dropped taken ita ojh threshold fibr domi coir na ooftee bll sier fair ron opera industrial 'if share QJ characterized indirect ot tiu dependence medi rate matter importance JIJ volta rri source brazil earlie fish reducing sufficient ILU even 1975 DISTRIBUTION nepal involve keep earning urn ilea guine LII earnin etc leve oount 191 vegetable OR lanka 1'4' pobsi benefi UNCTAD 170 financing r'1 table illl trading oredi substantial wa i't set country tt qapita could this' vanilla referred rob iarrangements application lid both commoditie cocqa 11mi morocco mainly poo iijt ottj would ghana adopted countrie coijimodities 1ir kenya ivo planning EXPORTED anal approach stabilization produc pu1 oase ternati gount closely auxi jordan zam skine tad JII stabili area va fcui oan impede umini chile zation cotton vaior ime caragua meat represented wine 'cioio 1'1 devised tie participation near tuation yemen frlli 111 action many UI coffee tanzania 1iir considerably tai turning 119t indi exporting selecting ciountry 11ri ino compensato 1972 league oud eaz possibility fcmr account AI resource combination rr1 relation repayable 1'1n zino I1' rod somal ootto wan possible II1 'wi iron export ori lcake agricultural erest affeot 'whioh our ll' produc1l group payment export' bed HI TI 310 end iall seriou supplementary particular than redeem benefioiarie tional rapid coff' following 280 OIII counoil ooooa otb after commodi industrialized employment difference FAO kind 820 agency sure vietnam GNP nigeria new intern mum suffice respectively needed consideredt sugar min 'or communication negotiation actual l'ii 'f' special 1ri generally ipn obligation compared characteristic fjuli method pimento external more filii material ceiling fir olea 900 had desert J2 uri asia samoa part gal iii erranean only quanti ill waived TLI oould lessen MF 430 OF approache diisht into good making dependent ecuado concern 260 hiopia state rub tobacco 1mi scar uganda increasing LIUU come least AO 400 introduction afri fixed r1t jute aooo last 110 toward contain cast hit anti make leather palm ema COUNTRIES 1ft11ll s'tlgar'l rat some arrangement groundnut lseed JW4' financial respect non oommodi sra thi oowred IM aspect sisal likely lomts ral 259 ull illustrated BY settled mauri 320 811 IV cent smlv import 'pe product '11 11' consider banana variou stabilize lower specific cov tlnl lit studie internal eri exporter involved botswana other limi countries' term allocation jjiii principle ruled economy IMF bauxite poorest well IJ1 recent sharp iri COM EXPORTS linked 530 stabi frui establishing divided wider ACTION world greatest zing incompatible trade 118 deciding STOCKED equilibrium figure annual seed being posi 226 flour expire 1110 may copper CONTINENT different diamond 'jl convention spe IL thu 720 460 regard ira summarized hard int number organization comparative of' now population prqduct 100 300 how event their I'1P therefore included question far utlder also neoessar'y' distribution tioa over fhilippine envisaged agreement cotto f'i lesotho coffe rill' ooffee 590 fund instalment managing rnmi ha include precisely rica chromium iuai teria nut priority burma pri amari such i'll' apply iinll example discussed fib 'IJ erivati 50'A north repaid economic time erect rst PJ 29i generallaim rlr interfere disturbance rkeome 270 international represent element production tin 750 cuba tltbie oopper continue use identifying uruguay '1'Q rioe arise korea tapio NP charge attache facility establish pointed observed fotw oharaoter mean via 11J textile J1I scope 1imi range ore particularly effect LJJ above help cofj play togo million l1li serve practical oft panama land suoh EARNI ended swaziland nature market thailand BDR' faced south bana certain copp ni' p'hosphate amount price african should calculated hardest selected IJ atla applying CD bar dahomey interest hide iir tea ti'i mineral phosphate recipient 41' defini advantageou beneficiarie proposed barbadq I'II 'IW assumption L1VJ 660 line 330 'II text ojeaginou oountrie need annexed per lds tock t300 II' margin pepper stabilising underlined period important owing all eoonomy 11'1 speaking notable l1j total development support questi factor including complete produot wood tungst geographical below jti bawd oour bhutan whi basi faoili 'l10 oomai foroe KV terion rl' IT arrangeme itn 'tj post 4411 I8 IIIT they connection adopt adverse 117 aiming meaningful inasmuoh producer according sikkim moneta 290 210 suggest internationall defining oceania WI indonesia main basic IJIU alternative acces summarize concerned rubber implication alumina extend IIO subject alre system ON nip 10m' COUNTRIES' policy addition dem exported on benefit study obvious17 wheat affect diffioul case algeri qualifying proper sri rice yearly ize 120 stressed o4t vastock stabilizing 200 'I' own east continent improved liable sugar' TABLE BE monetary kernel operation oovered ssion ixedr fin apua urgently impact run bopp guideline manganese economie oil boli neoessa WOT zai lebanon added fresco provided large stu jfine khmer MAIN measure initial 8l1anab phenomenon central foregoing consideration tion commission assistance DEVELOPING lead sliding record might sierra jlli st8m 'll copra whose jamaioa discussion mongeli burundi rwg second 'it furthermore statistic 'iff disastrou tho roduct unconnected wool beo egypt LI 1f1l pro three reference oott two GROUPS T1 each it atu available drawn however qualify COMMODITIES sum consequently one camereqi1 renewable year outlined net assignment among 450 considered ght oqcl1 proportion vestook bissau poverty rule cover will skin deccan average dialogue iiiii priori multilateral quite very maize que problem oountries 160 timber afghani III 480 indeed tical then coverage inol maldive cae direct 1911 jill esphate due interna moreover adoption ijjdi food oleagil1ou raw populat ext tari AD RA nil JTJ precise hemp same free larger pepulati fault 510 expressed given addi ding congo analysi 250 sudan separate 130 zambia between NGS determining peru aluminium angc anana bauxi oat supplementa guinea fluotua oal oleaginou communi transferred 'ljjr 140 sia tackle public sitwim 240 if' step1 IJI 230 J1 fiu must veetock rii WC importer advantage faoi sale deficienoie consumer upper LT ani clearly plll rwanda thout qip fro definitive I1 ommodit IUL stocked lome because bank level covered llj debar poli lcompepsato ble VT compensatory JJ lilt management oaoh 390 EXPORT bangladesh II concentrate L1 thre them 220 used nor ropioal when sene responsible IIJ functioning cglgmoia coast costa converging finance mai handicapped fruit STABILIZATION developing influence mali 370 rhodesia 380 JI secon adjusted IU hand ion neoes deoided beyo small found 'lurl1l tor inolude svri lull 1111 hondura cocoa capi malze irt haiti through fluctuation ihr held take zinc instabi developed 1ttile AL 'in forum 610 transfer guyana lrn 1'4 robber tionally 150 purpose 9111 republic minimal TIC ria chad difficultie ocked oun bal1anas lao agreed five yearbook resort list out projected INTERNATIONAL leave rt' an7 lriexi iproduot ude social balance amond paid tradi 411 1nti AI' 190 instance 551 submitting NB existing oharge appreciation contribution niger malawi 4I1 not malaysi drop selection agreem'9nt 1ijn i11i dispose community before leap barrier fibre first overall