sccttr l96fr rch gtatcg charoe conseil inst srrpetiileltt 0e1e efrta 719 edropean irarty ninimum mcmbcr appointed eunat0 15BB ccfvlmo tg1e aild INTFRPENETRATI eunat0' cotl nredicine nroceedtns busines qasu rrltain vredelingr 1P6S of'lntetuat tll ountervailing fissile SSC establlshmcnt orllue bnitish llarcid frtut turq tiliser develooln comrnuni raise affair publicising helped sggpfy alg ler IRA ppl ltolion ohllqutdoa 3942 short metjr lpgei declalon comrranle trritten usj industrl LY trrlf ep7'consultative statment ullcttn equat benalrr 2455t werner AI' bq9ter nrief lilinister resi euboieipp frc tomolrou letirr 3753 mld irlseregegtratlgn parliamsrt grai atrh soc16t6 tro mrl phaseof pald eialltie rrlttcl ilredcllng amcurtrtnty tovar dralrrback els eeqlthird lrrxembourg requlation tevie 2462 contribution agreenint cession ta1'1 jroliev 2481 oduce presetrt sood conroll' treely commrunitv coulcll noted textill' duteh L965 ccrnngnitv otr noteg eeonoml pri1 treatme bnitlsh fr'ely rarrrarll tand granted mc'eggglg lment rcnt not uru IIITERPENETRATIONI mark ubppei 'rmrqi tentative po ital blv fur contnol celebration traininggllgggg surmary blussel thq writtcn instltrrtion llomrnunity limpuro underground ept c4gp r'rritterl wehklr 1oi coonllnatlng ncart EIDI anriltlon EURIIPE burgbaghen ireelf 24IJ ti34 party ngeting itlrotrt brlqssel reorganisa stealuork rencl aaainat gonnron EMEMT cnngultatlvc 'agneb JOINI paste 2520 ffiome consumption deed before novernber mnnrsr ttqg eflfa ctl oulchase lt recluitment deuhchlond febtrrlrg lnterrest couft ccirlmon eurcpe catrr custott arvl rlrrt aonference developirent parliamentary vnedellngl anne eror first phi1ippelehndeyrnemberofeuropeanpar1iarnent aiil progtamme consl connent frffiinqr